The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful


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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Centuries ago, the cruel, sadistic mud sorcerers foresaw their cult’s demise and concocted a plan to outlive their adversaries. Retreating beneath the surface, the powerful members of the cult’s ruling council constructed hidden tombs filled with complex traps and immortal guardians. To these crypts they retreated, content to relax in temporal stasis until their enemies had vanished.
One of these ancient resting places has been discovered, intact and unexplored. Do you have what it takes to obtain the fabulous treasures that await you in the mud sorcerer’s tomb?

The Mud Sorcerer’s Tomb is a Pathfinder adventure for four 14th-level characters. This adventure originally appeared in Dungeon 37 and was revised for 3rd edition rules in Dungeon 138. I'm in turn revising it for the Pathfinder system.

What you can expect

This is a classic module. That means puzzles, lethal traps, and very challenging combats. You're going into a very dangerous complex, and foolishness, poor thinking, or bad luck will get you killed. If you die, however, and wish to continue, I'll let you sub in a new character straight away.

Character Creation Guidelines

  • Submission deadline is Wednesday, Dec 30th at Midnight EST
  • 14th level
  • 25 point buy
  • Maximized hp at 1st level, then half your HD +1
  • Core races and classes only
  • Archetypes allowed
  • No 3pp material
  • Two traits, no drawbacks
  • Due to the nature of the dungeon, no summoners allowed
  • Average gold for 14th level (185,000 gp)
  • No magic item can be worth be more than 92,500gp
  • No evil PC's

What I'm looking for

This is a classic adventure, so I'm looking for classic heroes. I'm not expecting long backgrounds, but I definitely want your submission to have 'character', so an interesting description, a sense of personality, and a reason to enter the Tomb are a must. I'm hoping to have a group vetted and ready to go by Monday, Jan 4th.


I'm running this module with an strong desire to move fast and finish it within three or four months. As such, I'm going to expect people to post once a day. If you disappear for more than five days without posting, I will begin recruiting for a new PC to take your place. If you let me know, however, that you will be away, I'm happy to bot you for a short period of time.

Grand Lodge

OK, have a ranger built previously which I ran through Iron Medusa.

I'll see if I have to adjust for this any.

Omar is based on a PFS character I run, so that's a ready made background if we're doing Golarion.

I'm a very regular poster on the boards here. I have expressed interest in the other thread, but I would love the opportunity to play a bastion of good, hardcore Paladin, melee masher type. I'll put something together...

Silver Crusade

Holy crap, even if I do not get in. I will follow this one. I ran this at DundraCon back in 93 and drank the tears of the players. I will probably go arcane support/buffer

Dark Archive

I am very interested, and like I said on the other board, I'd like to play a wizard. I have the sheet ready, so I can PM you that now to check if everything's in order, if you like. For the backstory, it does depend on if this takes place in Golarion, and where.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Let's drop the Tomb somewhere in the Storval Plateau of Varisia.

I'm interested and the posting requirements are not an issue for me. Are you permitting the unchained version of the rogue?

Good luck. We ran through this as part of our STAP game, and it was absolutely brutal. Utterly ruthless adventure that conjured up images of Tomb of Horrors.

The Exchange

Dotting - definitely up for this recruitment.

Will l try to come up with a basic concept and outline after work tonight. Can't see how many players you are looking for?


Very interested in this, I'd love to play a bard. I'll get to work on the character this weekend, and try and have it up, including fluffy back story, by Tuesday afternoon at the latest.

Shadow Lodge

Totally in. I'm interested in playing a Paladin as well, but one who's not a typical holier-than-thou stick in the mud. Rather than a melee masher, he's going to be an elven archer with a somewhat condescending attitude towards the younger races, considering them (especially humans) to be rather impulsive and vulnerable to the temptation of evil. Humans who prove to have strong moral fiber can look forward to earning his guarded respect, but duplicitous rogues and proven thieves will be watched like a hawk.

He's there because unlike the humans, to whom the mud sorcerers were ancient history, his grandmother witnessed the wicked spellcasters' villainy firsthand and knows of the powerful magical relics they once possessed - relics that shouldn't fall into the hands of some craven band of tomb robbers. If a party of adventurers is going into a mud sorcerer crypt, he knows he'd better be on hand to ensure nothing ancient and evil gets unsealed or turned loose.

Depending on how many centuries "centuries ago" was, it could have been his great-grandmother, or even farther back, but a 750 year lifespan gives me a lot of time to work with. Maybe he was even alive when the mud sorcerers sealed themselves away.

Zan-Lee, or just 'Zan' is also an elf, but is a wizard. He has heard of the mud sorcerers (either firsthand or from an older elf.) He's much more passive than the paladin, feeling neither strongly for or against any race. He wishes to be the most powerful wizard in the world, and while he does seek out danger, he knows that he needs to be careful and stay with any other adventurers he comes across.

His typical strategy is to attempt to go at least before our biggest melee fighter. He will cast a quickened enlarge person (if he isn't already permanently) and telekinetically charge the fighter into the nearest enemy. He is a buffer and a summoner, typically staying in the back of both marching order and encounters. He also has a lot of mobility and can deal a lot of direct, non-AoE damage.

Shadow Lodge

Note that the GM did mention "No summoners" as a character creation rule. Since the summoner isn't a core class, I presume he means summoning wizards or clerics and the like - something having to do with the dungeon itself interfering with summoning magic, I suspect.

The Morphling wrote:
Note that the GM did mention "No summoners" as a character creation rule. Since the summoner isn't a core class, I presume he means summoning wizards or clerics and the like - something having to do with the dungeon itself interfering with summoning magic, I suspect.

That's true, forgot the summoner wasn't a core class. Well, I only have one or two summoning spells, so I can switch them out pretty easy. Thanks for telling me.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Yeah, sorry, meant summoning builds. More detailed feedback when I get home.

Already done with the changes. He's a bit more utility now, and can deal with a variety of threats in ways other than pure damage.

Hi; I am interested in this, my group that I have been gaming with for 6 years is breaking up. Can you explain "post a day", is this a text based game which it seems to be?


I'm still interested. As I mentioned in the interest thread, I'd be interested in working out a sovereign/bishop of sorts who decides to get down from his seat and face the possible threat himself for the safety of his realm/flock and for the plunder that may come with it.

Thinking cleric of Erastil for now, though the location in the Storval Plateau might stir something entirely different...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I started answering everybody individually, but soon realized I was writing a wall of text. In short: I'm glad to see some enthusiasm and excitement, and dig the concepts that have already been floated. Good stuff - I'm looking forward to seeing your submissions.

I'll go ahead in and answer only specific questions:

@French Wolf: Four players total.

@Chris Ireland: Yup, text based game. Jump on over to the Gameplay thread and take a look at some live games to get a sense of what this is all about.

@Baldwin: Unchained rogue is fine.

Excellent: I've built a dwarf rogue (unchained) (11)/cleric (Desna 3)

I'm cleaning up the character sheet.

This is Baldwin the Merciful's submission:

T'wich McGruff, rogue (unchained) 11, cleric of Desna 3.

T'wich is a two weapon fighting scout, but he is built to feint if he doesn't have a flanking companion. His cleric levels are for buffing and emergency secondary healing.

I still have over 36K in gold to spend, so I'll be tweaking his equipment, and I may change out one of his short swords. I'll work on the background tomorrow.

I've never played this dungeon. I run a couple fast paced games, so the posting rate shouldn't be a issue if I'm selected.

I added a short backstory for T'wich McGruff and bought little more gear.

Working on concept and build: a devout archer cleric of Erastil who's glad to have a reason to leave his seat of boredom/power and hit the road of fortune once more.

A few questions for electricjokecascade:

A- I was thinking to get an animal companion through one of the domains. Would you prefer I don't? You've mentioned you preferred no summoning build. I don't mind not taking the AC; plenty of other good domains.

B- One way to get an archer cleric is to dip in zen archer monk. It has pros and cons (like one less caster level). Monk is quite core, but zen archer much less. Let me know if you'd prefer I stick to cleric.

C- Finally, I really like the evangelist archetype, as it moves the cleric away from healing a bit and more towards supporting others. That being said, this is also not so core, so I prefer to ask.

Silver Crusade

Is it permissible to take campaign traits? I was thinking about one from RotRl.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

@Baldwin - Looks good at first glance!

@Dreaming Warforged: A) I've a slight preference for keeping the group as small as possible for ease of play and speed of game. It's slight, so if you want the companion badly, I'd be willing to allow it. Doesn't seem you do, though. B+C) As long as the core class is cleric or monk, I'm happy to allow Paizo archetypes. Thanks for asking!

@Tin Foil: No campaign traits, but thanks for asking.

DM EJC, I know you have expressed a preference for Core characters. My question is on spells, as I am getting my paladin's sheet together. Should he spells be mostly core as well, or are UM, UC and the others fair game? Thanks in advance.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

@Gerald: All Paizo spells are OK.

Thanks DM. I'll have my sheet ready by tomorrow evening at the latest.

Dragox, half orc paladin of Iomedae forthcoming!

I've added an appearance spoiler to T'wich's profile.

I still have a little more than 5K gold to spend, but there isn't really anything he needs at this time. DM do you permit pro rata partial wands or do they need to be fully charged at full price?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

You're at 14th level; it stands to reason you'd have a few wands on you that might be low on charges. Given how difficult this dungeon is, I'll allow you to buy them pro rata. I want to give you guys every chance to get to the very final boss fight before it all goes south ;)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Submissions/Ideas thus far:

  • Omar, Ranger
  • T'wich McGruff, Male dwarf cleric of Desna 3/rogue 11 (Pathfinder Unchained)
  • Dragox, half orc paladin of Iomedae
  • Devout archer cleric of Erastil
  • Zan Lee, elven wizard

Grand Lodge

Ok, for background Omar is from Osirion, and has been working as a Pathfinder Society agent 'recovering' artifacts and relics from tombs and other locales for many years. He is a particular expert in Ancient Osiriani history, and has made himself extremely familiar with the tombs in his native land.

In the employ of the society has he traveled extensively throughout the Inner Sea region. In spite of his great experience and notable exploits over the years, his deep dislike for society politics has meant he was not appointed as a venture captain. He's actually happy about that.

He is a team player, but not gregarious. He knows his job and does it, without bragging or idle conversation.

He's not particularly concerned with moral issues, more just doing his job. Acquiring things is his focus, even though he really doesn't have a whole lot of needs anymore. He's in it for the challenge.

Here is Dragox, DM. A classic hero for a classic adventure!


You might want to check my math on hit and damage, DM, as I did it freehand. The numbers don't include any of my buff spells, doesn't include the ten rounds of haste I get from my armor per day, and doesn't include my smite attacks. I see Dragox as a primary front liner, and secondary healer. As most paladins, I'm better at healing myself, lol. He is a bit of a blow hard, but in a nice way. He's not lawful stupid, even if he is definitely an example of lawful good. I've got around 10k left for sundries such as a ranged weapon, potions, etc, that I'd want to discuss with the selected party, if I received a spot. If you see anything that you have comments, questions, or concerns about, just let me know. I'd be happy to make changes as necessary. Thanks for the consideration.

Silver Crusade

I would like to try an oradin going intoThis prestige class

electricjokecascade wrote:
I want to give you guys every chance to get to the very final boss fight before it all goes south ;)

Words of encouragement!

Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Drasmorg wrote:
Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Hello Chris and welcome to the board. Once you've created your character in herolab export the character. (If you need help with export, I can walk you through a couple methods that I use.) Once the character is exported you can copy and paste it to a new alias (your character). To create a new alias go to the "My Account" link at the top of the Paizo screen (next to the log out button). That will take you to your account. There should be a "Messageboard Alias" area that permits you to make a new alias. Clink on that, select a character profile icon that you want, and then copy and paste your exported character under the new alias profile. You'll have to tinker with the layout but these are the general steps on how to save a new character alias. Once you've saved the character, you can use the "Post As" toggle to post in character.

Drasmorg wrote:
Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Make sure you check out the following play-by-post guides:

Doomed Hero's Guide to Play by Post

Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero Guide

Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing

These will help you out immensely.

Is any 1st-party material allowed as long as it's a core class? I'm thinking of an Eldritch Knight Fighter that'll draw heavily from the Familiar Folio and Weapon Master's Handbook. Probably going to be a throwing build with a shortspear (yes, this is actually entirely viable now!!! its exciting!!!).

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Arachnofiend wrote:
Is any 1st-party material allowed as long as it's a core class? I'm thinking of an Eldritch Knight Fighter that'll draw heavily from the Familiar Folio and Weapon Master's Handbook. Probably going to be a throwing build with a shortspear (yes, this is actually entirely viable now!!! its exciting!!!).

1st party material? You mean 3rd? Only Paizo allowed.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

baldwin the merciful wrote:
Drasmorg wrote:
Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Make sure you check out the following play-by-post guides:

Doomed Hero's Guide to Play by Post

Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero Guide

Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing

These will help you out immensely.

Thanks Baldwin for helping out. Much appreciated.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
I would like to try an oradin going intoThis prestige class

Sorry, oradin? Did you mean paladin?

Silver Crusade

Sorry, oradin? Did you mean paladin?

No I meant paladin/oracle mix going into mystery cultist, He is pretty much done except for spells. One of his abilities was to be able to summon celestials, would it be possible for me to have a second "brand of healing" in place of it.(The mystery cultist gets both at level 4)

electricjokecascade wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Is any 1st-party material allowed as long as it's a core class? I'm thinking of an Eldritch Knight Fighter that'll draw heavily from the Familiar Folio and Weapon Master's Handbook. Probably going to be a throwing build with a shortspear (yes, this is actually entirely viable now!!! its exciting!!!).
1st party material? You mean 3rd? Only Paizo allowed.

I think Arachnofiend meant if non-core paizo material was allowed. I also wanted to ask that. Anyway, have a dwarf unbreakable fighter that I would like to submit after I get him levelled up properly.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Tywynn of the house Boritsi wrote:
Sorry, oradin? Did you mean paladin?
No I meant paladin/oracle mix going into mystery cultist, He is pretty much done except for spells. One of his abilities was to be able to summon celestials, would it be possible for me to have a second "brand of healing" in place of it.(The mystery cultist gets both at level 4)

Sorry, one of the requirements is core classes only.

Dave Herman wrote:
electricjokecascade wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
Is any 1st-party material allowed as long as it's a core class? I'm thinking of an Eldritch Knight Fighter that'll draw heavily from the Familiar Folio and Weapon Master's Handbook. Probably going to be a throwing build with a shortspear (yes, this is actually entirely viable now!!! its exciting!!!).
1st party material? You mean 3rd? Only Paizo allowed.
I think Arachnofiend meant if non-core paizo material was allowed. I also wanted to ask that. Anyway, have a dwarf unbreakable fighter that I would like to submit after I get him levelled up properly.

Yeah, this is what I meant. I want to play a Fighter, which is Core, but I also want to take the Eldritch Guardian archetype and use Advanced Weapon Training rules which are from a couple Paizo-written splatbooks. I wanted to make sure that was acceptable before going through the process of making a 14th level character.

Silver Crusade

Alrighty then, I will put together a human sorceror(arcane)

Just wanted to pop in with a small update that might inform some of your decisions Tin Foil Yamakah. I've got a whip focused utility bard in the works. I'm going straight CRB bard, no archetypes, no prestige classes. She'll have spells like comprehend languages, tongues, invisibility sphere, see invisibility, dispel magic, greater dispel magic, break enchantment, dimension door, a few buffs like cat's grace, greater heroism, haste. I'll look to have her completed with equipment and back story by tomorrow late afternoon. TFY, if you wanted to focus your arcane sorcerer as a canon, my bard should compliment it pretty well. Basically I'm looking at a bard that will help overcoming puzzles, traps, and building complications.

Edit: Sorry I realized after the fact that was awfully presumptuous of me. Obviously TFY, you should make whatever character you had in mind. I just wanted to prevent two characters with similar spells being submitted as that would decrease both our chances for making the cut.

Looking at things to spend the 185,000 gp on. I'm wondering if it would be a good investment, since the dungeon has such a deadly reputation, for my bard to invest in a few (3 at minimum) cure critical wounds wands?


Edit: Ah, forgot to mention that I'd be making the wands pro-rata, as the GM is allowing such, and that fits the bill of a previously adventuring bard, so the three wands would have varying levels of charges.

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baldwin the merciful wrote:
Drasmorg wrote:
Hi, Chris Ireland again. Ok, just building my guy in hero lab. This would be my first text game, so if you would rather I not play that is ok, I know newbies can be a pain in the butt. What do we do with the built characters, I don't see anything above.

Make sure you check out the following play-by-post guides:

Doomed Hero's Guide to Play by Post

Painlord's Building a Better Doomed Hero Guide

Painlord's Guide to PbP GMing

These will help you out immensely.

Thanks for that!!

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