The Morphling's Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master The Morphling

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Shadow Lodge

Applications are still open, though I am very close to a final decision on certain roles.

No worries if you're not able to RP in the thread. I've been examining all of your aliases and stalking your various other campaigns, so I'm getting a good idea of all of your personalities. :)

I am going to close submissions within the next few days. I will announce 24 hours before closing that the deadline has been set.

Oh, and I should mention that Alphonse Judex and Lacuna Trost are the two pre-approved characters I mentioned in the original post, so they are definitely accepted.

"Y-yes, I'm sure. Tonight is fine." Kiley tells Jessica, the blush in her cheeks subsiding a little as Jessica lets go.

Kiley almost just shrugs and walks off, but something about the way the elf was studying the parchments made her stop and take a closer look.

"What are you studying? I've never seen runes like these." She asks, her eyes sparkling a little with wonder.

No problem. Kiley is nothing if not stubborn, in a likable (hopefully!) sort of way. She isn't in possession of stupendous amounts of self-confidence, and her getting easily flustered or embarrassed is half the fun of playing her.

Sovereign Court


diplomacy to check how well he holds he anger and comes across honestly (which he is): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

At Kileys presence Tal places a hand on her shoulder to grab her attention and says "Hi Kiley, I'm sorry I teased you, I guess I overstepped a line. However, you should check your anger, it would not do if you start fights with clients of Ameiko's establishment. But I forgive your actions. If you wish to know more about approaching men, If you like, I can give you some pointers and warnings love." Tal ends with a wink trying to amend things with Kiley.

Tal looks very disturbed by Jessica's accusation and sounds upset with a tint of anger "My dear, you have this all wrong, based on the assumption of these two dwarves who have never met me before in their lives. As Kiley, who has known me for the better of two years, can confirm, I am a romantic, not a conqueror of women. which is true, but he does end up in bed with women more than the average joe due to his charms. I pursue women that I find interesting to interact with and take that wherever it may lead, I am not looking for just another notch on my belt. Pffft I lost interest in those sort of things 10 years ago. I merely wished to get to know you and what better way than to show you the sights of the town with just the two of us. I took you away from the dwarves' comments in the bar to avoid just this awkward conversation they have forced us into like I feared. The cathedral is the large structure at the beginning of the town. Every visitor entering this town walks past it, it is so hard to miss I assumed they just wanted to spoil the mood as they have now, unintentionally or not. Now I would still wish to show you the sights if you want and escort the dwarves to the site if they are unable to find it themselves, but I will not apologize to Dolgrin."

Tal turns to the dwarf and calmly states "It appears you cannot take a jest, even though your fellow dwarf here found no insult in my comments. However, you immediately turned to anger, insulted me to no end and caused this awkward situation. Your threats indicate that you are out for a brawl over a petty issue and I have no interested to join you. So you can either calm down and forget whatever is your issue, or I will wave over those guards at the end of the street, who would gladly escort you to experience the festival from behind bars. I will not have you spoil the mood any further." In Tal's eyes he did nothing wrong, but Dolgrin caused this entire situation. Especially his constant insulting makes sure that Tal would never apologize.

After having put the dwarf in his place, Tal once again addresses Jessica in a much calmer voice.
"My dear Jessica, if you still think I am merely pursuing you for naught than your nickers, say so now, for it shows I have made a mistake in your character and will take my leave."

Smoothed out enough? Let's see how everyone responds to that. :P

Jessica listens to Tal's apology to Kiley and hears the sincerity in it. She starts to re-evaluate what she thinks of him again. When he begins his explanation to Jessica of what he wants, she initially goes kind of pale at how badly she messed up, and then blushes again as he says he finds her to be an interesting person. "I-I-I'm sorry, I misjudged you. It's just that I don't really know anyone here and I've never left home before. I've never even had anyone speak to me like you have. I would like to get to know you better too, and while some time we might take it further it won't be right away. I believe what you are saying about everything, including Dolgrin, and since only Dolgrin was angry, I can accept that he didn't take the joke well. I didn't ask you to apologize to him, or at least I didn't mean to, can you just ignore him for now? Please?" She leans in and gives Tal a brief hug, "I would still like to go to the gardens with you Tal, but at least let's show Ragnir and Dolgrin where the temple is really quickly, I didn't see it either, and did say I would help them after all. If it is as close as it sounds, it won't take long. Just don't talk to either of them if you think it'll only continue the argument, please? If the argument starts up again, then let me talk to Dolgrin about it. It may not be important to you but it is to me, then we can head straight to the gardens like we originally planned."

Dolgrin's eyes roll as the silvered words of the elf appear to win over Jessica's rational thought. "Wha'e'er, ye two go on aboo' yer business, CLEARLY ah was in tha wrong 'ere. 'Ow dare ah take offense ta someone insultin' me people! I bid ye a good day, ye bloody two faced, pointy eared serpent!" he says, offering the elf a very sarcastic bow.

"An' ta ye, ma'am," Dolgrin shakes her hand, "Keep yer 'ead 'round this lowlife. 'Is 'oneyed words nary 'ave 'onest intent behind 'em, ah can promise ye tha. May Torag bless ye in yer ventures."

He then turns and stomps off, spitting on the elf's shoes as he departs, following the traffic and hoping it's leading to whatever festival is going on. "Nay e'en man enough ta defend 'is own bloody words. Me brother gave 'is life fer this shit-stain o' a town, an' this be tha kind o' respect dwarves be gettin' 'ere? Makes me sick ta me stomach, it does."

Ragnir looks up at Tal, "Lad, I took offense at ye insultin' my race, insultin' female dwarves in general, and in interuptin' a conversation that the priestess and I were havin' afore ye sat down, as she invited ALL of us te sit. I just chose te ignore the affront in deference ta Ameiko's hospitality.

I came te sit and talk with the priestess when ye picked a fight that almost came te blows with another in the Inn. Ye interrupted that conversation, payin' nobody that wasn't wearin' a skirt no nevermind. Fact o the matter is tha' the whole time I've been seein' ye, ye're silver tongued with every lass, and pick fights with every lad. Ye get called out about havin' lassies follow ye te bed, *by another lass* who seems te know ye well, and when ye're called out on it, ye reverse gears so fast, I'm surprised ye don' be leavin' skidmarks on te ground. Ye repeatedly made crass remarks regardin' me an' me kin, yet I did no hear anyone commentin' on ye bein an elf. Seems ta me ye be quick ta startin' things up, but when someone calls ye on yer actions, ye're not too keen on followin' up. More th' like ye try weaslin' yer way out, threatenin' te let the guards do yer follow up." Ragnir shrugs, I just choose te no be baited inta yer games.

Ragnir looks up at Jessica, "Could be true tha' the Cathedral is the big stone building to the north tha' can't be missed if ye enter from the north. Does no' help anyone enterin' from th' south or east though. So I'll be headin' te the north. I'd be lovin' th' company if'n ye want te come wi' me. If no, I'm sure I'll be seein' ye there later." He looks over at Tal, "Try te keep in mind lad, that if'n ye act like a rake, an' other people in town, especially th' women talk about ye like ye're a rake, ye're goin' te be treated like a rake." Ragnir taps his helm in a polite salute, "Now, I'll be off ta th' north. Ragnir starts off to the Cathedral.

"Don' waste yer time, lad. Didn't ye know, tha elf can do nay wrong! Anyone 'at 'as two marbles fer brains can tell 'at 'e is a coward an' nothin' more 'an a pompous pimp. 'E ain't worth anymore o' our time," Dolgrin says over his shoulder as he waits for Ragnir to catch up, should he wish to accompany him to the festival grounds.

"Everybody has their use, Dolgrin. All pieces to be brought together on the forge. Sure'n Torag has a place for him to fit in. It jus' may be takin' a bit more time te be findin' it. The lad's young yet."

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Dolgrin grunts at Ragnir's response. "Aye, an' some jus' need ta be scrapped an' melted down inta a horseshoe. Or maybe tha codpiece ta some armor."

"I'm sorry Ragnir, I guess I should've realized that it would make you mad as well, you just hid it better. It seems like maybe keeping him away from you two would be a good idea for a while. I think maybe I better get Tal away from you two for a while to let everyone calm down." Flushing a bit at Dolgrim's comments, "Don't worry Dolgrim, I will keep that in mind. I don't plan anything like that, but I have my glaive if I have to fight him off." Jessica smiles rather nastily at that thought. She gives both dwarves a quick peck on the cheek, "Thank you for your warnings and see you later."

She takes Tal's arm, "So, where are these gardens you mentioned?"

Kiley wonders, in a small corner of her mind, how someone could make her feel any smaller than she already was.

"Sorry," was all she said to Talwin before she started to head back inside.

"See ya later Jessica." she calls out to the priestess as she heads back to the Dragon.

I know I'm late to the game, but I would like to enter as well.

I am an Aasimar that was raised in Magnimar. As a child, I was given to Sarenrae, the Lady of Fire, as my ancestry was traced to one of her angels. Despite my noble birth, no special treatment was given to me, even though serving her was in my blood and as easy as listening to my parents. As I grew older, the usual beauty of the Aasimar found me and I grew quite attractive and my silver tongue could settle confrontations without my scimitar ever leaving its sheath. My purpose in coming to Sandpoint is two-fold. On the one hand, I am to witness the consecration of the new church in honor of the Sarenrae's Temple. On the other, word has reached me that my "sister" Nualia did not die in fire. She lives and has fallen very, very far. I want to find her and bring her back to the light.

I'll have a full character sheet up soon.

Sovereign Court


reflex to avoid spittle: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 Tal pulls back his foot quick enough to avoid the dwarfs spittle. He audibly sighs while the dwarves continue their rant with false accusations and making fools of themselves swearing enough for the town to hear. When he looks at Jessica he sees that his earlier explanation saved the situation with her at least and a small smile appears on his face. At least she doesn't seem to believe their ridiculous accusations. Guess she has a good character after all.

As the dwarves leave he is taken out of his reverie and dismissively calls after them. "Yes, and do try to be friendlier to the other townsfolk. You found an argument with the first local you met in record time. You will find their sense of patience and tact to be less than mine. Wouldn't want to find you beaten up in a corner over some silly argument. I would feel "ever" so guilty." He finishes sarcastically as he flourishes a bow after them.

Watching them go he says to Kiley and Jessica while shaking his head
"These dwarves...assumptions on assumptions which they then claim as fact. They misinterpret the relationship between me and Kiley and think that everyone who does not constantly fling insults at others is a silver tongued liar. My aunt would roast them raw for such behaviour. Stubborn as a rock, when they have an idea in their thick skulls they will never admit they could be wrong and their manners rival those of orcs. Continuing to argue with them would have either led to them behind bars or beaten up by locals coming to my aid if they threw a punch. It was wise of you to send them away Jessica. I guess dwarves and elves really don't mix."

Tal waves Kiley goodbye and places a hand on Jessica's hand which just found its way under his arm.
"Well love, the garden is near the cathedral, but it might be best to avoid the main road there for chance of bumping in to those two and starting this whole thing all over again. If you don't mind there is a smaller road that runs parallel to this one. It doesn't have as many shops, but there is this one store which makes dresses. I don't know if you are interested in those sorts of things, but we can stop there if you like." Tal suggests with a smile.

Character Sheet is finished.

Smiling up at Tal, "I think that might be a good idea, and yes, I'd love to see the dress shop. Why don't we go then?"

Good luck to all those in the running :)

Ragnir stops and grins back, "Actually, the first townsfolk I found was the priestess, an' I seem te be gettin' along just fine wi' her. An when I simply explain t' situation, ye throw more at me back at that. I've said nothin' bad about ye, other than pointin' out where ye threw insults no at one person, but at a race as a whole. Like enough ta get any dwarf upset. An after I try te be even MORE civil about it, ye insult dwarves again by implyin' dwarves be thick skulled. Me manners have been nothin' but polite, an unlike you, I haven't made one slur against others. Ye seem to continue to. I'm no arguin' with ye lad. Matter o' fact, I feel bad for ye. Pity ye really, since ye don't seem to even understand that ye're continuin' te make racial slurs. As fer yer aunt? I'd like te meet her, an' find out exactly what it is yer thinkin' I've done that's impolite. Ye started a quarrel with someone, an' rather than takin' part, I asked Jessica, who I'd already been talkin' with te let me know where the cathedral is that we're both in town te see, so I could avoid the quarrel. Then ye mistake tha' fer not takin' offense, an point me out an' draw me inta the quarrel, so I corrected ye...politely, ta which ye respond with more japes about me race...again. Yet ne'er once did a jape about yer race, even in retaliation for yer repeated racist remarks ever pass from me lips. Then I commented ta Dolgrin tha everyone has a place in Torag's forge, which they do, and that ye'd may have no' found yers yet, cause yer young, which ye are lad. There's no one thing in that, that's impolite. Fact o' the matter is, ye're the one that keeps reheatin' the iron. Now, I'm sure ye'll have some retort to this tha' tries to belittle or put me or my race down again, or tries to turn any faults on someone else since tha' seems ta be yer habit, but I'm fer hopin' ye'll take advice fer what it is, an no be lookin' down at people who're jus tryin' ta help."

He turns to Jessica "I do hope we get ta continue the conversation we was startin' abou' the cathedral, that was interrupted earlier. I rather look forward te it." With that he gives a polite salute to Jessica, a nod to Kiley, and heads to the north again.

Sovereign Court


Right now you are reacting to conversations you should not be hearing as it started after you and Dolgrin went off (after the sarcastic bow). So I will just ignore the post as it is almost completely around the section you could not have overheard and move on or this will take ages and it won't lead anywhere anyway. I think the entire argument went on long enough don't you?

Walking with Jessica's arm intertwined with his, Tal moves down the side street. He points out some stores left and right and some background about the store owners.
"So Jessica, do tell, as this is the first time you ever left Magnimarr, what do you think of the town? How does it compare to the big city?"

@GM If you want to see some more of my rping with a different character (Yui) check out this thread.

"It's not as developed as I'm used to seeing. I spent most of my childhood in the Ordellian district of Magnimar, which is crowded onto a pair of islands. It's where most of those not of Varisian or Korvosan decent live. The safety seems about the same, I see about the same amount of patrols here that I did there, though the ones here are obviously actual city watch. It's more common where I lived to see patrols of Hellknights, mercenaries, and between jobs adventurers patrolling the streets instead of the city watch, but the amount of patrols seem about the same." She looks around as they walk, "I think I prefer the trees and plants that are here, they give the place a much more relaxed feel. It's not as crowded here, quieter I's actually rather nice."

Sovereign Court


Tal ponders over the question as he greets a friend passing by.
"Hmmm yes, I guess that is true. However, when the festival ends all the excitement of today is lost. The town is quite dull normally, I'm afraid. The only thing that happens here is some barfights, lost kittens, the occasional monster and traders to livdn things up. Tal says. As he speaks you can sense that he is familliar with city life and that he quite dislikes the dreariness of Sandpoint.
As he finishes his last sentence you arrive at the dress shop. "Ah here we are. As you can see the fashion is quite conservative here. I do believe that type of dress went out of fashion some 10 years ago in Oppara...*cough* or so I have heard. Maybe you would like to try it on?" Tal quickly changed the subject when he caught himself namin Oppara for some reason.

Looking at the dress, Jessica admires the cut of it and fabrics wistfully before replying, "It's very nice, and while I would love to be able to try on dresses like that, it's never that easy. Most of them don't fit my body well unless they are custom made or too large in some way. This is when it sucks to be only a quarter elf, it causes no end of problems clothes shopping." She thinks a moment while still looking at the dress, "On the other hand, at least my life span is that of a normal human, so I don't have that problem to worry about. My mother told me what it was like to be a half-elf and all the problems she had growing up, I count myself lucky I don't have to deal with most of them."

Shadow Lodge

I am getting very close to a final list, so I am going to close submissions at midnight eastern time, tomorrow (Friday, 9/5).

I'm very grateful for the abundance of excellent submissions! I won't be able to run more than one table, but given the large number of quality applicants, if some other GM would like to run a second table with those I don't pick, they are more than welcome!

My Spirit Summoner Summoner is found here. Note that as of this posting she still very much is under construction. RP bit will come in the morning but here is the background.

Growing up as one of the Shriikirri-Quah Shoanti wasn't easy. While many of her kin spent most of their time in the lush Curchain Hills south of the Storval stairs Tsavah's family insisted on staying on the Storval Plateau as long as they could. The reason for this was Tsavah's grandmother, originally a Lyrune-Quah archer who joined the Shriikirri when she took one of theirs as her partner yet never managed to fully adapt to the more peaceful life. She was convinced that the soft, lush lands made their people weak, as proven by the Shriikirri's generally peaceful nature, and to placate her the family stayed on Storval Plateau as much as they could.

Only after grandmother passed away and was laid to rest with her ancestors on Lyrune-Quah lands did the family move to the lush hills south of the plateau. It was at this time that Tsavah started to receive visions of grand battles where the Shoanti of old fought giants and strange magicians. Something told her these mages actually were the Shoantis old masters. In the midst of this all stood a figure that looked a lot like a younger version of her grandmother, who fired arrow after arrow into the midst of the fight, felling giant and mage alike.

Every night they were in the lowlands the visions came to her in her sleep and every night they seemed more vivid than the day before and as days progressed she more and more got the feeling of being watched while she was having the visions. When she told the shamans of her Quah they did not think anything of it, assuming it was an attempt by her grandmother to communicate with her. This changed rather drastically when one night after she fell asleep she started convulsing. The shamans were brought in as fast as possible save her and chose to perform a ritual and free Tsavah from whatever haunted her.

They however got much than they bargained for as while the ritual was reaching it's climax the convulsing intensified to culminate with the expulsion of a strange, cloudy spirit creature. As it appeared Tsavah's eyes flew open. The spirit then settled down, looked her straight in the eye and vanished.

It was the very same spirit she had felt watching her during her visions and now it had a face, a weird, feline face. Getting it out of her dreams and in to the real world proved quite easy now though as she simply had to repeat the first steps of the initial ritual .

Several years have passed since the first time Tsavah summoned the spirit beast that guides and protects her and now it's word brought her to the Varisian city of Sandpoint. Initially she had no clue what it was that the spirit sought there but it soon became apparent that it was somehow related to the Swallowtail festival that was soon to be held.

Looking up once more, the grey elf scrutinizes the wiry girl with (to a human) freakish eyes of pure white. Chills run down her spine, as his intense gaze elicits the sensation of being pierced right down to her very soul.

The elf condescends to give her an enigmatic answer, "Nor should you have. For it is a speech now long lost to the world." His gaze returns to the writings, and he adds, "Tell me girl, are you familiar with this town? Might you know where I might find the Old Light?" His eccentric grammar sounds old fashioned to young ears.

The shivers running up and down Kiley's back refuse to go completely away as she stands there, trying to gather what littl composure she had.

"Y-yes. I've lived here my whole life. Head to the north gate and then towards the coast to find the Old Light. It's the tallest building in town."

She looks at the notes again as she chews her bottom lip in thought. After a few seconds, she looks back to Awarthannen, braving his chilling gaze once more.

"If you really want to know more about the Old Light, you want to talk to Brodent Quink. He lives by there, though you might have better luck at the Curious Goblin or the Turandarok Academy. Those are his usual haunts I think."

Good luck, everyone!

Part of me hopes he means in 30 minutes, but I believe we got another 24 hours of waiting ahead of us.

Good luck to all the submissions, either way you slice it!

I imagine you are right Dolgrim. Good luck all.

My stats have been revised to meet your house rules, Morphling. Just need to add a little more gear. One question in the meantime... you are disallowing gnomes as a player character race, but I presume we can still take Gnome as a language, correct?

The gothic elf begins to thank the girl, "Thank you. That was," but then pauses a moment. Seeing her stammer and quiver a bit, the elf recognizes this all-too familiar effect he has on others. He averts her gaze once more before continuing, "...most helpful."

He scratches his chin as his white pupils stare off in the distance.

Fascinating. Though in hindsight, perhaps it is to be expected that even the local rabble would know a few things of the Old Light and its resident scholar. This peasant girl could be useful to me...

His formal tone continues now, but no longer with a hint of disdain. "Are you, perchance, acquainted with Master Quink? I should like a formal introduction." The elf reaches a hand to his belt and rattles a pouch, producing the sound of jingling coins. "A few shields would be yours. For your trouble, miss... apologies, I failed to catch your name?"

RP sample:
It had been a strange few days. First Mackar, the spirit that seemed have claimed her as it's protégé, had claimed it was time for her to go on a vision quest to figure out what the visions he had been spying on actually meant. Then the elder actually agreed with him and she was more or less sent off into the world to the south, the world run by the invaders.

Her first stop had been a town called Whistledown, the whole place ran by Gnomes. It was an eerie places with all the windchimes and Mackar really did not like it, actually refusing to manifest within the town limits unless he absolutely had to. She did find a good craftsman there though and now had clothes that allowed her to better fit in with the others.

Now, after two more days of searching a scouting, she arrived in Sandpoint. According to Mackar something was going to happen here, something big, and she had to be there. For now it was just strange. The houses were strange, the people were strange, her clothes were strange. Then again, they probably thought she was strange, talking out loud to with no apparent conversational partner. That or the enormous pearly firepelt next to her who looked way too intelligent to be a mere animal.

Just a note, her eidolon will start out simple but get stranger as time goes on. Right now it looks like an oversized firepelt cougar that is the wrong color (pearly with steel blue stripes along it's back instead of brown with orange/red) and who looks like he is facing a very stiff breeze.
It's a more Wind and electricity focused version of the firepelt cougar, which is one of the spirit totems of the Shriikirri-Quah

EDIT: Only gear hasn't been done yet as I currently don't have the time to fix that. It'll be fairly simple, light armor and an earthbreaker, summoner's kit, things like that. That and I'm not quite sure if I had to take a campaign trait as I could not find it so I left a single trait open for now.

Shadow Lodge

Campaign traits are optional. I don't even know where they would be found, since the Player's Guide doesn't include them.

Gnome is a perfectly valid language - gnomes exist, I just didn't want any gnome players.

They aniversery edition has the traits.

Yes, they are the original guide and the anniversary edition one. They are both complementary, the first one containing information on races, bonus feats, Varisia and Sandpoint NPCs, and the former about traits that bind the PC to Sandpoint, as well as maps of Sandpoint and Varisia and information about their landmarks.

Sovereign Court


Tal's eyes widen slightly in surprise.
"Ah, I thought your eyes, cheekbones and ears were a little different from normal humans'. It quite becomes you and sets you apart from your kin. It gives you a sort of exotic beauty that would probably be the source of jealousy from other girls during your youth, no?" Tal jokes with a wink.
there is some time between Tals questions for any answers so the conversation ramins fluid
"But let's not dally at the shop then. We can go check out the garden first and always come back if you would like to get a dress fixed. Do you have any plans on staying in the town after the festival ends?" Tal asks curiously.

"Kiley. Just Kiley is fine," the young girl says. "I met Brodent when I was little, once, but most people in town know of him." She looks around, gaging how crowded it is. Seeing things are well in hand, she turns back to Awarthannen.

"I don't think Ameiko would mind if I helped you find him adn introduced you two."

There's also a couple of traits from the Varisia splat-book for Rise of the Runelords.

At Tal's comment on her exotic beauty, Jessica blushes deeply and stutters a bit. "Y-y-you're probably right, I had several boys who might've been interested but I was not ready." She continues looking in the window, "While I may not try any on, I would like to go in and look. My mother is a seamstress and I always liked watching her work, and seeing what she made." As he asks whether she will be staying around, "I dont know Tal, I'm not sure, I might. I would like to see more of this place before I go home," she looks down and away shyly and finishes quietly, "and of you." She blushes again and enters the store quickly.

Sovereign Court


Tal waits a moment and watches Jessica go into the store. A chuckle escapes his mouth. That Jessica, her inexperience and youthfulness is a delightful experience. I am glad she came, it should hold off the boredom of this dreary town for a while.
Not meant in a creepy way :P. He appreciates the energy and impulsivity of the short lived races often.
He appreciates seeing Jessica's walk inside and goes inside himself to watch her shift through the clothing and discuss fabrics with the store owner. Maybe she could bring some new fashion to town. That will be amusing.

Cade raises his head trying to make eye contact with Kiley. I think she works here. He lifts a hand politely when she glances his way. "I spoke to the bartender when I entered. They might not have noticed I moved to another table. Any chance I can get whatever it is that smells so delicious."

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

are applications still open?

i don't have a full work up at all, but if they are i'd be glad to post more... i've been looking for an opportunity to play a dwarven ranger (or possibly ranger/inquisitor multiclass). he grew up in a small dwarven settlement in the fogscar mountains that was plagued by constant attacks from giants. when the dwarves could no longer defend themselves they scattered and he ended up in sandpoint, eager to prove himself and earn a place in a new society.

please let me know if there's any reason to post more character info or rp stuff.

Hey, I already called that. Get your own backstory. :P

Actually we have enough people running dwarves to run an all Torag divinity squad, kinda cool.

As I just got picked up by the other runelords campaign, I will respectfully withdrawl out of this one. :)

Good luck to everyone in this one. :)

Shadow Lodge

If you can get it finished by midnight. :) Deadline is in about 4 and a half hours.

I have a stalker? Cool!! I mean uh...yeah, still kinda cool.

The hour of the decision draws nearer! Good luck to all entrants!

Saying which, does anyone have a full list of all applicants? There's got to be a lot by now, right?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

sadly, i don't have enough time tonight to really do this right...

Shadow Lodge

Recruitment is now closed!

I will post my selections soon.

Feel free to continue RPing if you feel like it!

Cade Mendivesh wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, I haven't had a chance to post until now.

"Certainly." Kiley answers, remembering, for once, to smile.

"We've got stew, roast, and some fish fresh from the nets. What'll it be?"

Shadow Lodge

Selecting players for this game was very difficult, since I received an overwhelming amount of good submissions, but ultimately only five could be selected. The five players who will be joining together to fight the Rise of the Runelords are as follows:

  • Lacuna Trost
  • Alphonse Judex
  • Edlethron
  • Dolgrin Girdmar
  • Sejanus Corvus

    To these five, feel free to get started posting in the Discussion thread with your aliases. :)

    Thank you so much for the wonderful roleplay and submissions. I can't wait to get started, and to those of you I didn't pick - I look forward to seeing your submissions for other games I plan to GM in the future!

  • Well, grats to those who made it, rather sad that I'm gonna miss out, been great rping with ya'll.

    Silver Crusade

    Congrats to all selected! Enjoy game!

    Grats and good luck.

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