Warden Rogard Hammerfell

Dolgrin Girndmar's page

275 posts. Alias of Thron.

About Dolgrin Girndmar

Dwarf, Cleric of Torag 1
LG, medium, humanoid (dwarf)
Senses: Darkvision
Perception +5 = 2 + 3 + Item
HP 19/19

AC 16 = 10 + 4 Armor + 0 Dex + 2 Shield + 0 Item
TAC 15 = 10 + 4 Armor + 0 Dex + 2 Shield + 0 Item

F +4 = 3 + 1 + Item E
R +3 = 3 + 0 + Item T
W +5 = 3 + 2 + Item E

Armor Proficiencies
Unarmored T
Light T
Medium T
Heavy U
Weapon Proficiencies
Simple T
Martial U (Warhammer Trained)
Advanced U
Unarmed T
Type: Divine
Atk Rolls +5 =+2+3
Spell Dcs 15=10+2+3
1st – Bless, Magic Weapon
0 - Guidance, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Divine Lance, Stabilize
Heal (1st) - 3/3
Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Speed 20 ft; Class DC 15; Hero Points 1
Acrobatics +0 = +0 Dex + 0 Untrained + Item
Arcana +1 = +1 Int + 0 Untrained + Item
Athletics +3 = +3 Str + 0 Untrained + Item
Crafting +4 = +1 Int + 3 Trained + Item (+1 Blacksmithing)
Deception +2 = +2 Cha + 0 Untrained + Item
Diplomacy +2 = +2 Cha + 0 Untrained + Item
Intimidation +2 = +2 Cha+ 0 Untrained+ Item
Lore (Art) +4 = +1 Int + 3 Trained + Item
Medicine +5 = +2 Wis + 3 Trained + Item
Nature +2 = +2 Wis + 0 Untrained + Item
Occultism +1 = +1 Int + 0 Untrained + Item
Religion +5 = +2 Wis + 3 Trained + Item
Society +1 = +1 Int + 0 Untrained + Item
Stealth +0 = +0 Dex + 0 Untrained + Item
Survival +2 = +2 Wis + 0 Untrained + Item
Thievery +0 = +0 Dex + 0 Untrained + Item
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran
Unburdened Iron: 0 Reduction to Speed from Armor, reduce speed penalties by 5 feet.

Heritage (Forge Dwarf)
Fire Resistance = Half Level, Environmental Effects as if one step less extreme.

Artist: Trained Crafting/Art Lore, Specialty Crafting Skill Feat

Shield Block - Reaction: You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.

Specialty Crafting - +1 Blacksmithing Checks

No Feat Yet

Max: 8
Carried: 7, 3 L
Weapons: Warhammer (1d8 B, 1 Bulk, Shove)
Armor: Breastplate, Steel Shield
Magic Items
Gear: Basic Crafter’s Book, Backpack (Bedroll, Chalk [10], Flint and Steel, 50’ Rope, Rations [2 Weeks], Soap, Torches [5]), Belt Pouch, Belt Pouch, Waterskin, Ordinary Clothing, Fine Clothing, Healer’s Tools, Wooden Religious Symbol, Repair Kit
Money 0 gold, 1 silver, 0 copper
Special Abilities 
Divine Font: Heal (Additional Heal spells of highest level 1+Cha)
Warpriest: Trained in Light/Medium Armor


The Girndmars can trace their line back to the days before the dwarves broke through to the surface world. Long have they served the throne, and whatever family sits upon it, loyally and truthfully. As such, it was not uncommon for members of their family to hold well respected positions within the clans. Honor guards, captains, high priests, grand viziers, and more.

Dolgrin was born a century and fifteen years ago in the Sky Citadel of Highhelm. He was the second of 5 sons to Hruthgar, and also had three sisters on top of that. His younger brothers were all capable soldiers, and his elder brother, Angvar, a well known and capable sergeant. Dolgrin, however, held another important skill set. He heard Torag’s call from the forge.

He had spent decades working as apprentice and acolyte in the Creator’s forges, mastering his skills, when he received the terrible news that Angvar had fallen with the warriors of Lastwall while escorting a Dwarven diplomat to Vigil. Upon learning the news, he immediately sought out the High Priest and “requested” to be assigned to somewhere closer to the region to help get vengeance on the Whispering Tyrant.

Expecting Nirmathas to be the next hit, he immediately set out there and began providing healing as well as crafting arms and armor for them. Only to discover the next target was Absalom! Fortunately the city held, but Dolgrin was furious he wasn’t there to be able to exact some revenge at the end of his hammer...

Uncertain where the undead filth might strike next, he hooked up with Bort Bargith’s caravan to remain on the move and make sure his wares could be spread further and perhaps one day put an end to the undead filth that was responsible for the death of his kin...