The Morphling's Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master The Morphling

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Jubal Breakbottle wrote:


Kiley Sherrow - Angel-Blooded Aasimar (Angelkin) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)

That's left over from the last game she was in. I haven't updated her profile yet. She's a Human Fighter (Two-handed Fighter). Sorry for the confusion.

Just got back and saw this. I'm interested if you're still taking applicants. I just threw together a brand new Warpriest of Pharasma. Here she is with some information and a bit of backstory/rp. Thank you for your consideration.

Nashara Dillane, local gravedigger of Sandpoint.


Nashara Dillane's massive stature and local reputation as Sandpoint's resident gravedigger keeps her from making an abundance of friends.

Her unkempt brown hair falls past her shoulders and her
slate-grey eyes take in her surroundings with prnounced note of caution. This is not a woman to be trifled with.

Orphan born and given to the local church as a ward Nashara had a strange and often times hard childhood and adolesence. She isn't much for words in uncertain company but she often yearns for companionship outside of those 'cold ones' she burries day after day. It is after sucha day's work that Nashara finds her way to the popular inn in which you all find yourselves enjoying your evening. She makes her way through
the crowd, head down, looking very intent on ordering a drink.

Nashara Dillane Human Warpriestess of Pharasma Level 1 Alignmnent: Neutral Good
HP: 14 AC: 17 Speed 20(30 Unarmored)
Str: 18
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 12
Ws: 16
Cha: 7
*Dual Talent Human: Trade Skilled and Bonus Feat for +2 to an additional stat during creation.
Traits: Reactionary(+2 Inititive), Fate's Favored(When I am granted a Luck bonus, increase by 1)

BAB: +0 Attacks: +5 with Greatsword for 2d6+4 damage.

Class and Race Abilities
Favored Class: Warpriest
Medium Size, 30 foot speed.
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Sandpoint Native: 1 Free Rank in Knowledge Local
Profession: Gravedigger
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus Greatsword
Sacred Weapon: Dagger and Greatsword
Simple/Martial Weapons. All Armor, non-Tower Shield's.
Aura of Good
Blessings: 3 per Day (Save DCs 13)
-Healing(Minor) Swift action to Empower any healing spell I cast.
-Repose(Minor)Melee Touch Attack to Stagger a creature for 1 round. If already staggered, it Sleeps. Against Undead this power Staggers them for rounds equal to my wisdom modifier.

Spellcasting: 0: 3, 1: 2
0:Guidance, Light, Detect Magic
2: Divine Favor, Divone Favor

Skills 3
(Bonus)Knowledge Local 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 1 Stat = +5
Knowledge Religion: 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 1 Stat = +5
Climb 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 4 Stat = +8
Sense Motive: 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 3 Stat = + 7
(Bonus)Profession: Grave Digging 1 Rank + 3 Trained + 1 Stat = +5

Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Bonus)

Equipment and Coin
Greatsword 2d6+4 18-20x2 8lbs
Chainmail +6AC Max Dex 2 40lbs 20 ft max Speed

Tarquin is somewhat skill-heavy now, but he definitely isn't overall, so I think he should go in the Arcane group.

Jessica accepts Tal's hand and stands up, "Before we go, I need to run up to my room real quick." She comes back down in a minute or so carrying an artfully shaped glaive with her. She smiles again at Tal, "Ready to go Tal?" She leaves with Tal as he tosses his parting salvo to the dwarves.

Sejanus sat in the tavern, watching the crowd come and go. The dark bar was stained by countless hands and elbows, smoky haze, and muffled conversations. This night, however, the air was electric with anticipation of the Swallowtail Festival, and the town guardsman was fascinated with all of the new faces.

One new face in particular, a hefty half-orc, trudged into the taproom, challenging any comers to a drinking contest. This one might cause a ruckus. He turned on his stool to face the burly figure, making a lazy wave with his fingers. "You want a drinking contest? I'm up for it. Come take a seat, big guy. I have one rule though - I don't drink with strangers. No, no, don't tell me your name." He holds up his hand to halt any response. "Because until you beat me, your name is Abigail. Now tell me, Abigail, what is your drink of choice? Ale is always a possibility if you want to be drunk. Mead, if you want want to be drunk and have a full meal. Whiskey, if you want to be really, really drunk. Don't even ask for wine, though. That's something only ladyboy over here would drink." He jerks a thumb towards Talathel. "To be honest, I never could tell the difference between elven men and women, because when you pinch their bottoms they make the same noise!"

A short, dark-haired and olive-skinned girl walks by the table, a tray under her arm. She gives a long-suffering sigh, obviously not looking forward to the potential mess she'd have to clean up.

"Just don't puke. I'd have to clean it up, and I'm might use you as the mop."

She turns to face the table more squarely, her free hand on her hip. Her face a glower aimed at the pair.

"And before you drink the tavern dry, who's paying for this?"

Gormar has been around Sandpoint for a while working at the Pillbug, so as a town guard, you would likely know of him. While capable of being quite boisterous from time to time, he's not usually much of a troublemaker.

"Whiskey sounds good today. That way, I win regardless; either I'm out cold and can forget about that moronic apprentice or I win and I'm still probably drunk enough to be able to forget about that moronic apprentice. And it's good training for old Nora waiting for me across town." He sits down and waves down a waitress, "Whiskey, and lots of it. I'll pay for it and the mess."


Sejanus winks at the dark-haired waitress. "He challenged, so he's buying, Sugar." The town guardsman sits up and straightens his shoulders, cocking his neck from one side to the other as though preparing for a race. He cocks a smile at Gormar. "Are you sure you're up to this, Abigail? I would hate to have you hungover for the Swallowtail Festival."

"My stomach has taken far worse, believe me. I don't get hungover, I just pass out, and missing out on crowds of the festival doesn't sound like a bad idea. Crowds and I don't get along much. As long as I'm awake for the feast, I'll be happy."

"Oh, the food. I look forward to it every year. One of the few reasons I like this festival. Torsten's turkey pies with apples and rosemary, Sola's salt and vinegar herring on a stick, Brynn's blackberry tarts, and Ma Donov's lemon custard - O ye gods her lemon custard. I can't even." Sejanus clears his throat, suddenly aware of his surroundings. "Pardon me, I take my food very seriously."

Gormar shrugs a bit. "Food is food to me, but I can see how many would look forward to the treats you mentioned." He finally breaks a smile as the whiskey arrives, accentuating his very noticeable teeth and jawbone structure even more. "Ah good, time to begin. Number one down the hatch." He grabs the mug and downs the alcohol with ease in a single swig.

I'm thinking contested Fort saves, starting at DC 15, going up 3 every round until someone fails their Fort save.

Fort Save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

the door to the inn busts open, and a main clad in leather and chain with a gaint greatsword strapped to his back enters, he seems friendly enough, but as a stern expression, as if he is a man on a mission. Only now do you realize he is only 19.

barkeep, your strongest ale and a whole leg of roast if you would. preferably charred but tender.

Sovereign Court


Once outside Tal hears the Dwarf calling after him. Dingleberry covered hamsters! Why does he keep annoying me, bloody dwarfs. Still with a smile on his face he turns to Jessica and softly says "One moment my dear, it seems that the grumpy dwarf doesn't know when not to interrupt others. If you wish you can check out the artisan over at the corner and I will meet you there after I dealt with the rude interruption."

Tal walks back over to the dwarf to converse out of earsight of Jessica with an angry look on his face (as far as you can see, as he put his sunglasses on again). "Why, oh why must you be so rude dwarf, can't you see we are walking away for a reason? You can ask any person on the street about the festival, so why bother us?"

Ragnir looks up at the two humans and half-orc and shakes his head. "And people say dwarves be crass. If'n ye want ta be treatin' this place like a dive, I be suggestin' ye go down t'road a bit te the Hagfish, it'd be more ta yer likin'. If'n ye wish te stay here, I'm guessin' Ameiko would appreciate a bit o'decorum from ye. An' if'n not, tis no me ye'll be havin' te deal with, tis Ameiko herself." Ragnir grins, "An tha's no somethin' ye'll wish te be doin'."

Ragnir gets up and fixes his well cared for, but well used waraxe over his shoulder and hefts his shield into place. He walks over to the chair that Riley spilled Tal out of and props it back up looking at her. [b]"I ken ye can take care of yerself, if'n things be gettin' too out of hand," he pats the chair with a chuckle, "but if'n ye an ' Ameiko need help, I'll be at the cathedral. Ye get the Sherriff, an' ye come get me too, ye ken?"

Slight correction. The warpriest is more a martial character than divine. While they have divine abilities, I'd put them more in line with a Paladin than a Cleric.

outside rp:
Looking a bit worried about the unexpected interruption, Jessica hesitantly goes over to the stall Tal pointed out to her to browse while he goes to deal with whatever is happening. This doesn't seem quite right, I wonder if he is as nice a guy as seems?

Dolgrin glares at the ridiculous accusation of the elf. "AH'M the one bein' rude? Let's rethink this 'ere, eh? I arrive, an' ask a general question aboo' any vacancy a' the inn. Tha lady," he says, pointing towards Jessica, "kindly invites me ta join yer table. An' from tha' point on, every time ah try an' ask a simple question, YE changed tha subject immediately, cause yer too focused on gettin' yer dipstick dipped than on bein' civil ta a newcomer ta town!" he points at the elf's groin as he mentions his dipstick.

His face getting as red as his beard hair, he continues, "THEN, ye go an' insult me an' me people, just ta try an' make yerself look good. Tha rest o' tha bullshit ah could let slide in tha sake of a man lookin' fer a good romp 'tween tha sheets. But anyone tha' relies on insultin' others ta make 'imself look good ain' naw man, but a wee lil boy who don' know 'ow ta please a lady! An' this time, tha lil boy 'as done went an' insulted me fer tha last time!"

As he talks, Dolgrin has continued to stalk his way over to the elf, and concludes his rant just as he has managed to walk directly to the elf and is glaring up at him angrily.

Silver Crusade

Ok, finally I did my decision and I gonna put my friend, Ulrich Howlwind for considiration. Speaking short he is Lawful Neutral cleric of Lissala. To bad, he discovered her religion not through proper clerical study, but via old works discovery and he has somewhat idealized version of long-forgotten goddess. So he spend most of his life in Kaer Maga, dealing with different kind of strange creatures, and now travelling to Magnimar, just to find out is there are others, who do not perceive Lissala as a masochistic-snake-goddess, but as bearer of old knowledge.

Because his librarian past and calligraphic/rune scribing orientation, he has no fighting skills and mostly focused on Channeling Energy for self-protection. But if everything goes wrong, he has a whip and heavy mace. More detailed description of his history (how he discovered holly texts of Lissala, how he left his wife & son in Kaer Maga, and other details) will come later.


Ulrich Howlwind
Male Human (Varisian) Cleric of Lissala 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +6
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . heavy mace +1 (1d8+1) and
. . whip +1 (1d3+1 nonlethal)
Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 5/day (DC 15, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 7/day—blast rune (1d6 energy damage, 1 round)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5):
. . 1st—bless, cure light wounds, summon monster I
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, stabilize
. . Domains Nobility (Leadership), Rune
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Improved Channel, Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling
Traits emissary (kaer maga), student of faith
Skills Heal +8, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +5, Profession (librarian) +8, Spellcraft +5
Languages Common, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ aura, inspiring command
Combat Gear healer's kit; Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, dagger, heavy mace, light crossbow with 20 bolts, whip, backpack, bandolier (worth 0.5 gp), belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, journal (worth 10 gp, 1 lb), hemp rope (50 ft.), trail rations, wooden unholy symbol (Lissala), whetstone, 3 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The character has a strong aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Blast Rune (7/day) (Sp) Blast Rune trap deals 1d6+0 energy damage.
Cleric Channel Negative Energy 1d6 (5/day, DC 15) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Leadership)
Cleric Domain (Rune) Granted Powers: In strange and eldritch runes you find potent magic. You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
Emissary (Kaer Maga) +2 on Diplomacy with aberations, mon. humanoids, undead, giants.
Hedge Magician Magic item creation gp costs -5%.
Inspiring Command (1 allies) (Su) Allies gain +2 Attack AC, CMD, skill checks
Meticulous: You plan and prepare everything in detail, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned. You take a —2 penalty on skill checks for skills with which you're untrained.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Student of Faith +1 caster level of cure spells. +1 to DC of channeled energy.


Following man in chain mail, in tavern comes a middle-aged man with great black beard and black hear. He is wearing dark-green travel outfit and walking boots. He wears a scale mail armor, carring big steel shield and heavy mace, but still looks quite alienate with all that warrior equipment.
"I'll take 3 roasted potatoes and couple eggs," he sits at first table and opens his travel journal making notes and expecting his order to be delivered.
"Should I buy some parchment and send her a message", Ulrich is thinking while taking out several coins out of his belt's pouch, "probably not, unless I really find some job in local church. They should have some of people coming here for ceremony, so they come for blessing or healing and I can give both"
He lifted his eyes from journal page and looked on the other side of table.
"Hello there! My name is Ulrich. Is your day today going as it was planned?" he started small talk with neighbor sitting on the other side.

It had been another quiet night; no bounties, no nobles or merchants hiring for blades and surprisingly no bar fights. Karl was especially glad for the last part, it wasn't every night that he could enjoy supper uninterrupted Soup's especially good tonight He raised the spoon to his mouth and watched as the candle at his table neared the end of its life Wonder if they've got a spare His eyes searched for one of the staff of the inn, but instead he saw a shockingly familiar sight of dwarf clad in spiked armor with a threatening chain like weapon tied around his waist No, it couldn't be He almost didn't believe his eyes, but before he could take a second look the candle lost its life.

Pushing the chair backwards, he left his table and his mostly finished bowl and made his way to the warrior he recalled he saw in times past "Hah! And here I thought I wouldn't cross paths with you again, still carrying that monster of a weapon I see" Greeted the mercenary in a crude and informal manner.

I've made a small fix to the background section of the character sheet, at the end it used to mention Riddleport instead of Sandpoint, also I didn't talk about the reason behind Karl heading to Sandpoint in the RP sample. Would you like an amended version that mentions it? Its pretty straight forward though; Karl will go where he thinks the killer he is chasing will head next.

Ragnir makes his way out of the Rusty Dragon, not really wanting to be there when Ameiko catches wind of the rude customers. He stops, hearing Dolgrin going on a rant, and chuckles a bit, and spots Jessica at the stall nearby.

"Priestess, might ye be doin' an old dwarf a kindness and point out where the cathedral is? Ragnir rubs the back of his neck grinning a bit sheepishly, Bein' a newcomer an' all, I'm no sure where I'd need t'be headin' and I'm wantin' to look at the place, afore the crowd gets too big, and I needs ta be either clearin' a way, or looking to stand atop somethin' ta see things. Aye, unless ye be too smitten wi' the younglin' elf, an' want ta be alone with him, ye ken ye may want ta do the same? See it an all afore it's beset with the whole o' the town? Ye can always invite yer suitor ta come with ya. Then ye'll have to whole o' the festival an' all ta take in wi' him." Ragnir looks up at Jessica to get her answer.

Sejanus and Gormar:
Kiley brings over a bottle of whiskey and two shot glass.

"That'll be ten crowns for the whiskey." she says, her voice holding a note of poorly concealed amusement, despite her exasperation earlier.

Once she has Gormar's payment, she heads back into the crowd.

Kiley walks by just as Ragnir picks up the chair and sets it upright. The dwarf's comment brings a fresh blush to her cheeks and her eyes turn to the side of the room as her shoulders tense a little.

"Oh, that." Kiley replies. "I shouldn't have let him get to me like that, but I appreciate the offer of help if we need it."

Her hand goes to her chin as her shoulders relax a little, her eyes looking at the floor, but not really seeing anything. After a moment, she looks back up and asks, "Where are you staying during the Festival? I think we may have a room or two left."

Shadow Lodge

I'm getting nearer to a decision, and I have my eye on a few key candidates. I'm not setting a hard deadline for submissions yet, but know that it is approaching, so please get your submissions in soon.

The roleplay was a very good idea, as it's given me a very solid look at your various characters. I'm glad you all are participating! :)

Did you see my question in my previous post Morphling?

Hey there, I'm one of the two pre-selected slots. Lacuna Trost is back and better than ever.

The short summary is that she is a half-elven Varisian cast out by her elven kind and left to live among the humans of Sandpoint, despite her longing to explore her elven roots and culture. She is a worshiper of Calistria, but has a more elven take on her worship, focusing on the aspects of vengeance and retribution rather than dealings of the flesh; although she does accept Calistria's teachings in whole. Her personality is very extremist, and she hardly has balance in her life, though she doesn't note this as a problem. Though forward and unabashed on the surface, she often calls upon deception to strike back at those who have wronged her.

Shadow Lodge

Karl Sarvo wrote:
Did you see my question in my previous post Morphling?

Nope, totally missed it!

*reads post*

You can submit an updated one if you like, but I understood the gist of it. :) No need to rewrite it for the correction.

The Morphling wrote:
Karl Sarvo wrote:
Did you see my question in my previous post Morphling?

Nope, totally missed it!

*reads post*

You can submit an updated one if you like, but I understood the gist of it. :) No need to rewrite it for the correction.

Alright, many thanks :)

"Fair enough."


Fortitude: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

"Your turn, Abigail."

Morphling, if you'd like, you can read some of my posts from a previous, short-lived run of RotR I was in on this forum, to get a better fell for my roleplaying of Awarthannen: link.

Nice roleplaying! I'd participate, but Awarthannen would regard your drinking activities as childish rubbish, and would remain focused on researching his notes on Thassilon in an isolated booth. ;)

Awarthannen, I can fix that!

Just so the Loner doesn't feel left out. ;P:
"Hey, are you going to order anything or just sit there?"

A dark haired, olive skinned girl a couple of inches shy of five feet tall stands by Awarthannen's table, a tray with empty tankards in one hand and her other resting on her hip. Her expression is one of exaggerated patience.

Round 2: DC 18

Fort Save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Gormar takes the second drink and gets most of it down before suddenly spitting some of it out. "Darn gunpowder. Thought I washed all of it out my mouth before I came over. Guess old Nora is going to have to wait. If the gut can't take a fleck or two of dirt, no way it's handling what she can offer up. Time to see if you earn yourself a gold or not." While obviously not happy, he takes the setback in stride as he watches his foe.

I have been haunting this recruit for a few days. Took me awhile to come to figure what I wanted. This is Cade healing and support.

A man in his late twenties enters. He is at first brush Varisian, though bits of his clothes and accessories show wide travel through the region. He turns as he enters so the door does not scrape against his large wooden shield currently over his shoulder. He moves aside and holds the door as a dwarf steps out into the street. "Excuse me," he offers politely as Ragnir passes.

He loosens his scarf and brushes the road from his clothes he approaches the bar and pulling a coin from a pouch beneath his belt and hidden in the folds of dark blue sash that backs is belt. He rolls it across the back of his fingers as he walks to the bar. He smiles toward the barkeep and greets him, "The road his brought me here friend, something smells delightful on the fire I will have a bit of that and whatever you recommend to wash it back." He drops his pack between his stool and the bar and finds a seat leaning back against the bar to survey the revels in the tavern.

He notes a bit of tension between at one of the tables and looks about to see what's the fuss. Hmmm looks we might have a scuffle. My money's on the dwarf. He turns toward Ulrich who greeted him from across the table. "Well met Ulrich, Cade Mendivesh at your service." He smiles politely. "'As planned?' What plans survive the first turn in the road?" He smiles in friendly retort. He grabs his drink and pack and moves to join Ulrich. "It has been a good day. I made it here though a destination can be bittersweet you reach your goal and put behind the joy of the road all at the same time." He takes a sip of wine and makes eye contact with the server to note that he has moved to a different seat. "And you how has your day turned in compare to your plans? Here for the Swallowtail Festival? It should be a fun time."

Sovereign Court


Don't have a lot of time today so a longer post instead of multiple shorter ones
Ragnir Brightaxe wrote:
Rant rant rant rant

Tal takes of his sunglasses and with two black eyes looks down at the dwarf with an angry expression and retorts "I am being rude? Ow please, I was just having a perfectly fine conversation with the lady, which you interrupted. You might have noticed that the lady ignored you too. She only invited you out of politeness. We had a lovely connection and seemed to hit it off. However, during our conversation you and your friend destroyed all subtlety of our flirting and you think I am rude? You dwarves are such base creatures, all you think about is battle, booze and bonking, in that order. You were taking the piss out of me in there and when I make a jape about dwarves all of a sudden it's an insult? And here you are, insulting me like there is no tomorrow. Hypocritical lot you are, making a scene like a little babe who didn't get his lollipop." Tal takes a moment to regain his composure before continuing.

Tal pinches the bridge of his nose and in a calmer voice he says "Now, unless you are really looking for trouble I suggest you be off. The guard is always on edge with so many strangers in town that they wouldn't think twice about tossing a "wee lil" troublemaker like yourself in the joint to cool off." He puts his sunglasses back on and moves away from the dwarf, hoping to have put the issue at rest.

Seeing the other dwarf near Jessica he almost swears out loud. Bloody kittens in a fiery hell, are these dwarves for real?! Get rid of one and another pops out. He takes a deep breath to again regain his compose before walking over to Jessica and Ragnir.
"Ah excuse me, Ragnir was it? Ah Jessica, terribly sorry for the interruption. Our friend there thought I had insulted him somehow. I guess he has quite the temper. I would recommend him to visit my aunt. She did wonders for my uncle. So Jessica, shall we head off to the garden?"
I imagine Tal being quite Brittish and posh with a sort of punk flavor to it

"'ow was Ah insultin' ye in thar, lad? If'n Ah recall, ye were tha one 'at got dumped on 'is arse fer givin' lip at tha waitress! Don' blame me fer 'avin' a laugh at yer expense when yet another person called ye out yer rude behavior!"

"An' Ah was invited ta yer bloody table by yer conquest, so by tha very def'nition Ah wasn' intarruptin'! Tha' would imply Ah barged in uninvited, which was nary tha case an' ye know it! Furthamore, Ah ain't tha one who had bonk in' on the brain, that'd be ye, ya dimwitted buffoon! Ah 'ad just arrived an' was wond'rin' what all tha hubbub was aboo'!"

Shocked the elf would just brush him aside yet again, Dolgrin gets even more riled and stamps right behind him over to the lady and Ragnir. "Ah ain't lookin' fer trouble, but unless ye be givin' a proper apology, ye'll be a findin' some, ye pointy eared nincompoop!"

Well, here is my addition.

Brandark Plainswalker


Brandark was born of a brewing merchant family. He found through his life that he was highly resistant to suggestions that he should take up the brewing life like his parents before him. He was able to resist these suggestions, and with the money that he saved working for his parents, he was able to afford the cost of gear. He then was asked if he could travel some of the human lands to see about working in some new markets for his family.
During this time, he was set upon by goblins, and left for dead. He was found by a member of the dragon Cavalier, who inducted him into the order after restoring him to health. After rebuilding a small amount of cash, and reequipping himself, he found himself in Sandpoint just as a caravan with the swallowtail festival has arrived.


Male Dwarf Cavalier 1
NG medium humanoid
Init +1
Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +5

AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16
hp 12
Fort 4, Reflex 1, Will 1

Speed 20 ft
Melee Lance +2 (1d8+6/x3) or Battleaxe +2 (1d8+4/x3) or Dagger +2 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+4/x2)
Space 5 Reach 5

STR 16, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 10
BAB 1, CMB 3, CMD 14

Power Attack, Paired Opportunists

Acrobatics -4, Appraise 1, Bluff 0, Climb -2, Diplomacy 0, Disguise 0, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Handle Animal 4, Heal 3, Intimidate 0, Perception 6, Ride 0, Sense Motive 6, Stealth -4, Survival 6, Swim -2

Dwarven, Common, Giant

Lance, Battleaxe, Dagger, Sling, Bullets - Sling (10), Bullets - Sling (30), Kit - Cavalier's , Kit - Dungeoneering, Kit - Cooking (AA), Kit - Gear Maintenance, Kit - Grooming , Fishing Kit, Leather Barding (Horse - large animal), Grappling Hook


Male Horse
N Large Quadreped
Init +1,
Senses Scent, Low light vision, Perception +5

AC 16, Touch 10, Flat-Footed 15
HP 23
Fort 5, Reflex 4, Will 1

Speed 50 ft
Bite Primary +3 (D4+3), Hoof Primary x2 +3 (D6+3)
Space 10, Reach 5

STR 16, DEX 13, CON 15, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6
BAB 1, CMB 5, CMD 15


Attack, 2nd Attack, Come, Defend, Guard, Heel, Down

Acrobatics +1, Climb +3, Escape Artist +1, Fly -1, Intimidate -2, Perception +5, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Swim +7

Leather Barding


A red headed dwarf rides into town, and looks over at the wagons.
"Well abacus, looks like we made it in time, Now to see if there is any room at the Inn for us."
He dismounts by the inn stable
"Young lad, how much to put my horse up for a couple of nights?"

if selected, I will make an alias

Really hope to squeeze this submission in tonight!

I think I was missed on the interest list, but it's alias only as of now.

Luno Starchild, Shaman of the Heavens

Guess I need to un-edit my post, whoops, no one had responded yet when I did.

Sorry Ragnir, missed that you talked to me, correcting the oversight now.
Looking at Ragnir as he speaks, Jessica smiles and replies, "I would be happy to tell you where it's at if I knew myself, I'm not from here either remember." She gives it some thought, "If Tal was right, the gardens he was taking me to are near it, why don't you walk with us at least that far since I'd like to see it too."

As Tal and Dolgrin begin arguing louder, she begins to hear their conversation as people move away from the, "Ragnir, what does Dolgrin mean by me being Tal's 'conquest'?" assuming that he answers [b"]"WHAT!? Tal, is that all you wanted was for me to be your 'conquest'? If so, then I am not that kind of girl. Dolgrin, thank you for pointing out what he was after, would you like to come find the cathedral with us? Tal, I will talk to you later if you don't feel that you can behave yourself while we go to the cathdral."[/b]

Turning to Jessica, still fuming but not willing to let his anger blind him of HIS manners, he turns and bows to the lady and says, "It'd be me pleasure, ma'am. 'Opefully not all o' tha people in this town are as rude as yer friend 'ere. Otherwise, Ah'd be very upset ta 'ave traveled all 'is way fer nothin'."

None of this is canon anyway, right? Besides, Awarthannen hasn't responded yet, so this could be before or after that anyway.
Kiley steps out of the Rusty Dragon, a cup of tea in her hand, when she spies the two dwarves, the Shelynite, and Talwin all shouting at each other.

Where's Ameiko when you need her? With a sigh, she squares her shoulders and walks over to where the others were in the middle of an arguement. Until she hears Jessica ask Talwin her question, then turn to the dwarf and ask him if he'd like to find the Cathedral.

"The Cathedral? Just head towards the main road, then turn north. It'll be by a big square, you can't miss it." She tells the priestess.

"A-and when you get back, m-maybe-- C-could I-- Could we... talk... maybe?" She asks before Jessica can get too far down the road.

Shadow Lodge

Yes, none of this has to be canon. :)

Good because explaining how the fighter learned to violate the laws of physics is going to take some doing.

Sovereign Court

Getting a little confusing with non canon and people reacting to things that might not have happened. Tal will try to smooth this over when I can post again tomorrow morning. In short he will truthfully deny it. He was mainly looking to have some fun and get to know Jessica. Of course he would want to do that without the dwarves so please await a response :). Just a note. Tal is more don juan, a romantic and not someone just after another notch on his belt Kiley should know that. However weakwilled women have thrown themselves at him which usually leads to the events in his rp background.


Brandark looks over to the arguing group, looks up at his horse that he is still removing equipment from and says "I really hope that this group, will eventually be able to work with each other. Else there will be a major fight in town before the festival."

Hearing Kiley's directions, "Thank you Kiley, that should make it much easier to find." As she starts to walk off with those who are going with her, she hears Kiley's request, gesturing to her companions "Go ahead, I'll catch up." She walks back to Kiley and, having heard the hesitance in her voice, Jessica tries to give her a quick hug, "I would be happy to, is it something you need to talk about now?"

"Whu? Oh! No! No, i-it can wait. I just haven't talked to priestess of Shelyn before, and..." Her voice trails off, the crimson in her cheeks burning bright despite her dark skin.

As much as I would like to participate in this amazing RP, I'm kind of in a bind and unable to post as often as you guys are. Once a day, maybe more, is my limit.

Morphling, if you're interested in seeing my RP style with Barbarian Emilio, check out the "previous" RotR campaign he was in here. You can seem my general RP skill as his previous incarnation as a Cleric of Iomedae mascarading as a follower of Zakarune over here.

"I have told you before, count on Delendir for this task. I am full of reasons to be on this."

Hope I am not late. There are a lot of strong applications here so no real chances, but I have been wanting to play this built for a while and I have come up with a nice fitting story.

Delerin is a ranger with the trapper archetype. I hope that's ok and you can approve it. This means he is able to disable magical traps, and he is actually quite good at spotting them. He has a wide range of skills, while he is still useful contributing to damage the enemy both in melee and ranged. He just lacks a bit in the social as he has had a tough life in the wilderness (he was rejected by society because of his mixed elven an chelish blood).

I am not English native, thus I have no delusion about meeting the "well written" requisite. But if there's any chance I will certainly commit to the adventure.


A sturdy and tall figure enters the Rusty Dragon. He seems a bit dazed, or perhaps drunk. The man is a rude northern half-elf who has been wandering around the city talking about giants. He wears a stinky green coat over a deteriorated outfit. When he speaks his voice thunders on the inn.

"Go - oood morning go - oood peapals of Sandpo - point. I see you have had a bisiii night he'are.[/b]

You can read more RP at my background.

It seems there is a lot of interest on this AP. No one wants to make a second party for it? :D

Cade starts at the loud entrance of the drunk new comer. Blessed Butterfly what's louder his stench or his kroon. He recovers his momentarily lost composure. He looks across the the table at Ulrich "Well this town knows how to revel. Perhaps too well."

Backing from Kiley, "Well, if you're sure then I'll see you later and we can talk then. I'll make sure to meet up with you later alright?"

Correction to the list of parties, ya missed me lad.

End up with a long day at work and I come back to a fair mess of rp. Seeing as i am not going to force a whole retroactive continuity, even if I could, I will brush off and move to internal monologue.

Sten nods at the elf's statement, a religious festival is an acceptable thing even in these dark days. They all seem so happy, acting like silly children. Not one of them has tasted the darkness and the cold it would seem. None have seem the changes on the wind and the coming storm. It wouldn't take a small band of orcs a few days to pick this place clean, to say nothing of a giant attack. At least the home stone took four weeks to fall.

The dwarven fellow will take up his beer win it comes and breaks bread with a prayer to Torag on his lips. Sten only stops in his eating to look up as others enter, and the occasional bout of foolishness erupts, though he does nod respectfully as the priests of divine Torag walk in and at their leaving.

The grim elf looks up from his newly acquired parchments. Seeing the barmaid, he looks incredulously at the girl while lifting the ale he already purchased to his lips for another sip.

In a deadpan tone, "Nothing more. Thank you."

He briefly glances around the room at the foolish creatures arguing about some sort of nonsense he could care less about, then returns his gaze back to his parchments.

Lol. Thanks, but Awarthannen is a tough one to like. :) Though if interested, I did hint at what might get him to talk some more...

First impression would take Alphonse as a cutthroat or a sell-sword, with his penchant for dark clothing and wide brimmed hat usually pulled low to obscure his face. Below the hat is a pleasant face usually adorned with a wide grin and perpetual five o’clock shadow. His hair is an unruly auburn main, and his eyes are a yellowish green that come off somewhat lupine. Alphonse has two scars on his left cheek that usually escape notice in times of mirth, however when he tenses his jaw in anger they stand out in stark contrast.
Alphonse is not particularly physically imposing standing about average height and with a wiry build. Those more versed in the fighting arts will notice his alacrity, a sureness inherited from his studied at the Lepidstadt academy. He is never without his black cloak lined in red that is secreted with pockets and a red handkerchief tied around his left arm.


Alphonse Judex
Male Human Investigator (Sleuth) Lv. 1
LG Medium Humanoid
Init: +4 Senses: Perception +4

AC 15, Touch 12, Flat Footed 13 (+3 Armor +2 Dex)
HP 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +2

Speed 30 feet
Rapier +2 (1d6)
Dagger +2 (1d4)
Shortbow +2 (1d6)

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats: Amateur Swashbuckler, Weapon Finesse,
Traits: Fencer, Law Enforcer
Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +7, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +6, Disable Device +6, Perception +4, Disguise +6, Acrobatics +6, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +7, Bluff +6,
Profession (Detective) +4,
Languages: Common,Varisian,Taldane,Skald

Special Abilities
Amateur Swashbuckler: Gain a minor pool of panache to use with a 1st-level swashbuckler deed of your choice
Fencer: +1 on attack of opportunity rolls
Inspiration (3/day) (EX): Can call upon a flash of insight to add 1d6 to skills and checks. It does not cost inspiration for trained Knowledge Skills.
Law Enforcer: You receive a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks to gain a hunch from social situations, and begin play with a pair of masterwork manacles.
Luck (3) (EX): (Combination of Sleuth’s Luck and Panache Pool): Fluctuating Measurement of heroic potential.
Deeds: Daring, Opportunistic Evasion, Sleuth’s Initiative, Opportune Parry and riposte,
Trapfinding: +1 to Perception and Disable Device with traps
Weapon Finesse: Dexterity bonus with light weapons.

Alphonse slipped into the Rusty Dragon in the cover of the chaos. Not even bothering to order a drink, Alphonse collapses heavily into a seat. Fatigue weighed heavily upon his frame as he had spent the last several nights lodged most uncomfortably in a tree waiting on an un-neighborly poltergeist that turned out to be the figment of a farmers imagination.
He silently cursed himself again for leaving Ustalav; where at least the nightmares would have the common courtesy to make an appearance. It is only after his legs begin to regain feeling that Alphonse begins to look around appraising the bar. If I stay around here much longer these drunks are liable to have us knee deep in risen spirits. I guess it’s a sorry commentary on my own psyche that if I go a couple days without a good murder to solve or banshee to banish I start considering offing myself to escape the boredom

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