Edlethron |

"I neither explicitly nor implicitly said that this food is bad. However, my tastes are my own. I can heat and flavor to suit my own personal preferences, yes?" Edlethron casually replies to Jessica and to be overheard by Tal, whom he then directly turns to face.
"Only one who is inexperienced with the harsh consequences of violence offers it so easily. I would expect more maturity from an elf." He says to the young elf and then returns to his breakfast.
How we got to this situation, I know not. Tal reacted to an inner monologue of Edlethron and took issue for something that he never thought. But hey, let's go with it if the GM enjoys it. Cheers

Jessica DuMorne |

Never registered it was not the gm saying that about rping in the recruitment thread, guess it is fair game now though. Also, @ Edl, yeah, I realized that after I posted what I did and could not edit it anymore, sometimes that edit window really annoys me.

AdamWarnock |

Oh in that case...
"T-thanks. Though I learned to cook more so I didn't have to live on the streets more than any great burning passion for it."
One hand rubs the other elbow, the young woman obviously blushing despite her dark skin.

"Mouse" Myrgan |

This will be the character I put forth. Nothing up to date in the alias as of yet save the name and picture. He'll be a eccentric traveling varisian and worshiper of Desna. Class wise he'll be going with Shaman(heavens) with a varisian speaking albino raven as a spirit animal.
I've got a full day tomorrow but hopefully I'll be able to get something more concrete together by tomorrow evening or night.
Any feedback is welcome, thanks in advance!

BoulderShoulder |

I really should read over things a second or third time it seems. Missed the rp bit in the tag, but seeing as there seems to be a lively tavern scene going....

Cuàn |

Working on the Shoanti Spirit Summoner.
Idea so far is a young female from the Shriikirri-Quah who is on her own vision quest which in turn led her to the lands populated by the other inhabitants of Varisia. As a member of the Shriikirri-Quah, who are more or less the public face of the Shoanti tribes when it comes to diplomacy, she chose to adapt a bit in order to blend in. This mostly means she wears different clothes as she feels she doesn't have the right to shave her head anyway until the vision quest is completed.

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I was actually responding ooc, not in :P. But I will play along.
Also I thought Ameiko did all her cookings and they were famous in town. Hence my reaction.
Also Kiley, you should know Tal as Talwin, he has only been in Sandpoint for two years and frequents the bar looking for entertainment in one way or the other.
The doors of the tavern open slightly with a blond, short haired elf peeking in. "Psssst! Ameiko! She gone?"
Ameiko grins at the sight and nods.
The doors open wide and the elf walks in casually. He is dressed in fancy clothes underneath a long leather jacket with a high collar. He takes off his sunglasses and props down on a bar stool.
"Ah good, those conversations can be a bit awkward you know. 'oooh but mister Tal you promised me last night you would show me the festival' " He says imitating a female voice. "Yes well that was before I knew how much of a bore you were." He imitates himself. Turning to Ameiko he continues "I swear Ameiko, some people just shouldn't be allowed to walk around sober. So much more fun when they are drunk." Ameiko smiles back and apologizes, she has to leave and do some preparations for the festival.
Looking around the room Tal notices other people have joined him.
discussion takes place here
"Ha ha a clear misunderstanding, I never threatened him. I just know that Ameiko is very proud of her cooking. And she would give you a right wallop if she heard you were insulting her food. And that, is entertaining to watch." Tal says with a grin.
Turning towards the dwarf Tal says sarcastically "Well these festive adornments are for a festival if you would believe it." Seeing the sarcasm lost on the dwarfs face he continues with a sigh "The cathedral has been renewed which will be unveiled and the Swallowtail festival is at the same time so people are feeling extra festive today."

Corrin Whisperwind |

Corrin is all set to go!
He was just finishing up things at the stable. The festival was soon and the little bit of added coin would indeed be worth the sweat and grime of mucking the stables after brushing the horses. Again Corrin was glad that ol' Daviren Hosk had good memories of his father. Between the man's stories (told with and between tales of goblin genocide)and his mother's journal it was all he knew of the man.
He left the stables finally, a light sweat coating his skin as he took off his shirt before he head torwards the small home he shared with a few fellows who worked the mill. It was a warm enough night out but the cool air certainly felt good as he made his way home. perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 when he noticed that dark haired beauty that worked down at the Pixie's Kitten and he blushed. He had indeed seen her before, at the market and had even gone so far as to inquire her name. Riessa was as pretty as her name.
"Calm down Corrin, she's a working girl, to please a lass like her you need coin, and plenty of it. He thought to himself as he fumbled with his key to the door. He glanced over and froze when he realized she was indeed watching him. Crimson flaired along his fair skin and he darted indoors breathing hard.
Working the mill's during the day and Mucking stalls at night had left him tired but he had promised his coworkers from the mill that he was going to meet them that night for one of the boy's birthday's It was just a matter of changing out of the dirty clothing now. He looked at the gear he barely wore now, except of course when the town militia was called in stacked up in the corner.
Hero's... ladies like hero's in the stories. Maybe tomorrow evening he would ask ol' Daviren a little more about goblin hunting. Perhaps he could make a bigger name for himself, earn coins from such efforts and then he could...He shook those thoughts away, Plenty of time to dream of being a hero and getting the maidens to swoon tomorrow. He was late as it is.
He hurried over to the Tavern not wanting to miss any more of the night than he needed to.

Jessica DuMorne |

Oops, now see what I started? <_< >_> ;-D
Oh, and sry if these posts seem a little inconsistent personality wise, working on getting a feel for the her still, fairly different than what I have played any time recently.
When Tal explains things Jessica takes it in and doesn't know whether to believe him, "I'm sorry then, I misunderstood." She thinks a moment, "Would Ameiko really do that to him? It seems kinda mean to me, and she seemed so nice last night when I got here, but I suppose this is her Inn after all."
Relaxing in relief at the elf's acceptance, Jessica examines him a bit better. That strange smile he is giving me is rather creepy. I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt, he is an elf, maybe all elves smile that way. "I am here for the temple dedication of course. I just recently became a priestess of Shelyn and felt guided her by Shelyn's grace. It's the first time I have ever left home and Iv'e seen so many things on the way I can't believe I was scared to leave. The music of birds in the countryside, the sunrise and set with no buildings to block it were all breath taking. Truly Shelyn's touch in the world is everywhere, bringing beauty of some kind in everything I have seen on the way. I can't wait to see more." By the time she finishes, Jessica is speaking almost breathlessly, her excitement obvious, innocent, and maybe a bit naive.

Ragnir Brightaxe |

Well if you don't mind the RP, I'll jump in ;)
Ragnir lets out a harumph, and turns to Jessica with a bit of a grin, "Ya might want ta let em fight it out, might'n knock some sense inta the both of em. Torag winked at the two arguing figures, You and me c'n patch em up after it if needs be. If'n any of em insults the owner of the place, they're like ta be gettin' a wallop from her, let alone each other."
Ragnir let out a bit of a laugh, "Where'n be me manners, lass. I'm Ragnir Brightaxe, priest o' Torag. He nodded over to a large shield and dwarven waraxe leaning against a table not far out of reach. The shield showed the axe symbol of Torag crossed by a silver axe "Here ta be sellin me brew, and joinin' in the celebration o' the new temple."

Dolgrin Girndmar |

Submitting Dolgrin Girndmar, Cleric of Torag.
So this is Sandpoint. The town my brother died for. Well, I hope it proves worthy of sending his spirit to meet the Father of Creation. Otherwise, I've got my work cut out for me getting it whipped into shape.
As the wagon rides into the southern entrance to town, Dolgrin catches wind of some food coming from a tavern to his right, and his stomach grumbles to remind him that he had yet to enjoy a decent meal.
"Whoa laddy. I think I'll be takin' me leave, if ye don't mind. I figure you'll be safe enough from 'ere on in, eh?" he says with a smile. He refuses to accept any coin from the man, after all, he had got what he wanted out of the trip.
He hops off the wagon with a heavy thud and clank of his armor and gathers his chest and anvil from the man's wagon. He moves them each one at a time out of the traffic and looks up at the sign to the tavern.
The Rusty Dragon, eh? Well, hopefully the drink is as good as the food smells.
He takes his time hefting his personal belongings up onto the porch of the tavern before shouldering his pack and steps inside.
Through the main doors of the tavern, a dwarf clad in full plate of elaborate make walks in, the armor itself made of a dark steel and trimmed in gold filigree and runework. He has his beard pulled into a single braid, held together by a metal clasp made in the style of Torag's symbol.
"Pard'n me," he calls out, "would ye 'appen ta 'ave room 'ere at yer fine establishment fer another guest? And if so, could I get a 'and wit' me things?"

Jessica DuMorne |

"As for you sir," she gives Edlethron a rather pointed look, "shouldn't I at least have your name before you start asking such personal questions?" She gives him a second to squirm before continuing on, "I'm not from here obviously, but since you asked, I'm from Magnimar." She looks at empty chairs at her table, "Would either of you like to join me for breakfast?" She looks at Tal, "You can have a seat too if you won't argue until after breakfast is over."
*edit Forgot to use the right alias

Ragnir Brightaxe |

"As for where I be hailin' from? Me family an' clan lives to the SW of the Storval Plateau, an' they've been puttin' boot to arse of giants fer as long as anyone c'n be rememberin'. Torag called me ta be comin' this way, guessin' it was ta be gracin' the new cathedral with me pretty face and ta be passin' out me latest brew. Got me kegs linin' a wall of the inn near the town square. Why Torag would be wantin' a warpriest around, I can't be kennin', but then, they be gods, so who knows what they be thinkin'."
He looks over Jessica, "I'm guessin' that if ye be a priestess, ye're here fer the ceremony, too?"

AdamWarnock |

I was actually responding ooc, not in :P. But I will play along.
Also I thought Ameiko did all her cookings and they were famous in town. Hence my reaction.
Also Kiley, you should know Tal as Talwin, he has only been in Sandpoint for two years and frequents the bar looking for entertainment in one way or the other.
True, but that's one of the fun things about RPGs, if you want to deviate from what's canon, you can. It's a lot of fun to play what-if and see where it goes. Thanks for the background. This is going to be fun.
That said, if you haven't picked up any of the Pathfinder comics, there's some good background info in them and a particular bit is dedicated to Ameiko's culinary exploits.
@Dolgrin: I believe so. If not, this just got weird.
"Yes'm." she mumbles to Jessica.
Hearing Talwin tell the newcomer about Ameiko's likely reaction, Kiley can't help but laugh.
"Talwin, you know better than that, or did you forget the fish and porcupine stew? Or the Goblin Brain cookies?"

Jessica DuMorne |

Looking back to Ragnir and briefly laying a hand on his shoulder, "Yes Ragnir, I'm here for the ceremony as well." Seeing the new arrival come in the door Jessica says to him, "I don't know about whether there are more rooms available, but you are welcome to sit with us and eat at least. I'm Jessica, nice to meet you you mister...?"

Dolgrin Girndmar |

He then turns and approaches the table.
This appears to be quite the gathering.
He comes over to the table and bows to those gathered, removing his helm as he does so. He sets it on the floor beside his chair as he sits, the chair creaking beneath the weight of his armor.
"Thank ye fer yer 'ospitality, Miss Jessica. I been on tha road fer a long time, an' it's a relief to 'ave me travelin' behind me."
Dolgrin then turns to Ragnir. "I'm surprised ta see another dwarf this far out o' tha Five Kings. 'ow long ye been in this lil spot on tha map?" he says to the dwarf.

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Tal snorts in disgust "Oh please, you mistake me for a common brawler. Nah that isn't my thing. I leave that for those who want to go down and dirty. I would rather watch for amusements sake. Wouldn't want to get my snazzy outfit dirty you know." He says with a wink while he plops down on a barstool at at Jessica's table. "Don't mind if I do, me lady. My name is Talwin, you may call me Tal if you like." He says as he takes her hand and gives it a kiss.
"Kiley remind me? My head is still a little foggy from last night. Would you get me some water please love? And whatever Jessica here wants. Tal asks the young cook.
Turning back to Jessica Tal continues "So tell me, Jessica, are you familliar with the nicer parts of town? The church's petalgarden, the small river in the forest where deer often hang and the bluffs at sunset among others. If you'd like I could give a tour of the more beautiful side of dusty Sandpoint. I am sure a priest of Shelyn appreciates these things." diplomacy to see how well he is doing: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
In case it is not yet obvious, Tal is a ladies man ;) Kiley knows this and has been warned by Ameiko not to get her heart broken. And Tal was warned not to hurt Kiley or suffer Ameikos wrath :p

Ragnir Brightaxe |

He grins back at Jessica, "Don't be payin' much mind. Most dwarves from Five Kings think they be the only dwarves stompin' and walkin' the ground, but we're all over t' place. Ye can't get rid o' us, on account of us bein' too blasted stubborn ta quit a place. Once we be makin' the decision to put down stakes, we're harder t'pry out o' than a gold piece from a goblin's fingers." He chuckled and his eyes traveled up to the left as he started to tick off on each of his stubby fingers, "There's Kalsgard up'n the land of the Linnorm, tha's up north. Then there's them dwarves what be livin' in the south near the jungle, and them that be livin' in the desert, an' the Mindspin Mountains. Then there's me own clan, livin' in the Storval Plateau, crackin' head o' giants fer ages.
He stopped ticking off fingers, "I ken there's more'n likely more livin' all over, but those at least are the one's me da be tellin' me about."

Kiley Sherrow |

"Just remember Talwin, tour implies more than just your bed." Kiley quips before going to fetch the asked for drinks, as soon as she knows what Jessica wants.

Dolgrin Girndmar |

He then signals the first waitress he spots and says, "Ah'll 'ave whate'er is smellin' so good, an' a mug o' mead if'n ye 'ave any. Thank ye,"

Jessica DuMorne |

Jessica completely misses the other conversations that have been happening.

Edlethron |

[ooc]While Edlethron can persuade well with his words. His nonverbal behavior demonstrates his Charisma of 7.

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Please Jessice, do whatever you think your character would do. the roll was just to indicate how well Tal is doing his flirting :).Don't let that roll force you into anything if you think the character wouldn't do either way.
Seeing his charms have their effect, Tal gins. "Lovely, I will make sure you have the time of your life. I recommend the Chilaxian red, it is quite robust and would suit the dish very well." he continues.
At Kiley and Ragnir's teasing Tal laughs nervously "He he, the lass is only teasing me. She knows I would never hurt a kind, beautiful and enticing woman like yourself Jessica."

AdamWarnock |

Kiley leaves to fetch some water for Talwin, a glass of wine for Jessica, and a mug of mead and a bowl of venison stew for Dolgrin. She comes back and quickly lays the food and drinks out.
Profession(Cook): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Okay, apparently she didn't do something right when making the stew.

Dolgrin Girndmar |

"So, what's goin' on 'ere in town 'at's got folks trav'lin' from miles around to this sleepy lil spot? Lad ah rode in with said some sort o' festival was bein' 'ad. This some sort o' 'oliday fer folks round 'ere?"
When the waitress brings his plate of breakfast by, he takes a deep breath of the aromas created. The off smell causes him to recoil just slightly, but he quickly regains his composure and manners. "Thank ye, lass. An' if'n ye don' mind, could ye check with tha person 'at runs this 'ere establishment an' see if they 'ave a room still available, an' if so, let 'em know 'at Dolgrin Girndmar will be glad ta fill it fer a while."
Dolgrin watches the flirtations taking place with a casual interest before turning to the other dwarf at the table and asks in Dwarven...
For Dolgrin, I type out his Common with an accent, but I figure he speaks perfectly clear Dwarven to anyone who may speak it.

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Tal would be the perfect man to get you to lose some naivety ;). Who knows if you can challenge him he might fall for you.
Trying to cover his own behavior, Tal decides to redirect the attention back to Kiley. "It is not every day one finds beauty like this Kiley. You should know. I saw you fawning over that stranger last night. Too scared to approach him though weren't you. You should ask Ameiko for some tips." Tal teases Kiley.
Hoping this has given him so breathing room, he turns his attention back at Jessica. "The festival won't start for another two hours I believe. If you like we could walk past the flower garden beforehand. I'm sure a rose would suit your hair quite nicely."
Good thing the dwarves found each other, not looking forward to have them spoil the mood with their beer breath
I know, he's awfully slick, but it's the character I envisioned. Still it could lead to some interesting relationships between the characters if both are selected later on.

AdamWarnock |

Kiley's face darkens as Talwin hit a rather sore nerve with her. She turns to walk off, hooking her foot around a leg of Talwin's chair and yanking it out from under him as she storms off.
"Oops. Clumsy me." she growls before she gets out of earshot.

Jessica DuMorne |

Jessica blushes again at Tal's offer of stroll before replying shyly, "I'd be happy to go see the gardens with you Tal." When the drinks are brought she giggles at Tal's sudden fall and offers him a hand up. Taking a sip of her drink, she splutters for a moment not expecting the alchohol. She takes another sip and, having braced herself for it, starts to drink it more rapidly. "Mmmm, this is good, I've never had wine before. Does it always make you feel tingly?" She continues to sip at her drink as she listens to the conversations going on around her.

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haha, that so suits Tal's sense of tact
Tal starts to say "Well that is wonderfuuuuuuuuu" *crash*
As Tal falls on his bum, emptying the rest of the water on his jacket. He looks at Kiley storming off and then back at Jessica who is offering her a hand. "I guess I somewhat deserved that." Tal says as he accepts the proffered hand. "I will have to make it up to her tonight when she's calmed down a bit or Ameiko will have my head."
Turning to the laughing dwarf he says "Joke's on you dwarf, the only person who could serve you beer in this place just walked off." as he gives Dolgrin a friendly pat on the back.
Turning back to Jessica, Tal shrugs and with a smile says "So I guess we won't be getting drinks here anytime soon. Shall we head towards the chapel? We can get something more to drink on the way there. With the festival starting, the locals are giving the tourists a taste of the local delicacies."

Ragnir Brightaxe |

Karl Sarvo |

This is Wolfgang Rolf's character.
A brilliant midsummer sun shone over the horizon, its beams of light colored everything with a slight golden hue, their heat noticed by those directly under them and those who were lucky enough to find a shadowy shelter. Karl was quickly shifting between one and the other as he dashed through the forest, the sound of his boots rising and falling upon the dirt alien to this natural maze. Not far behind came the sounds of more boots pounding on the ground, heralding the running forms of scruffy, scarred and rough looking bandits, their piecemeal armors ringing with each step they took. They were no longer able to see their quarry but so far they had no trouble following the sound of his footsteps…until that disappeared as well.
Moving hastily towards the last place their prey left his last sign. It was a mostly quiet clearing, with plenty of places to hide; the sturdy arms of the trees that surrounded them could easily bear the weight of a grown man, and the bushes were thick and wide enough to hide someone even of the girth of the man they chased. The uncoordinated bunch scattered, one of them began poking the treetops with his spear while the others looked about and occasionally poked their weapons at the bushes. Frustration found its path into these lawbreaker's hearts as they continued their fruitless search, groans and shouts of "Damn" and "Bastard" filled the quiet clearing.
The spear-wielding bandit was not immune to what his fellows were feeling, the only difference was that he made stronger jabs with his pole-arm instead of flapping his gums. One of his thrusts caused his long reaching weapon to fall prey to the embrace of a web of branches, he tried to be subtle at first and hoped to free his weapon without adding even more noise to their location, but try as he might his spear wouldn't budge. The waylayer couldn't have seen the sadistic smile that flashed behind him, as he pulled and manipulated his locked weapon, and neither could he have noticed the punching dagger that gleamed grimly as it slid out of its sheath and slid into his chest instead. He would have screamed, but a massive hand held his jaw and lips in place, not even allowing him a sound as he knew death would take him.
Don't worry, your death will be filling my pockets Commented the bounty hunter to himself as he slid his blade out of its bloody sheath, but failed to notice the spear come free from its entailment, he tried to reach for it before it touched the ground but his eyes had found it far too late. The rest of his hunters turned towards him, the scene before them changing their glances to those of anger and horror. With a roar one of the bandits charged and the rest followed suit, echoing his raging bellow with their own, and so the chase was on again.
Shadows and light quickly shifted in Karl's view as he moved through the forest, leaping over fallen trees, jumping over shining streams and even taking to jumping from the branches when the ground path he could have taken was far too crowded with wood made obstacles and short leafy walls. The fleeing mercenary's tenacity paid off as he saw the tree lines begin disappearing and the ground turning to the grassy plain he remembered starting this "battle" on. Soon enough his foes left the tree filled land as well, and had him cornered against a burnt down old shack, still oozing smoke into the air.
Karl stood his ground, his light shield sliding into its place at its left forearm as the leather band that controlled its traveled path went tout, and in his right hand was a battle axe, its single edge appearing wicked and heavy "What were ya hoping to get by letting us chase ya around?" Asked one of the bandits as his companions began the task of flanking their enemy, a wicked grin shone on the surrounded warrior's face as he saw the blade of a long sword shine through the gaping whole in the chest of the bandit to his right "That" In an instant Karl was on top of the bandit to his right, his shield came crashing down on his head first, and then his axe bit into the poorly armored man's side, before sliding across his abdomen with ease.
The last bandit stood in shock as his two compatriots were cut down swiftly before his eyes, and before he could even react he found himself flanked by the lightly armored man he had chased and a heavily armored half-orc with a large shield and a long sword…his final wail of pain filled the grasslands before he fell silent.
"I told you to wait didn't I?" Chuckled the half-orc as he cleansed his sword from the blood that marred it with a piece of clothe, the height of his armored form standing equal to his partner in crime.
"I did, you were slow" Replied Karl as he stood in line, waiting for the mercenary in front of him to receive his pay, so he could do the same.
"Bah, slow! I move faster than anyone in my company with the kind of outfit I have on" Said the half-orc, giving his metallic chest plate a knock, causing the metal to sing a solitary, short note.
With the sell-sword in front of him finally out of his way Karl moved towards the armored nobleman, giving the small contingent of heavily armored and heavily armed soldiers that protected him an inscrutable smirk.
The nobleman gave the sell-sword a narrowed stare before lobbing a bag of ringing coins at him, which Karl happily caught "Pleasure doing business with you" Said the bounty hunter, prior to turning and walking away from his now former employer.
"Hey Karl! Where are you going to spend that gold?" Asked the well armored half-orc as he moved forward to receive his pay.
"Somewhere far away from your dice table Gordo"
Gordo's guffaw rang in Karl's ear as he began his trek to the nearest village, where he would hopefully find a cozy inn and not as much bandits.
The buzzing sounds of merriment and joviality escaped the walls of the inn, drawing the attention of the occasional passerby, which either turned him into a participant in said merriment or drove him away in hopes of finding quieter parts. Karl peered through one of the windows, just in time to see some of the staff begin lighting the first candles, in preparation for the end of this day. The mercenary swung the door open, and was pleasantly surprised at the absent of the usual creek one would hear when opening doors of such old looking buildings. Karl cut his way through the crowds, doing his best to avoid the exaggerated movements of the early drunkards, it was then that he saw one such movement knock a waitress of balance, she tried her best to regain her footing but to no avail, and the bounty hunter knew that she would tumble to the awaiting wooden floor, the tray she held would abandon the mugs it held, which in turn would abandon the ale they carried…but unlike the spear in the forest, Karl did not miss.
The mugs fell forward but they didn't leave the tray, the ale within them sprayed the armor of the bounty hunter, as he held the girl by the shoulders. She raised her head and saw her savior, a towering man who was not lacking for scars Prettier up close Thought Karl as he had a better of view of her auburn hair, green eyes and noticed the quick reddening of the young woman's cheeks.
"I am so sorry sir, I didn't…I was…one of the…" Seeing Karl's figure lean in closer, quickly ended her futile attempts to form a coherent reply.
"No harm done" Said there mercenary, glad that he finally got the attention of the now somewhat frightened waitress "Listen, if you find me a quiet and clean table, we'll forget this ever happened"
Nodding rapidly at the taller man, she immediately and awkwardly lead him to a table near the corner, which gave the bounty hunter a decent view of most the ground floor "Thank you sir, you are very kind" Said the waitress as she regained some of her composure.
"Not kind, I just have a soft spot for beautiful girls who work at inns" Shot back Karl calmly, as he took a seat "Now if you'll go get me something fresh, I might tell you why"
An energetic smile crossed over the girls face before she nodded and turned to get the order of her latest customer. Leaving Karl close to a corner haunted by shadows, and yet partially illuminated by the recently lit candles.

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Tal stands up and offers his hand to Jessica. "Don't mind the dwarves dear, I guess they are just a little jealous of our connection. I promise I will not do anything you do not wish." Tal says with a confident smile.
While walking towards the door Tal continues to Jessica "Did you know that dwarven women have beards just like the men? Must be aggravating not being able to to find a woman without a beard facial hair. I guess that is why they are such a grumpy folk."

Dolgrin Girndmar |

He then stands up and skins on his gauntlets, as he sets a coin down on the table for the meal, and looks for another employee. Once he spots one he says, "Ah'll take a room."
He then gets his helmet and storms out after the elf, saying over his shoulder as he puts the steel helm on his head, "See that me chest an' me anvil make it up thar, please. Ah 'ave an elf ta teach in the art o' manners an' respect."
Once in the street, he turns his head back and forth for the pair. Catching sight of them, he calls out loudly, "'EY! POINTY EAR! Ah'm talkin' ta ye!"

Jubal Breakbottle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dolgrin Girndmar - Dwarf Cleric of Torag
Ragnir Brightaxe - Dwarf Warpriest
Jessica DuMorne - Human Cleric (ecclesitheurge)
Luno Starchild - Changeling Oracle
Arthur Brimstone - Aasimar Oracle
Arrack Stormbringer - Human Barbarian
Karl Sarvo - Human(Chelaxian) Slayer (Bounty Hunter)
Mokshai - dwarven cavalier
Kiley Sherrow - Human Fighter (Two-handed Fighter)
Corrin Whisperwind - Half elf Fighter
Keris Katrala - Human Fighter
Gormar - Half-Orc Alchemist (Beastmorph)
Emilio Cross - Half-Orc Barbarian
Sejanus Corvus - Human Gunslinger (Bolt Ace)
Freyja Ingtar - Human Bloodrager
Tarquin Stills - Elven Investigator
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel - Elven Void-Wizard
Edlethron - Elven Magus (Hexcrafter)
Cuan - Shoanti Spirit Summoner
Dhenn - Varisian Human Sorcerer
Awarthannen the Forsaken - Elf Magus
Apologies if I missed you. I equally included non-avatar interest.

sunshadow21 |