About Natalya ArtemisaFemale Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) Kineticist 3
Variant Tiefling ability (Spell-like ability): (25) You gain acid resistance 5 Skill Modifiers: Grimspawn gain +2 Disable Device, +2 Sleight of Hand Darkvision: Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet. Prehensile Tail: Has a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry items. Cannot wield weapons with the tail, but can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on her person as a swift action. Force Ward: You constantly surround yourself with a ward of force. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your kineticist level. You always lose these temporary hit points first, even before other temporary hit points. If an attack deals less damage than you still have as temporary hit points from force ward, it still reduces those temporary hit points but otherwise counts as a miss for the purpose of abilities that trigger on a hit or a miss. These temporary hit points regenerate at a rate of 1 per minute. By accepting 1 point of burn as a standard action, you can increase the maximum number of temporary hit points provided by your force ward by half your kineticist level until the next time your burn is removed. If you use this ability multiple times, the increases stack. For every 2 points of burn you accept in this way, your force ward's rate of regeneration increases by 1 hit point per minute. Whenever you accept burn while using an aether wild talent, you siphon some of the energy from the aether flowing through you and your force ward recovers a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level, up to its current maximum. You can dismiss or restore your force ward as an immediate action, but doing so doesn't change the number of temporary hit points available, and the temporary hit points don't recover while this ability is inactive. Extended Range (form infusion) Burn 1: Your kinetic blast can strike any target within 120 feet. Pushing Infusion (substance infusion) Burn 1: The momentum of your kinetic blast knocks foes back. Attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your bonus. This infusion can push a foe back by a maximum of 5 feet. You can increase the burn cost of this infusion to increase the maximum distance pushed by 5 feet per additional point of burn accepted. You can't use this infusion with a form infusion such as cloud that causes your kinetic blast to lack a clear direction to push. Basic Telekinesis: This ability is similar to mage hand, except you can move an object that weighs up to 5 pounds per 2 kineticist levels you possess (minimum 5 pounds), and you can move magical objects. Additionally, you can create a container of entwined strands of aether in order to hold liquids or piles of small objects of the same weight. You can dip the container to pick up or drop a liquid as a move action. If you possess the extended range wild talent, you can increase the range of basic telekinesis to medium range and increase the rate of movement to 30 feet per round, and if you possess the extreme range wild talent, You can increase the range of basic telekinesis to long range and increase the rate of movement to 60 feet per round. You can also use your basic telekinesis to duplicate the effects of the open/close cantrip. Telekinetic Finesse: You can perform any sort of fine manipulation you choose within close range, including attempting Sleight of Hand and Disable Device checks. Elemental Overflow +1: A kineticist's body surges with energy from her chosen element whenever she accepts burn, causing her to glow with a nimbus of fire, weep water from her pores, or experience some other thematic effect. In addition, she receives a bonus on her attack rolls with kinetic blasts equal to the total number of points of burn she currently has, to a maximum bonus of +1 for every 3 kineticist levels she possesses. She also receives a bonus on damage rolls with her kinetic blast equal to double the bonus on attack rolls. The kineticist can suppress the visual effects of elemental overflow by concentrating for 1 full round, but doing so suppresses all of this ability's other benefits, as well. The next time the kineticist uses any wild talent, the visual effects and benefits return instantly. gear:
explorer's outfit Entertainer's Kit (This kit includes juggling balls, colored handkerchiefs, playing cards, clownish makeup, and other simple props for stage magicians and other street entertainers) Concealable Thieves' Tools (Smaller and made of stronger materials than most thieves' tools, the items in this kit are much easier to conceal. You gain a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks to conceal these tools on your body. They otherwise function as masterwork thieves tools (granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device checks)) Thieve's Ring (This slightly over-sized ring conceals a few lockpicks and other tools coiled inside its band. These discreet tools, made of a metal alloy that springs straight once the tool is removed from the band, are sufficient to attempt Disable Device checks without penalty, and long enough to pick locks on manacles fastened around the wearer's hands (once she slips off the ring). The wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal the ring's nature from anyone searching her.) Mithril Shirt (+4 armor, +6 Max dex, no ACP) 409.5 gp
Backstory: Born in Riddleport to human parents, it was to no-ones surprise when the tiefling babe was left at the door of a church. Natalya had a hard start fighting for scraps with the other orphans in
friends, and faced an impossible understanding for a child, in that she'd likely never be chosen by those looking to adopt. Ostracised even by her peers, she spent an increasing amount of time on the streets, walking the length and breadth of the city and simply drinking it all in. Spending time with beggars, thieves, priests and even guards, she learned to listen to the song of the city. When her powers first manifested she was more delighted than surprised, finally having an edge over others around her. She's kept her abilities quiet as likes to pull surprises when she can. Concerned about the recent arrival of the blot in Riddleport, she feels its unnatural presence like an itch she can't scratch. Walking the streets endlessly till the early hours, her feet eventually took her to the Golden Goblin, although from the rumors she heard she had already missed the main show, 'the night the devil came to the goblin' as one wit put it. She walked inside nonetheless, looking for the owner to ask for a job, had to have a reason to be there after all, a cover story to explain her need to put herself in the midst of the things she was sure would affect her city so much... Personality:
Whilst open-minded and accepting of others, she always holds herself slightly back, the legacy of raising herself on the streets of Riddleport, never trust anyone completely. That her faith in doing the right thing has survived to this day is tantamount to the strength of her convictions. She is the first to step in where someone genuinely needs help, freely offering her skills and meagre resources to help wherever she can. Anyone seeking to con her swiftly learns to their detriment that she also has a merciless streak a mile wide for those that seek to take advantage of others. Appearance:
Her hands are always in constant motion, running coins over her knuckles, manipulating glass marbles, twirling a knife or shuffling a deck of cards.