About Chief White EagleWhite Eagle:
White Eagle Human Barbarian (Spirit Totem) 1 / Shaman (Witch Doctor) 3 N Medium humanoid (human) Init +3; Senses Perception +14 (+16 familiar nearby)(+19 familiar nearby & sight based - Bright light) -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex) hp 45/49 (4 HD; 3d8+1d12+13) {rage - 57/57} Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 {Rage - Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +9} -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 40 ft. Melee . . +1 spear +6 (1d8+4/×3) {rage - +8 (1d8+7/x3)} . . masterwork handaxe +6 (1d6+2/x3) {rage - +8 (1d6+4/x3)} . . unarmed strike +5 (1d3+2) {rage - +7 (1d3+4)} Ranged . . sling +4 (1d4+2) {rage - +4 (1d4+4)} . . masterwork Longbow +5 (1d8/x3) {rage - +5 (1d8/x3)} Special Attacks hex (speak with animals), rage (5 rounds/day) Shaman Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7, Ranged touch +4, Melee touch +5):
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16 Feats Totem Spirit - Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan), Tribal Scars (Night Hunt), Boon Companion Traits devotee of the green, pioneer Skills
Languages Common, Native Arcadian SQ fast movement, speak wth animals, speak wth animals, spirit animal (hawk named Arcane Familiar), storm burst Gear potion of cure light wounds (3), potion of lesser restoration (2), healer's kit, mwk lamellar (leather) armor[UC], +1 spear, arrows (20), mwk handaxe, mwk longbow, sling, sling bullets (10), talisman of arrow protection, lesser[OA], talisman of beneficial winds, greater[OA], talisman of warrior's courage, lesser[OA], belt pouch, calumet[ACG], falconry gauntlet[UE], fetish, tribal, flint and steel, spell component pouch, tobacco (5), waterproof bag[UE], 408 gp, 4 sp
-------------------- Elangomat
His story:
Backstory: Arcadia, the mysterious continent, lies across the Arcadian sea. A place of mystery and wonder; Centuries ago Ulfen settlers called Arcadia their new home, until the natives took offence to their presence and nearly drove them from their home. The native tribes called skraelings by the Ulfen settlers were considered savage and ruthless. But this I can tell you is not entirely true. I am White Eagle, son of Ten Bears, and I am a skraeling. Though I was not born on the land my ancestors once called home My Father and I have held to the teachings passed down to us by my father’s father and his father before him. I am of the Defohy tribe, Nomads always moving with the changing seasons making our home in the plains of Arcadia in places where our horses may graze and the fish are abundant. The Defohy depended on the land for their survival. The earth and rivers provided roots and berries, fish and game. Farming and land ownership were foreign to the Defohy. They believed (and still do today) the earth was not to be disturbed by hoe and plow. The land was their home, not a commodity to be bought or sold. Chief Yellow Wolf, a relative of Chief Ten Bears said, “We were always here. The Great Spirit placed us on this land of ours.”
Not all settlers who came to our home were friend. Bad Ulfen, I have learned were called Cheliax in your tongue, came to take gold from the hills and mountains of Arcadia. They enslaved many skraeling to dig the gold from the earth. My ancestors became scattered and many were sent on ships to Cheliax home. Among them was my grandfather Chief Charlo, whose wife was with child. My father was the first of the skraelings to be born on this new world. My father was strong and it is said that he had the strength of a bear and would do the work of ten men and so was given the name Ten Bears. Ten Bears was a slave like all the skraelings brought over to Cheliax.
Ten Bears lead a small group of Defohy north until we found land to call home in what is called Restov Plains. There. Our people prospered living peacefully on the plains and many new Defohy were born.
For many years my people lived freely on the Rostov plains, trading goods with the settlements in this new land. My brother, Swift Elk, would lead hunting parties and trade furs with other Ulfen hunters and trappers. Soon though Cheliax warriors would try and destroy the peace my people have created. (Note Cheliax is the name given to all human bandits, brigands, or other unsavory types, including warlords). Many disguised as Defohy attacked and scalped local Brevoy villagers. Trust of the local villages and settlements was beginning to deteriorate. Ten Bears journeyed to the Ulfen city of Restov to plead the case of our people. The Mayor agreed to a treaty with Ten Bears. The Defohy people would provide one of their own and explore the place called the Stolen Lands and there the Defohy could go and make a new home. And in return the people of Restov would assist and help protect the Defohy people.
The Defohy have a strong belief in dreams and visions. Young boys and girls went alone to remote places hoping to receive knowledge of a personal guardian spirit. This personal WYAKIN would warn them of danger and give them special powers. In all phases of daily life, the Defohy thought of the spirits of forces and objects around them as supernatural WYAKIN Native Arcadian for spells:
Native Arcadian words:
Good Morning: Ta'c meeywi, manaa wees?
*Note: these words are adapted from: