Cort Darfrain |

I will be traveling and attending a week long conference out of the country from Saturday to the following sunday, if this is a game I play in please bot as needed. If I am the gm then have no fear i am not vanishing. I will try to post once in the morning and once at night

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Phil if you read pages 280 to 283 they seem to indicate that you may use tech use, tech lore, forbidden lore adeptus mechanus, or a few other skills to test that is where I am getting this from.
THE REPAIR TEST Damage & Repair “Everything is fine, nothing is broken!”–Tech-Adept Arturo Dey’towa Just as injuries take time to heal, vehicles take time to repair. A thrown track link or broken ammo feed might take no more than a few hours to replace, whereas a crippled turret or burnt-out interior might see the vehicle languishing in a repair bay for weeks. As players care for their own characters, so too will they need to keep track of how damaged their vehicles are in order to keep them in peak working condition. REPAIRING VEHICLES Unlike living beings vehicles do not heal naturally over time and must be repaired by the players manually. Some repairs are easier than others, some repairs require more time, and sometimes battlefield conditions might make repairs next to impossible. The rules below cover the types of damage a vehicle can suffer from, what Skills are required to repair a vehicle, how difficult the repairs are and how long repairing a vehicle takes. Table 8-30: Repair Location & Conditions Repair Test Difficulty Example To repair any of the different damage types a vehicle can sustain (see Damage Conditions later in this section) the players must take a Repair Test. A Repair Test is a standard Skill Test (see Chapter I: Playing the Game page 30) with the exception that players attempting a Repair Test can use a number of different Skills for the Test rather than one specific Skill (such as Tech-Use). The Repair Test is conducted in this manner to give most players the chance to repair minor damage, yet at the same time more crippling damage requires significant technical skill (such as Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) and Tech-Use). Any character attempting a Repair Tests must have at least one of the following Skills: •Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) •Common Lore (Tech) •Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) Collectively these three Skills are referred to as Essential Repair Skills, and they are the bare minimum required for even the most simple Repair Test. A character need not possess all three Skills in order to attempt a Repair Test, but they must have at least one. Due to their complexity a number of Repair Tests will require additional Skills before they can be attempted and any additional Skill prerequisites will be listed in each individual Damage Condition. A successful Repair Test reverses the Damage Condition or repairs the Structural Integrity or Critical Damage the character attempted to negate
Some Repair Tests will have Skills prerequisites, but the character need not take the Repair Test using that particular Skill. For example, repairing a Critically Damaged vehicle requires the character to possess Tech-Use or Trade (Armourer) as a Trained Skill, but if the character had Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +20 and that Skill would provide a better chance of succeeding the Repair Test, then the character can make the Repair Test using that Skill. This represents the character putting their best foot forward and using their accumulated knowledge in making the most efficient choices during the repairs
Now I could be reading this wrong. But that's why I'm using tech use.

GM Larkin |

After a careful re-reading I believe you can use tech use. I also realize each point of damage you repair should have been taking you 4 hours not 4 hours for 5 points.
I'll allow you to keep your initial rolls but they're now spread out over more time. When you finished your first batch of repairs the vehicle was at 7 HP and it took (you rolled a 21 vs a target of 73 = 6 degrees) 15 hours at which point it's dark.

GM Larkin |

In honesty I'm getting a bit of burnt out with this game. I would really like to at least finish out the scenario but it gets difficult at times.
Every time someone takes a short-cut so I have to do the work for them it really is beginning to draw on me.
I asked everyone kindly at the start to indicate their target and their modifiers on every roll, yet I regularly have to go onto your profiles to figure out degrees of success or failure.
When I tell you a modifier is in play, saying "I don't know what the modifiers are" when all you have to do is look back along the thread means I have to look back along the thread instead.
Not looking at the map and guessing what you can do. Seriously it takes me 2-3hrs to put the initial map together and just short of an hr to update it every time. It only takes you 5 min to look where you are on it, it’s not like you’re under time restrictions.
And guys if you think something is wrong with modifiers or rules I posted, please just let me know in a polite fashion, and I'll deal with it. Ignoring me can be frustrating in the extreme. I purposely put time and effort into writing out the repair rules, so you wouldn’t have to go look them up. Now they were wrong, but they were perfectly functional. As GM I have the right to say these are the rules we’re playing by, but I don’t generally do that. Ignoring what I say and just doing what you think is right is not really a suitable player solution though.
I have to apologise to new Cormaeg (BoggBear) I really thought I could power through this and you'd get a good few months of gaming at least out of this. Hopefully you still will, but I didn't mean to recruit you only to watch me snap.

Cort Darfrain |

i am sorry that this turned negative for you dm. and i apologize that i did not learn the rules faster, i do think i tried to keep all my modifiers correct, but sometimes i know i did not.
thanks for a bit of fun, you are allays invited to one of my pathfinder games if you like

Jermaie Dael |

My deepest apologizes, Larks. I've been a GM more than a few times with a group that's difficult to manage and would rather not read the rules and do the effort if they can help it. It's not pleasant thinking I've been a part of doing the same with you. I've been having a blast this game, as it's probably the longest time a play by post has lasted with me, and the only time I think I've actually enjoyed one. If we do continue, I'll try to do my best to make GMing easier on you.

Garion Valkof |

I also admit to playing a part. Due to posting from my phone alot, rolling dice and putting in all the modifiers takes longer than usual and can be hard to do. Does not help that I just got the rulebook on Christmas...so I also promise to do better and pay more attention to the maps and such! You have my deepest apologies GM...did not mean to be a jerky player.

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. Due to posting from my phone alot, rolling dice and putting in all the modifiers takes longer than usual and can be hard to do. I also promise to do better and pay more attention to the maps and such! You have my deepest apologies GM...did not mean to be a jerky player.
This..... some days phone lets me pull up maps some days it doesn't. Hopefully work will levelout soon . And I won't be working doubles all the time. Which makes it hard to even think about turning on my tower when I get home. Will do better though. Our crew is starting to come together and they have been weeding the people who dont show up for work. Lol.
But working in a brand-new restaurant is fun. Though my bosses are silly and fun.

GM Larkin |

OK guys. It's nice to see is all coming together over this. How about we put it behind us and get to a bit of gaming!
And I'm going to try and not add to the problem either.
And also hope it's not my "40K Curse" kicking in.
This is the 10th 40K group I'be joined on these forums, and none have lasted very long sadly.
OMG there's a cursed player playing the cursed character!!!

Jermaie Dael |

Oh, and Cormaeg. Sorry if I maybe sounded insulting to your character. Jermaie's a loyal fellow and would never say anything purposelessly mean to a comrade. It's more of a friendly banter kind of thing. I've had an instance previously where I insulted another player's character in-character and not as a personal insult and the other player tried to kill my eidolon. Just trying to make sure nobody butchers my comrade anytime soon. XD It's all just fun banter. I'll never take it farther than that.

Cormaeg MacCammon. |

Well, it IS the only one I've played, but it sounds like you got exactly what I meant there Eirik.
As for you Jermaie, I figured as much, hence the "friendly rude gesture" thingy.
I was sort of expecting there to be a bit of rough and tumble type camaraderie going on since we're soldiers and all.

Wikvaya Shoodii |

I'll hold off on poisoning the meal for now. Eirik, any ideas on what to do to make sure everyone eats the poisoned food first?
Also upgrading my medikit to advanced medi-kit.
I'll take the 5 doses of de-tox, 3 doses of tranq, 25 doses of stimm, and 3 packs of Nutrient ration bars.
Also, can someone pick up all 14 vials of Sacred Unguent? We can spread it out. I also recommend getting some of those ration bars if we get into a situation where starvation is a factor.
There's also coffee and cigarettes but that'll just weigh me down, unfortunately, even if they have good trading value.
I'm hoping 25 doses of stimm isn't heavy enough to make encumbrance a factor, but if it is, I'll attempt to take as many as I can without weighing myself down.

Wikvaya Shoodii |

We've been close to death a bunch of times already!
And just clarifying some things: did sleeping remove the fatigue on me? It should only take an hour of rest and I haven't updated it since the previous day since I wasn't told to. Probably should have brought it up sooner, sorry. That reminds me, have to refresh my fate points.
Also, can I have a clarification on the Infused Knowledge talent, whether or not I should add the -20 untrained penalty? Your last ruling was that I could make all common/scholastic lore tests (them being specialist skills, ordinarily unable to be used unless trained) as the benefit to the talent but at the normal -20 untrained penalty.
However, checking over my rulebook, Infused Knowledge says:
'The character counts as having all Common Lore and Scholastic Lore Skills at Rank 1 (Known)'
And the benefit of having a skill at that rank is:
'Use the Skill without the –20 penalty for being untrained'.
It could be that I have an old version that has been errata'd, but I'll accept your ruling whatever it is. Just want to clarify it now for future tests.

GM Larkin |

Fair point I have 1 point. Of course with a toughness of 30, - 10, and minus whatever two levels of fatigue give you...
To the best of my memory fatigue affects skills but not attribute tests, so you can use your fate point to survive the poison.
Even if you didn't survive, you can burn a fate point (even if you have used it) to survive something that would otherwise kill you. It still means that you'd be out of the encounter, and probibly majorly crippled, but you'd still survive.
Fatigue doesn't affect iniative tests.
You take a -10 for each level of fatigue to all skill tests.