The Heghland 1st - Only War (Inactive)

Game Master PhilOfCalth

A group of feudal warriors brought together from every corner of a world almost completely untouched by the Imperium, hastily trained and recruited by the Imperial Guard.
Can they survive when faced with the horrors of the universe?

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Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Okay the Emperor is the giant mishmash of the souls of all the shamans of the human race. They all reincarnated but the warp creatures were picking them off one by one once they died. So they got together did a huge rite thing and killed themselves giving all their knowledge and power to form one perfect entity so strong the demons of the warp couldn't eat his sould before he died. This was the Emperor. He can still reincarnate just like the shamans but he shouldn't be abke to be eaten by warp creatures as he is likely the stronger than anything including the chaos gods. (Which funnily the eldar think he might become a new one should he die. And the necrons want him to stay in stasis too..) In idk like third ed it was the primarchs choice to put him in the throne not his own. (The last time I really really played and paid attention to lore was shortly after the Tau showed up) Some of this crap has changed since then but according to the original lore he should have never been put in the throne. But no one knew he would come back as he never told anyone or didn't know himself. So his servants and children did their best to preserve him out of fear.
Some of this sadly isn't compatible with current lore which sucks. As it added strongly to the grimdarkness of the setting.

On the origin of Tau Ethereals I think that the originals either came from the future somehow or were effectively Tau psykers but not. When they first came out it was also possible for someone who wasn't an Ethereal to become one by taking some kinda weird psi/soul test. Infact in the old lore that vanished when the vespid got mind control helmets a non Tau managed it once. But when they first showed up a Ethereal could walk up to a firewarrior and say die and his heart would just stop. So so much more badass.

We can't have noticed a trend you only gave us xp the once lol. Well that I saw have I shorted myself xp?

Male Irish

I gave you xp after the camp and after the bear encounter. But you're right this isn't enough to show a trend. Anyway there's more coming.

Do you have a link to all this lore?

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

No most of it was in the old books they didn't do pdfs and such back then really. This is back around 2002 that this stuff was out. No idea how to find it now and I don't have the books anymore. GW has sorta abandoned those lines anymore. I saw the thing in the wiki they have now talking about the Emperor might become a god if he dies seems to have replaced that. The lore changes from edition to edition which is really annoying and one reason I stopped playing. Really awesome chapters with niffty abilites have vanished for no real reason other than oops this time around they don't exist.

Then lets not get into various nerfs of this or that Tau weapon ranges have shrunk. Ork dmg has dropped. Nids get more expensive to put out. Space Marines well depends on what they do get buffed nerfed rebuffed its crazy.

Wait we got xp after the bears too dam I did miss xp lol. Need to go find that lol.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Go to, best site I have founs for all updated lore.

Male Irish

I do have all the old rulebooks, any idea which edition?

I have heard of different sects of inquisitors with wild theories on how to revive the Imperium, only some of which include direct interaction with the emperor. is unofficial but generally has more info. I'll have a scan, but I have read most of the general stuff on there before. However, I'm not infallible... In fact I am very fallible!


@Cort - You didn't take ratling because it wasn't an option. I didn't think it would really fit with the regiment. If this campaign comes to a natural end I might run a sandbox style one with all the options and more. In the meantime if you can aquire Hammer of the emperor you can change your speciality at certain points, there is the option in there of sharpshooter. Also, next time you have a chance to requisition gear you want to look into weapons with the acurate quality.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

This was never really stated in universe just at one point he would reincarnate if he died which no one in the imperium knew. Its one of those ironic things we can see as players because we have access to things people in world never will. But I wanna say 3e or so. Which ever one the Tau first pop up in.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

I bought hammer its pretty neat.


It has some of what you say in it. I'll dig out my 2nd and 3rd ed books when I next can (prob over the weekend)

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Man...all this 40k lore talk makes me wish so.badly I xould get a home game going of Deathwatch or Warhammer 40k love me some Space Marines.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Like I said the lore has changed bit by bit over the years. To me it always seemed a cruel joke that the way to save humanity was to unplug the emperor. It was never explicitly stated but if you put the bits together like the reincarnation thing and the fact that the warp monsters can't eat him which is why he was created in prehistory it becomes clear and kinda funny. No one in the world could imagine doing it but it seems the best course.

Male Irish

@Garion -

We seem to have lost our psyker. I don't know if the DM will let you take over but you can always try.

Male Irish

Several things on unplugging him.

1 - He took a year to reencarnate the last time. The imperium would be in it deep without him/the astronomican for a year.
2 - By what I read on the wiki he couldn't be eaten when he was created, but now the dark gods are much more powerful...

Really the 40k universe has no absolute solutions... Grimdark, grimdark, grimdark mwahahaha

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Dont forget it took hundreds of yeara for him to fully realize what he was and his powers.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

True but that was his first incarnation when he had never been what he was before who is to say he wont get it togther faster this time. Also it is said he is the strongest Psyker in the universe so maybe maybe not. My point was he should have been allowed to die never hooked into the Throne. If he had told the Custodes what would happen they coukd have hunted him up and educated him on what he was. A year the imperium would have been fine. This 10000 years with no real leader..... Also the Primarchs that vanished might have stayed around if they knew he would be back.

Its sad that we will never see what would happen if he died resolved.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Yea but it was his wish to be out in the Golden Throne. He instructed Rogal Dorn in how to modify it to keep him alive.

Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard

Ah accurate quality check

Also I think Cort dealt with the prisoner. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Yeah see in the older book he was unconscious he never told them to put him in there. It was Dorn, the custodes, and some tech priests idea. That bit might have been changed to remove the why the hell didn't they just let him die factor I have lol. Or perhaps just to make the story fit better.

Male Irish

Wow I seem to have missed a huge amount of IC posts... wierd

Male Irish

Give yourselfs 500xp between RP, the encounter and 75% of your Tertiary Mission.

When you're done RPing, I'll roll up the next scenario.

How are my players? No-one is actually angry with anyone else right, it's all gameplay right?

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Oh its all gravy baby. Lol. And woot xp now I can buy tech+10 I think maybe..... damit lemme check 600xp to spend.

Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard

o yea. I am perfectly happy. Only iritation is constantly messing up the game mechanics

Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard

FML I HAD deadeye shot!

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Im happy now that I redid that conversation after getting my info wrong. Now that were all on the same page, good to go! Now I dont look quite as stupid heh.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Well I'm still waiting on you lol. And I don't blame you it sucks to think one thing then be told oh your character wouldn't have done or said blah blah because he knew this /groan lol.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Oh sorry I didnt realize you were waiting on me.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Yep the third post up I think lol.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Luckily, I would not know if this is can normally do. Hell, it may actually be something allowes. I know in some of the novels sabotage and trapz have been used. And if Cain can be declared a Hero of the Imperium after having a tech priest jury rig an ork vehicle, surely we can blow something up.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Works for me lol. Considering I was gonna do it anyway whiwhile you were on watch and just not tell you if you said no lol. And with the poison better to ask forgiveness lol.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Might I recommend a few more of us buy awareness.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Away from computer, ill look into awareness tonight.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Okay I'm buying tech +20 and awareness. I would rather save for a talent but I figure the xp is better spent in awareness.

@phil how would I go about getting the imperium to give me base mech implants?

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Perecption and fieldcraft I have both so its a cheap buy for me. But I did eat 300xp cost for medicate and gave up gear for our second medkit. So work with me here someone else lol.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

If you have the books handy, can you take a look and see what Awareness, Ballistic Skill, and Weapon Skill would cost me? I cant check until 8 or so Eastern time, so about 6 more hours.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

200xp 100xp 100xp lucky dog. I want weapon advances and it costs me three arms and two legs.

Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard

i took sharpshooter for 300 (called shots now have no minus for me...headshots away!)

i have 350 left over...still deciding

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Really, that cheap? I could have swore ballistic skill would cost me more.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

You have finsee and bs on your sheet as aptitudes hang one let me double check.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

I hope I didnt overcharge myself on my other skills...

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Nope you were right hand on let me look it up again lol.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

I have agility, fellowship, finesse, leadership, perception, weapon skill, willpower, offense.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

250 sorry. Bastard I have no matching combat aptitudes lol. If I can get my impants I will stay in op for a bit longer if not I swtching to commander or sergeant lol.

Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg

Lol yea im geares towards MELEE so it works out well.

Dark Archive

Yeah I'm a driver.... and baby tech priest. I want lumen implants and the ferric lure lol. The rest I can live without. Gonna get up to r4 tech first though so I can buy the talent that gives an extra +10 to the roll.

Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard

I took Marksmen and Sharpshooter

no penaties for called shots or extreme long range

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Nice. But you or jer should grab awareness if you can so atleast on person on each watch has it. Or if enough do we can rearrange the watches.

Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard

rearrange the watch.

Cort simply is too into his brooding to be aware. He can work on it, but i thgouht it would be a bit too meta for him to suddenly be able to focus

Male Medic [Damage/Wounds 1/13 | Fate 1/1 | Insanity 1 | Initiative +3]

I'll taaaaaake Infused Knowledge (400 xp) and Logic (100 xp)! This should help us with knowing what to do.

Liberty's Edge

Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1

Nice wikvaya. Also I have medicate but not trade chem I might be able to help you a bit with the crafting idk that's up to phil.

Male Irish
Eirik Baldur wrote:

Okay I'm buying tech +20 and awareness. I would rather save for a talent but I figure the xp is better spent in awareness.

@phil how would I go about getting the imperium to give me base mech implants?

I'll put some thought into it. I guess you'll have to put some RP into spending time with the regiment's tech-priests

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