The Heghland 1st - Only War
Game Master
A group of feudal warriors brought together from every corner of a world almost completely untouched by the Imperium, hastily trained and recruited by the Imperial Guard.
Can they survive when faced with the horrors of the universe?
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
the show I am producing is ramping up to opening in two weeks so I am much less available than usual and the stress level is through the roof. I am around but if I get snippy I apologize now. I will try not to
Cormeg McCammon wrote: Alright boss, three questions. Is that trooper really that close to me?! Also how the hell did they get to the other side of the map so damn fast? Finally what are the grey squares? I wanted to find a video of The Human Bullet from The Tick but I couldn't find anything... Sad face!
I'm going to France tomorrow, for the weekend and I won't have access to the internets, so my last post will be tomorrow morning and I will start back Monday. Sorry for the break guys.
Male Weapon Specialist; Wounds: 1/12
No problem, Larks. Have fun with the frenchies.
Male Heavy Gunner
I was talking about the gray squares over my character portrait on the map.
Male Irish
That's screen capture capturing something that I didn't want it to! Sorry! Ignore the grey squares!
Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1
Hey I'm not sweating it you have put up with my near vanishing this week cause of super heavy work.
Cormeg McCammon wrote: My bad I though we started a new turn. I'm guessing you will just use this as my turn for this round? Sounds like a solid solution
Male Weapon Specialist; Wounds: 1/12
GM, do you think it'd be possible for me to throw a krak grenade at the moving vehicle or would that be too much?
That's what Krak grenades are made for, but you can't see the moving vehicle at the moment. Didn't you want to capture the vehilce anyway?
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
his has been a disaster hasn't it?
Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg
Could be worse...we have not haf any deaths yet and dont forget the locals who will stop the guys from running...argh...the most positive guy in the group is now the most heavily injured.
Male Weapon Specialist; Wounds: 1/12
Thanks Garion. Hrm, with that bonus I think it'd be wise to delay my action until the end of the enemy's turn. Then I'll probably be able to see the truck and take some shots into it.
I'd think it'd make sense. I'd hear the truck coming, know the bastards on the ridge are a lost cause, really and that the truck is the priority.
Hell, if we want, we may try and hunt them down after this fight anyway to make sure nobody can go tell the tale.
Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1
I think our catchers will scoop the few survivors. But we need that halftrack.
What you really need is to find out where General Haravax Scarus is located. Where's his base? Etc...
Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1
I hope to be able to get that from any computer on the halftrack lol.
That may be a high hope... Do you want to give me a tech-use test at +0 or a common-lore Imperial guard at -10
Male Heavy Gunner
Ya know fellas I have one in hand to hand with me now... We could try and take him as prisoner. Food for thought. One small problem with that though is Cormeg is frenzied.
Male Medic [Damage/Wounds 1/13 | Fate 1/1 | Insanity 1 | Initiative +3]
*wields multiple syringes filled with various liquids*
Get me close enough and that'll be no problem! On the other hand, as long as you don't hurt him too badly, we can salvage what is left.
Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1
Tech. 1d100 ⇒ 79 sadly I fail lol. Also I was thinking they might have dataslates or something with maps.
Male Heavy Gunner
Alright GM not sure if this is possible, but I want to break the frenzy since there really aren't any other viable targets in melee. Is that possible? If it is can I send Carlo to look for something to bind this guy with while I guard him?
Give me a perception test. If you succeed you can still see the man that broke and ran to the east. Otherwise you can atempt to break the frenzy as if the encounter is over, as you cannot see any targets.
Yes if you come down you can do logical things like guarding Carlo while your comrade searches for something to bind him with (someone should have shackles)
When I give out XP next I'll be refreshing Fate Points. So if you want to use them (eg for healing) now's the time.
You can't use them to get rid of critical damage, so Garion may want to use his after Wikvaya tries to heal him (at a -40).
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
great, then I will use them to heal…once I look up how to do that lol!
I will have a chance to read up on it this evening
Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg
If you dont mind, once you figure that out, can to post how to do it? Im still waiting on my actual book so I would not mind knowing either heh...especially given how wounded I am!
Larkin, luckily I should get a copy of Only War for Christmas, so no more annoying questions from the cheap bastard that doesn't have a book after that...
It's d5 hp per FP. It's best have Wikivaya look at you first.
You can also use a FP to cancel all your fatigue.
@Garion - Didn't you use your only FP to try to avoid going on fire in the first place?
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
2d5 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8 court is fully healed
Does everyone have their ammo sorted?
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg
Yes so I would have to wait until you refreshed it.
Male Weapon Specialist; Wounds: 1/12
Alrighty. I took just a little damage.
1d5 ⇒ 4 And now Jermaie's back to full health.
I'll just pop out the my clip and keep it around in case we get in trouble. It's only good for one more full auto burst. (4 rounds)
Garion Valkof wrote: Yes so I would have to wait until you refreshed it. It can't be used to get rid of critical, and you're in critical. You can use it on your fatigue though
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
looking forward to becoming a Marksman. And eventually getting a sniper rifle
Experience and FP renewal will be after any prisoner interogation and vehicle repair.
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
I gotta say I was skeptical if I was going to enjoy this system, and though I have struggled to grasp it…often this has been good fun. Thanks for running in GM
Male Male human Operator/Medic Wounds 11 Fate 1
I can help wik with that heal check
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
Hey guys. I am getting on a plane at 7:15pmCalifornia time and will be flying to the other side of the world. I will update from the airport in CA, then again on my long layover from the airport in London. I will then post a couple times away from the Middle East, but of course I will be on a weird time zone. So If I am a player in your game then please bot as necessary. If I am your GM, my apologies for any slow down that we have for the coming few weeks. However since there is a holiday coming I suspect there will be a slow down in any event.
Male Irish
Hey no worries. Thanks for the heads up
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
ugh that should say a day not away.
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
i am on another cross world flight in about 8 hours so i will be mia for a bit
Male Irish
No worries. Thanks for keeping me informed
So it's holiday time. I'll try to keep posting but I may miss some days. I'll try not to leave anyone behind if they miss a few days or even the next whole week and a bit.
Merry Christmas!
Male Weapon Specialist; Wounds: 1/12
Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg
Merry Christmas everyone!
Also, I finally got a copy of the Only War core book. Yay!
Male Human Commissar-Wounds 13/13-Fatigue//Healing Leg
Not to sound needy...but can anyone tell me what our total exp should be, including spent exp? Now that I have a book im trying to get Garion's exp sorted.
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
Male Weapon Specialist; Wounds: 1/12
Looking at everyone's profiles, it seems every one of us have a different value for that question.
Bookstore Proprietor Librarian Bard
I'm pretty confident in my total, unless we have been awarded out xp for this last fight
You have not got xp out of the last fight yet. I'm waiting until you finish conversing with the prisoners. I don't want to give you XP to use at the task in hand.
I'll go back and add up xp tomorrow if I have some time.
1850xp is the right value. I gave Cormeg the wrong value when he started, we can correct it with this one.