About Wikvaya ShoodiiA shaman who has lived through many wars and the death of all he knows and now seeks only a fitting death for himself. Stats:
Wikvaya Shoodii Specialty: Medic Regiment: Heghland 1st Guerrilla Handedness: Right-handed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTERISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Characteristic - 2d10 Roll - Total - Characteristic Bonus Weapon Skill - 6 (+20) - 26 - 2 Ballistic Skill - 8 (+20) - 28 - 2 Strength - 7 (+20+3) - 30 - 3 Toughness - 7 (+20+3) - 30 - 3 Agility - 13 (+20) - 33 - 3 Intelligence - 20 (+20+5+5+10) - 60 - 6 Perception - 20 (+20+3+5) - 48 - 4 Willpower - 13 (+20) - 33 - 3 Fellowship - 6 (+20-3) - 23 - 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WOUNDS |_ Total - 13 |_ Current - 0 |_ Fatigue - 0 |_ Critical Damage - 0 INSANITY
Experience Spent - 2850
------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPONS AND MUNITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blowgun [10M S/-/-, 1d5+2 I, Pen 0, Toxic(0)] Boltgun (Poor Quality) with Melee Attachment [100M S/3/-, 1d10+5, Pen 4, Tearing] Knife [5M, 1d5 R, Pen 0] Darts x20
Blind Grenades x2 [SBx3 S/-/-, 2d10 E, Pen 0, Smoke(3)]
Note: Favored Weapons are Poor Quality Storm Bolter, Autocannon
Name: Solar Demeanor: Incompetent Description: Solar joined the Guard in hopes of escaping the standard imperial citizen life: poor, uneducated, defenseless, and living in fear. Unfortunately, his life hasn't changed even when he was (somehow) accepted into the Guard and his general incompetence has thrown him into the ranks of the Heghland 1st, probably to die. Solar tries to do the best he can, trying to keep on hoping that his luck will someday change. It's unlikely. Regiment Rules:
Suspicious of Machine Spirits: -10 to Lore (Tech), Medicate and Tech Use Tests, unless trained in that skill. Infiltrators:When 2 or more Character from this Regiment are called upon to make a stealth test, 1 character may attempt it at -10. If he succeeds all other characters may use his agility score instead of their own. The Characters must be within 10 meters of eachother. Survivalist: May re-roll failed Survival and Navigate surface tests when in a jungle environment Condemed: -20 Fellowship wien dealing with members of Imperial Guard Regiments other than those rased from Heghland or the 12th Catachan Jungle Fighters. The Few: When the squad requests reinforcements (to replace fallen comrades) it must make a Hard (-20) Logistics test if most of the regiment is actively deployed or an Ordinary (+10) Logistics Test otherwise. Failure by 1 degree will mean they receive reinforcements from the 12th Catachan regiment (who do not speak Heghland). Failure by 2 degrees will mean they will receive reinforcements from a Mordian Iron guard Regiment (who don't speak Heghland and give the player a -5 to stealth tests when in cohesion). Failure by 3 or more degrees will mean they receive no reinforcements this time. Character Description:
Character History:
Campaign Notes Wikvaya - Hopi for 'one who brings'
Base Medicae