The Glass River Rescue Table 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Baerlie

Gray Revelation Inn

Grand Lodge


I'd like to run "The Glass River Rescue". If you are interested, please post here :)


Liberty's Edge

Hi, would really love to join! Level 1 barbarian. :)

Grand Lodge

Count me in. I just had weird dream about me being a goblin.
I think I can deal any danger after that :)

What is expected post rate (1/day)?

Grand Lodge

Post rate at least 1/day to keep it running. I most probably will post several times a day.

Grand Lodge

I'm here from 9 to 5 every Mon-Fri (GMT +3). I'm usually posting pretty often (espessially, if roleplay involved) and not delaying everyone.
I have sporadic access to Web during weekends, but I still can keep 1post/day tempo.

I've been wanting to try a PbP. I have a warpriest I'd like to start getting some PFS credit for.

Silver Crusade

I've been dying to start PFS and I can't go to any public games. Level 1 Pali ready to go.

The Exchange

Hi, I'd be interested in joining with this character. He is a level 1 oracle of nature with a wolf animal companion named Remue.

Grand Lodge

Hi, I'd like to join with this character if there is still room.

By the way, I play Belka in another of your game

Here's the warpriest I'd like to play. I still need to finish the details.

Grand Lodge

I'll join as a 1st level sorcerer.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the applications so far. I will wait for some more interest posts to make two legal tables.

I would be interested in playing as a 1st level Bard.

Scarab Sages

I would be interested this PC is a 1/1 Witch/Alchemist!

Liberty's Edge

If you open up a second table I'd like to join on this guy. Tanky sword and board working towards Thunder and Fang at level 2.

Grand Lodge

So far the following players applied:

Table 1
Evenstar / Barbarian 1
Sothy Samnang / Alchemist 1
Therbin Werrak / Warpriest 1
Nadral / Paladin 1
Billin / Oracle 1
Table 2
Dorgrin Ironbeard / Fighter 1
thzero / Sorcerer 1
Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin / Bard 1
Kyroden Hawkstorm / Witch 1 Alchemist 1
Ragnar Jorinson / Fighter 1

Which means two tables of 5 players each. I'm goint to create the gameplay threads for both tables later this day.

Sovereign Court

Hey Baerlie, I've played in a few of your games previously. I could bring a lvl 2 cleric or druid to either game if you've space?

Grand Lodge

Sure, there are two spots left. Is table 1 ok?

Sovereign Court

Yeah, either is fine. Would you rather the cleric (merciful healer) or druid (treesinger) to round the party out?

Grand Lodge

I would prefer the druid, but it's up to you :)

I have a level 1 rogue that I just made the other day. I only just signed up for PFS so this would be my first experience with it. No one in my area plays.

Grand Lodge

Both tables are full, no more applications will be accepted!

Table 1
Evenstar / Barbarian 1
Sothy Samnang / Alchemist 1
Therbin Werrak / Warpriest 1
Nadral / Paladin 1
Billin / Oracle 1
Stemboy / Cleric 2 or Druid
Table 2
Dorgrin Ironbeard / Fighter 1
thzero / Sorcerer 1
Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin / Bard 1
Kyroden Hawkstorm / Witch 1 Alchemist 1
Ragnar Jorinson / Fighter 1
Dementia Walker / Rogue 1


Grand Lodge

Druid it is, I quickly need to buy a few things for him then he's good to good.

Edit- I also need to level him up online, just noticed he's still Level 1 on his profile on here.


Grand Lodge

Hey what happened to AGamer70?

Grand Lodge

thzero wrote:
Hey what happened to AGamer70?

Therbin Werrak is AGamer70's character.

This is Lufien's bard. Looking forward to it!

GM Baerlie wrote:
thzero wrote:
Hey what happened to AGamer70?
Therbin Werrak is AGamer70's character.

If it's not too much trouble, could you put Therbin and thzero's sorceror on the same table. We game together in RL. Thanks.

Grand Lodge

I'll swap with the sorceror into the second group if you like Baerlie?

Also, you guys that are making your characters as Alias's need to make that as Pathfinder Society characters (hence having the name in green).

Sovereign Court

Oops! Fixed!

Grand Lodge

Swapping PCs:

Table 1
Evenstar / Barbarian 1
Sothy Samnang / Alchemist 1
Therbin Werrak / Warpriest 1
Nadral / Paladin 1
Billin / Oracle 1
thzero / Sorcerer 1
Table 2
Dorgrin Ironbeard / Fighter 1
Lufien "Silvertongue" Loamin / Bard 1
Kyroden Hawkstorm / Witch 1 Alchemist 1
Ragnar Jorinson / Fighter 1
Dementia Walker / Rogue 1
Maeron Calaerdaer / Druid 2

I think this should be correct now :)

And Maeron Calaerdaer mentioned it already, please make legal PFS characters (name in green), put the stats in your character's profile and a short summary into the classes/levels field (example). It's faster and easier for the GM to Access important Information.


Here is my rogue (Dementia Walker), please give me any constructive criticism that you may have.

Grand Lodge

Icarus, are you aware the Heirloom Weapon only gives you proficiency with that specific single kukri. So if you buy a masterwork or magical kukri at a later date, you won't be proficient in using them.


Maeron Calaerdaer wrote:
Icarus, are you aware the Heirloom Weapon only gives you proficiency with that specific single kukri. So if you buy a masterwork or magical kukri at a later date, you won't be proficient in using them.

I was not, I assumed when it said that specific weapon that it meant daggers or longswords etc. not that crappy non masterwork weapon that you got. Thanks Ill see what I can change.

Grand Lodge

Hey, I reviewed my equipment and ready for new adventure.
Probably, I will tell you about myself more, when I'll be not as tired as now.


I think I have changed everything necessary for my new character idea. It should potentially be fun. Again, constructive criticism is appreciated.

Edit: Holding off on buying adventuring gear until I know more about the campaign.

Grand Lodge

What do you mean by knowing more about the campaign? PFS is typically one shot adventures on behalf of the Pathfinder Society. Each scenario can have different themes, locations and tactics. Some take place in the frigid north of Irrisen, some in the deserts of Osiria and some on the busy streets of Absalom. Some adventures are dungeon crawls, some are straight up combats and an increasing amount are social encounters and investigations. There's no 'campaign' theme outside of the story arcs that weave through various different scenarios, due to the likelyhood that you may never play with the same GM or group of players twice (granted Baerlie has GM'ed for me twice before.)

I would suggest equipping yourself in such a way that you're prepared for the most common occurences. If you can, get your hands on the Pathfinder Society Primer and the Pathfinder Society Field Guide (at the very least, read the free Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play). You'll find them a great help and they'll ensure you prepare as well as you can for what's to come in your future adventures.

Hope that helps.

Grand Lodge

Table 1 Gameplay Thread

Table 2 Gameplay Thread

You can buy some additional equipment in the city after you got your mission. Like Maeron said, PFS is a row of single adventures not an entire campaign. When playing a PFS game in RL it takes about four to five hours to complete the game. You are usually allowed to buy additional equipment after you got your mission, before you leave. Which equipment is availabe depends on the size of the city you are in.


Maeron Calaerdaer wrote:

What do you mean by knowing more about the campaign? PFS is typically one shot adventures on behalf of the Pathfinder Society. Each scenario can have different themes, locations and tactics. Some take place in the frigid north of Irrisen, some in the deserts of Osiria and some on the busy streets of Absalom. Some adventures are dungeon crawls, some are straight up combats and an increasing amount are social encounters and investigations. There's no 'campaign' theme outside of the story arcs that weave through various different scenarios, due to the likelyhood that you may never play with the same GM or group of players twice (granted Baerlie has GM'ed for me twice before.)

I would suggest equipping yourself in such a way that you're prepared for the most common occurences. If you can, get your hands on the Pathfinder Society Primer and the Pathfinder Society Field Guide (at the very least, read the free Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play). You'll find them a great help and they'll ensure you prepare as well as you can for what's to come in your future adventures.

Hope that helps.

I have both the suggested reading books, I meant I didn't want to purchase a bunch of stuff for a desert if we were going to be in the north and have to lug it around all campaign. I now know what I need from reading the mission intro.

Grand Lodge

Ah sorry Icarus, my misunderstanding. I just carry everything I need.


Maeron Calaerdaer wrote:
Ah sorry Icarus, my misunderstanding. I just carry everything I need.

My strength is pretty low so I cannot carry everything, someday when I have a handy haversack.

Dark Archive

Still finishing up my character. Will work on details and format. Have him registered now.

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