GM Rednal |
"That wasn't a request." the guard said flatly. "If there's any information he can give us, he'll give it much better from a hospital room after treatment. Or I could just toss you in a cell and hear you out there, hmm?" He... didn't seem like he had a lot of patience for anyone who wasn't willing to listen. On the other hand, protecting peace and order within Absalom was quite literally his job description...

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I understand. I though you would hold a matter of the emperor's personal guard higher. I will let him deal with the politics of this. May I have your name sir so that I may to Sir Skelg who has the man that tried to kill him. I'm sure he and his brothers of the longaxes will be interested on how this was handled."
Hadran offers the body to the men.
"Of course we can all save ourselves the trouble and go see Sir Skelg now and you may even get an accomidation for your help offered in this. Unless you have other reasons for wanting this man."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 wondering if these men were paid off or somehow conspiring with Bengirr
Hadran pull the body back for a moment as he considers the words spoken by the guards.

Grond, the Beast Lord |

technically, I think the GM is supposed to secretly roll our sense motive checks every time someone tries to deceive/mislead/whatever us... but (just in case), Grond will also (always) be trying to determine if people are on the up and up...
sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Grond watches with great interest as Hadran and the guard captain dance around the tension of potential impending combat. He savors the heightening of his senses and the increased awareness of each little movement and positioning of this new body as it prepares itself for the possibility of another life or death encounter...

Hadran, The Fallen |

Probably, but I going with I trusted these guys until they keep making it a point not to trust us and throwing around the names of knights in the emperor's guard seems not to sway them so I thought something may be up.

GM Rednal |
"If Sir Skelg has a complaint, he's welcome to file it with the city." the Guard-Captain explained, clearly trying to be patient. "Yorth, Dereks, take the injured to the closest Temple of Sarenrae and ask them to patch him up. Do not allow him to leave until we've had a chance to talk with him about the rest of this cluster****."
One of the remaining men unpacked what looked like a medical stretcher and rolled it out - at a nod from their leader, he and one other took Bengeirr's body and moved off at a rapid pace. As far as you can tell, the guard hasn't lied to you or tried to mislead you. He's simply not amused - at all - whenever someone tries to play games with him or otherwise prevent him from fulfilling his duty to uphold the laws of the city. Speaking of...
"As for you, if you try to bribe me with anything ever again, then by Abadar I will arrest you on the spot." He jabbed one finger out at the two of you, apparently angry over anything that even hinted of corruption... like claims one could get him a commendation for his work. "I don't care how wealthy you are, I don't care how important you are, and I don't care how important your friends are. This city follows the rule of law. Now, let's go see Sir Skelg and see what he has to say, hmm?" He gestured for you to lead the way.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"As you wish, follow us please."
Hadran nods to Grond and starts heading back to Sir Skelg's place

Grond, the Beast Lord |

Grond follows along, contemplating how different this time and place is, and how much easier things are when survival and victory are prized more highly than rules and deception.

GM Rednal |
The three officers follow you to Sir Skelg's place, where one of them quietly takes notes on the scene... including the prior violence within the area. Tyros jumped up from his seat as you returned to the bedroom, though, looking rather alarmed at the presence of officers of the law.
"If they broke the law, we didn't condone it!" he said instantly, noting the way the men winced slightly at the heat of the room. "What happened?" Skelg himself just groaned slightly, not seeming at all interested in talking as the cold continued to bite at him.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"We broke no laws that I know of. We told the man outside we had busines with Bengeirr. Once in the warehouse we saw all the stolen goods from Sir Skelg's estate. Bengeirr ordered his men to attack. I have healed my wounds but Grond here still has a slash from one of their axes. We subdued every man including Bengeirr and only he and one of his men were scatched at all. I will even offer my services to heal them if that makes any change to the matter. Tyros here will explain as we help Sir Skelg. Forgive me officer but if we do not act now he may die. Tros we are going down to the tapestry when we finish Sir Skelg should be fine. Come Grond let us make haste."
unless stopped we head to the tapestry.

Grond, the Beast Lord |

Grond follows him without looking at or speaking to the watchmen.

GM Rednal |
"Riiiiiiight." the guard captain said. "And it didn't occur to you, if you'd managed to track down stolen goods, that about you could have simply called for the guard yourself, offered proof, and allowed us to investigate? Or that leaving the scene of the event - instead of sending someone else to fetch us - could easily be construed as fleeing the scene of a crime? That others may or may not have broken the law is no excuse for making yourselves look guilty. All right, let's go see this... tapestry."
He gestured for the men to follow him, and all three of them followed you two to the tapestry hanging deeper within the building.
Incidentally, if you were wondering, getting in trouble with the law is a potential part of this scenario. Fortunately, you have avoided the worst results of that. So far, at least. XD

Hadran, The Fallen |

On the way to the tapestry
"You misunderstand, We were not investigating stollen goods. We went to attempt a trade to save Sir Skelg. The goods were not found until we entered whereupon Bengeirr had his men attack us unprovoked. We defended ourselves and didn't kill or mortally hurt any one of them. I can't say the same for their actions. Sir Skelgs matter has been investigated by other and seemed a lost cause. We had no intention on fleeing the scene. We walke out with Bengeirr bound. No man that breaks the law would be so bold. We are in the right here. What would we be guilty of? We took none of their belongings, and killed no one. We simply defended ourselves. It is not up to to investigate and prove this to be true. All the goods are there and Tyros can tell you what is missing that should be plent to prove these men were thieves. What more could you wish."

GM Rednal |
"Save your explanations. There will be plenty of time for that later." the guard said curtly as you made your way down to the tapestry in question. "So, this is the so-called magic tapestry, eh?" he inquired, sounding like he was still a bit skeptical about it. Given his line of work - and Absalom's position as a city of trade - perhaps that wasn't much of a surprise...

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I don't know what we will find here. You and your ment should stay as I can not guarantee your protection."
With that said Hadran activates the the lantern on the tapestry trying ot open a portal to the attuned ship.
"Tyros I will return as fast as I can. This should take me to the ship where I can open a portal that should end the magic on Sir Skelg. Bid me luck my friend."
Hadran steps into the tapestry.

GM Rednal |
As you step through the portal, you find yourself in a strange ice-cave. Sunlight filters through the walls and ceiling, and three braziers give some warmth to this otherwise chilly space. Directly ahead of you, a tunnel leads through the ice, sloping steeply downward. Behind you, a shimmering portal hangs on what appears to be a main mast embedded in the ice. Following the mast downward, you can barely make out the blurry outline of a ship’s deck below.
New map up top.

Hadran, The Fallen |

First things first lets open the portal to save Sir Skelg.
Hadran uses the lantern to open the ship portal closing all other portals.
Looks like I'm not going back to Absalom now.
After opening it and the portal behind him disappearing he closes the ship portal as well.
Better gear up now. Its cold here.
He then puts on his cold weather gear and starts to look around.
How did this ship get trapped here. I wonder where here is?
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

GM Rednal |
Moving a liiiiiittle bit fast there, Hadran. You can't open the big portal from where you're currently at.
The sloped tunnel is slippery, but after a long curve it suddenly opens into another cave at the rear deck of a ship. More braziers keep the worst of the cold at bay, but a wall of solid ice blocks access to the foredeck. A large drum stands on the deck, and behind it is a trapdoor leading into the hold.

Hadran, The Fallen |

What it's not that easy for shame. XD So do I know where and how I need to be to open the large portal?
A drum, this ship mush have been equiped to row as well. Drum would help keep pace. There must be someone here to keep the braziers going. I should call out for Tirfyr, but I don't want to alert any that may not welcome me here. I will check the hold.
Hadran moves to the trapdoor and lifts it open. He then gets down on the deck and lowers his head in to have a look around before jumping down.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

GM Rednal |
Keep moving forward. XD A puzzling dungeon this is not.
The smell of death and rot fills this lower deck, even with the cold. It is darker down here without the sunlight filtering through the ice, and no braziers burn. Shadowy movements are visible in the darkness, accompanied by an eerie creaking noise as though someone were still working the oars. A figure moves toward you along the aisle between the rowing benches - it appears to be a withered human wearing an Ulfen burial mask... and it's not friendly.
Initiative (Enemy): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Initiative (You): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
With a howl, the creature darted forward and slammed out with one arm, aiming to strike you while you were most vulnerable...
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
...and not actually managing to do so. Even so, its footsteps left clear patches of ice on the ground, and you could feel the air growing much colder as the frosty undead approached.
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (2) - 5 = -3
On the other hand, resistance to cold was a wonderful thing. It would have to be particularly intense to do anything at all to you, much less pose a serious threat just from that.

Hadran, The Fallen |

I hope this is not Tirfyr. None the less it is an abomination now and must be put to rest.
Hadran dodges the slam of the beast while pulling his trusty blade from his back. He brings it down with great force on the beast.
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (6, 6) + 10 = 22 w/ Arcane Strike
The fates are not kind as the mighty blad misses the creature and slams into the floor of the hold.
Round 2
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 3) + 10 = 18 w/ Arcane Strike
Round 3
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (2, 2) + 10 = 14 w/ Arcane Strike
Round 4
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 5) + 10 = 16 w/ Arcane Strike
Assuming 2 hits take care of it if the one didn't

GM Rednal |
The sword whistled through the air and failed to strike the undead, and in response it simply whipped its arm out again in a slamming blow.
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 for Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 plus Cold Damage: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (2) - 5 = -3
Energy Drain, Fort DC 17: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (2) - 5 = -3
As it hit you, a chill tried to sink into your body, but failed to do so as your hardy constitution threw it off. Your retaliatory strike was far more accurate, but a burst of cold shot through your weapon...
Cold Damage: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (2) - 5 = -3
...and failed to seriously affect you, even as the undead slammed out again.
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (5) - 5 = 0
Its next blow missed, as did your own strike, and the melee continued.
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (4) - 5 = -1
Another burst of cold moved through your weapon as you struck the beast again...
Cold Damage: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (3) - 5 = -2
...and your natural resistance to cold was proving more than slightly helpful here. The undead was injured, but not yet beaten - chances were it could withstand another two or three blows before crumbling, and it seemed determined to rip away at your vitality before that happened.

Hadran, The Fallen |

This thing is dangerous. I think its a wight. I need to finish it now.
Hadran continues his dance with the beast trying to cleave it.
Round 5
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 5) + 10 = 18 w/ Arcane Strike
The fates are again unkind and the battle continues
Round 6
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 3) + 10 = 17 w/ Arcane Strike
Round 7
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 1) + 10 = 15 w/ Arcane Strike
Round 8
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (6, 6) + 10 = 22 w/ Arcane Strike
Round 9
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Damage: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 4) + 10 = 18 w/ Arcane Strike
Pretty bad rolls. I will surge any failed fort save at least for 2 of them.

GM Rednal |
If it was a wight, it certainly wasn't a normal one, and its retaliation was completely predictable after the hit you'd made.
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (1) - 5 = -4
Predictability wasn't the same thing as accuracy, though... sadly, your own swing missed the vicious creature, and the melee continued.
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (6) - 5 = 1
Finally, its aura managed to flare strong enough to overcome your resistance to cold damage... and was about as damaging as stubbing your toe on a dresser. Less painful, too. Your countering blow actually hit the wight, digging deeply into its side...
Cold Damage: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (1) - 5 = -4
...even as you easily pushed past the chill that went through your weapon.
Slam: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Cold Aura: 1d6 - 5 ⇒ (1) - 5 = -4
Finally, a firm blow lopped the wight's head entirely off of its body, and a followup cleaved the undead in half. Aaaaah, glorious victory! With the enemy defeated, you had the opportunity to look around a little more. Several of the seats for rowers were occupied... by much weaker-looking undead, all of whom were uselessly rowing (given that their oars were trapped in pockets of air surrounded by ice, and couldn't actually move the ship) and paying no attention at all to you. They didn't seem to be any kind of threat, though one of them looked much fresher than the others... and matched the description of Tirfyr.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Something dark is here. A necromancer perhaps. I will release your body from this hell and take you back to your friend.
Hadran will leave the undead for now, he plans to destroy them all after dealing with the source. He will advance deeper into the hold from where the creature he destroyed came.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Hadran, The Fallen |

Interesting, whatever is up there had to hear the sounds of combat. I best be ready.
Befor going up the ladder Hadran will cast divine favor.

GM Rednal |
You climb up the ladder to the deck of the ship. The soft glow of sunlight again penetrates into this ice cave, and several braziers burn near the walls. A beautiful woman stands next to a simple chair, facing you. Other furniture in the chamber suggests that this is her private quarters. The woman looks you over as though judging a draft animal, and asks, "Have you come to work the oars? I am in need of more rowers."

Hadran, The Fallen |

You take pleasue in creating those abominations. I came to offer you a chance to surrender. Refuse and I will see justice done. What is your answer.
Hadran is not amused by the way the woman looks at him or suggesting he join her crew.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"They can witch. What are you doing here then? Do you know how this ship came to be trapped? Or how the newest of the creatures came to be down there? His name was Tirfyr."

GM Rednal |
"'Twas a curse, no doubt." The Irriseni witch said calmly. "Unfortunately, the ice regrows faster than I can melt it, so I've been trapped here ever since it activated. The ship is mine, but they stole it for my husband's funeral - no doubt you met him on the way in. He decided he didn't want to stay dead after Skelg plundered the ship and returned it to me so I could sail wherever I wished. The curse caught her, too, and that might've made it worse." She indicated the ice further up the ship where you could see an indistinct form encased within. "Quite frankly, all I really want is a new companion to spend my days with, the beacon for the ship, and a chance to head home."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"This curse. How did it come about? When you say her your not speaking of the ship. Is it that figure in the ice? What or who was she? Any chance she lives stuck in the ice? I try not to judge people as I have little knowledge of what is just. I seek redemption myself. I only wish to protect and help. I may be able to aid you. I have the beacon of this ship and need to open a ship sized portal. Can this be done?

GM Rednal |
"You have the Beacon!?" the woman bolted upright. "I don't know exactly how the curse came about, but I would bet practically anything that the Beacon has something to do with it. Opening the full portal is a complex task, and I'll have to do it myself. As you can see, though..." She pointed to the front of the ship, where seven feet of ice blocked passage to where the lantern had to be hung. "You can't even get it set yourself, but I can use my magic to melt at least that much away. The lantern belongs with this ship - give it to me and I'll open the full portal for you, and even a way home afterwards. You can have the girl, too. I picked her up as I was sailing past an iceberg, but she'd probably enjoy your company more anyway." She paused, and a little uncertainly, added, "I think she's still alive, anyway. She's... odd."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"A girl? Picked her up for what? Wait don't tell me. I will not judge, but I can't fully trust you as I know how the beacon works. I know when the ship portal is open the other portals close. I know it can open portals to Irrisen, but how can you open a portal back to where I came from? Or was that just a lie to get me to aid you. Please melt down the girl so I can make sure she is safe. If you can't get me back than Irrisen will have to do. What is your name witch or do you prefer me to keep calling you thus."

GM Rednal |
The witch blinked. "You may address me as Natalya." she said loftily. "And as for the portals, it's really quite straightforward. Opening a portal for the ship shuts every other portal the beacon made, but it's not like there's anything stopping someone from opening small portals again afterward. Shining the light on the mast is all we'd need to do to reopen the portal to the place you came from." As far as you can tell, she doesn't seem to be lying... and indeed, it's not like you wouldn't have time to throttle her for lying before the ship could even sail through the big portal. "As for the girl, see how thick the ice is in front of her? I can't melt that far in a day before it refreezes." she shrugged. "Would've gotten her out earlier otherwise, if only for the company."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I see. I am sorry you have been trapped here. How long has it been? I have heard the witches form Irrisen to be evil. You don't appear so, but I assume it is because I have offered my help. If I were to simply leave with the beacon I'm sure you would try to stop me, but then again who wouldn't do so to save their life. I too am sorry for the fate of your husband. You can take comfort that his soul is now at rest for I put that creature down. I took no pleasure in it or knew who he was but I am still sorry. Do you think with your magic and my blade we can cut her free. I can give my blade the quality of fire for a short time to help deal with the ice. The problem would be getting to her. Perhaps I can use the ladder from bellow and secure it with some rope. If we can do the Natalya I am happy to help you leave this place. Do you know a man named Bengeirr? He came through this place a week ago a man name Tirfyr followed and is now part of the crew downstairs, but I assume his fall was to your husband. Is this correct?"
K. Engineering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19 on a safe way to get to the girl

GM Rednal |
"Ben- oh, what has my idiot son done now?" Natalya sighed out, shaking her head. "If all of this is his fault, I'm going to disinherit him for sheer stupidity. Probably blathering on about the theft of goods from this ship, even if my husband had stolen them to begin with. That's the last time I marry a man who does piracy for a living, even if he did bring home plenty of plunder."
The entire distance to the trapped girl is blocked by solid ice. There's no effective way to get to her with the powers you currently possess - breaking the curse currently affecting the ship is the fastest and easiest way of getting her down. However, if you really want to take the time to do so, you could return to Absalom, hire several spellcasters who know fire magic, and use their concentrated abilities to melt enough of the ice. Any technique slower than that wouldn't be able to outpace the regrowth of the ice, but if you can come up with something else that would work, you could at least try it.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I'm not sure of how the curse happened. Your son was taken by some guards to be questioned for the goods he stole from Skelg. It seems he was trying to steal back what was once yours. I will do what I can for him when I return to Absalom knowing now why he did what he did. Will placing the beacon on the ship end the curse? If you think so then let us try that. You can then return me and the girl and leave the portal open long enough for me to find and return you son to you. The goods are being held for investigation at this point I believe. It would be best if those are forgot about. Your son has a sense of justice though it be a barbaric one. Perhaps you and he could do right by each other and make a good living for yourselves and not focus so much on revenge. Whenever your ready my lady."
Hadran motions to the ice at the front of the ship.

GM Rednal |
"Don't lecture me." she said flatly. "I know how to live my own life." There were times when mortals didn't enjoy receiving advice from others - and dealing with that was a fairly common issue for any deity, actually. People often had to be nudged a few times (even if already one of your followers) in order to start changing their behavior.
The witch's hands moved in a series of quick arcane gestures a moment later, and a sphere of flame several feet across erupted out of her fingertips, slammed into the ice blocking the way to the very front of the ship, and slowly began to eat through it. Natalya's eyes narrowed in concentration a moment later, and despite the cool air, a few beads of sweat trickled down her face. This may not have been as easy as it looked for her. "Hurry and... hang the lantern up!"

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I didn't mean... Nevermind. I am not here to judge you."
Hadran gets ready as the fire burns away at the ice. When the witch gives the command he springs forward and hangs the lantern in its propper home. He then stands beside the witch.
"There it is done."
He waits to see what happens but is ready to catch the girl if the ice should melt, vanish or fall away.

GM Rednal |
As the lantern is hung, the witch snaps her fingers, and a burst of light erupts from the magical creation. The light is somehow more solid, more real than usual, and a flat pane of pure white appears in the air. Natalya sighed in relief, much of the tension leaving her body as her spell winked out, and a massive cracking noise could be heard as the iceberg that had encased the ship cracked in ten thousand places and began to crumble away. The small pieces on the outside went first, but were soon followed by larger and larger pieces that ran down like an avalanche until they'd crashed into the water and began to spread away. The trapped figure, freed from the prison, dropped down to the deck and slowly stood up, yawning, as you finally got a good look at her.
"...Midfoviing." she said sleepily. There was a loud gurgle a moment later... from what sounded like her stomach.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran quickly runs through the languages he speaks at the girl.
"Are you alright miss, Natalya do you have any food? Can you understand me?"
He looks back to the girl.

GM Rednal |
"The stores on any ship are limited." Natalya said tersely. Still, if you had no food at all, she would bring out at least a little... and either way, the girl would quickly eat everything presented to her, barely stopping to chew before swallowing. She didn't seem to have anything resembling table manners, but managed to give off an air of extreme contentment once she'd finished stuffing her stomach.
Then, finally, she pointed at herself. "Midfoviing." she said again. "Natalya." she added, pointing to the witch. Finally, she pointed to you and tilted her head a bit. "...Food Bringer?" she inquired.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"Midfoviing? Is that here name Natalya? She seems rather primitive. Where did you pick her up? I'm not sure if she is ready to visit a city such as Absalom." Hadran then points to himself. "Hadran." Looking toward the girl.

GM Rednal |
Midfoviing yawned again. "Or the city's not ready for me." she said, rubbing at her eyes. "I hear it's warm, though, and that would be nice. I've never been that far south before." Her tail flicked back and forth as she spoke.
"I picked her up as I was going past an iceberg about two weeks ago." Natalya explained, sighing slightly as she shook her head. "I've got no idea how or when she got there, but I didn't think it would be right to just leave her. She's not stupid, just... not used to society. I'm sure she could help you out somehow if you taught her right. Or you could just drop her off somewhere in Absalom - she's strange enough that someone would want her. Which reminds me..." She pulled the beacon off the front of the ship - this didn't seem to affect the main portal any - and pointed it towards the main mast. A much smaller portal shimmered into existence there. "That'll take you back to wherever you came from."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"You speak of her as she is property Natalya, but I fear there may be a good person in you yet. Midfovling do you wish to come with me. I will help you if you wish. I am on a quest myself. If so we will go through the portal." He looks back to Natalya. "What of your son. Do wish me to return him through the portal? I'm not sure if he will listen, but if you ask I will try."

GM Rednal |
"I'll go." Midfoviing said immediately, seeming a little more awake now. She seemed to have taken a liking to you, and her tail continued to flick back and forth as a visible sign of her eagerness.
Natalya, on the other hand, just sighed slightly. "Someone so foolish is no son of mine. Maybe the air of Absalom will warm his brain a little and help him actually think before he acts." she said. "If that's everything, I'd like to be on my way. The oil in this lamp won't burn forever, and it is... inconvenient... to make more away from Irrisen." The special oil used in beacons of the north was a secret of Irrisen's witches, and it seemed she had no intention of revealing much about how it could be made.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"Very well Natalya, I wish to collect the body of Tirfyr before going is this alright with you. I will be quick so not to waste the lantern oil."
If she agrees Hadran goes back bellow deck and cuts the head off the abomination that is now Tirfyr to release the dark energy. Once done he collects the body and heads back up and heads through the portal with Midfovling.
"Come Midfovling it is time for us to leave this ship."

GM Rednal |
"Midfoviing." she corrected, stressing some of the vowels. In fairness, it was a bit of a hard name to pronounce in the common tongue - it was rather more straightforward in Draconic, the tongue that had actually been used. She followed you back through the portal, looking around curiously... and the two of you found yourself in a surprisingly empty hallway. Huh. No guardsmen waiting to arrest you. "...It's warm here." the girl said wonderingly, looking up at you. "Where do we go now?"
You've reached Level 3, and unless you strongly object, I think I'm going to switch over to a story-based leveling method, rather than straight XP. The weird things I'm going to have to do to properly challenge this table in the future means that you'd level at a frankly absurd rate otherwise, and I think you'll have more fun if you're able to focus on the plot.