Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Realizing a certain technicality that might arise from not accepting the gift, Orithos quick stepped in and added, "Elder, though we appreciate you holding yourself to the deal, and though Hadran and I vacated the structure that enshrouds your village, we did not fully accomplish what we had promised we would do, therefore, neither of us can honorably accept the gift you have displayed before us."
With a touch of sadness, and slight understanding, the fiery one continued. "As far as moneytary worth and gifts to be given, I am fully sure both Hadran and I can act out our own gifts for others. Riches and troves do not make up all of the wealth in the world, of that I am sure."

GM Rednal |
"Indeed not... but the amount of wealth put into a gift will have a major effect on how you are treated in the city." the elder said, frowning. "Even from a friend, a poor gift is an insult... and even from a stranger, a rich gift will make you welcome. You have your own reasons for going to the city, right? I'm making an investment in you - to help you succeed so you'll be able to finish off that monster." He didn't seem like he was going to force you to take the ring... but he didn't seem very happy about his offer being refused, either.

Hadran, The Fallen |

I am truely sorry. I don't have the words my friend does. We meant no disrespect. We will take your gracious gift. I only hope I may return and give back the hospitality you have shown to us.
Hadran reaches out to take the box. He grasps around the mans hand and locks gazes and offers a reasuring nod.
Your faith in us will help to push us forward in our journey. Thank you for what you have done for us.

GM Rednal |
The elder smiled widely, clearly relieved at Hadran's acceptance. "You might also try trading it for two or three decent gifts if you'll need to meet several people." he added. "The hospitality you're shown won't be quite as great, but as long as your gifts are good, you should be able to get what you need." This was a land that could seem quite strange to those who were not prepared for it, but he was clearly hoping that the two of you would succeed in your endeavors.

Hadran, The Fallen |

We will be on our way then so we no longer endanger you. Thank you again. Your kindness will not be forgotten. Well Orithos shall we?
Hadran stands and reaches the box over to Orithos to stash away. He gathers up his things and addresses his companino before heading out and making his way toward the city.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Before Hadran and Orithos ventured to the city, the fiery one said, "I do apologize for my lack of manners. When next we meet I will surely repay your kindness."
After that, he needed to Hadran and exited the hut.

GM Rednal |
As before, the journey to the city wasn't an especially difficult one - aside from the normal problems of crossing the desert, anyway. Still, the ground here was actually capable of supporting a lot of life - it was south of the river where things got really bad. Things look far more relaxed now than they had the first time you came this way, and you're able to pass through into the city without much difficulty.
Katheer, capital of the passage to the east - a splendid city by nearly any reckoning, though also a very worldly one. As a major metropolis and trading point, there aren't many things that can't be obtained in the city. From magical items and gear to secrets and information... such as the tales of cultists who threaten a peaceful land.
A map of the city has been uploaded at the top.

Hadran, The Fallen |

On the way to the City:
Well my friend what do say we see whats going on here. I could use some better equipment, but we can address that later. Lets put our ear to the streets and see what the people have to say here.
Gather Information: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 +2 if Orithos aids. Looking for general rumors. Also any rumors that mention relics of power.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Dude! Loving the map! I'm going to town on this one!
Already, a sense of wonder began to seep into him. Golden spires, rising to grace the skies, atop ivory towers and cathedrals only one with a passion for architecture could truly appreciate. How Orithos knew that he loved buildings, he honestly knew not, but the experience was overwhelming. Perhaps, one day, he might have a city of his own.
It seemed with each day that passed, Orithos' mist of memories began to clear, and he could make sense of who he was. Not in the same sense of someone who was recovering from amnesia, but rather, one who simply learns about themselves through experience. Watching the people hustle and bustle about reminded Orithos of clockwork, how each moving part worked seamlessly with the others to produce a result of impossible proportions. Humanity was truly amazing when they put their minds to it.
Standing on a distant dune, viewing the city from a distance, Orithos then came to a brilliant realization. They had no money. He also had another realization, but wasn't sure how his partner might think of it.
"Sounds like a logical move," Orithos said with a pause. "I believe I also know a way we could get some equipment for you. How do you feel about becoming a soldier?"
Gather Information - Aid: 1d20 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 2 + (6) = 18

Hadran, The Fallen |

Could be a good way to find out information as well, but would I need to serve for a period of time?

GM Rednal |
Published resources are quite nice for helping to build a picture of a place, aren't they? ^^ Incidentally, you two entered from the Western side, so you'd probably hit the Visitors district first.
Katheer is a city full of secrets, and it's not hard to hear quite a few of them. As visitors to the city - a fact not missed by anyone - it's easy to uncover the fact that knowledge and information are the most valuable things. However, Orithos is the one that most people in the city pay attention to - quite a few of the people you speak to seem quite interested in him, and they seem to view Hadran's bardic prowess as proof he's a follower. His apparent ancestry may have had something to do with the ease you had while registering your presence within the city...
Bardic performances alone could earn one a living, and a genie-blooded man would be welcomed at nearly any business. In fact, just working at a business in the great market would probably be enough to secure a lucrative income - but while nigh-endless riches flow through this city, only a few places would allow you to tap into them.
Perhaps more intriguingly, there are rumors that the Church of the Dawnflower have obtained a relic of some sort... nobody seems to be entirely sure what shape it is, but all agree that fire acts very unusually around it. On a more subdued side, the temple of Irori is said to have its members performing very unusual feats of brute strength, more than anyone can remember them doing in recent memory. Neither church is saying much, but these issues may be worth investigating.
Of course, it's hard to get anywhere without proper preparation. There are many jobs you could do - and you're free to keep looking for tasks - but work as a soldier could well involve an expedition to somewhere referenced only as the 'Citadel of Flame', further south in Qadira. Several merchant groups are currently hiring explorers to investigate it and search for riches.
I've updated the campaign tab with information on your leads. Note that these are not your only options, and you're always free to keep looking for other things to do. ^^

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Back to the top of the dune...
Giving Hadran a look of perplexity, Orithos replied, "Is that not what soldiers do? Or are does this world differ from the definitions that define what a soldier would be?"

Hadran, The Fallen |

I think it best to not obligate our selves to much at the moment. I can earn us some money by performing some comedy each night. This will also let us keep our ears open in the local inn's and taverns. Many rumors come through such places. There is still much I must tell you or my origin and what I believe you may be as well. I think the temples to the Dawnflower and Irori are worth checking out. I know the Dawnflower well.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

"In that case, while you gather funds through your performances, I'll familiarize myself with the city by traveling the streets. Additionally, any churches I find, I can go in and provide medical assistance where it's needed. Though I may not be as powerful as you in combat, I'm learning my spells are diverse, and I should be able to create a reputation for both of us; a decent one at the least. Maybe, then, people would want to assist us in our endeavors."

GM Rednal |
Your plans seem to be set, so all that's left is taking care of business... fortunately, Katheer seems very welcoming to bards, and in particular any bard who can dance well. Hadran's level of skill - putting on a wild, almost feral dance, but done with aplomb - is easily enough to earn you a night's rest anywhere except the most expensive inns.
You can make a check for added gold or just have it automatically pay for food and board. Gathering information will require a Diplomacy check, and as for visiting a church...
Sarenrae, the Dawnflower, is by far one of the most popular deities in Katheer, and there are more than a few buildings dedicated solely to her. There's a certain... feeling... when you enter each church, surprisingly warm and welcoming. Of course, Orithos does share more than one trait with Sarenrae, so perhaps it's not surprising that there would be a certain level of attunement between them. On the bright side, however, this would seem to indicate that the Dawnflower wouldn't be a hostile deity, though announcing yourself - without more power to back it up - would be extraordinarily dangerous at best.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran dances and performs to earn himself and Orithos a well deserved meal and a place to rest. After he spends a few hours among the locals talking them up and drinking with them.
So my friends share with me what gossip may be going around. See my friend and I are adventurers amongst other things. Busy cities like this always seem to have something for ones in search of adventure.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
The next day Hadran will head to the church.
[b]Orithos I wish to visit the church to Sarenrae today. The one that has the artifact. I know the art of the Dervish Dance. It will pretend to be a follower wishing to pay respects and possible offer my help to study the piece. Do you wish to come along?

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Everywhere he walked, the sound of civilization followed. Horses with ebony pelts drew carriages of golden silk, while nobles wore luxuriant, flowing attire that reflected the light of the spires. With each step Orithos took, the atmosphere wrapped him in a field of warmth only prosperity could bring. Sure, there was the occasional sullen face, but those individuals were far in similarity to the long, drawn, and suffering villages that he had visited before. The glow of the city, he found, brought a sense of peace to his mind that few experiences thus far had blessed him with.
Glancing back to his comrade who had recently finished his performance, Orithos still found it quite cumbersome to wrap his mind around the situation at hand. With all of this talk of deities and man, he knew not how to associate with such people, for how did one worship one who did not walk the same earth as themselves?
The fiery one answered Hadran with, "You have yet to tell me who this Sarenrae individual is, let alone explain to me what scheme she plays in this whole thing. On top of that, what other significant individuals are you familiar with? What religion do you follow, and why is it that these people follow profound figures who don't even lay a foot on this earth?"

GM Rednal |
Important questions indeed, from Orithos... for it might be quite difficult to reacquire divinity if one didn't understand what divine power truly was. Hadran's attempts to gather more information didn't reveal much else, though - at least, not anything that you hadn't already found by walking about the city. You do hear one clue, though - seek out a woman named Laqat if you truly want information.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Sorry guys very busy day.
Hadran looks at Orithos for a few moments thinking about what he was just asked.
Does he not know what gods are? How can that be? I though he was what I am. A fallen one. Could he have done such things that his memory too was wiped? I better go slow.
Well my friend Sarenrae is a God. Do you not have Gods in your lands? I can honestyl say I both love and worship her, but that was long ago. People worship gods because people want to believe in something more and better than they are. Something just, honest and true. This belief is what they say gives a god their power. Now not all Gods are good and the people who worship those are looking for different things. Mostly these people do corrupt and preverse things to earn boons or rewards from these symbols of evil and injustice. I follow the ideals of Valor, Knowledge, Glory, and Protection. There was once a god that carried these qualities, but he has long been forgotten. Perhaps if I believe enough and do my best to live by these ideals people will remember again. Now what do you say we go see this artifact they have that manipulates fire and then go see what this Laqat character knows.
Hadran slaps Orithos on the shoulder as he starts to move out into the buys streets. He will ask which temple to Sarenrae has the artifact and ask to be directed to it.

GM Rednal |
The artifact - supposed artifact, anyway - is rumored to be held within the main church of Sarenrae, a building that's easy enough to find. A good-sized crowd is gathered outside at the moment, and more than a few of its members look like wealthier citizens of the city.
The mood here is a little on the tense side, with the crowd seeming to be upset about being denied entrance to the temple. Several are shaking bags of coins, shouting about having donated to help keep the place running, but a number of priests are (peacefully) holding the crowd back and barring entry to all except their own. They aren't responding to the challenges or calls, though several of them look like they wish they could.
There are a few things that could be attempted here, including trying to calm the crowd and settle the issue. You could also wait, hoping for things to disperse on their own... or try to get attention and stand out. You could even try to sneak into the building, if you're so inclined.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Orithos I will attempt to get the crowds attention. You see what you can find out from the priest. We may have to stretch the truth here. The priest of Sarenrae are strong willed and skilled in combat. You have seen my combat dance. It is slightly modified of how they fight. You could say I learned it from one of their best. It may be best if you pretend to be my apprentice here. An acolyte that is training to learn the dance. I will do a comedy and dance routine and grab the crowds attention.
Hadran will find a suiting stage or high ground and starts a mix of Diplomacy for a quick speach to gather attention and the perform Comedy and Dance to kepp the attention and ends with a speach asking the people to come back later to see the artifact.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Perform Comedy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Perform Dance: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Wow I expected a bad roll or two, but 5,5,4 :) nice

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Aid (Diplomacy 1): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Aid (Diplomacy 2): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Frustration was something Orithos was quite familiar with, and though he wished he could solve the issue at hand, he knew Hadran's point of view and what he was trying to do. Also, Orithos could not pretend to be a different person as Hadran had suggested, but he could do something else entirely.
Walking slowly throughout the crowd, the fiery one noticed individuals who were hurt in some manner by the jostling of the crowd. In a few cases, a childs' plaything or doll had been torn or broken in some manner. So, Orithos would take the object in hand, motion with his hand like a blacksmith would during his crafting, and spoke the Ignan word for mend. No matter how long it took to fix whatever had been broken, Orithos had the patience for, though, at one point, when a man's pocket watch of exuberant value had been almost crushed underfoot, the fiery one promised he would personally attend to the fixing of it after the crowd had dispersed. Making a mental note of it, Orithos continued with the task, ahead.
Additionally, noting the rather high heat, even for a city surrounded by desert, Orithos brought forth his waterskin. With a waving gesture over the container, and the Ignan word for water, the fiery one pushed a portion of his will into the spell, and instantly, water poured forth from his hand and into the waterskin. Without speaking a word, Orithos walked throughout the crowd and offered the water to those who would receive it.

GM Rednal |
If there was one thing the Qadirans liked, it was a properly-performed dance... and Hadran's might not have been outstanding, but it was at least worth watching for a little while, and the diplomatic efforts aided by Orithos seemed to go over quite well indeed. With the crowd thus satisfied, they were eventually dispersed... and a middle-aged woman, clearly well-trained in the Dervish arts, eventually came forward. "That helped." she said, nodding to the two of you. It didn't seem to take more than an instant for her to note you as foreign - the people of this city seemed quite good at that. "Matviyyah, Priestess of the Dawnflower." she added, introducing herself. "So, what brings you two to our temple?"

Hadran, The Fallen |

Matviyyah, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Hadran. I know the Dawnflower well and have loved and worshiped her. We heard about the artifact. My friend here is Orithos. He is of a fiery nature. We were curious about this item and was hoping to see it. Perhaps we could even offer some insight to it if you have not yet uncovered all of its mysteries. I hope this is not too much to ask.
Hadran bows his head in respect and awaits the ladies answer.

GM Rednal |
The Priestess snorted a bit. "You and everyone else." she grumbled. "Even the rumor of such a thing is enough to get people gathering around like carrion birds, even though everyone knows the rumors are wrong. The Dawnflower illuminates all things in proper ti-" Her words broke off as a thunderous roar came from further inside the building and flames erupted out of the upper windows, just as Orithos had approached the building. Matviyyah whirled around and charged right into the building, giving only a momentary glimpse of her suddenly ashen expression.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Well that can't be good, what do you say Orithos. Want to be hero's follow me.
Hadran rushes in behind the priest.

GM Rednal |
Fire has filled most of the chamber up ahead, rising up in a pillar from what looks like a sphere that had been set into a pedestal. The circular room - clearly designed to evoke the image of the sun, judging by the decorations you can see - actually seems to be holding up rather well under the assault. On the other hand, that may be because the flames seem to have a will of their own, and they're not trying to burn down the building... they're trying to burn the lizard-man who's slowly pushing through the fire, cackling madly as he does so. He's on the opposite side of the pillar from where you are, and grasped tightly in his other hand is something truly profane - it's recognizable even from where you are as an unholy symbol of Moloch, one of the archdevils of Hell and the lawful evil lord of - among other things - fire. The all-too-familiar lizard looked up as you enter, grinning slyly.
He slowly continued to push forward, fighting against the increasingly desperate flames that the sphere was giving off. Despite all of its efforts, however, it was clear that the flames could do no more than slow the devil-bound troglodyte... and even that wouldn't last for very much longer.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Roaring at the top of his lungs, Orithos charges at the sight of evil.
Orithos activates Smite Evil. I want this guy dead, please. :D
Attack (Rapier): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Critical Confirmation: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Critical Damage if he's an evil outsider: 2d6 + 14 ⇒ (5, 3) + 14 = 22
Critical Damage if he's normal like Hadran: 2d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 5) + 10 = 16
That second roll was in pertinence with this ruling, since I don't even know what the lizard dude is anymore, hahaha.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Sarerae my love protect me from your holy flames.
Bull Rush: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (18) + 10 + (5) = 33
Hadran charge tapping into his angelic blood for added strength he shoulder checks the beast out of the flames away from the artifact.
Charging bull rush with a mythic surge. Hope this works.

GM Rednal |
If you'd like, I'll tell you after you kill him. XD
Initiative (Enemy): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Initiative (Hadran): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Initiative (Orithos): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Charging someone who's on the opposite side of an object can be difficult at best... what with the flames spread around the room, the actions of the sphere itself, and the general madness of the chamber. On the bright side, Hadran did manage to slip to the side while the lizard was talking, and slam right into him. On the unfortunate side, that brought Hadran right into the path of the flames that were still spewing out of the sphere and towards the lizard-man, even as he was pushed backwards about fifteen feet.
Fire Damage (No Save): 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
With no hesitation at all, the druid raised his hand and sent a surge of electricity flowing out of it and right into Hadran - there was no chanting or waving, just the instant unleashing of unholy power.
Lightning Bolt: 6d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 1, 4, 1) = 18, Reflex 20 Halves: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
Orithos' charge came a moment later as he passed through the spewing flames without harm. Indeed, his weapon seemed to grab the flames as it passed through them, wrapping them around the slender blade even as it was thrust forward and stabbed deep into the creature's chest. The very tip of the blade glowed white-hot, and the troglodyte screamed as the area around the wound was scorched black.
Bonus Fire Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 Tasskar has lost his immunity to fire.
He wasn't such a weak opponent that he'd fall from this, however, and the symbol of Moloch glowed brightly in his hand...
Hadran's up, then the enemy.

Hadran, The Fallen |

So 8 Fire then 9-5 electicity for 12 damage. Had we rested in the time traveling to town? I had 7 damage that I removed, but would still have if we didn't rest. Just let me know :)
Hadran drew his blade as he knocked the lizard man from the flame. The fire burnt him and the creatures electrcity surged through him as well, but he now stands between the creature and his destination.
5' Step to Flank with Orithos if possible
Move Action Dance
Swift Action Arcane Strike w/Mythic Arcan Strike for Bane
Attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30-2 if flank not possible
Damage: 2d6 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 17 + (3) = 27Weapon is good and cold iron if evil outsider. If not don't count the d6 damage of 3.
Edit: Woops forgot Bane damage 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 Total 33 or 30
Hadran steps to flank the beast with Orithos. Doing so he sees an opening and brings his massive bade down cutting into the lizards shoulder.
If he is up and tries a physical or touch attack on me I will use sudden block

GM Rednal |
Yes, you've rested. ^^
The lizard hadn't been flanked yet, but the good-charged weapon - courtesy of the angelic attacks - bit deep into the lizard-man's flesh and ripped out a massive piece of his hide. Blood splattered the floor as the beast staggered back slightly, glaring out hatefully as his body failed to heal... and he vanished, teleporting away now that it was clear he wouldn't be able to accomplish his mission. You were probably going to have to find a way to stop him from doing that before he could be put down for good.
As he disappears, however, the flames being spewed by the sphere within the room die out, as do the ones that had wrapped around Orithos' blade. The room itself seems to be in surprisingly good condition, though the stone just below the pedestal the sphere is on has melted, and the sphere itself is shaking wildly in an attempt to get closer to Orithos.
Nearly a dozen priests charge into the room a moment later, weapons at the ready - though none of them seem to be pointed at you. "What's going on here!?" An older voice called, and an aged man in the garb of a High Priest of Sarenrae strode in from another set of doors. It seems you're safe... for now, at least.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

I love doing these every once in a while, too.
Not sure what to do: 1d3 ⇒ 2
And there we go. :D
When the flames had enveloped his rapier, Orithos felt a kind of warmth seep into him that held such a vast amount of power, the only thing he could do to control it was continue with the attack. Now that it had passed, he seemed almost to be in a state of shock. If wood was used to fuel a flame to greater and greater heat, Orithos' body was charged with so much energy, when he looked back at his own skin and hair, everything glowed pure white, as if the very life force of his being was energized.
Not only that, but the emblazoned one felt something, a calling perhaps, that seemed to reach out to him, but was just out of their grasp. Glancing to the side, he saw, again, the orb that seemed to be shaking as he reached out his hand to it. Stumbling over to the pedestal, unaware of everything going on around him, Orithos touched the orb without thought, for all that encompassed his mind was the song of flame.

GM Rednal |
The orb in question literally exploded, sending out a shockwave that knocked all of the holy men - except for the elderly High Priest - from their feet.
Even as that happened, however, near-endless fire surged into Orithos' body, fusing with his soul and granting him the power he should have continued to hold. This was the very essence of the fires of judgment - more than mere fire, they were an idea made manifest, and a part of the very soul of the God of Redemption.
Orithos has gained the Divine Ability [Divine Fire Mastery]. Prerequisite: Fire Domain. Benefit: The deity gains a competence bonus on attack rolls, damage, and Armor Class equal to its divine rank if both the deity and its foe are touching fire or using weapons with the fire-based special abilities (flaming, flaming burst, etc.). The deity is immune to the effects of fire and heat. The deity can automatically know the location of any corporeal creature within 10 feet per divine rank by sensing the disturbance in the ambient temperature that the creature causes. The deity has complete control over all nonmagical fire and can duplicate the effect of any spell with the fire descriptor as a standard action (including Mythic versions of spells). Note: This does not allow early access to higher-level spells or spell-like effects. You must be able to cast spells of a given level normally before you can duplicate their effects, though the type of spell - divine, arcane, psychic, psionic, etc. - is irrelevant.
Note on Divine Abilities: In this game, Divine Rank and Mythic Tier are interchangeable terms, and refer to the same thing. The cost to use any Divine Ability is 2 Mythic Power, +1 additional Mythic Power for every prerequisite you do not meet. If the effect would normally be passive (as Divine Fire Mastery is), you gain it for 2 rounds/tier. Activating passive divine powers is a free action, as it's an expression of your will more than anything else. Mortal forms cannot easily handle the power of gods...

Hadran, The Fallen |

A bit confused at all the just happened, Hadran picks himself up off the ground. He stows his sword on his back and dust himself off a bit.
Well I didn't see that coming. He looks to the High Priest. He gives him a blessing of Sarenrak and then ask.
What was that thing? It seems to have poored its power into my friend here. Good thing too as that follower of Moloch would have defiled it if we hadn't been here. I wish I could tell you more, but we didn't get a chance to study it.
Hadran turns to Orithos.
How you feeling friend? Looks like we made it here just in time. As a seeker of knowledge I'm quite interested in what just happend. Perhaps we shouid rest a bit and sit and talk with these priest.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Fire roared in his ears, in his fingers, in the air that pulsed around him. He could feel the very stone beneath his feet and the warmth that emanated from it all, but as he reached for it, so did it fade. The power that coursed through his veins seemed to wither and crawl back into the core of his being, waiting to be called forth.
"I am alright," Orithos said with a gasp. "I just need some rest." With that, the fiery one slumped down to the stone and rested his back against the pillar.

GM Rednal |
A lesser man might try to deny the things he'd seen, or look away... but the Temple of Sarenrae in Katheer was the headquarters of the faith throughout all of Qadira, and the Dawnflower was by far one of the most dominant faiths. The church wasn't headed by shy or weak people... or those who didn't have at least some ability to recognize holy signs when they saw them. The ashen color of his face had nothing at all to do with the flames that had filled the chamber...
The man stared forward, retrieving his holy symbol as he did so. "Name yourself." he said, quietly and seriously... and every mortal instinct you had went into overdrive, warning you not to tell him the truth.

Hadran, The Fallen |

We are friends of the church. Like others we wanted to see this artifact that you found. I don't like how you demand for our names. Perhaps it is best that we be on our way.
Hadran walks to Orithos and extends a hand to help him up.
I don't think we are welcome here my friend. Let us be going.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

"Agreed. Let us be gone."
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Looking for a way out. Orithos is readying his action in case of combat. He still has his buckler and rapier out, and is going to cast Sanctuary, through inspired spell, on the first person the cleric tries to attack.

GM Rednal |
As the central room of the church, there are quite a few ways in and out of the room, though the local priests are stirring by a number of them after the way they were knocked off of their feet. The Head Priest's concern is at least understandable - something very odd happened with an unknown object right in the middle of the church he's charged with overseeing, and he's not entirely sure if you're friends or foes.
A few whispers can be heard around the room, and you are able to catch snippets of them. "Angradd." "Sekhmet." "Feronia." They didn't seem to have settled on an opinion just yet, and though extremely wary, they didn't seem to be outright aggressive. ...Yet.
"And I don't like how you just took something that we obtained at great cost to use for the glory of the Dawnflower." the Head Priest said, clearly working hard to keep his tone and emotions under control. "Put it back."

Hadran, The Fallen |

Sure... Lets put it back. You want me to shake it out of him? Besides it seems you were not worthy of its power. It chose my friend here for a reason. Not everything that effects flame is Sarenrae's domain. I'm sure she would not like you claiming things as such. Now if you want to work with us and help understand whats happened then I'm all for it, if my friend is.
Hadran stands confident and stalwart not flinching or batting an eye at the other priest movement or whispers.

Orithos, the Thoughtful |

Realizing he was still holding it, Orithos jumped to his feet, placed it gently back on the pedestal, and then, said, "Oh," as he also realized what just happened, kind of.
Looking back at Hadran, Orithos replied sarcastically with, "I love the situation we're in. Not only does it seem like we didn't just protect their artifact, it also looks like the artifact did something to me, though I know not what, and how."
Placing his rapier and buckler on the marble floor, the fiery one looked the priest dead in the eye and said, "Shackle me and question me. I beg your mercy, yet, give us a moment to explain." Placing his shortbow and quiver on the floor as well, Orithos nonchalantly stated, "Hadran, show this man that we mean no harm. I will not lie before anyone since I have not yet told falsities. I will not tell them in front of a holy man while in his home, nor will I lower myself in such a fashion."
After kicking the weapons and gear out of reach, Orithos continued after graciously bowing before the high priest.
"Sir, my colleague and I have been battling a cursed one from one of the villages north and across the river. He had taken control of a ruined tower near the village, and attacked the villagers. We had thought him dead, but when we went back the next morning to verify his state of non-being, the effort was in vain. Hadran and I last saw him attacking your artifact, here, and if not for he and I, the man would surely have taken possession of it. The cursed one escaped in a way that we could not follow, and that was when the artifact began to hum to me, as if of song. I swear on my life that I speak the truth! The only thing my mind had sense to do was touch it, but when I did, it flooded me with a fire I have never felt before. It burns in my very breast, though I know not how to get it out. I'm not sure the flame could be brought out, however, I could try to return it to the artifact. Again, I know not what the artifact did to me, and though I will try to return whatever the globe gave to me, I know not whether I would succeed or fail. Please, understand. I meant no harm, and will face whatever punishment you so deem worthy of the circumstances placed before us."

GM Rednal |
Even as Orithos speaks, knowledge continues to filter into his mind - the crystal is inert, now. Pretty, perhaps, but not powerful or magical in its own right, much like a scroll whose magic has been expended. The regained fires are a part of his very soul - it would quite literally take an act of the gods to split it apart from him, and any who did would immediately wondering why true divine essence was attached in such a way...
Nevertheless, the priest clapped his hands together. The very air within the chamber resonated as the man stood there for a moment, then slowly opened his eyes. "Makham, Erzani, Jacith, escort our... guests... to the Hall of the Everlight. The rest of you, go ward off anybody who's coming to gawk. I don't care if the Satrap himself wants in, no word of what happened here gets out until I say otherwise! Move!" the recovering members of the church scattered - all except for three, one male and two female, who moved towards the two of you and gestured to a set of stairs, clearly intending to guide you up them.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran bows to the escorts.
Please lead the way. We are friends.
He follows and takes a seat when they reach their destination.

GM Rednal |
The Hall of the Everlight is a large, open chamber on the third floor of the building. One long wall - and a good portion of the ceiling - is made of glass (with supporting frame, of course), allowing the light of the sun to fill the chamber throughout the day. The furnishings are actually quite nice - to be expected from a major temple in one of the wealthiest cities of Golarion. Makham, the male escorting you, is the one who shuts the door once you're inside - and the two female initiates quietly took up positions on either side of the room, keeping an eye on both of you but not interfering with what you're doing.
It seems like it will be at least a few minutes before the Head Priest arrives, so this might be a good opportunity to seek more information. Or, of course, you could simply wait... or even look for something else to do.