Mirais |

Bloody fist is hilarious O.O
For the guy that uses it, I mean: getting your viscera pulled out is not my definition of fun times.
And why shoot bullets when you can shoot thunders and tentacles!
(I mean, I may still find something better to shoot: still making my way trough the main game and just played the DLC until MY GUIDING MOONLIGHT.)

Zev Kelevra |

I usually play melee so I don't know how good my advice will be, especially given your STR and CON being 10s.
When we do get into combat what do you see yourself doing/would prefer to do?

Arani Thorindal |

As far as combat, you'll be pretty good at hittng but not a major damage dealer. He's quick and brilliant so if your focus is skill use you're looking pretty good.

Lensar Major |

I see him going finesse. There'll be a 3 level dip into chameleon rogue, so he'll be going for things that boost him into a good position for precision like damage. I'll also boost up his ability to use Bane, which will shore that up a bit.
Out of combat, he's going for Breadth of Experience and being the sneaky, behind the scenes sort. Lots of knowledge & skills.

Zev Kelevra |

Hmm, have you thought about VMCing rogue rather than normal multiclassing?

Zev Kelevra |

When you VMC you trade out feats at the given levels, rather than disrupt your original class progression.
A character who chooses rogue as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
Trapfinding: At 3rd level, she gains the trapfinding class feature.
Sneak Attack: At 7th level, she gains the sneak attack class feature. She can deal 1d6 points of extra damage. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels beyond 7th, to a maximum of 4d6 at 19th level.
Evasion: At 11th level, she gains evasion.
Uncanny Dodge: At 15th level, she gains uncanny dodge.
Improved Uncanny Dodge: At 19th level, she gains improved uncanny dodge, treating her character level as her effective rogue level.

Zev Kelevra |

Sorry, I know I keep apologizing and putting this off, I'm sorry, I'll try to get it done now.

Zev Kelevra |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Zev is nice and friendly and would like everyone to get along and be friends.
Zev is also a dog from Nidal and if you hurt someone he cares for he will end your ass.

Arani Thorindal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fear and affection are exceptional motivations for violence

Mirais |

Should we take the OOC discussion here?
I agree that killing the guy wasn't probably the right thing to do: most of all, because they are practically unarmed, wielding a couple of stick wrapped in leather. From what I understand, isn't the Chelish Citizen Group formed by Chelaxian fanatics/misguided people/people that just want an excuse to beat someone up? That's pretty scummy, but still isn't something to be killed over, particularly if they didn't come at us armed: it felt like shooting someone that was trying to beat us up.
Also, from a purely tactical standpoint, it isn't something that would help us at all for what we're trying to do: namely, to help people get away and not get hurt.
In situations like this, s@@$ goes down and pepper color spray flies around for way less than murder, and the guards have been asked to even kill people if they see fit: and unfortunately, it's likelier that instead of going after us the guards will arrest/subdue people at random around us.

Zev Kelevra |

Except she wasn't unarmed, she tried to brain Mirais with a club. Doesn't matter that mechanics wise a sap does NL, Zev doesn't know that. He just saw someone hitting his friend to the point that she was crying.

Arani Thorindal |

It's a testament to Game Master Scotty that the moment has enough intensity to push our decisions. I personally spent about 10 minutes deciding whether to use a lethal or non-lethal arrow. In the heat of the moment, one person's crossing the line is another's justified action, is another's idea of exercising restraint.

Game Master Scotty |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

everyone's point is valid, however I will not allow people to make what I believe to be personal attacks on anybody.
the choices you make during this adventure path will have repercussions, I'll not tell you if there is a right or a wrong way to proceed because both points of you are absolutely valid.
in real life if one of my friends or family were being accosted in the manner presented before, and I were armed I absolutely would not hesitate to use lethal force.
the question about alignment was mostly because I had not seen it in some of the character sheets, I believe everybody acted in accordance to their alignment and their views.
the in and out of character dialogue should remain civil, I realize that many of the subjects here impact people in their real life as well as in game but I expect people to be civil we've been gaming together for over 2 years

Talon Skyfall |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yea that was supposed to be a playful rib, not a condescending personal insult. It was just highlighting the differences between the characters which started at the start of the protest.

Arani Thorindal |

Next time might be better a the character's thoughts rather than Ooc which comes off as player directed instead.

Game Master Scotty |

This is supposed to be a thing of enjoyment, I do enjoy making people feel and react.
If I'm doing well as a story teller, you and your characters SHOULD feel.
fear, anger, despair, hope, joy, sandness, worry, etc etc.
I enjoy having PCs struggle with their choices, the morality of decision, and the repercussions of action.
This path CAN be morally hard, and, frankly, it should be.
But I want this to be fun.
Are there questions you have?
I want this finished and swept up before I move on.

Talon Skyfall |

None here.

Mirais |

All good.

Arani Thorindal |

All good

Arani Thorindal |

Am I up?

Mirais |

Uhm, I'm a little confused: is it our turn already? I know that Arani still had to act, but the baddies didn't make their move, I think?

Arani Thorindal |

One's dead, one's unconscious and looks like the two still standing are the deaf ones.

Mirais |

Can't they still attack if they're deaf? They were moving toward us last round.
Now that I think about it, tough, DMMamushka posted that my AoOs (obviously) missed: that implies they've moved.
I'm so confused. :/

Arani Thorindal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah they advanced, maybe there actions weren't attacks this round. I'd just post your next action and let our DM decide where to put in their attacks if anything. One's facing Lensar, the other facing you three and probably $#!++!ng himself after Zev halved his partner.

The Abrasax |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am now imagining two departments in this rebellion. One side is the side we want everyone to know about. Lensar, Thorn, and company. The merciful, traditionally heroic types. Zev, myself and people like us are the side if the rebellion that goes bump in the night. The side that will... "take care of" "it".
Maybe not. Just a fun thought I had this morning. Specifically, the thought was me recruiting some stronger Strix buddies and dropping guards from great heights in the middle of the night on an unsuspecting govenor's roof.
Just a few. Per night. Every. Single. Night. >:D

Arani Thorindal |

Every movement has its.....less than legal elements who get the job done behind the scenes.

Zev Kelevra |

I've always been fond of scenes in different media decides not to kill the villain for whatever moral/legal reasons, and then a few scenes someone else steps in and says something of the effect of "I'm not the hero."
Also +1 for Strix night mail. Not Hogwarts Owl mail but it'll do.

Zev Kelevra |

Also I can now picture Abby and Arani playing that Guess Who game with headshots in that one Living Dead movie :3