The Fish's Hells Rebels Game
Game Master
Scott Williams 16
you, trying to stop me
Current Battle Map
Again, for the record, I'm letting you guys pick out what you want to do!
Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
Game Master Scotty wrote: Again, for the record, I'm letting you guys pick out what you want to do! So, between Iron Gods and WotR, our preferences seems to be so far
Me: Iron Gods
Hobbes: WotR
Kitty: WotR
*Always wanted to see one in play. :P
The new Startoss style feats look pretty amazing with it.
I haven't seen this style. Is it in that new martial book?
Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
Yup, the Weapon Master Handbook, the one that gives martials nice things :P
Startoss' already on the D20.
Bouncing rock 'o doom!
Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1
So are we doing Wrath then?
Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
Let's hear what Choon and Rysky prefer to go for.
I would be much preferred to go with WotR
I rather go for something other than Wrath since I already have a character attached to it with another group but if that's what you guys want I'll try and think of something.
I would give Serpent's Skull a shot. Iron Gods is just one that I'm not hugely interested in, honestly. Heck, I've thought that Mummy's Mask could be interesting.
If we have a pretty solid no on WotR and IG (which we do) what do people think of those two?
Edit: Meaning Serpent Skull or Mummy's Mask
I've never played MM and the one SS game I was in got canceled before it really began.
So exploring the jungle after getting shipwrecked or exploring old tombs for treasure?
Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
*Dreams of Mechas shattering*
Between MM and SS, I'd prefer Mummy's Mask: not really interested in Serpent Skull and it has a, uh...bad reputation.
EDIT: Speaking of shipwrecks, Skull and Shackles?
EDIT the second: Also, nearly forgot: if the Hell's Rebels campaign half of us are in the recruitment for doesn't pick us, would you be interested in that Ered, Kitty, Hobbes and Choon?
If you all prefer that one, I personally have no problems dropping from that recruitment and playing it here with you (I'd actually prefer that!) :3
I'm actually not familiar with that particular one. I am ALWAYS up for S&S, though!
As long as everyone is on board, I'll be happy to run any thing!
If your interested, I could run a second table, there looks to be big interst from some for Wrath.
Yeah that HR recruitment is pretty tense since it has so many people I'm playing with applying for it >_<
And truthfully all the things I've mentioned are simply APs I've not played or are not currently playing, if you guys want to play something like S&S (although I don't think I can put up with Plugg and Scourge a second time without preemptive mutinying...) or RotRL or whatever I'm up for it.
The only one I might say no to is skull and shackles. I've played that one and run it recently and am playing in it now, so I'm kinda piracy burned out.
Let's see:
RotRL - Stuff!
Second Darkness - Drow!
CotCT - City and Plague!
CoT - City and Socials!
Legacy of Fire - Arabian Nights!
SS - Jungle!
S&S - Ships!
CC - Undead!
KM - Explore the Hobbit Movies!
JR - Travel!
ShS - Thassilon!
RoW - Baba Yaga!
WotR - Demons!
MM - Mummies!
IG - Rubits!
GS - Giants!
HR - City and Violence!
Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1
Yea I've played all the way through Skull and Shackles and I don't want to do it again.
I wouldn't mind Hell's Rebels.
Choon's preference list, in no particular order:
Mummy Mask, Hells Rebels, Giantslayer
And a possible secondary WotR
*scratches head*
Maybe vote for say 5 different APs and then tally them all together?
The only one I'm not hugely fond of is IG. Any others get my vote.
Rysky wrote: *scratches head*
Maybe vote for say 5 different APs and then tally them all together?
That sounds fair, as long as everyone agrees to it.
You gotta love how diverse our tastes are!
Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
Well, it looked like most of us are on board with HR: Ered, Kitty, does that interest you, or we go for the 3-5 list and make a tally?
I am in a very very berry slow moving hr, that being said I could do that. :) truth be told the only one I'm not pro for is probably well hmm. COT? I'm in one now to book 3 and while I've enjoyed it all, running game it again would be less optimal than ones I haven't done :)
Looks like we have a slowly forming consensus. I guess I should aquire the players guide.
Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HR's player guide is really good: there's so much stuff!
And I'll bow out of that HR recruitment, then.
Still deciding if I want to go with an Herald Caller Cleric, or go with the original plan of Raging Wilder gish-thingy.
You've seen raging barbarians, raging bloodragers, and raging inquisitors, but have you seen raging full-casters? RAWR!
It's one I'm gonna have to seriously read up on.
Looks like Hell's Rebels is in the lead.
That would be good for me.
I think I'll call it.
Hell's Rebels it is then.
Build guidelines are in the recruitment thread.
I wouldn't be starting the real hard core stuff until my new laptop shows up, but I'll open up the Gameplay thread, so everyone can do some tavern room work to feel out character quirks and personalities.
ShadowyFox wrote: It's one I'm gonna have to seriously read up on. In short, THE CG adventure path.
A broad skill base, strong social skills and a willingness to overthrow the LE man will all be critical.
Your characters will also move into leadership roles, so keep that in mind.
There will be a new subset of the rules, similar to kingdom building, but simplified.
It specifically mentions that Strix are a good option! I'm totally a Strix. All over that one.
Now to decide class. Skald? Some ranged thing maybe?
I might worship Miliani too. :)
too questions, can i be a gunslinger? Can I be an aquatic based half elf?
TheNine wrote: too questions, can i be a gunslinger? Can I be an aquatic based half elf? Yes and yes. Firearms follow the Pathfinder default.
I'm not big on high tech for this particular path, it doesn't jive well.
But boomsticks, go for it!
Choon wrote: It specifically mentions that Strix are a good option! I'm totally a Strix. All over that one.
Now to decide class. Skald? Some ranged thing maybe?
I might worship Miliani too. :)
Sky's the limit, so to speak.
Miliani is an excellent choice of deity, for some reason:)
ive never played a gunslinger, kinda want to, not going to go crazy with it at all I promise :)
TheNine wrote: ive never played a gunslinger, kinda want to, not going to go crazy with it at all I promise :) It's a strong combat class, but not as overpowering as many think.
A little crazy isn't scary to me, we're here to have fun!
Besides, you only get just so many feats...
I'm thinking I'm going to go for an inquisitor or a ranger. Possibly an investigator, once I read over the options.
i thinking going with the shotgun...aka blunderbuss. Is anyone going arcane? There was mention of a rage mage i think?
Its tempted to try out the spellslinger archtype while im at, since this might be the only chance i'll have, but no cantrips, and have to choose 4 opposition schools mean wont exactly be the most effective wizard.
Everyone take your time, bounce some ideas between you, maybe roleplay a touch.
I don't plan on starting the heavier work until later this week.
And now, to bed with me!
Night, Scotty! I'm thinking inquisitor of either Milani or Calistria (with the Heresy inquisition) OR investigator (sleuth). I think the inquisitor could be VERY useful.
Edit: Going with the inquisitor. Looking like inquisitor of Milani (with the heresy inquisition).

I've decided to go with the Shelynite Raging Wilder, probably later dipping one level of Slayer/Fighter/Warlord(probably the latter): those LE guys oppressing the people are gonna get glaive'd. *.*
@Choon: Every time I hear Strix, I can't help but think of this guy (Rick and Morty spoilers warning)
@thenine: Spellslingers are very cool, but the way I've seen them played is to dip one level of Spellslinger to get the magic gun stuff, and then take another caster class to use those on them. Arcanist is probably the best one if you want to be a "wizard with a gun": it's the most thematically consistent, and while losing one level of casting hurt it's better than having 4 opposition schools. D:
Witch is technically the most powerful option to spellsling, but it plays practically identical to a standard one: you just shoot the Save spells trough the gun, but because they don't have blasts you won't get to fire explosive fireball rounds. :(
IF you'd like more to shoot explosive magic at people than be a standard gun mage, you have the option to jump trough much less hoops: just get Gun proficiency/one dip into a gun class, and then go Eldritch Archer magus. That way you can spell combat/Spellstrike with your boomstick!
Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1
I'm gonna be a brawler then. A fledgling vigilante who wants to make his city a better place.
oh if i go this route the charector will be a mixed bag of crazy. Thats why I was asking if someone was going to do a real arcane sort of charector, i mean we are talking gunslinger, mage, rogue, who knows what else :)
Not my usual thing, but I'll give it a look-see. Maybe the charismatic leader bird-man.
(@adahn: lol birdperson)
I'm looking into Shaman. Probably heavens mystery. Heavy on mental stats, esp. Wis and Cha as heavens shamen adds both to Cha skills while outdoors at night. I figure we will be doing a lot a night as we are rebels.
That's a good plan, Choon!
Having been reading up, I am now torn between inquisitor or warpriest. This seems the perfect instance for the Liberty's Blade archetype.
What do you all think? Inquisitor with heresy inquisition or warpriest (liberty's blade archetype)?
The way this is going I'm going to be fragile. Like Whoa. Maybe the most combat fragile character I've ever produced.