Zev Kelevra |

Fighting for a revolution alongside nice and beautiful woman. Iz a good day ^w^

Talon Skyfall |

Am i the only dude in the party? That would be awesome.

Zev Kelevra |

*finally has wifi to look at YouTube vids*
Sweet, that's from one of the first CDs I ever bought.

Talon Skyfall |


Zev Kelevra |

@Talon: don't know how far you're going with the masked vigilante angle but Arcane Anthology gives us this feat.
You completely eschew your former identity, making you impossible to locate or even name.
Benefit: A character with this feat eschews all of her former identities, going as far as to render her former name completely inaccessible by mortal means. You perform an 8-hour ritual that requires the expenditure of 200 gp for rare oils, incense, and creation of a special mask. After this ritual, you forever lose all names and identities previously associated with you (including any identities that you gain from class abilities). You adopt a brief descriptive title in place of a new name. Your title must not reference the names of any people or places. (For example, you could adopt the title “Blue Fox” or “Night Stalker,” but not the title “Chelish Avenger” or “Spirit of the Mwangi.”)
At the ritual’s conclusion, you must don the mask created for the ritual, the appearance of which is evocative of your title. While you’re wearing this mask, any attempts to scry or otherwise locate any of your eschewed identities or connect you to those identities do not work, revealing nothing but darkness, as if you were an invalid target or did not exist. Successful Knowledge checks to identify you reveal your new title rather than any old identity, but can reveal your strengths and weaknesses normally.
As long as you wear the ritual mask and do not reveal your connection to any past identities, any attempt to scry on you independent of your eschewed identities requires a successful caster level check with a DC of 10 + your hit dice. In addition, you are immune to effects that require the use of your name, such as the named bulletUC spell. While benefiting from this feat, you cannot wear any magic items in the head slot, as the mask used by this effect effectively occupies this slot (though this benefit is not magical for the purpose of dispel magic and other effects). In addition, you cannot attempt to impersonate a specific individual by any means, magical or nonmagical. If you ever reveal or confirm your connection to your eschewed identities, you immediately lose the benefit of this feat and gain 1d4 permanent negative levels as your discarded identities return. You cannot regain the benefit of this feat or remove these negative levels until you atone (as per atonement, as if restoring a class feature).

Arani Thorindal |

I'm actually going with Black Thorn myself. As someone who venerated Mialni I see myself as one of the Rose's thorns.

Zev Kelevra |

"Puppy"'s not that much of an alias so just Zev will do I guess :3

Talon Skyfall |

That sounds super cool though it would require the GM to make it come up. Though the punishment for ever revealing my true identity is a little harsh.

Talon Skyfall |

What if I want my own team at Star Labs or Arrow Cave. That's like 4 atonements at least.

Zev Kelevra |

Your team doesn't have to know your secret identity, mainly because you don't have one with that feat, you only have one sole identity.
Also, if you get a base, do not name it Talon [NOUN]

Arani Thorindal |

Lol. Yeah it really is pretty brutal

Talon Skyfall |

It will probably be something like The Nest or something silly like that.

Arani Thorindal |

Pretty much. Just as long as we aren't the Great Lakes Avengers
Love the image.

Zev Kelevra |

Zev Kelevra |

Here's one for Zev, might look for something else though.

Arani Thorindal |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You know a society's gone to crap when vigilantes start coming out of the woodwork.

Arani Thorindal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Abrasax |

Hmmm. That is a good one. I have some story spinning in my head connected to her light skin though. Such a thing is very rare among Strix, and I think I'm going to use it as good reason for not being with her kin.
That and "Abby" really meshes with both Abrasax and Alabaster, so it makes my linguistic bits happy.

Talon Skyfall |

So when are we going to have our own supervillains? I kinda want to meet then sooner rather than later?

Zev Kelevra |

So when are we going to have our own supervillains? I kinda want to meet then sooner rather than later?
Uh, Barzillai?

Talon Skyfall |

Besides the BBEG that we won't get to kill until book 6.

Zev Kelevra |

Besides the BBEG that we won't get to kill until book 6.
Remember that the title of this AP is Hell's Rebels...

Talon Skyfall |

Nah, that's just a title. I mean we're not gonna fight Asmodeus, are we? :)

Talon Skyfall |

You think I'll get to punch all the devils?

Zev Kelevra |

That's kinda a built in expectation of the Path itself...

Canacha Bais |

Game Master Scotty |

Wow! Everyone is getting good stuff together and I'm piddling around! Lol I need to get my butt in gear!
Not to worry, the heavy duty won't start until my new computer arrives later in the week.
I'd rather have everyone on-board with a strong character they wish to play, rather than something thrown together.
Also, everyone give some thought to relationships with each other.
It needn't be overly complex, but do give it a touch of thought.

Zev Kelevra |

Also, everyone give some thought to relationships with each other.
It needn't be overly complex, but do give it a touch of thought.
Zev and Abby kinda got a little bit worked out but I'd always be open for more stuff :3

Talon Skyfall |

Yea I don't know who I could be connected to.

Talon Skyfall |

Well I don't have any cool toys yet. Quick question though, is your character's name Canacha or Garren?

Zev Kelevra |

Does anyone hang out near the Church of Asmodeus? Abtasax spends a good bit of time there studying and recording the Devil's Bells.
Being from Nidal Zev would keep an eye (from a VERY hefty distance) on the Church of Zon-Kuthon as well, the churches are right next to each other aren't they?