Mistress Kayltanya

Arani Thorindal's page

704 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

Full Name

The Black Thorn


The Black Thorn


Female Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 6 |31/47 HP | AC 17 T 13 FF 13 | Fort +7 Ref +8 Will +5 | Initiative +4 (+6) | Perception +10/+12/+14, Sense Motive +5/+7




Chaotic Good





Strength 13
Dexterity 18
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 12

About Arani Thorindal

Female Human Ranger (Urban Ranger) 6
CG medium humanoid (human)
Init + 4 (+6); Senses: Perception +10 (+14/+12 favored enemies) (+13 finding traps)
AC 17 , touch 13, flat-footed 13 (10+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 47 (4d10+8) Current: 41
Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +5
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.

+4 all attacks/damage vs Humans, +2 all attacks/damage vs Native Outsiders
Melee Short stick(Hanbo) +8 (1d6+2 x2)
Melee Shortsword +8 (1d6+2 19-20 x2)
Ranged+1 Darkwood Composite Longbow(+2) +11/+6 (+12/+7 within 30 ft) (1d8+3, crit. 20/x3 Range 110ft -1 per range increment) 1/2 weight, Hardness 5
RangedUnderwater heavy crossbow +10/+5 (+11/+6 within 30 ft) 1d10 20/x2

Special Attacks
-Rapid shot +9/+9/+4 (+10/+10/+5) 1d8+3
-Bullseye shot +17 (+16) 1d8+3
-Manyshot (1st shot 2d8+6)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 13 9, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
Base Atk +6, CMB +8, CMD 21
Point blank shot, Precise shot, Far Shot, Rapid shot*, Bullseye shot, Point Blank Master, *Manyshot
Child of Kintargo: You had the fortune (or perhaps the misfortune, depending on your viewpoint) to be born into one of Kintargo’s noble families. Your experience growing up among the city’s well-to-do has given you an upper hand when it comes to knowledge of high society, and you start the game with a modest inheritance. With the new situation in Kintargo brewing, there is much concern about an eventual restructuring of the city’s nobility. Already, one noble estate has burned to the ground under what can best be described as suspicious circumstances, but whether the government or rebels were responsible depends on whom you ask. With this trait, the assumption is that you belong to a minor noble family (and can make up your family name). In this case, your family keeps a small manor in the Greens. If you want to be a member of one of Kintargo’s major noble families, you must take the Noble Scion feat at 1st level. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks, and Knowledge (nobility) is always a class skill for you. The Noble Scion feat (see the sidebar on page 11) does not have a Charisma prerequisite for you. In addition, you start play with a noble’s outfit, a signet ring, and a single additional nonmagical item worth no more than 200 gp. If you take the Noble Scion feat, your last name is probably Aulamaxa, Aulorian, Delronge, Jarvis, Jhaltero, Sarini, Tanessen, or Vashnarstill; if you’re not human, you were adopted into the family. If you don’t take this feat, you can make up your last name.

Rich Parents:
You were born into a rich family, perhaps even the nobility, and even though you turned to a life of adventure, you enjoy a one-time benefit to your initial finances.
Benefit: Your starting wealth increases to 900 gp.

Deadeye Bowman
Benefit(s) When you are using a longbow, if only a single creature is providing soft cover to your target, your target does not receive the +4 bonus to AC.

Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

8+Int (0)+Human(1)+Favored(1)=10 skill points/ level
*Special: Concentration +5
Appraise rank+mod=+
*Acrobatics rank+mod=+11
Bluff rank+mod=+7 (+11 vs humand/+9 vs Native outsiders)
*Climb rank+mod=+4
*Disable Device rank+mod=+15
Disguise rank+mod=+6
Craft (Bowyer) rank+mod=+5
Escape Artist rank+mod=+4
*Intimidate rank+mod=+9
Diplomacy rank+mod=+4
Heal rank+mod=+4
*Knowledge Dungeoneering rank+mod=+4
*Knowledge Engineering rank+mod=+
*Knowledge Geography rank+mod=+
Knowledge History rank+mod=+5
*Knowledge Local rank+mod=+9 +11
Knowledge Planes rank+mod=+
Knowledge Nobility rank+mod=+7
Knowledge Religion rank+mod=+
Linguistics rank+mod=+
*Perception rank+mod=+10 (+13 to find traps) +14 human, +12 native outsider
Sense Motive rank+mod=+5
Stealth rank+mod=+16 +18
Sleight of Hand rank+mod=+4
*Spellcraft rank+mod=+
*Swim rank+mod=+6
*Survival rank+mod=+6 +10 human, +8 native outsider (+9/+13/+8 when tracking)

Languages Common,



1st level : 2 (1 bonus)
Gravity Bow, Marid's Mastery

Combat Gear+1 shadow studded leather (Black/red hooded with veil), +1 Composite Longbow (+2), Shortword, shortstick(club/hanbo),

Efficient Quiver :Ammunition:(carried)

30 regular arrows
20 Ghost Salt treated (hit as ghost touch)
1 +1 arrow
20 silvered
20 blunt
15 barbed
4 adamantine
4 tanglefoot
22 cold iron
20 pronged
4 thistle
2 splintercloud
1 Thunder (Creatures within a 10-foot-radius spread from the point of impact must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour)
5 smoke arrows
19 whistling arrows
12 incendiary

Gear noble’s outfit, a signet ring, and a single additional non-magical item worth no more than 200 gp. (necklace)
Rogue’s kit: backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, caltrops, chalk (10), a flint and steel, a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, masterwork thieves’ tools, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Potion of Pass w/o Trace
3 2 potions Darkvision
3 flasks oil
3 doses of Holy weapon balm
Wand of Cure Serious Wounds 41 charges left

Gold on hand: 1,142g 49s
Gold Stored:

Wild Empathy: +7
A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Urban Ranger : At 1st level, an urban ranger adds Disable Device and Knowledge(local) to his list of class skills and removes Handle Animal and Knowledge (nature) from his list of class skills.
1st Favored Enemy (Human) : +4 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +4 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Track: A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Combat style Archery: Rapid shot, Point Blank Master
Favored Community (Kingtaro): At 3rd level, the urban ranger forms a bond with a community. While inside the limits of this community, he gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (local), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. An urban ranger traveling through his favored community leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (although he may leave a trail if he so desires).

At 8th level, and every five levels thereafter, an urban ranger may select an additional favored community. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored community (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by +2. For the purposes of this ability, a community is any settlement consisting of 100 or more individuals. The community may be larger than this minimum. Outlying farms, fields, and houses are not considered part of a community.

Trapfinding At 3rd level, an urban ranger can find and disable traps, as the rogue class feature of the same name.

Hunter’s Bond At 4th level, a ranger forms a bond with his hunting companions. This bond can take one of two forms. Once the form is chosen, it cannot be changed. The first is a bond to his companions. This bond allows him to spend a move action to grant half his favored enemy bonus against a single target of the appropriate type to all allies within 30 feet who can see or hear him. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the ranger’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This bonus does not stack with any favored enemy bonuses possessed by his allies; they use whichever bonus is higher.

2nd Favored Enemy (Native Outsider) : +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.



Born the noble daughter of Lord Jacoby Thorindal, a minor lord whose modest holdings included a manor on The Greens, Arani’s independent spirit and strong will were evident from a very early age, as was her rather direct sense of justice.

This aspect of her nature was cemented at the age of 12, when she saw a baker beating a street urchin who he caught trying to steal bread. Without a second’s hesitation she jumped out of the moving carriage, racing across the street and hurled the book she was reading at him, breaking the baker’s hand. Her parents had to pay the man for his loss of income due to being unable to bake. The fact that the noble life wouldn’t work out for her should have been obvious from that alone.

Her tendency toward a somewhat….martial outlook, was reinforced the day she watched Rolento Adar, the Thorindal family Man at Arms, take a goose out of the air with an arrow to the eye. It was also the day she made him promise to teach her archery. The former soldier took a shine to the girl, teaching her the secrets of the bow, as well as how to handle herself with a blade, something her mother, Lady Rhiannon supported, making sure their training sessions were scheduled to coincide with her father’s absence.

Through her tumultuous childhood, and blossoming into a bold and outspoken young woman, it was her mother’s constant support, despite it occasionally being in secret, that helped her to grow into the woman she has become, without self-doubt or hatred.

The true rift from her father, and resulting status as a borderline outcast from her family, began on the day she snuck out of a stuffy ball where she and other noble girls were essentially being paraded for the noble sons of importance, and found herself entranced by the new stable girl, Caitlyn, despite the fact that she was up to her knees in filth at the time. The resulting secret relationship between the two, would lead to Arani’s deliberate sabotage of a marriage arrangement that would have notably elevated her family’s status.

Enraged when he found out, her father had poor Caitlyn, beaten and sent off to somewhere in Menador, an act he believed would eventually ”bring his willful daughter to her senses”. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

Though she and her father have not spoken since that day, she visits her mother when she knows he won’t be present. She understands that her daughter could not betray herself to marry a man, despite what it would mean for their family, and quietly supports her decision to be true to herself.

However even her mother doesn’t know that she don’s armor and a black veil at night, and prowls the city, preying on the city’s many predators, and doing what she can to help the victimized in her beloved city. She seeks to become the thing that the city’s predators fear most, and decent citizens look to for hope. Hunt those that would prey on the weak, abuse unjust law and make the city’s citizens suffer.

Arani now runs around the city in the guise of The Black Thorn, a veiled, hooded budding urban legend, out to help those in Kingtaro unable to help or protect themselves. Despite all of her complaining she genuinely loves the city, and it is this love in part that drives her nightly, and occasionally nightly patrols.



Darkly beautiful, Arani possesses a strong and slightly stern presence, her silky dark hair cut at medium length, usually worn loose, her almost flawless complexion marred only by a scar that extends from the inner corner of her right eye, running across her cheek to the edge of her jawline. Rather than detract from her beauty, it adds a rakish quality to her, especially when she smiles. Tall and athletic, she is clearly in considerable physical condition, while maintaining feminine curves.

Rebellion Role:

Sentinel: The officer grants a +1 bonus to the rebellion’s
two secondary Organization checks, and can aid during
all Organization checks attempted to resolve one event
during the Event phase. The Sentinel can add her
Constitution or Charisma modifier to a Loyalty check,
her Strength or Wisdom Modifier to a Security check, or
her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to a Secrecy check
made during this event’s resolution.


Here’s what Arani knows about the nobles who are part of the Silver Ravens:

Jessibel and the Aulamaxa family: next to nothing. You recognize Jessibel as someone who occasionally hung out with Sabrina Sarini (see below).
Rexus and the Victocora family: Only that the family villa was burned to the ground on the Night of Ashes before Barzillai Thrune seized power.
Sabrina and the Sarini family: You know the Sarinis are pro-Thrune and diabolists in general. You personally have some enmity with their youngest daughter, the redheaded Sabrina (perhaps she insulted, bullied, or talked down to you in the past, at school or at a noble ball or party). You know her to be irresponsible at best and somewhat of a jerk a lot of the time.
Bennett, Sarinsa, and the Solstine family: You don’t know anything about this lesser noble family other than its matriarch is an older half-elf and that they’re based in Redroof (not the Greens). These twins may have aided the Black Thorn when you needed a bit of extra muscle for a certain mission. (They were at the Vashnarstill bash and still reluctantly wear the brand on their foreheads.)

Here’s some of what Arani knows about recent occurrences in Redroof:

1. There was recently some sort of incident involving the gang called the Red Jills. You haven’t been able to track down many details.

2. You’d heard that ghouls dwell in the city sewers of Argo island and southern Kintargo, and had even seen (and maybe eliminated) a couple of lone undead during your nightly patrols. Now you’ve heard rumors that several ghouls may have been behind the attack on the Red Jills.

3. On the night of the attack on the Red Jills, you spotted a winged humanoid in a red robe flying out of Redroof, heading northwest.

4. You’ve noticed a recent uptick in post-curfew traffic recently between the Temple of Asmodeus and an old building called Hocum’s Fantasmagorium. You’d previously noticed comings and goings between the temple and old museum shortly after the Night of the Ashes, but such excursions dried up until about a week ago, when they picked up again. You saw the tall ‘devil woman’ and Barzillai Thrune’s bodyguard, Nox, enter the Fantasmagorium three days ago; you’re not certain if she left again. There was no sign of her pet hell hound that allegedly killed several protesters during the Aria Park protest several weeks back.

5. Last night while making your nightly rounds, you spied a Chelish Citizens Group patrol headed your way. Per your standard operating procedure, you hid in a spot beyond the range of their torchlight, but somehow you were spotted this time and forced to flee. You encountered a couple more Queenmen patrols in the area and can’t help but wonder if they were specifically hunting for you. Some of the loyalists sported horns on their foreheads smaller than those of most of Kintargo’s hellspawn tieflings; they lacked the tails, cloven hooves, and other strange features common in tieflings, however, but can likely see in the dark. You were forced to slip through an open window in the Silver Stein Inn to avoid capture. You stayed there all night, oversleeping a bit due to being a bit worn out by the chases and the adrenaline rush of your close escape. You were about to slip away when a group of adventurers entered…. (I’ll be posting an encounter to the Gameplay Thread shortly; this is where Arani will meet up with and get a chance to join the Silver Ravens.)

1 mwk heavy mace
1 mwk hand crossbow
12 mwk bucklers
10 sets manacles
1 set mwk manacles
1 silver unholy symbol (Asmodeus)
11 bronze Thrune pendants (30 gp)
liquor (250 gp)
loose coinage from bad guys (175 gp)
4 bags of gold coins (500 gp in each)
wand of alarm (40 charges)
goggles of minute seeing