Vinsomner |
The Mad King's war rages on. The country has devolved into chaos. The rate of purges of non-humans climb and mass graves begin to litter the middle continents. Many towns and cities are claimed by the Mad King, flying the banner of the new order. Armies march to the thunderous beats of war while many flee.
Freeport, where the armies are locked into a siege for Moon Sea. Murthinguard has become a bastion, holding the only easy passage into the elven east and dwarven north. The south of Luthias Sea and the complete Thurgan Plains are under the Mad King's Rule. The Green Peaks are contested and the king's armies march towards the Korthargu Ridge.
A exodus of refugees from the middle continent, wives, children, farmhands, ex-militia, nobles who have fallen from grace. Any non-human from all walks of life flee for their life, all fleeing to the desert for one single reason… salvation. Word escaped that the king's armies haven’t crossed the sands and there’s rumors abound, speaking of a hidden city, one that even the Mad King can’t attack and has become the only hope that many seek.
The Brisal Desert, a land of untamed monstrous atrocities, beasts and a golden city rumored to exist drive you and everyone else to save haven.
This campaign is an extension of an existing one that has ran for 37 pages and almost 2k posts! Many died to get us to this point, many have suffered, and quite a few companions sacrificed themselves. It had been put to the side while life took a turn and limited my time to DMing, but now I’m working to revive it and bring it to a new stage of the story. It is my first ever campaign I ran and I believe my personal best. Now I’m reviving it and few of the original players are coming back!
The story is crafted and reactionary to how you the players interact with the world. I have a slight guiding hand, but it is primarily a sandbox world where what you do with it, affects it, permanently. With this in mind, your character has a history in the world and has a stake in it. With your race you choose, your story you craft for your character, will be molded into the world of Kalinthros. Take advantage of this and create something unique! Is one of the towns on the map far to the east a town filled with your unique species? Is there roaming band of nomads? Was there something specific you want to call home?
This is your chance to take part in a campaign that reacts to your choices, and have more rippling changes from your actions. Be it well intentioned or not, the world will react to you!
This campaign IS mythic!
I’m ideally looking for at-least 5-6 applicants to join our cast of 4 existing players from the previous campaign.
Our existing characters are:
Ishak: Kobold - Striker - Sorcerer/Archmage
Octavian: Illidari (Custom Race) - Buffer/Crafter - Wizard/Archmage
Breewyn: Gnome - Healer - Oracle/Heirophant
-FOURTH PLAYER HERE- Yeah, got to rebuild it!
Posting: I expect a certain level of skill with the english language from my players. One sentence responses will usually not be sufficient. Repeated 1 sentence responses will result in the player being removed from my game. There is a built in spell check on the site but I would suggest writing your lengthy responses in a writing program. Blatant poor grammar (with the exception of idiotic character speech) will not be accepted and repeated grammatically incorrect posts can lead to removal. All this means is read over what you write BEFORE posting and spell check. It only takes a minute or two and saves everyone a headache.
At the beginning I will not be militant about grammar or post length as all of the players (myself included) will be getting used to the other players' writing styles. As time progresses however posts should become more fluid and well written as we get more experience as a group. If a character is saying something posting the speech in only bold font is unacceptable. Write your posts as if you are taking part in writing a book.
Posting Rate: Since this is a big campaign all players need to be able to post at least once every day, if an outside circumstance comes up, please contact the players via the Discussion tab for DMCP and let them know so things can be worked around the absences without too much of a disruption.
Healing Magic: All heal spells are modified by the casters total heal skill (min. of 0). Example: Joe Bob has a heal skill of 10. He casts cure light wounds for 1d8+3. Say that gives him an 8. Add his heal skill to that and poof, 18! This represents the casters knowledge of the healing and how to properly channel the healing energy to maximum effect.
Nat 20's and 1's: In my games there is a chance for even a 1st level character to impale a dragon through the heart against impossible odds as well as a 20th level rogue tripping and landing flat on his face. Roll a nat 20 and the accomplishment will go above and beyond whatever you are trying to attempt. Roll a nat 1 and it's an automatic failure, regardless of your base attack or skill ranks. Even gods can screw up.
Feat Tax: I will be using the system suggested here.
Spells: Spells do not require a spell-book to replenish your daily use. Spell-books are only required to change your allotment or learn new spells.
Skill Checks: Even if your skill check is high enough to pass the DC of the required check without a roll, you must roll regardless. Even with your high skill in that check, you still have a chance of critically failing, but also having a critical success which will grant additional boons.
Traits: Traits are earn via playing the campaign. These are rewards or affects your characters will gain depending on their actions in the campaign.
PC vs PC Diplomacy Checks: This will not be allowed to force players to think or behave a specific way. You must convince them with traditional means of roleplay.
Feats: Feats are gained as normal, but additional feats may be awarded by group/character play.
Crafting: A whole new system will be replacing Pathfinders crafting rule set to accommodate the campaign.
Combat: Players will be giving one day to post their turn in combat. By the end of day if a player has not taken their turn, they will be put on delay and combat will proceed normally. GM will roll all initiative rolls to keep from breaking the flow of the PbP.
Player Death: In the event of a players death, that is the end of their journey (If there is no chance to get a revival/reincarnation). This also means your participation into he campaign is done. No re-rolling of characters will be permitted. This is to allow other outside players a chance to participate in the campaign.
Party Wipe: In the event of the death of the entire party, a new recruitment will be held. You will be allowed to submit a new character then, but only then.
Character Creation:
Level: 5
Mythic: 1, HOW you became mythic will be determined between the both of us after you make it past the selection and into the campaign.
HP: Maximum HP on Hit Die for your class.
Abilities: 20 point buy system. All stats start at 10, single point to raise stat by one. You can subtract up to -2 points for additional points. No ability scores can be below 8, or above 18, before racial modifiers.
Classes: All Official Paizo classes are available except for any classes based around guns or blackpowder weaponry, the world has not even invented smaller handheld blackpowder weapons. No occult. No 3PP. Unchained classes are allowed.
Races: No humans, only under special considerations. All Official Paizo races are available except for any "Advanced" or "Sci-Fi" races. I will allow building of races per my inspection. If you want to build a race, let me know and PM me the details of such. Nothing above a 12 RP limit. All Core, Featured, and Uncommon are up for grabs. You may modify existing races.
Traits: All traits are assigned by play. I will assign a customized trait to you based on your crunch, character bio, and sample RP in the discussion thread.
Background Trait/Skill: You are allowed to choose 1 background trait that adequately represents what your character is or was.
Feats: Refer to the Feat Tax ruling in the Campaign House Rules section. Combat Stamina is not freely given, if you desire to have it you must spend the feat to acquire it.
Alignment: Any alignment is allowed. It's fun seeing a mix of alignments trying to work together.
Starting Gear & Wealth: This is a special case, you will have the clothes and gear on you back, the 10 gp starting gear but in a tattered state. You are a refugee that have barely escaped being slaughtered because you were not a human.
Additionally roll a 1d100. This will be used to determine what gear you additionally have when you get accepted into the campaign!
Application Requirement:
In order to be considered for this campaign, I’m looking for several things….
Completed Crunch with the following shorthand in your class/levels descriptor:
(Gender) (Name) (Class) ((Mythic Path)) (Level(Mythic Level)) HP: --/-- | AC:-- T: -- FF: -- | Fort: -- | Ref: -- | Will: -- | Perception: --/Passive Initiative: --, (Special Vision)
Visual Description of your character
Background / History / Personality of your character. This can be one whole thing or separated out, your choice.
Your proposal of what idea you have to tie your character into the world.
Willingness to participate in a recruitment roleplay. This is to assess your writing capabilities and to get a feel of your commitment and what I can expect from your posts on a daily basis.
To complete the 5th step, you will participate in the Discussion roleplay, where you will be one of the refugees out of hundreds heading to sanctuary. I will post an entry setting in the discussion for the prompt and to get things going. This is also to give you a chance to try out your character and get a feel what you will be writing for heavily. You don’t like what you have, this is the perfect opportunity to change your application if it isn’t not jiving for you.
Please read everything carefully! If there are any questions feel free to ask.
When you apply, add yourself to the Player Application Sheet!
alexgndl |
Interesting! I've always liked these kind of post-apocalyptic settings. Thinking of doing a dwarven stonelord paladin. Just to make sure I have this correct, it always only costs 1 point to go up in the point buy? So if I want an 18, it costs 8 points?
EDIT: Just another clarification, do we start with any equipment, or do we just get a tattered outfit? How much access to shops/equipment will we have during the campaign?
Vinsomner |
Interesting! I've always liked these kind of post-apocalyptic settings. Thinking of doing a dwarven stonelord paladin. Just to make sure I have this correct, it always only costs 1 point to go up in the point buy? So if I want an 18, it costs 8 points?
EDIT: Just another clarification, do we start with any equipment, or do we just get a tattered outfit? How much access to shops/equipment will we have during the campaign?
That is correct about the points! So to go to 18 from 10, would only cost 8 points.
About the equipment, you will begin with a tattered starter outfit worth 10 gp. You will then roll a 1d100. This will determine how much equipment you've made off with or have managed to keep from your life that you've been uprooted from. At most on an average roll you will have a sentimental item, be it a sword or pendant. That is something we can speak to once the initial pass has been done.
You will have chances at shops and equipment quite readily, along with the creation rules will make it so during the 'downtime' as long as someone has the craft checks required, materials and equipment, things can be made. So in between some merchants, you will still have plenty of chances at getting items/gear.
Also, a stonelord paladin, especially a dwarf, would fit right well with the group. There is actually a dwarf specific item that needs an owner!
Brain_in_a_Jar |
"Skill Checks: Even if your skill check is high enough to pass the DC of the required check without a roll, you must roll regardless. Even with your high skill in that check, you still have a chance of critically failing, but also having a critical success which will grant additional boons. "
1: I assume this means no one can Take 10 or Take 20 on a check. Mainly just wanted to know, since if that's the case I'd avoid any abilities that modify those.
2: Also what about Deities?
Vinsomner |
You know your campaign rules are surprisingly similar to DM Skulls
Probably will not join, I am not very good at backstory creation
They tend to be, we steal from each others campaigns all the time :) We learn from each other. The crafting system originated from me, and some of the rules originated from him. We joke about it all the time.
I will have my character sheet ready by tomorrow (kids took up more time than expected). I will be making an Oracle (Intrigue) ((Trickster)) (5(1)).
Skill Checks: Even if your skill check is high enough to pass the DC of the required check without a roll, you must roll regardless. Even with your high skill in that check, you still have a chance of critically failing, but also having a critical success which will grant additional boons. "
1: I assume this means no one can Take 10 or Take 20 on a check. Mainly just wanted to know, since if that's the case I'd avoid any abilities that modify those.
2: Also what about Deities?
1. The rules about taking 10 or 20 apply as normal, although taking 20 does not fall under the homerules of rolling a natural 20 on a skill check. In some situations however you do not have the time to take 10 or 20 so it is in those situations you would have to roll, even if the DC is 10 and your modifier is +15.
2. Using Pathfinder Dieties Lore.
Are you still using the pathfinder deities? It would seem I was best to the question.
Inja is complete, please let me know if there is anything that I still need to add and if I can post in the recruitment roleplay thread.
You're cleared to the Discussion thread!
@Wanderer82: We spoke via PM, once you get your stat crunches up, your cleared to go to the Discussion thread as well.
@Tanner Nielson: Once you get your crunch up, your free to go to the Gameplay thread since your a returning player, or you can toss it around in Discussion, your choice.
"The Lucky Halfling" |
Mechanically speaking, my character submission will be a Half-Elf Archaeologist Bard.
Story wise, his skills will be explained by his heritage and constant need to keep moving.
Thesius remembers life being good, if not a bit confined, when he was young. Him and his Elven mother lived within the confines of their home, while his Human father would leave to bring them whatever they needed. It was a simple life, but it was his. It's strange looking back for back then he did not know their race, simply their names, Mom and Dad.
Unfortunately, that would not last.
The day the Mad King's men arrived will forever be ingrained in his memories and be something he wishes he could forget. That was the day his mother died, staring down through the floorboards at the hiding spot she had just moments ago put him in. His father being led away with a look of resignation upon his face. They said they were conscripting him into the army. He would have the honor of serving on the front line.
It was a couple days before Thesius managed to build up the courage to move from that place below the floorboards into his new life. He would have to scrape and steal to get by. It surprised him how much you learn while on the streets, but he would give it all up to have his family back.
This was quickly written, I'll expand upon it more as I work upon the character.
alexgndl |
Still here, hopefully going to get something up tomorrow. Work was a little busier than I thought it'd be today, and I'm still trying to hammer out the point buy and everything. Might as well roll for gear though, might give me some idea of what I have to work with:
Gear: 1d100 ⇒ 79
Okay! I have no idea what it means, but it's a high number! Cool.
Vinsomner |
@Dodekatheon: if Feat tax removes or nullifies a feat given by a class, treat it as a bonus feat that you may pick what you wish to replace it. So with the weapon focus, its allowed.
@Jasmine Almandine: I don't see anything else that may be wrong, just be sure to replace the feat if it got eaten by the Feat Tax! Feel free to begin partaking in the Discussion thread.
@alexgndl: Its the roll wheres its a surprise till the very end!
Philo Pharynx |
I'm thinking of a gnoll. I'd like to use the race builder to come up with a nasty breed of feral gnoll. They are usually ambush predators, but the purge has disrupted their tribe and Ghyrryn has been pursued to the city.
Ability Score Racial Traits: Redfang Gnolls are physically powerful, and they tend to follow instict over logic.
Advanced stats: +2 all physical, -2 Int, +4 Wis,
Size: Redfang Gnolls are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Redfang Gnolls are humanoids with the Gnoll subtype.
Base Speed: Redfang Gnolls have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Redfang Gnolls begin play speaking Gnoll. Redfang Gnolls with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following: Abyssal, Common, Goblin, Orc.
Sense Racial Traits
Darkvision: Redfang Gnolls can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Scent: Redfang Gnolls have the scent ability
Defense Racial Traits
Armor: Redfang Gnolls have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Philo Pharynx |
Gear: 1d100 ⇒ 66
Female Redfang Gnoll Kyarla Barbarian (Guardian/Champion) (5(1)) HP: 85/85 | AC:15 T: 12 FF: 13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +4 | Will: +4 | Perception: +11/Passive Initiative: +3, DV 60', Scent
Kyarla is nearly seven foot tall, but in the crowd she tends to hunch down in a wide low stance. She's learned that sticking up is a bad thing. Her fur is a dappled grey, shading toward red at the muzzle. The muzzle is distinctive to the redfang gnolls. Like most of her kind, she's got lean, ropy muscles. Her black eyes are always darting from one shadow to another and you'll see the twitch of her nose as she sniffs for danger... or food.
Her clothing is little more than rags, torn and stained. It's obvious that she's had to squeeze through some pretty harsh places to avoid being captured. Her sack must have been taken recently, as it's in better shape than most of his stuff. Over her shoulder hangs a clay jug that she'll stop and sip from occasionally. She carries no weapons or armor, but her hide and her fangs show she doesn't need them.
Humans are weak creatures. But crafty, oh so crafty. With numbers and weapons and magic the humans scoured their tribe's hunting grounds. Such was the danger that the Redfangs stood with orcs and hobgoblins. The ancient rivalries were put aside. Not forgotten, but put away for now.
Many of the groups fleeing the humans talked of tribes wiped from the earth and some were the last they knew of. These humans were not taking slaves or prisoners.
The Redfang fought as they hunted. Sneaking close and striking quick, then slipping back into the night. Many of their guards fell, but more came up like a swarm of ants. There was no end to this war.
When they had been driven from the lands they knew, Ghyrryn One-Eye drew them together. "We have seen what these locusts have done to the lands. We've heard of lesser tribes slain to the last child. That will not happen to us. The Redfang will not be slaughtered like the Wolfkin Orcs. The Redfang will not be slaughtered like the Whitescale Kobolds. We will spread like leaves carried on the winds."
"We travel in small groups, fast and long as we can. We run for thirteen moons, then seek out places hidden and secure to settle. But we are still one people, and one day we will recover our homeland. We have three teeth of Slayer-Of-The-Beast, our forefather. The bones will choose three of you and we will cut you to hide these teeth inside you. You will have his strength, and his cunning and his nose. When the humans have been defeated, you will be able to smell your kin no matter how far we have fled. We will be rejoined. Until then, hunt well."
Kyarla was chosen by the bones, and she was cut down the chest. One of her forefather's fangs was put in her, next to her heart. This has made her mighty.
Months later, she is traveling with a mass of refugees, some fear her, but many have had the fear beaten out of them by their flight. Others see her strength and hope that she will drive off other predators.
Hunting is hard with so many fleeing the humans, but she shares when she can. It's better that someone eats before it spoils.
Cut off from her people, there is a little despair in her. All these other races smell wrong. Once in a while she lets the blood of the elder flow through her and smells for her family.* Sometimes this centers her, other times it just reminds her how alone she is.
A little drink throughout the day calms the pain. She's learned that too much means she wakes without the few belongings she's collected. But a little simply takes the edge off.
When she really needs money, she knows the there's always a brawling ring that she can join in. People will pay her to beat another senseless. Her thick hide gives her an advantage, but they usually put her against three or four. The money is good, but the shame of having her muzzle tied keeps her away. But when the hunting is bad and the belly is empty, she turns to it.
*See Supreme Tracker mythic ability
Redfang gnoll unchained barbarian 5/Guardian 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 79, Pathfinder Unchained 8)
TN Medium humanoid (gnoll)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +11
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 85 (5d12+25)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities hard to kill; DR 2/—, 4/lethal; Resist extreme endurance
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d6+6)
Ranged sling +8 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks rage (21 rounds/day), mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6), rage powers (lesser beast totem[APG], regenerative stance)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 22
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Dual Path[M], Extra Rage, Improved Natural Armor, Power Attack, Snapping Jaws
Traits bandit (river kingdoms)
Skills Acrobatics +9 (+13 to jump), Climb +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +11, Stealth +12, Survival +10, Swim +8
Languages Common, Gnoll
SQ fast movement, fleet charge[MA], sudden block[MA], supreme tracker[MA]
Other Gear sling, sling bullets (20), applejack (per gallon)[UE], belt pouch, dandy brush, flint and steel, sack, street meat[UE] (2), string or twine[APG], trail rations (4), waterskin, Keepsakes of her family, 4 gp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) Gain 2 d6 claw attacks while raging
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Damage Reduction (2/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (4/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Extreme Endurance (Cold) (Ex) At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd. This ability
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Fleet Charge (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to move speed & attack (+1 bonus, bypass all DR).
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (Unchained, 21 rounds/day) (Ex) As a free action, gain temp hp, bonus to melee att/dam, thrown dam, will saves, but AC penalty and limited actions. 1 min fatigue when ended.
Regenerative Stance (1 temporary Hp/round) (Ex) While in stance, regain 1 temp Hp from raging each rd.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Sudden Block (Su) As an imm action, use 1 power to add +1 to own/adj ally AC vs. a melee att & foe must rolls 2x (take low). Make return att (bypass all DR).
Supreme Tracker (Su) Spend 1 power to create bond w/target creature.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Vinsomner |
@Brain_in_a_Jar: The tax is to eliminate the need to have a feat that you would always take. But I can see how it would be useful for certain builds. Due to it being replaced, I'd say treat it as if you already have the feat, much like Power Attack. So you don't need to spend a feat on it.
@Philo Pharynx: I enjoyed the write up, and your crunch looks good so far as well. Feel free to join the Discussion!
Maqli |
Alright, Loup Blanc here with a nearly finished submission. Everything's done except the backstory, which has... gotten away from me a little bit, in terms of length. I know how I'm going to work back around to the whole "joining refugees headed for the desert" plot, but the actual writing ended up taking a while to get there, because I didn't want to skip over other stuff. Hopefully this gives you a good idea for the character and my dedication to it, though! Let me know if anything needs changed.
(Also, I'm hoping that the background stuff in the writing serves well to tie her to the world--if you'd like more, I can do that also!)
Equipment Roll: 1d100 ⇒ 51
Vinsomner |
It's looking pretty good Maqli! No need to apologize for the background. Sometimes the writing just has a mind of its own and you just follow it. Usually ends up with quite awesome results! With such an involved background its easier for me to assign traits and incorporate your character and their story into the world of Kalinthros. So it only serves us more in the long run. As who knows, maybe the story may take a route to the Vargrrashat Crags!
You're also cleared for the Discussion thread.
Rednal |
All right, here's my submission! (I prefer to not create aliases unless characters are accepted, so I'm leaving it as a post.) Arion is a Summoner (with an Eidolon that has a fair few claw attacks, but was very carefully not min-maxed - balance is important!), built to provide added damage and general support for the party. I noticed a lot of strong casters already, so while I like magic, I wanted to bring a little more combat stuff to the group, and this was where the spark of my idea led me. XD
Gear Roll!: 1d100 ⇒ 70 I don't know what this means, but that doesn't seem too terrible. XD
As time went on, the statue was increasingly at the center of life in Ghali. Weddings and other ceremonies were held under its watchful gaze, the government grew out of the group that volunteered to protect and maintain Tarak (although it never seemed to suffer the effects of the weather, so there wasn't much needed there), and the furthest edges of its shadow throughout the year marked the boundaries of the town, as residents assumed that being untouched by the blessed shade would mean terrible fortune for a house.
What started as the simple desire for health and safety became more and more like a cult as time went on. The best spots in town were close to the statue, and especially the front, while the 'slum' - such as it was - was made in the place furthest towards Tarak's back. It didn't help that two generations after the city was founded, the first Incarnate was born. These children were believed to have the blessings of Tarak, for the statue's eyes lit up with power when they were in its sights, and those so blessed tended to develop abilities useful for the town. Some had the ability to create water out of the air and supplement the wells that had been dug. Some had the ability to accelerate the growth of plants, or to heal wounds.
Skeptics, of course, claimed that there was no proof Tarak caused it. Maybe the statue wasn't giving power to the Incarnates, but instead just recognizing the talents they already had. The dissenting voices were silenced, though - sometimes with knives - in favor of a culture that sought to praise Tarak and beseech it for blessings and protection. It probably wasn't much of a surprise that the town immediately began to try breeding the Incarnates in the hopes of creating a divinely-blessed rulership class, but one detail that quickly became apparent was that Incarnates couldn't breed with each other - they could only have children with another race, and even then, there was only a chance that their own offspring would be blessed by Tarak.
One of the earliest Incarnates - later to be known as Nephthys the Wise - saw the obvious problem coming and cut it off before it could really get started. Rather than breeding as much as possible, she declared that all Incarnates were Tarak's will, and as such there was no point in trying to forcefully breed Incarnates in order to create more.
Things settled down, then, and at any given time the city had a dozen or so Incarnates who became the de facto ruling class - though their power was limited by the existing bureaucracy so they couldn't become outright theocrats. Since it was on the way to the greater city of Brisia, Ghali soon became a popular stop for merchants and travelers... and thus, perhaps inevitably, a target.
When the Mad King's armies marches, a portion of them went south and around, aiming to cut off Brisia and the cities that supported and supplied it, weakening their power in order to stop them from projecting it across the desert and interrupting the deadly ruler's plans. Ghali was one of the cities targeted, and in one night, a great host fell upon a city not at all prepared for war. Distraught, vulnerable, and terrified, the people of Ghali did the only thing they knew - they cried out to their metal god, led by the ten living Incarnates.
When half the town was aflame, Tarak answered their calls. Working together, the Incarnates poured all of the power they could into the statue. Magical arms appeared out of Tarak's back as the statue bent, and a shimmering barrier appeared over the town to block further attacks. The awakening of their god was not without cost, though - in the same moment the statue moved, eight of the Incarnates had their lives ripped away. The survivors were the two youngest, and thereby weakest - but while the city was protected from further attacks, there was no telling how long the barrier would last. In a hastily-convened council, it was decided to send one of the Incarnates out with refugees of their people in the hopes of finding help, or perhaps rebuilding a new society elsewhere. The rest would stay in town, to continue praying to Tarak in the hopes of keeping their foes forever at bay. The refugees were smuggled out, and with them was the Incarnate Arion, a diplomatic and charming young woman whose gifts had manifested mainly in summoning forth celestial creatures as allies. They marched out together into the unknown, knowing only that they had to face their destinies... whatever it might be.
(While they didn't know it at the time, that was probably for the best - the extreme pro-humanism of the Mad King's army would certainly see any Incarnate as tainted, especially because it was objectively verifiable that they were not, in fact, pure humans - despite the visual similarities, there was usually something that gave it away.)
Throughout it all, no one ever figured out the mystery of Tarak. Was he truly a god, in physical form? Was he some ancient device from a civilization no longer known, or even a weapon whose purpose was forgotten? Was he even anything other than a statue, with simple tricks of illusion used to keep a city's population obedient and the great shield the result of the Incarnates' mixed powers, rather than unknown magical technology or divine might? The people of Ghali had questions, but not answers - and only the gods themselves knew if that might change.
Racial Details:
Incarnates are a subtype of humanoid first observed in the town of Ghali, and widely thought - although not proven - to be the result of some influence from a great statue the town was built around. In addition to being generally Skilled and able to see in the dark when humans can't, all Incarnates are born with natural talents appropriate for their first class level (taking the form of a Static Bonus Feat and a Flexible Bonus Feat). Incarnates can breed with any humanoid except another Incarnate, and the result will be either a new Incarnate or a member of the other parent's race. As the offspring always breeds true, there is no such thing as a 'Half-Incarnate'.
Type: Humanoid (0)
Subtype: Incarnate (0)
Size: Medium (0)
Speed: Normal (0)
Language Group: Standard (0)
Racial Language: Celestial (0)
Ability Points: Standard (0) (+2 Dex, Cha, -2 Str)
Racial Traits:
* Darkvision 60 feet (2)
* Flexible Bonus Feat: Augment Summoning (4)
* Skilled (4)
* Static Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Conjuration) (2)
Total: 12 Points
Female incarnate summoner 5/Archmage 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 54)
NG Medium humanoid (incarnate)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 48 (5d8+8)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5
Defensive Abilities hard to kill, shield ally
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6), wild arcana[MA]
Summoner Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +9)
. . 7/day—summon monster III
Summoner Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +9)
. . 2nd (3/day)—lesser evolution surge[APG] (DC 16), glitterdust (DC 17), haste
. . 1st (5/day)—grease, mage armor, lesser rejuvenate eidolon[APG], unseen servant
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, mage hand, mending, message, open/close (DC 14)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 19
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Augment Summoning, Extra Evolution[M], Spell Focus (conjuration), Summon Good Monster, Superior Summoning[UM]
Traits charming
Skills Bluff +5 (+6 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Diplomacy +9 (+10 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Heal +5, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +6, Perception +6, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan
SQ bond senses (5 rounds/day), eidolon (named Eidolon), enduring armor[MA], life link
Special Abilities
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Bond Senses (5 rounds/day) (Su) As a standard action, you can share Eidolon's senses while on same plane.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Eidolon Can summon a powerful aspect of an outsider.
Enduring Armor +4 (Su) Armor of force grants armor bonus equal to 3 + your tier.
Extra Evolution [Mythic] Eidolon gains 1 additional evolution point. Grant eidolon additional evolution points for each mythic power spent.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Life Link (Su) Damage that dismisses Eidolon can be taken by you. It weakens if not in 100 ft.
Shield Ally (Ex) +2 AC and save when within eidolon's reach.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Summon Good Monster You can summon from a special list, who gain Diehard as a bonus feat.
Summon Monster III (7/day) (Sp) Standard action summon lasts minutes, but only 1 active at a time and can't use with eidolon.
Superior Summoning When summoning more than one creature, summon an extra one
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Wild Arcana (Su) Use 1 power, cast an arcane spell from your class list at +2 CL (doesn't need to be known/mem).
Vinsomner |
@Rednal: Nice use of an existing town/city on the map and just running with it. And you fit the theme of it pretty well. As to the Alias, it would help from transitioning your posts from Discussion into Gameplay if you were indeed accepted, but I understand the hesitancy of having an army of dead Aliases. You are cleared to the Discussion!
To Everyone:
I've been considering an additional set of Mythic ruleset Here
It primarily just simply goes on top of the existing Mythic ruleset, but it provides many enhancements such as mythic improvements for your core class and many other things. I figured I'd give everyone the heads up that it is being considered.
Vinsomner |
Everyone please check the application sheet and ensure your character is listed on it! This little extra step helps me immensely and ensures I'm not missing anyone!
I'd like to take a moment to recognize everyones hard work and all the extra thought they put into their applications. I have to say I'm pleasantry surprised and you all are making really thoughtful additions to the world of Kalinthros.
Really, this world and campaign has been a project of mine for many years, and it makes me feel so good seeing everyone helping fill it with their creations.
Currently there are plenty of applicants, and I never set an end date to the recruitment. If there are no new dots/applications in the next day or so, I believe I may begin wrapping things up.
Vinsomner |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I've decided I wont be including the additional Mythic ruleset and will be sticking to the vanilla for several reasons, a couple of them are listed below...
1) It creates a bit of additional overhead, even though it gives many cool additions, it also has some drawbacks in the system and one thing I'm not too comfortable with is the cross classing of spells without having to take a dip in levels at all to cast those class specific spells.
2) the ruleset is not included in many of the packages, namely Herolab, that many people use to help manage their characters on paizo. I don't want to create much more additional book keeping work as most of players times should be focused away from the book keeping.
3) Spellcasting is already quite powerful in Mythic basic, and the new system makes it even more so. With my inexperience with running Mythic games, such as this is my first, I feel like I would not be able to manage the new ruleset efficiently enough without causes issues.
Rednal |
*Raises hand* I should probably note that the Mythic Mania trilogy is in Hero Lab. I have it myself.
With your decision, though, I strongly encourage using the Mythic Solutions section at the very least. That helps to limit and mitigate the known problems of Mythic play, and it will definitely make things easier for you.
Also, I think I might need to change my mythic feat... *Goes to tweak Arion*
Midiotoziggeroto |
Hey Vis! This is Midioto here :)
I was the Psion Telepath who was frozen in time, who didn't eat, breathe, talk or even bleed (mostly).
Isn't it great that so many old hands are coming out of the woodwork wanting to rejoin you? Must be a good feeling ^_^
As for me, I also recycled my old Midioto but if you allow me to use psionics then I should be able to rebuild him will little difficulties.
Regardless, I will probably think of something else :)
Vinsomner |
@Rednal: Ah, I must've missed the pack for hero lab, but I will take a look at the Mythic Solutions.
@Midi: Hey! Psionics was kind of wonky for me before, so that's why I decided against them this time. So if you would like to rejoin, feel free to roll up a new concept!
@Critzible: There is still room to apply, I don't have a set deadline. I was just going to end it when the applications begin to dry up, or after a week or so. Just kind of playing it by ear at the moment.