The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

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I have sent two private messages to Stolos, and there has not been a reply, yet.

We might have to assume that yet again a campaign that was supposed to feature characters from three prominent races in this small community (Humans, Gymnaga, Maetaur), is back to being about just Humans and Halflings.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

And the hits just keep coming...
As you've all probably noticed, I haven't been very active lately. The reason is, with the recent pending trade issues with the U.S. the company I work for has decided to try to limit its exposure to the U.S. market for the foreseeable future. That means they're cutting back production by shutting down some lines and laying guys off- this during what is normally our busiest part of the year. The short of it is I've been laid off and need to find at least something temporary to make up the difference between my normal pay and what I'll get on Employment Insurance. They're hoping things will stabilize by August & we'll be called back to work, but in interim I've got bills to manage.

These steel tariffs have got things weirded out. If steel goes crazy, it'll affect infrastructure and construction. No building means nobody needs pipe. No pipe means no work.

All in the name of "national security". When have we ever been anything but a friend to the U.S.? I just don't understand. What happened to make everything change?

In any event, it means for at least the next 2 months, maybe longer, I'll not have allot of time to spend online. I'll be busy looking for at minimum a temp job of some sort, and working on-call shifts out of the union hall. I don't see any other options open but to withdraw from the game. This isn't what I want, not after the literally years Terquem and I have been playing, and if anyone has any other suggestions please say them. At this point I'd jump for anything that offers a solution.

Male Human Witch (Gravewalker) 3

Wish I had answers for you man, but I don't. Good luck.


Calex - I'm not likely to go anywhere, so I would be here waiting patiently for your return

But, that doesn't say much about the rest of the players, and one of the things that is *ahem* a bit frustrating for me in these PBP games is that there is a tendency for players to start relying on one “other” player to do all the talking to all the NPCs – let alone the desperate cries I make begging for the characters to talk to each other, God Forbid.

So, if Calex is just along for the ride, for a while, who will step up and be the “leader” of the party, hmmm I wonder. See, I’ll keep this game going, probably, even though I know I am disappointing the lot of you with my posting rate, but at the same time I could probably post more, if characters interacted with the setting more. Most of the time it feels like players in PbP games are just waiting for the next encounter to begin.

I would like to see the character’s exchanging ideas, interacting with each other, but let’s take a real count of who is here, shall we


Only 4 characters, and if these four characters do not talk to each other, or talk to NPCs regularly, not a lot of posting will happen. We can’t expect Calex to carry the out-of-combat encounter role playing, can we?

Male Human Fighter 1| AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 16 (18 v Trip and disarm)|5/12 HP | F +4 R +2 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +6

As calex is the lord I've been letting him do the talking. I'll have to step up to keep things moving and hopefully others will follow.

What sort of housekeeping do we need to do before setting out? I think you mentioned leveling up and I could use some better equipment but I don't know what can be had here and what I've got to purchase it with.


Yes, please make sure all your characters are leveled up to 4th level

roll hit points, but reroll any roll of a 1 or 2

Male Human Fighter 1| AC 18 T 12 FF 16 CMD 16 (18 v Trip and disarm)|5/12 HP | F +4 R +2 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc +6

HP: 1d10 ⇒ 4 That sucked.

Male Human Witch (Gravewalker) 3

HPs: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Female Human Oracle of life (Divine herbalist) 1 +6 init +perc, to hit, F+, R + , W +, Max HP , AC

Ravenna will stay at level four and do a dance party revolution with pirate pinache.

You heard me. Pirate Pinache!

I too will be happy to step up the rp. I have been hanging back a bit trying to learn group dynamics and such since joining really and also trying to get a feel for the character herself. Also naturally there is always a leader, and the Lord of a town is most definitely going to be doing the speaking. If he assigns tasks or asks for ideas or tells people they can speak freely this helps as in this time, speaking out of turn to a lord or interrupting even the most friendly one (most especially to someone who hasn't been around long) would be suicidal literally.


I hope the four of you have prepared the way you want to. I will post an exchange between Marwan and Patricia at the bread and board, everyone is welcome to join in.


Why don't the four of you want to talk to each other about anything?

You all, each individually, seem keen on talking to NPCs, but not to each other.

I don't understand. Don't you have questions for each other?


Marwan - never a problem to make suggestions, and you are correct about what the rule book says about overland travel. And, even though I might not agree with the numbers the Pathfinder designers have come up with, it really isn't a wholly numbers argument

The actual distance you need to travel along the road is unknown, but it was suggested it is greater than 100 miles

You do not have a wagon

The road is not level, and the country is predominately hilly, often broken, and rugged. What you actually know about the road is very little. Setting out at a hurried pace, say walking at 2.5 to 3.5 mph, and taking advantage of the maximum amount of daylight this time of year (about 9 to 10 hours including dawn and dusk) - with breaks for resting, you might make 14 to 18 miles the first day, then settle into a distance of something between 10 to 15 miles each day after that - IF you never stop to talk to anyone along the way or, you know have an encounter.

Primarily though I do not intend to play out the whole overland journey but I hope to only highlight important events along the way.

Female Human Oracle of life (Divine herbalist) 1 +6 init +perc, to hit, F+, R + , W +, Max HP , AC

getting a wagon and using a couple of pack animals and rotating them would be the smart way to go about it and provide protection from the elements as well as ability to carry more food and water for the trip, which we will need to replenish or buy.


The closest place to get a wagon, other than have one built for you, which could take days, would be Castletown, 23 miles to the west (the opposite direction).

However, there may be opportunities to get a wagon along the way.

Female Human Oracle of life (Divine herbalist) 1 +6 init +perc, to hit, F+, R + , W +, Max HP , AC

well, on the way it is!


I'm really not sure about what to do with this game

There are three active players, two of these players are already committed to other games I run and so must find it tedious to put up with my delays

Marwan, I feel like it is you I am letting down the most.

The original intention of this campaign was both little adventures and world building with the characters having a direct involvement in the establishment of the initial town and the setting. Calex was the last of the original players. Even though I know the three players still playing are doing the best they can, it is not the kind of game it was started out to be, and getting your characters to buy into the setting hasn't been easy, mostly because of the failings on my part

I really am considering just ending the game rather than lead the three of you, by the nose, through a Pathfinder Adventure Path purely for the sake of experience points and character advancement.

I will keep posting through the weekend, keeping as much of the game going as I can, but as I consider the future of Woodbridge (which once again has no active Gymnaga or Maetaur player characters) please be prepared for the game to be ended.


I have a non serious family thing going on right now - will be back by Wednesday or Thursday to get a game post up

Male Human Witch (Gravewalker) 3

Yeah, sorry. I feel like this game isn't really compatible with the style of game I like to play, especially with my new work schedule taking so much of my energy, so I'm going to have to bow out of this one. I did have a lot of fun, and I hope this continues for you guys.


I'm afraid this game has run its course and will be shut down

Thank you all for your participation

Feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns

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