The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

::Kay. Can you come help me with this one?::
He indicates a trap wire in front of them.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

::ok? what do I do?::

Salis of Bletherad wrote:

"It is possible, I guess. I'm glad whatever it was isn't reckless. Power like that could be dangerous for both universes. WellI guess eventually I will discover what it was and why I was brought here. I think I'll thank it for the chance to meet you."

She grinned. "Yeah, I definitely owe it for that."

"Come on, I'm done eating," she said, indicating her empty plates. "I'll show you my workshop. You can even try some papermaking for yourself."

Carl "Ironfist" Promethium wrote:

"Acid? you mean the Dwarf Ale, far as I knows, Dwarf ale is strong but acid, nay lad, it just puts hears on ya chest, its good for pain stripping as well"

Carl takes a swig off his dwarf ale, some drops on the ground and you can see the grass go brown before your eyes, Carl belches, there is quite a whiff after.

"See good for ya"

"Or you can have a normal beer if you'd prefer to keep your stomach," Keme laughed.

Vai Sunwake wrote:

"I'm pretty sure that if she wanted to, Raelle could be in a relationship too." Vai whspers conspiratorially. "She's alot more popular than I think she realizes."

"Wait... do we have cookie dough ice cream? That sounds delicious..."

"Morrivan talked to her last night and I'm pretty sure the problem is finding a guy who doesn't treat her like she needs to be rescued and/or protected. She's not the kind of girl who thinks that's cool," she whispered back.

"And of course....what kind of girls night would it be without cookie dough ice cream? Open the door on the cart there...there's a freezer section. The ice cream is in there."

Midori Tsuyomi wrote:

"Hai, sewing can be fun too! Cariban-san is really good at it, that's why we can do this without Ignace-chan's help. Don't tell her please Cha-tan. It should be a surprise!" Midori says excitedly as she helps Chara to pull out the bolt of fabric she had chosen. She can't quite repress a smile that comes with the overly-cute choice of pattern that Chara had made. "This will suit you nicely I think Cha-tan."

Midori begins to lay out the fabric as the other two are finishing up Sara's yukata. "Okay Cha-tan, stand on here please so I can take your measurements." she says, picking up the measuring tape.

Chara stood obediently like she was used to this, which she probably was.

"I'm not sure why, but Mama says that Ignace is not to be disturbed today. I guess things didn't go so great on her trip," Chara said while Midori measured her.

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Reviarti wrote:

"F***! I f****** hate that spell! One spell denying an entire school of magic... Makes me so mad. One spell negating all my hard work...."

she teleports back to the school and ephebe.
"F****** mind blank!"

"Well, that would explain a lot," Ephebe said mildly."Thank you."

She snapped her fingers and an aschen appeared. "The person you're looking for was invisible and mind-blanked when they arrived. And I'll give you an extra five pounds of coffee beans to share amongst yourselves if you find them."

::Please, don't let it be me. Please, don't let it be me. Please don't let it be me....It never goes well when I start with the time travel....::

Ehos Denulia wrote:

::It's probably useless to do so, but unless you think it's a completely waste Ace we should at least try to do it. I don't think she'd be so careless, but you never know.:: Ehos shakes off his slight depression as causing Jaiye yet more pain and sets off after her.

::I'm gonna go find some books too.:: he lies, but that message is only to Ace.

::Ace... it's a big risk, for whoever we put up to be the bait. She may not even go for you either, if she finds out that we've been working together.::

He goes off in search of Jaiye, aiming for her nook in the comic book section first.

He finds her in the section dedicated to books about demons pulling out every book on succubi she could find.

::What happened to all the cards on the table?:: she said angrily as he approached her. ::I should not have been surprised by that in a conversation with someone else, Ehos. If I'm signing on for always being second best in bed, that's kind of something you should have told me up front....and while we're on the subject, she might not have even been as good as you remember. In case you've forgotten, she was manipulating your emotions...which means she could have just been mindscrewing you into believing she was so f!!$ing amazing. Again, a conversation that should have happened earlier.::

Image Alternate Image Yet another alternate image this one showing at least a tattoo
Melody Waverider wrote:

can retcon a bit when Karla comes back if needed

after meeting Karla Mel excuses herself It is nice to have you here. but if you will excuse me I made a promise to dedicate a song and I want to test out a couple new songs as well.

Mel sets up the Sim band and stage I would like to dedicate this song to all of us that have been wronged in our lives. and lets just hope that our time here and our time together will only make us stronger with a wave of her sonic device the lighting changes and begin to pulsate and flash and color chages in tune with her music as Mel goes into this song.

lol. We obviously have some kind of musical telepathy going on. I had that playing on repeat while I was writing the breakup scenes for her to kind of capture the right mood. Although for Raelle I think this song is more of a fit for where she ended up. :)

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16
Raelle del Sol wrote:
Melody Waverider wrote:

can retcon a bit when Karla comes back if needed

after meeting Karla Mel excuses herself It is nice to have you here. but if you will excuse me I made a promise to dedicate a song and I want to test out a couple new songs as well.

Mel sets up the Sim band and stage I would like to dedicate this song to all of us that have been wronged in our lives. and lets just hope that our time here and our time together will only make us stronger with a wave of her sonic device the lighting changes and begin to pulsate and flash and color chages in tune with her music as Mel goes into this song.

lol. We obviously have some kind of musical telepathy going on. I had that playing on repeat while I was writing the breakup scenes for her to kind of capture the right mood. Although for Raelle I think this song is more of a fit for where she ended up. :)

see I told you Mel was an awesome bard...

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

riviarti mumbles, quite irritated.
"I'm going to kind a way to tear that accused spell apart if it's the last thing i do..."
she slowly wanders towards the school.

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

::Hold that wire right there and duck on three. OK?::
He flicks his claws out.
He winds back.
He strikes it quickly.
He ducks just below a flurry of darts from one wall to the other.
::Double Relay. These guys were good.::

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.
Ori Reading wrote:

She grinned. "Yeah, I definitely owe it for that."

"Come on, I'm done eating," she said, indicating her empty plates. "I'll show you my workshop. You can even try some papermaking for yourself."

He nodded in agreement. "Yes I think I would rather enjoy the experience." He told her as he stood from his seat.


"Whenever you're done playing with the defenses we should keep moving. This used to be a firebird temple, right? I'm guessing the off switch on most of these involves fire. That would let the remorhaz be able to pass through any of this easily."

Salis of Bletherad wrote:
Ori Reading wrote:

She grinned. "Yeah, I definitely owe it for that."

"Come on, I'm done eating," she said, indicating her empty plates. "I'll show you my workshop. You can even try some papermaking for yourself."

He nodded in agreement. "Yes I think I would rather enjoy the experience." He told her as he stood from his seat.

She led the way back to her room, this time heading past the sitting area where they'd fallen asleep on her sofa the night before and past the bed to a door on the far wall which led to a large workshop. The walls were mostly windows which looked out onto the gardens. There was an enormous bin full of sawdust made from grinding up leaves and fallen branches and such, a large tank full of water and pulp, drying racks full of paper presses and more.

"So this is my workshop," she said, feeling a bit self-conscious as she showed him around.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

dave grins "well i certainly have us covered in the fire department"

Female Human Teenager
Phaezeriel wrote:
"Ace" wrote:
In response to being added to the collective "That's a great idea, will make things much easier. Thanks."

Before he leaves, Phaezeriel adds Ace to the collective, then bows and turns away, ::I will rejoin you as soon as I can.::

As he walks away, Phaezeriel reaches out to a mind he is only somewhat familiar with.

** spoiler omitted **

Anahita seems to take a few moments to 'try' out the connection before replying.

:This is Anahita. What do you wish to know?:

Her mental voice is quite clear and succinct, not a shred of emotion conveyed with it.

Shaypeer smiles for a few moments watching Rena as they speak, closing his eyes for as few moments with a grin.

The prior conversation touched on the details of Rena's humanoid for the he seems to close his eyes and concentrate saying, "Easily done. Are you prepared for your transformation? Given what you desire, it is likely you will be turning heads and perhaps breaking hearts too. You need only say yes, prepare yourself to accept my spell casting, and walk or fly onto your future."

He'll then wait for her response.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Salis walks around looking over the room. "It is a very productive facility. I can see you put much hard work in your craft." He told her as he picked up one of the tools she uses and notes the wear upon it.

"So how about you show me how these are used?" He asks while holding one of the tools. Though he seemed to be more interested in have her near him.

Salis of Bletherad wrote:

Salis walks around looking over the room. "It is a very productive facility. I can see you put much hard work in your craft." He told her as he picked up one of the tools she uses and notes the wear upon it.

"So how about you show me how these are used?" He asks while holding one of the tools. Though he seemed to be more interested in have her near him.

She smiled. "Well, I did promise to show you how to make, I'll show you, but you're going to make one sheet for yourself..."

Just assume that she gives relatively accurate instructions...I'm not googling the details on papermaking for this post.:P

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Anahita bint Tariq wrote:

Anahita seems to take a few moments to 'try' out the connection before replying.

:This is Anahita. What do you wish to know?:

Her mental voice is quite clear and succinct, not a shred of emotion conveyed with it.

::You said that you wanted me to examine Bradley because of some ill-luck effect around him? Your message was somewhat short on details. Can you please elaborate on what the situation is and what you want me to do about it? Most importantly, why is this request coming from you and not from Bradley? Who are you to him that you make this request on his behalf?:: Phaezeriel's thoughts are likewise neutral; there is no accusation in them and he is clearly only after more information.

Both Doppelganger Except younger looking Factotum 16/Taskshaper 6/Chameleon 10(Gestalt)

Phaez, no response to Ace's suggestion/questions?

Ephebe wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

::why would it be you? What happened 6 months ago? Do we need to worry about the eggs?::

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7
Ginni wrote:

"Morrivan talked to her last night and I'm pretty sure the problem is finding a guy who doesn't treat her like she needs to be rescued and/or protected. She's not the kind of girl who thinks that's cool," she whispered back.

"And of course....what kind of girls night would it be without cookie dough ice cream? Open the door on the cart there...there's a freezer section. The ice cream is in there."

"Being protected feels kinda nice..." Vai whispers with just a touch of wistfulness, her mind wandering towards Fei momentarily. "But yeah, you're definitely right. Always being protected means we don't have a chance to grow on our own, right?"

Vai peeks over at the freezer section.. how had she missed that before? "Mmm... ice cream..." she practically started drooling right now. "Can we move a little closer to the food table? I missed like half of both my meals today."

She watches Mel sing as they nom some food, and a single tears forms in her eye, and she turns to brush it away.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.
Ori Reading wrote:

She smiled. "Well, I did promise to show you how to make, I'll show you, but you're going to make one sheet for yourself..."

Just assume that she gives relatively accurate instructions...I'm not googling the details on papermaking for this post.:P

I don't blame you besides there is probably some magic involved with the procedure here, otherwise yuk.

He nodded and let Ori show him how to make a piece of paper. The process was much like what he knew of from his home, with a few variations. This however was the first time he had scene paper made or had made paper however. The process however wasn't hwy he wanted to be here. Many times he found himself intentionally messing up so that Ori would come close and show him again.

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Chara del Sol wrote:

Chara stood obediently like she was used to this, which she probably was.

"I'm not sure why, but Mama says that Ignace is not to be disturbed today. I guess things didn't go so great on her trip," Chara said while Midori measured her.

Midori looks a little saddened by that, but she nods. "Hai, Lang-kun told us all about it. I wish I could have been there... but I don't think I would've helped at all. I would've just gotten in the way." A little despondent about that, but she's focused on her work. "I... need to be stronger Cha-tan. Everyone else is so far ahead of me. I need to work harder."

Male Elf Bard 14/Sorcerer (Maestro) 14
Jaiye wrote:

He finds her in the section dedicated to books about demons pulling out every book on succubi she could find.

::What happened to all the cards on the table?:: she said angrily as he approached her. ::I should not have been surprised by that in a conversation with someone else, Ehos. If I'm signing on for always being second best in bed, that's kind of something you should have told me up front....and while we're on the subject, she might not have even been as good as you remember. In case you've forgotten, she was manipulating your emotions...which means she could have just been mindscrewing you into believing she was so f@!!ing amazing. Again, a conversation that should have happened earlier.::

::I'm sorry! I didn't think it was that important earlier! I wasn't even thinking about it! Because it's not /her/ that I want, even if she's the best lover of all the planes in the entire multiverse!:: Ehos returns passionately. His heart was hurting again at her anger. "And maybe you're right, maybe she's the worst, and she was just f%!+ing with my mind! I can't tell the difference though!::

Ehos is shaking slightly with suppressed emotion. He was angry and afraid and hurting, but none of it was directed towards Jaiye, so he had to keep that bottled up. ::Jaiye... it you I care about. I made a mistake. A really bad one, and you're an angel that you even can still stand to be around me, but don't get me wrong here. I care about you.::

Damiani wrote:

Shaypeer smiles for a few moments watching Rena as they speak, closing his eyes for as few moments with a grin.

The prior conversation touched on the details of Rena's humanoid for the he seems to close his eyes and concentrate saying, "Easily done. Are you prepared for your transformation? Given what you desire, it is likely you will be turning heads and perhaps breaking hearts too. You need only say yes, prepare yourself to accept my spell casting, and walk or fly onto your future."

He'll then wait for her response.

That last description of her form gives Rena pause for a moment. "Those are... good things, yes? Turning heads and breaking hearts?"

If Shaypeer reassures her that they are desirable... or at least, not undesirable traits to have, she'll nod and tell him that she is ready for the spell.

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Krayskopiasthexum wrote:
Ephebe wrote:

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

::Six months ago....It's hard to keep track. Was that when we were fighting Madness? Or was it when Taron turned the world inside out? It's hard to keep track....but this person is from the future of that alternate timeline...I don't know! I have such poor control of my abilities when it comes to near events and Kronos is being a petty jerk at the moment.::

Vai Sunwake wrote:

"Being protected feels kinda nice..." Vai whispers with just a touch of wistfulness, her mind wandering towards Fei momentarily. "But yeah, you're definitely right. Always being protected means we don't have a chance to grow on our own, right?"

Vai peeks over at the freezer section.. how had she missed that before? "Mmm... ice cream..." she practically started drooling right now. "Can we move a little closer to the food table? I missed like half of both my meals today."

She watches Mel sing as they nom some food, and a single tears forms in her eye, and she turns to brush it away.

Ginni pretends not to notice the tear as she hands Vai more cookie dough ice cream.

Salis of Bletherad wrote:

He nodded and let Ori show him how to make a piece of paper. The process was much like what he knew of from his home, with a few variations. This however was the first time he had scene paper made or had made paper however. The process however wasn't hwy he wanted to be here. Many times he found himself intentionally messing up so that Ori would come close and show him again.

After he finally managed to get through a passable batch of paper, she called a halt to the papermaking.

She laughed as she looked at them both. "This was a bit messier than usual. We both look like we could use a shower..."

"...and yes, that is an invitation."

Midori Tsuyomi wrote:

Midori looks a little saddened by that, but she nods. "Hai, Lang-kun told us all about it. I wish I could have been there... but I don't think I would've helped at all. I would've just gotten in the way." A little despondent about that, but she's focused on her work. "I... need to be stronger Cha-tan. Everyone else is so far ahead of me. I need to work harder."

"I don't think working hard is bad, but you're pretty way far ahead of me...well, everybody is. Don't feel bad just cause somebody else is stronger than you. They're them and you're least that's what my mama says."

"I wish I was stronger too," she added.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

settro's arm is largely tentacle now.

Ehos Denulia wrote:

::I'm sorry! I didn't think it was that important earlier! I wasn't even thinking about it! Because it's not /her/ that I want, even if she's the best lover of all the planes in the entire multiverse!:: Ehos returns passionately. His heart was hurting again at her anger. "And maybe you're right, maybe she's the worst, and she was just f#~~ing with my mind! I can't tell the difference though!::

Ehos is shaking slightly with suppressed emotion. He was angry and afraid and hurting, but none of it was directed towards Jaiye, so he had to keep that bottled up. ::Jaiye... it you I care about. I made a mistake. A really bad one, and you're an angel that you even can still stand to be around me, but don't get me wrong here. I care about you.::

Jaiye hugged him tight. He could feel from the shaking of her shoulders and the damp spot on his shoulder that she was crying.

::I hate her! I hate her so much! I hate her for taking away the things that should have belonged to me....I'm angry and sad and...and I want to rip her throat out. I love you. But this is really hard.::

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

Tybalt was going to respond with 'I could just let you walk through them' when the topic of fire came back up and he froze again, petrified that they might need to use that to do this.
"I l-like this way better. . . ."

Midori Tsuyomi wrote:
Chara del Sol wrote:

Chara stood obediently like she was used to this, which she probably was.

"I'm not sure why, but Mama says that Ignace is not to be disturbed today. I guess things didn't go so great on her trip," Chara said while Midori measured her.

Midori looks a little saddened by that, but she nods. "Hai, Lang-kun told us all about it. I wish I could have been there... but I don't think I would've helped at all. I would've just gotten in the way." A little despondent about that, but she's focused on her work. "I... need to be stronger Cha-tan. Everyone else is so far ahead of me. I need to work harder."

Sun chimes in a bit concerning his friend Lang

Midori, You don't have to be stronger. believe it or not, there are qualities you have that Lang is a little jealous of, and he works hard to get as good as you are. He wouldn't tell me what they are but he has told me this much. Besides, knowing Lang, he would have done whatever he could to push you to use your abilities as best as you could, to challenge yourself. Lang would never feel you were "in the way"

He really wanted to say goodbye to you before leaving hoping you would have some advice for him but because of time he was unable to. I am sure he felt bad about that.

Sun smiles hoping he was just as good as Lang was at helping friends.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.
Ori Reading wrote:
Salis of Bletherad wrote:

He nodded and let Ori show him how to make a piece of paper. The process was much like what he knew of from his home, with a few variations. This however was the first time he had scene paper made or had made paper however. The process however wasn't hwy he wanted to be here. Many times he found himself intentionally messing up so that Ori would come close and show him again.

After he finally managed to get through a passable batch of paper, she called a halt to the papermaking.

She laughed as she looked at them both. "This was a bit messier than usual. We both look like we could use a shower..."

"...and yes, that is an invitation."

He smiled to her. "Thank you for letting me know. I would have taken it as calling it a day otherwise." Gently he places his hand upon her cheek. "I think I will except your invitation under one condition... That we cuddle after words."

(Fade to black.) Sound good there or do you want to continue a bit?

Ephebe wrote:
Krayskopiasthexum wrote:
Ephebe wrote:

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

::He wouldn't have gone over your head and picked another 'you' would he? Is he that petty? Although it is odd they appeared in Fei's crater...::

Wracks his brain trying to think of any significant events 6 months ago or thereabouts...
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 INT check

Phaezeriel wrote:
Anahita bint Tariq wrote:

Anahita seems to take a few moments to 'try' out the connection before replying.

:This is Anahita. What do you wish to know?:

Her mental voice is quite clear and succinct, not a shred of emotion conveyed with it.

::You said that you wanted me to examine Bradley because of some ill-luck effect around him? Your message was somewhat short on details. Can you please elaborate on what the situation is and what you want me to do about it? Most importantly, why is this request coming from you and not from Bradley? Who are you to him that you make this request on his behalf?:: Phaezeriel's thoughts are likewise neutral; there is no accusation in them and he is clearly only after more information.

:Given my study of Bradley of late, I suspect he is altering probability with his mind, or some other non-magical method that seemingly, no one appears to show interest in helping him manage, even at times, perhaps, himself-- beyond the attempts he's demonstrated or spoken of with me. I thought if it were a mental ability, you could help detect such. That is the extent of my request. As for who I am in regards to Bradley, I consider myself a friend and someone who wants to see him no longer unconsciously causing himself harm. All I seek is a study of him for mental abilities that might affect reality. I thought a teacher might assist, though I've no idea if one has in the past or not, such information isn't mine to offer since it is unknown to me. Will you assist him potentially with a study?:

Rena, the Companion wrote:

That last description of her form gives Rena pause for a moment. "Those are... good things, yes? Turning heads and breaking hearts?"

If Shaypeer reassures her that they are desirable... or at least, not undesirable traits to have, she'll nod and tell him that she is ready for the spell.

Shaypeer grins and smiling says, "Oh, Rena-- yes, they are the source of many fine and moving tales in life. I certainly consider those things good, trust me."

With another query put to her, "Ready to accept the transformation?" He smiles and points to the image on the book, animated and looking as described.

Displaying her willingness, Shaypeer then adds, "Close your eyes and prepare for the magic to be cast, I will be the conduit from the drawn to reality." With that, he puts a hand on her frame, and a hand on the paper of the drawing.

With her eyes closed, she doesn't really see much, but there's sounds and a murmuring on Shaypeer's part, casting ensues, and unless she peeks, she can feel her body shifting and changing-- magic coursing through her, and some innate 'understanding' woven into her frame, reformed into that of their combined description...

"Ha ha... it is done. Per your desire, a permanent humanoid form, with wings and looks as you requested."

Salis of Bletherad wrote:

(Fade to black.) Sound good there or do you want to continue a bit?

Yep, that works. Looks like he'll be spending the night again...this time in the bed. ;P

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Krayskopiasthexum wrote:
Ephebe wrote:
Krayskopiasthexum wrote:
Ephebe wrote:

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Wracks his brain trying to think of any significant events 6 months ago or thereabouts...
1d20+5 INT check

::I'm .....not sure. He's...the others are a bit worried about him making a power play at present....But I thought he'd run out of other potential mes.::

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

@Krays: The demon invasion occurred maybe five months and a couple weeks ago... so this must have happened maybe a week or two before the demon invasion.

male firebird firebender 10// caliver 3/bard 3/battle herold 4

after almost two hours, igni comes back to sadie with a finly crafted fencing blade.
"Here. It's the best i can do, compliments of the simroom."
he seems a little downtrodden, as if it wasn't any good.

Igni Phoebus wrote:

after almost two hours, igni comes back to Sadie with a finely crafted fencing blade.

"Here. It's the best i can do, compliments of the simroom."
he seems a little downtrodden, as if it wasn't any good.

"Well, let me see," she said, reaching out and taking the blade, testing the balance and examining it carefully.

male firebird firebender 10// caliver 3/bard 3/battle herold 4

the blade, dispite being a diffrent material, feels natural in your hand and flows wonderfully.
+4 to hit, non magic.

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
"Ace" wrote:

::"Sounds like our best bet is to bait her, most likely with another couple of young lovers. I do not think Ehos and Jaiye will suffice. Not to be a jerk, but I feel the love there is not, uh, tasty enough, for lack of a better term. Hmmm. Maybe I can ask Ginni to be the bait with me. I'm pretty sure I can protect us, and if nessecary we can ask a teacher for help."::

::"Should I cast my spell again, and ask about the location of Ehos' charm? or move on to Communing?"::

Sorry, work kept me mostly busy today.

::Yes, I would say that looking for his fertility charm is probably a good idea. The urge to keep a trophy of a conquest can often be very strong. I have found criminals and fiends alike because they did so. Though I have also nearly been killed because the 'trophy' was actually a trap, so be alert.::

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Damiani wrote:
:Given my study of Bradley of late, I suspect he is altering probability with his mind, or some other non-magical method that seemingly, no one appears to show interest in helping him manage, even at times, perhaps, himself-- beyond the attempts he's demonstrated or spoken of with me. I thought if it were a mental ability, you could help detect such. That is the extent of my request. As for who I am in regards to Bradley, I consider myself a friend and someone who wants to see him no longer unconsciously causing himself harm. All I seek is a study of him for mental abilities that might affect reality. I thought a teacher might assist, though I've no idea if one has in the past or not, such information isn't mine to offer since it is unknown to me. Will you assist him potentially with a study?:

::Hmmm...:: Phaezeriel's thoughts turn very interested, ::Altering probability? And I assume that it is uncontrolled and usually for ill or we would likely not be having this conversation.:: After a couple of moments of silence, Phaezeriel continues, ::I will speak with Bradley and if he does not object to being the subject of my study, then I will assist as best I can. Be aware, however, that I am not officially a teacher. I am a student and I help Professor Nix with the novice psychics so he can focus on the students that need his help more. If it is more than I can handle, perhaps I can convince Professor Ni...:: His thoughts cut off as if interrupted and when they continue his tone is as if a particularly interesting thought has occurred to him, ::Have all the people who have been approached to help Bradley spoken to him about this bad luck he seems to have?::

Phaezeriel wrote:
::Hmmm...:: Phaezeriel's thoughts turn very interested, ::Altering probability? And I assume that it is uncontrolled and usually for ill or we would likely not be having this conversation.:: After a couple of moments of silence, Phaezeriel continues, ::I will speak with Bradley and if he does not object to being the subject of my study, then I will assist as best I can. Be aware, however, that I am not officially a teacher. I am a student and I help Professor Nix with the novice psychics so he can focus on the students that need his help more. If it is more than I can handle, perhaps I can convince Professor Ni...:: His thoughts cut off as if interrupted and when they continue his tone is as if a particularly interesting thought has occurred to him, ::Have all the people who have been approached to help Bradley spoken to him about this bad luck he seems to have?::

:With all due respect, I am unconcerned with your status-- I sought you out as a recognized Psionic to sense whether his abilities might be of that nature. As for your last question, I am uncertain. I do not consider it bad luck, it is a gift he possesses, which appears to be focused upon himself, perhaps the opposite of his sister, Ursula. Recently, he did demonstrate an ability to pull all the negative effects upon himself, which was rather heroic.:

Here you go, Lynora.

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