The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Male Elf Bard 14/Sorcerer (Maestro) 14
"Ace" wrote:

Ace decides to call upon some of his divine magicks. He sits upon a table, laying his staff across his lap, and pulls out a pendant that doubles as his holy symbol.

Before he casts his spell though he looks to his friends "Goin to call upon a little deific aid. I was thinking to ask 'What is the best course of action to capture Kara', but if either of you have a better suggestion, I'll gladly ask that instead"

Ehos nods at that, still averting his eyes from Jaiye, just a little shame there. ::That sounds as good as any, though it might be a bit too direct. She's shielded from scrying, which means that if she has a blanked mind, most divinations won't even know who Kara is. And remember, we're not sure if that's even her real name.::

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Ehos Denulia wrote:
Ehos nods at that, still averting his eyes from Jaiye, just a little shame there. ::That sounds as good as any, though it might be a bit too direct. She's shielded from scrying, which means that if she has a blanked mind, most divinations won't even know who Kara is. And remember, we're not sure if that's even her real name.::

Walking down the hallway, Phaezeriel nods as if agreeing with someone, but his thoughts are directed to the collective, ::Ehos is correct. Feel free to attempt direct divinations, but they will likely fail. Try something indirect, along the lines of 'how to draw out being who seduced Ehos earlier this morning.' Also, try locating Ehos' anti-fertility charm; she likely disposed of it, but if she kept it a mind blank effect would not hide that. Also, Ace, please communicate through the collective so that I can lend my aid as well as I can.::

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

after getting some directions (arrow explanation), reviarti is off to find the headmaster.

Salis of Bletherad wrote:

"It some what explains things, but I have never been one to trust in only one thing. Even when I adventured I trust multiple people to do one task rather than sending only one person. It seems reckless to expect the wards to protect the students all the time. My arrival actually is an example to this, at least from Ryo's explanation of the wards. The wards protect from extra-dimensional travel, which would include extra-universal." He talks of his arrival as though it is an ill-omen. "So I am a little couscous of the wards. They...

"That's the planetary wards. The rules for those changed shortly before you arrived. To allow for things like extra-dimensional travel. And space travel. Which is of course more possible now that the planet has been flipped inside out....still getting used to this whole ginormous sky we've acquired since then. Anyways, those are totally different wards than the school wards. You're comparing apples and kumquats."

Jiaolung Sheessuroussen wrote:

::search the ocean floor and you shall discover the source of life:: comes an ancient and thoughtful voice....

::Yes, you are obviously a fast learner. That is exactly the sort of insanity the 'fortune cookie' dispenses in the name of wisdom,:: she said, amused.

Ehos Denulia wrote:

Ehos looks a bit sheepish, and can't really look at Jaiye when he says this... but he does say: ::I... I'm a little fuzzy... but she was... um... good. Like... way better than a human her age should be. If she is a demon... she might be some kind of succubus? A greater succubus or something? Maybe we should look into the different kinds.::

Of course, what might have been implied - and the reason why Ehos couldn't really look at Jaiye - was that she was probably the best Ehos had ever had bar none... even if his memory on the event was somewhat fuzzy.

"I'll get the books," Jaiye snapped before stalking off and once she was out of sight of the other two punching a couple of walls along the way.

Midori Tsuyomi wrote:
Dara Jhiwoon wrote:
Dara tilts his head, somewhat confused by her offer. He nods slowly, wanting to solve the mystery.

Midori reaches into her holster as if she's about to draw a weapon... but instead she brings forth a birghtly coloured yellow silk ribbon - probably useful as a distraction when tied to a kunai, the ribbon catches the eye quite easily.

She smiles at Dara and closes her eyes. Her horn comes to life suddenly, glowing with a soft white light seemingly from within, and the ribbon turns to steel in her hands.

She opens her golden eyes and smiles at Dara. "See? It won't hurt you anyway."

Dara grins and then frowns in concentration as he focuses on the steel ribbon, using his magnetic ability. Doing something this delicate is obviously difficult for him, but a with a great deal of effort he bend the sides of the ribbon up and then over and across into a very crude bow shape.

'Won't hurt me,' he agreed.

Vai Sunwake wrote:
Ginni wrote:
Ginni smiled shyly. "That sounds like a good plan. I'm looking forward to it...and dreading it...but mostly looking forward to it."

Vai returns the smile happily. "I'm not sure I would have been able to perform even at the tryouts if I hadn't seen my sister in the crowd. Fieri's the one who taught me the harp and she's always encouraging me, so knowing that she was there watching really helped. I think I would've just froze otherwise."

Vai glances at Mel who is talking to Raelle some ten feet away. She continues a little more quietly, almost conspiratorially. "Melody really helped too when she started backing me up, but don't tell her that. We don't need our band leader getting a big head, y'know?" she winks afterwards and smiles broadly.

"I think Melody would make a very good music teacher," Ginni replied with a grin.

"And I don't think I would have even tried to play in front of people if it weren't for Tami and Ace. I'm just....I'm worried that these stupid rumors about me are gonna hurt our band. I...I spent so long pretending to be dumb and not-talented and everybody was fine with me, but as soon as I start acting like maybe I'm not quite as ordinary as I pretend to be suddenly my demonic heritage is a big deal and people are accusing me of using my telepathy to take control of my doesn't even work like that!...anyways, sorry....I'm supposed to be getting my mind off that crap. It's just easier said than done."

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
GM Fireclaw wrote:

Just as Ephebe is about to go to join her mate in play in the lake, she feels soemthign drastically wrong. A familiar sensation no doubt, but much closer to home than usual.

For a very brief instant, there was a massive temporal anomaly some two miles from the school. Usually that means some sort of time travel.

Other beings in the school which are sensitive to such things may also feel something very briefly amiss.

::Krays, I have to stuff....sorry:: she said briefly before shifting back and teleporting away to the site where she felt the anomaly.


Keme paid the ten coins and handed his pool cue to Renkai. "Here you go, you get to play the winners."

He seemed relaxed and unconcerned about the actual game.

Carl, out of curiosity, what's your justification for being able to notice a temporal anomaly? That seems pretty far out of your wheelhouse.

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16
GM Fireclaw wrote:

For a very brief instant, there was a massive temporal anomaly some two miles from the school. Usually that means some sort of time travel.

Other beings in the school which are sensitive to such things may also feel something very briefly amiss.

Melody stops in mid conversation with Karla (assuming she does wish to converse beyond a hello)

strange...oh well, probably nothing Mel mutters to herself but anyone close can hear.

she then goes back to her conversaion but it is evident something is "churning" in her mind.

she sometimes gets this way when she has an idea for a new song as well

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Yes, sorry, but the temporal anomaly was /not/ magically based. Magic sensors wouldn't catch it. This was pretty much aimed at Ephebe and Melody. If there's another reason Carl that you don't want to reveal right away, shoot me a PM please.

Ephebe arrives at the site of the temporal anomaly... strangely enough, it's just inside Fei's crater from the previous day. A huge open space, with the ground beneath Ephebe's hard and compact - glassed in some placed. There is - at least not immediately - any sign of the being or object with caused the anomaly.

If Ephebe takes some time she could probably piece together from where/when whatever caused this originated, right?

Also... Perception and Survival checks from Ephebe please. :D

Rylehtin'akksavith wrote:
Jiaolung Sheessuroussen wrote:

::search the ocean floor and you shall discover the source of life:: comes an ancient and thoughtful voice....
::Yes, you are obviously a fast learner. That is exactly the sort of insanity the 'fortune cookie' dispenses in the name of wisdom,:: she said, amused.

He chuckles and he encourages her to follow him to the open water

::this way youngling! Follow, me...::

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7
Ginni wrote:

"I think Melody would make a very good music teacher," Ginni replied with a grin.

"And I don't think I would have even tried to play in front of people if it weren't for Tami and Ace. I'm just....I'm worried that these stupid rumors about me are gonna hurt our band. I...I spent so long pretending to be dumb and not-talented and everybody was fine with me, but as soon as I start acting like maybe I'm not quite as ordinary as I pretend to be suddenly my demonic heritage is a big deal and people are accusing me of using my telepathy to take control of my doesn't even work like that!...anyways, sorry....I'm supposed to be getting my mind off that crap. It's just easier said than done."

"Wait... there are rumours like that going around?" Vai says somewhat shocked, looking around. The last person to know, obviously. Her lip briefly twitches as if about to curl into a snarl. But she takes a deep breath, not letting her temper get the best of her this time. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Ginni. Don't worry one bit about those rumours. Apparently everyone thinks I like to be shocked with electricity. Anyone who would believe that is just stupid, that's all. Ignore them. Alright?"

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask
Keme Tokala wrote:

Keme paid the ten coins and handed his pool cue to Renkai. "Here you go, you get to play the winners."

He seemed relaxed and unconcerned about the actual game.

Carl, out of curiosity, what's your justification for being able to notice a temporal anomaly? That seems pretty far out of your wheelhouse.

Renkai smiles and nods, taking the cue and walking to the corner of the table waiting for the balls to be racked...

"So, what exactly is that smell? It's like a tin cup being dissolved "

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
GM Fireclaw wrote:

Yes, sorry, but the temporal anomaly was /not/ magically based. Magic sensors wouldn't catch it. This was pretty much aimed at Ephebe and Melody. If there's another reason Carl that you don't want to reveal right away, shoot me a PM please.

Ephebe arrives at the site of the temporal anomaly... strangely enough, it's just inside Fei's crater from the previous day. A huge open space, with the ground beneath Ephebe's hard and compact - glassed in some placed. There is - at least not immediately - any sign of the being or object with caused the anomaly.

If Ephebe takes some time she could probably piece together from where/when whatever caused this originated, right?

Also... Perception and Survival checks from Ephebe please. :D

In theory, yes. She sometimes has trouble with the recent past because she gets tangled up in all of the alternate pasts/futures. Father back is easier.

Ephebe paces around trying to figure out what it was that drew her here.

Perception 1d20 + 36 ⇒ (1) + 36 = 37
Survival 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (6) + 23 = 29

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Dara Jhiwoon wrote:

Dara grins and then frowns in concentration as he focuses on the steel ribbon, using his magnetic ability. Doing something this delicate is obviously difficult for him, but a with a great deal of effort he bend the sides of the ribbon up and then over and across into a very crude bow shape.

'Won't hurt me,' he agreed.

Midori kept her focus so that she would only transform the ribbon... but she was astounded. "Dara-san sugoi ne!" she exclaimed happily, watching him manipulate the steel into the ribbon shape.

After a moment she realizes that she hadn't spoken common (again), and corrects herself: "Dara-san, that's so... nice! Uh.. cool? What's the word?" she loses her focus, and the ribbon turns back to silk, though still bound up in a bow.

"Can you do that with all metal?!" she asks excitedly after having shaken her head to clear of her linguistical troubles.

Jiaolung Sheessuroussen wrote:

He chuckles and he encourages her to follow him to the open water

::this way youngling! Follow, me...::

She swam after him, a bit bemused. She wasn't sure she would ever get used to being called youngling again after such a long time being older than everyone else.

::The water is getting colder.::

Male Elf Bard 14/Sorcerer (Maestro) 14
Jaiye wrote:
"I'll get the books," Jaiye snapped before stalking off and once she was out of sight of the other two punching a couple of walls along the way.

Ehos sighs and slumps slightly after Jaiye storms off. So much for honesty being the best policy.

Vai Sunwake wrote:

"Wait... there are rumours like that going around?" Vai says somewhat shocked, looking around. The last person to know, obviously. Her lip briefly twitches as if about to curl into a snarl. But she takes a deep breath, not letting her temper get the best of her this time. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Ginni. Don't worry one bit about those rumours. Apparently everyone thinks I like to be shocked with electricity. Anyone who would believe that is just stupid, that's all. Ignore them. Alright?"

"I'm trying. I've been run out of places for less reason in the past. Even though I know that's not going to happen here, I can't help but feel nervous about it."

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight
Ephebe wrote:

In theory, yes. She sometimes has trouble with the recent past because she gets tangled up in all of the alternate pasts/futures. Father back is easier.

Ephebe paces around trying to figure out what it was that drew her here.

Perception 1d20+36
Survival 1d20+23

One thing that Ephebe is able to discern from her Champion abilities: this isn't mere time travel... whatever caused this came from both a divergent timeline /and/ sometime in the future of that timeline. This particular timeline diverged about 6 months ago.

During her search of the nearby area, she finds nothing for a good few minutes... and then there is something... a single bootprint, human sized, though a bit on the small side. Worryingly military in style.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

settro starts casing a spell ouside the room, rather bored. He starts melding his left arm into a tentacle.

Midori Tsuyomi wrote:

Midori kept her focus so that she would only transform the ribbon... but she was astounded. "Dara-san sugoi ne!" she exclaimed happily, watching him manipulate the steel into the ribbon shape.

After a moment she realizes that she hadn't spoken common (again), and corrects herself: "Dara-san, that's so... nice! Uh.. cool? What's the word?" she loses her focus, and the ribbon turns back to silk, though still bound up in a bow.

"Can you do that with all metal?!" she asks excitedly after having shaken her head to clear of her linguistical troubles.

Dara nodded. 'I'm magnet' he signed. 'Can make metal move.'

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

settro mutters, barely audible.
"Not really... Magnets only work on certain metals. Witch means you cant control Aluminum, silver, gold...

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
GM Fireclaw wrote:
Ephebe wrote:

In theory, yes. She sometimes has trouble with the recent past because she gets tangled up in all of the alternate pasts/futures. Father back is easier.

Ephebe paces around trying to figure out what it was that drew her here.

Perception 1d20+36
Survival 1d20+23

One thing that Ephebe is able to discern from her Champion abilities: this isn't mere time travel... whatever caused this came from both a divergent timeline /and/ sometime in the future of that timeline. This particular timeline diverged about 6 months ago.

During her search of the nearby area, she finds nothing for a good few minutes... and then there is something... a single bootprint, human sized, though a bit on the small side. Worryingly military in style though.

She swore and tried to see if she could spot anything more in the direction the bootprint was apparently going.

Perception 1d20 + 36 ⇒ (12) + 36 = 48

::Krays, I have a potential time-traveller from an alternate timeline. Young and/or female. Definitely humanoid, possibly human. Keep an eye on any students on the grounds. Not sure yet if this is a hostile visitor or not.::

Male Kobold (Adult Black dragon) Gestalt Sorceror/Oracle Necromancer; Champion of Death

::But! ... Oh, alright. Rain check then...let me know if you need help...::


::Ok will do...::
Flys up out of the pool, and watches for travelers headed toward the school from Ephebe's location.

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

The boot print is the only indication that someone was ever here: even with her finely honed senses, Ephebe can't spot anything else. Whoever this is gone from this spot. The boot print is pointed in the general direction of Avalon though, but that's Ephebe's only clue. There must be magic of some involved.

The crater isn't anywhere near the school, iirc.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

sorry. Removed. (Drat. That was absouluty perfect.)

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

It was about two miles off, give or take. That's why it got crowded so fast hah.

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
GM Fireclaw wrote:
The boot print is the only indication that someone was ever here: even with her finely honed senses, Ephebe can't spot anything else. Whoever this is gone from this spot. The boot print is pointed in the general direction of Avalon though, but that's Ephebe's only clue. There must be magic of some involved.

Ephebe slowly started heading towards the school in the direction the bootprint indicated, stopping to look around often.

She has true sight active if that makes a difference.

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

riviarti was heading to the headmaster, but got sidetracked, looking at all the unique and interesting people here out on the school gorunds.

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Ephebe gets all the way back to the school grounds without spotting anything else. There hasn't been another anomaly though, so she's fairly certain the time traveler hasn't left.

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

up to you if reviarti registers as an anomalie or not, lyn.
reviarti is still wandering around the grounds, watching people.

Flys down to ephebe when she gets to the school

::I've seen no one who wasn't already on school grounds when you asked me to look. Keme is playing pool with casseus and some new comers, but neither of them is slight of build nor female.::

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

she looks at the dragon.
"Hay, didnt i see you go diving earlier? "

"That was me...yes."

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

"Neat! So, are there other black dragons here, or are you the only one here?
Oh, where are my manners. I'm riviarti, you?"

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Dara Jhiwoon wrote:
Dara nodded. 'I'm magnet' he signed. 'Can make metal move.'

"Sugoi!!" Midori says again, obviously very excited.

"How fast can you move it? How mcuh can you control at once?" She asks taking a step closer and fishing in her pouch again, this time bringing out a pair of shuriken and holding them out towards Dara, palm up.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

you hear settro gag, almost choke.
"Oh, gross."

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Settro wrote:

you hear settro gag, almost choke.

"Oh, gross."

"And is there something wrong with that rude person who has been standing outside this whole time and hasn't introduced themself?" Midori adds just a little snippishly.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

"Sorry. A Positive emotion spike is kinda like having the most disgusting food you can think of shoved in your mouth with no prior warning."
settro walks in.
" i just don't wanna make Dara any more nervous then i have to."
settro is not hiding his demonic features at all, and his arm is abut 1/10th tentacle right now.

"My name is Krayskopiasthexum, little one. But most call me Krays."

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

"Nice to meet you, krayskopaiasthexium. So, do you mind if i ask some questions about you?"

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3

The little Aasimar doesn't seem the least bit scared of Settro, standing tall and proud. "That is kind of you, but you still haven't introduced yourself. My name is Midori Tsuyomi." unlike her other greeting... there's no bow. Yet anyway.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

"My name is settro. Your lack of fear is a nice change of Pace."

Reviarti wrote:
"Nice to meet you, krayskopaiasthexium. So, do you mind if i ask some questions about you?"

"At this moment, that is not a good idea. My mate and I need to discuss some pressing matters. Another time, perhaps."

Female Zif Wizard 6/Mage of the third eye 10

"Really? What's the problem? Maybe i can help."


Sun was just sitting watching the exchange until Settro entered.

I guess the game will have to wait then... he muters with a sigh. having the idea that this may take a while.

I'll be outside. Dara you wanna come with me to the garden?

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