About "Ace"AC 31(10+7+13+1) Skills Acrobatics+20, Bluff+33, Diplomacy+29, Disguise+33, Handle Animal+14, Heal+20, Intimidate+14, Linguistics+32, Knowledge(Arcana)+32, Knowledge(Engineering)+17, Knowledge(Nature)+32, Knowledge(Planes)+24, Knowledge(Psionics)+24, Knowledge(Religion)+32, Perception+32, Sense Motive+28, Sleight of Hand+26, Spellcraft+37, Stealth+26, Survival+32, Use Magic Device+39 Saves Fort+14, Ref+17, Will+11 Immunities You are immune to sleep, charm, and hold effects, as well as all other mind influencing spells. Additionally, you are immune to effects that detect alignment. This is an extraordinary ability Attacks +22/+17/+12 Quarterstaff Moments of Inspiration: 20 Hero Points: 4 Power Points: 182 Spells per Day: 0/4, 1/8, 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/6, 6/3 Unique Powers per Day: 8 Maneuvers Readied: 6 Stances Readied: 4 Languages:
Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Cyclops, Draconic, Drow Sign Language, Dwarven, Elven, Enochian, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Nagaji, Necril, Orc, Osiriani, Polygot, Samsaran, Senzar, Shadowtongue, Sylvan, Tengu, Terran, Tien, Thieves' Cant, Undercommon, Varisian, Wayang. Special Abilities:
Aptitude Focus (Ex): Once per day, you can select one of six areas upon which to focus your diverse talents. After meditating for 1 hour, you gain the chosen abilities until you change your aptitude focus. An aptitude focus ability is usable once per day at 1st level, twice per day at 5th level, and three times per day at 10th level. At 5th level, you can change your aptitude focus one time per day, and at 10th level you can change your aptitude focus two times per day. If you change to the arcane focus, combat focus, or divine focus ability, you must still obey the normal rules for preparing spells and readying maneuvers (including any rest required). Arcane Focus: You gain the ability to cast arcane spells, which may be chosen from the spell list of any arcane spellcasting class. You prepare and cast these spells just as a wizard does, including cantrips and the use of a spellbook. Your spells per day are noted on Table 1–1: The Red Mage. You gain bonus spells for a high Intelligence score, just as a wizard does. When Table 1–1 indicates that you get 0 spells per day of a given spell level, you gain only the bonus spells you would be entitled to based on your Intelligence score for that spell level. Your caster level is equal to twice your class level, but cannot exceed your total Hit Dice. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes) and Spellcraft checks and a +2 bonus on Will saves; at 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4. Combat Focus: You gain the ability to initiate martial maneuvers, which may be chosen from the maneuver list of any initiator class. You ready and initiate these maneuvers just as a blade scholar does, including stances, weapon restrictions, and the use of a fightbook. Your number of maneuvers readied is noted on Table 1–1: The Red Mage. Your initiator level is equal to your class level + 1/2 your levels in other classes, as normal. You also gain proficiency in the signature weapons of the nine paths, a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate, Mental Discipline, and Martial Lore checks and a +2 bonus on Reflex saves; at 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4. Divine Focus You gain the ability to cast divine spells, which may be chosen from the spell list of any divine spellcasting class. You prepare and cast these spells just as an archivist does, including orisons and the use of a prayerbook. You can only prepare new divine spells at sunrise. Your spells per day are noted on Table 1–1: The Red Mage. You gain bonus spells for a high Wisdom score, just as an archivist does. When Table 1–1 indicates that you get 0 spells per day of a given spell level, you gain only the bonus spells you would be entitled to based on your Wisdom score for that spell level. Your caster level is equal to twice your class level, but cannot exceed your total Hit Dice. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (planes), and Spellcraft checks and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves; at 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4. Psychic Focus: You gain the ability to manifest psionic powers, which may be chosen from the power list of any psionic class. You learn to manifest these powers just as an erudite does. Your power points and unique powers per day are noted on Table 1–1: The Red Mage. You gain bonus power points for a high Intelligence score, just as an erudite does. Your manifester level is equal to twice your class level, but cannot exceed your total Hit Dice. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge (psionics), Mental Discipline, Spellcraft, and psionic combat mode checks and a +2 bonus to Will saves; at 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4. Stealth Focus: You gain trapfinding, trap sense +2, a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks, and a +2 bonus on Reflex saves. You also gain sneak attack +2d6, as the rogue ability of the same name. At 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4 and you gain evasion and sneak attack +4d6. At 10th level, you gain improved evasion. Wild Focus: You gain uncanny dodge, wild empathy (treat your druid level as equal to your class level), woodland stride, a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Ride, Survival, and Swim checks, and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves. At 5th level, the bonuses improve to +4 and you gain improved uncanny dodge, mettle, and swift tracker. At 10th level, you gain improved mettle. Bonus Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. At the start of each day, you can choose to change your bonus feat to any other feat for which you meet the prerequisites. Mimic Class Feature: At 3rd level, you gain the ability to mimic a certain class feature possessed by other characters. Once per day, you can use any of the class features described below. At 6th level, you can use this ability twice per day (either to mimic the same class feature on two different occasions or two different class features at separate times). At 9th level, you can use this ability three times per day. Channel Energy (Su): You can channel positive or negative energy (your choice when activating the ability) through a holy (or unholy) symbol with the power of your faith. See the cleric class feature, treating your cleric level as equal to your class level. Rage (Ex): You can fly into a screaming blood frenzy. See the barbarian class feature, except that the rage only lasts for a number of rounds equal to your class level. Smite (Su): You can smite a foe. See the paladin class feature, except that you must declare which alignment (or other approved quality) that you intend to smite before you do so. Treat your paladin level as equal to your class level. If you accidentally smite a creature that is not a valid target, the smite is wasted with no effect. Spell Channeling (Su): You can cast any touch spell you have prepared through the red mage class and deliver it through your weapon with a melee attack. See the duskblade class feature (Player's Handbook II, pp19-24), except that you can also use this feature with divine spells or psionic powers. Ability Boon (Ex): At 4th level, when choosing an aptitude focus, you also gain a +2 competence bonus to an ability score of your choice. This bonus lasts until you change your aptitude focus. At 7th level this bonus improves to +4, and at 10th level to +6. Double Aptitude (Ex): At 7th level, you can adopt two aptitude focuses in the same amount of time it previously took for you to adopt one. For example, you could adopt both the combat focus and the wild focus to simulate a ranger, or the divine focus and arcane focus to simulate a mystic theurge. You can’t adopt the same aptitude focus twice simultaneously. You can still only adopt as many focuses per day as indicated by your aptitude focus ability. Rapid Refocus (Ex): At 8th level, you gain the power to change your aptitude focus in only 10 minutes Alter Self (Su):With this supernatural ability, you can assume the shape of any Small or Medium-sized humanoid, animal or elemental. This works like Polymorph as cast by an 18th level sorcerer, but you can remain in the chosen form indefinitely. You can assume a new form or return to your own natural form as a standard action. Consume Identity (Su):
Detect Thoughts (Su): You can continuously detect thoughts as the spell cast by an 18th level sorcerer (save DC 15). You can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. Magic Item Use (Ex): No matter what form you are in, you are able to use magic items. Polymorph Rend (Sp): As a spell-like ability, you can make a touch attack against a being that is presently enchanted by a Polymorph Self spell, a Shapechange spell, or a Polymorph Other spell cast by someone other than yourself. This touch attack inflicts 6d6 points of damage on the polymorphed creature. Cunning Insight (Ex): Before making an attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a competence bonus on the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. Cunning insight does not require an action, and you can use it as often as you wish during your turn or others’ turns—provided that you have the inspiration points to spend. Because this ability provides a competence bonus, it does not stack with itself. Cunning Knowledge (Ex): When making a check involving a skill in which you have at least 1 rank, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a bonus on the check equal to your factotum level. You can use this ability once per day for a particular skill. For example, if you use cunning knowledge to gain a bonus on a Hide check, you cannot use the ability to improve other Hide checks for the rest of the day, though you can use it on different skills. Trapfinding (Ex): You can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and you can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps. Arcane Dilettante (Sp): At 2nd level, you acquire a vague understanding of magic. You know that with a few weird hand gestures and an array of grunts and bizarre words, you can conjure up something that looks like a spell. By spending 1 inspiration point, you can mimic a spell as a spell-like ability. At the start of each day, choose a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list based on your factotum level. You can choose one spell at 2nd level, and you gain additional spells as shown on Table 1–1. The maximum level of spell you can use, according to your class level, is also shown on the table. You can select any sorcerer/wizard spell up to that level, but you can prepare only one spell of your maximum level. Your caster level equals your level in this character class. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your spell is 10 + the spell level + your Int modifier. Once you have used a spell, you cannot use it again until you have rested for 8 hours. After resting for this time, you choose new spells and lose any unused spells from the previous day, though you can select the same spell on consecutive days. You cannot prepare the same spell multiple times to use it more than once during the same day. You cannot use spells that require an XP cost. You must otherwise provide the necessary material components as normal. If you wish to enhance a spell with a metamagic feat, you must apply the feat when you prepare the spell. In addition, you must be capable of using a spell of the modified spell’s level. Brains over Brawn (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain your Intelligence bonus as a modifier on Strength checks, Dexterity checks, and checks involving skills based on Strength or Dexterity, such as Hide, Climb, and Jump Cunning Defense (Ex): You study your opponents and learn to anticipate their attacks. Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain your Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Armor Class against one opponent for 1 round. Using this ability is a free action. You gain this benefit even while wearing medium or heavy armor. You can use this ability multiple times to gain a bonus against different opponents, but you cannot use it more than once during your turn against a single foe. Cunning Strike (Ex): With a quick study of a vulnerable opponent’s defenses, you can spot the precise area you need to hit to score a telling blow. Starting at 4th level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain 1d6 points of sneak attack damage. You must spend the inspiration point to activate this ability before making the attack roll. When determining if you can use sneak attack against a target that has uncanny dodge, use your factotum level as your rogue level. Opportunistic Piety (Su): Factotums are legendary for the number of holy symbols, lucky trinkets, and blessed items they keep handy. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in the dungeon. Starting at 5th level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to channel divine energy as a standard action. You can use this energy to heal injuries, harm undead, or turn undead. At 5th level, you can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom bonus (if any). You gain one extra daily use of this ability at 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. You cannot use opportunistic piety if you have exhausted your daily uses, even if you have inspiration points left to spend. If you use this ability to heal injuries, you channel positive energy to heal a living creature of a number of points of damage equal to twice your factotum level + your Int modifier. The energy will also deal the same amount of damage to undead targets. If you use this ability to turn undead, you act as a cleric of a level equal to your factotum level. No matter what your alignment, you cannot control undead—your understanding of divine magic is too rudimentary. Cunning Surge (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you learn to push yourself when needed. By spending 3 inspiration points, you can take an extra standard action during your turn. Cunning Breach (Su): Starting at 11th level, your broad knowledge allows you to study an opponent and gain a brief flash of insight to breach her defenses. By spending 2 inspiration points as a free action, you can ignore a single target’s spell resistance and damage reduction for 1 round. The target automatically fails any spell resistance check that she attempts to avoid your spell. Cunning Dodge (Ex): Starting at 13th level, your luck, reflexes, and intuition allow you to avoid an attack or spell that would otherwise defeat you. If you take damage that would reduce you to 0 or fewer hit points, you can spend 4 inspiration points as an immediate action to ignore the damage. You dodge out of the way, take cover from a spell, or otherwise escape. You can use this ability once per day. Improved Cunning Defense (Ex): At 16th level, you gain your Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Armor Class. You no longer need to spend an inspiration point to gain this benefit. Unlike the standard cunning defense ability, you do not gain this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor. Cunning Brilliance (Ex): At 16th level, you also become the ultimate jack of all trades. Your sharp mind and keen sense of your surroundings allow you to duplicate almost any ability you witness. At the start of each day, choose three extraordinary class abilities. Each ability must be available to a standard character class at 15th level or lower, and must appear on the advancement table or in the text description for that class. By spending 4 inspiration points as a free action, you gain the benefits and drawbacks of one chosen ability for 1 minute. You use the ability as if your level in the relevant class equaled your factotum level. You can use each chosen class ability once per day. For example, if you use a monk’s flurry of blows ability, you gain all the benefits and drawbacks described under Flurry of Blows (PH 40). You do not gain the benefits of unarmed strike, because that is a separate ability in the monk’s class description. Moment of Change (Su): Each day, the taskshaper has a pool of moments of change equal to three plus her class level. Once a round, as a free action, a taskshaper can expend a moment of change to do any one of the following things: Imprint Feat For one round exchange one feat the taskshaper currently possess for another feat. If the taskshaper character has not personally witnessed this feat during game play she cannot imprint it, the taskshaper starts play with a list of imprinted feats equal to 3+ her class level. Imprint Skill Exchange the ranks of any one Strength or Dexterity Based Skill for one skill check. Modified Advantage Gain a +1 bonus to any single d20 roll. A taskshaper could make a minor internal change to her form that assists in the performance of a task. Whether she’s making her fist heavier, making the arch of her swing move faster, changing the shape of her eyes and ears to heighten her senses, or she moves nerves around increasing her reaction time. Shaped Capacity: At 2nd level, a taskshaper gains one shaped capacity. She gains an additional shaped capacity every even level. A taskshaper cannot select an individual capacity more than once. Capacities require a taskshaper to spend moments of change, which she may do only once per round. Imprint Class Ability: The Taskshaper can use any class ability that could be possessed by a character equal to half her class level that could be performed as a single action (does not include spellcasting or bonus feats). If the taskshaper character has not personally witnessed this class ability during gameplay the taskshaper can only select from a list of class abilities equal to 3 plus her class level, which are selected at character generation. Improved Imprint Feat: For one round exchange two feats that the taskshaper currently possesses for another feat. If the taskshaper character has not personally witnessed this feat during game play, the taskshaper is still limited to the listed feats she can emulate, though this list increases by 3 + her Charisma modifier. Shaped Resistance: You gain resistance 5 against a specific energy type of your choice. At 5th level this ability increases to resistance 10, At 10th level it increases again to resistance 20. Ability Shift (Su): At 5th level, when first gained, the taskshaper must select a single power from the list below, and gains a single ability shift per day to spend. She gains additional ability shift powers at 9th, 13th, 17th, and 19th level. In addition, the taskshaper may also increases an additional ability shift use per day at each of these levels. Use of this ability is considered an immediate action (hence you cannot use the ability twice in the same round) Avoid Attack: By bending and distorting your body, you move out of the way of an attack. Any incoming attack that requires an attack roll, provokes an attack of opportunity, to which the taskshaper can make a special opposed melee attack roll, essentially attacking the attack with her body, otherwise she follows standard rules for opposed attack rolls. If successful, the attack misses (including spells that require an attack roll to hit, like a ray or a touch spell). If the taskshaper’s roll exceeds its opponents by 10 or more the taskshaper can negate the attack (catching it in midair or causing it to be deflected harmlessly), or it can choose a new target within range or reach of the attack. Better Than You: You gain a single feat, however, once per round as a full round action
Ace has chosen Dodge. Feats:
Dodge(b), Eschew Materials, Improved Unarmed Strike, Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus(UMD), Spell Mastery, Uncanny Forethought, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus(Quarterstaff)(b), Well-Prepared. Imprinted Feats Known:
Catch Off-Guard, Channel Smite, Focused Shot, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improvised Weapon Mastery, Perfect Strike, Precise Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Quarterstaff Master, Selective Channeling, Spell Penetration, Throw Anything, Weapon Specialization(Quarterstaff). Imprinted Class Features Known:
Bolt of Fire, Cavalier's Charge, Collective, Collective Telepathy, Cunning Initiative, Detect Alignment, Divine Grace, Divine Health, Fast Movement(Barbarian), Fire Walk, Monster Lore, Solo Tactics, Spell Combat, Spellstrike, Stern Gaze, Trackless Step, Woodland Stride. Default Persona, Ace:
Imprinted Feats: Swap Eschew Materials, Spell Mastery, and Uncanny Forethought for Perfect Strike, Quarterstaff Master and Weapon Specialization(Quarterstaff) Swap Dodge for Improved Critical(Quarterstaff), AC=52 Imprinted Class Features: Cunning Initiative(Initiative=29), Fast Movement(Barbarian). Brilliant Class Features: Challenge, Monk's AC Bonus(AC=53), Weapon Training(3). Arcane Dilettante spells: Shield, Knock, Twilight Knife, Greater Invisibility, Teleport, Greater Dispel Magic Ace's Rod of Lordly Might:
Base form: +2 Icy Grayflame Quarterstaff Scimitar: +1 Dueling Cold Iron Scimitar of Speed. +23/+23/+18/+13 Longbow: +2 Adaptive Longbow of Distance. Battleaxe: +2 Furious Adamantine Battleaxe of Viciousness Ace's classes:
Botany, Care for Magical Creatures, APE, Mathmagics, History of Agartha, and Engineering |