The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Why woudl you wanna be?

I mean, if you're in a country well off enough to be spending time posting here, that is.

Ooooooo them's fightin' words boy!

(But seriously, a reminder: no politics here please.)
(Also, real Thanksgiving was more than a month ago ;P)

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

Well I wouldn't want to be Chinese (no offence to any chinamen this is more on your legal system)
And the foreign exchange student who was at our house, he has a Facebook, but internet for the entire country (or at least large chunks of it) sometimes goes out for no reason with little warning
As a note chao's considered relatively wealthy (he can afford a soccer ball which he used to basically by his way onto a local team)

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16

happy late thanksgiving. Figured I would drop in to say hey.

Hi. ^_^

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16

Hey bro, i'm saving the world again

Dark Archive

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

I'm helping!

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16

Yeah he is... dom this is arthur, he is my new ganna be maybe boyfriend

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Have had flu for last three days. During this I somehow managed to cook thanksgiving dinner and deal with my dad coming to visit. It's so fun when family shows up last minute even after you tell them you're sick. :/
Now I am at the point where my throat hurts so bad I can't eat from coughing up phlegm. Might need to go to doctor if this persists for antibiotics and a long argument about why I won't take steroids even if they prescribe them. Not ever taking that stuff again. The side effects are brutal. They always try to convince me anyways. Doctors can be annoying like that.
Anyways I will be continuing to sit around like the semi-conscious lump I am until this sickness starts getting better. May post later depending on fever. I get kinda loopy when my fever gets too high.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

I had some kind of 24 hour stomach bug that started just as Thanksgiving started
I are one plate of food
Went back for more but immiedietly fell asleep
When I got home puked up said plate of food
Not the best of thanksgivings.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1


That's awful.
I've been at a similar point, where I couldn't eat becuase I would puke five minutes afterwords if I did.
As for seroids, I don't know the side effects, but having to argue with your doctor has to suck.

Lyn, I hope you Get better soon.

Pretty sure I had the flu at the end of thanksgiving day.
Went to see Big Hero Six the next day. Was pretty congested and had what I assumed was a fever.
Took some advil and I'm fine now.
I don't get sick often, and when I do I'm fairly operative still.
Wish I could give that to y'all. :(

male Aasimar Muse-touched Image gestalt waterbender 11/Disciple of the Healing Waters 5/ Bard (street performer/song healer) 16
Melody Waverider wrote:
Yeah he is... dom this is arthur, he is my new ganna be maybe boyfriend

NEW Boyfriend!!!! Grr. Can I put this one on ice at least?

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Went to doctor Saturday afternoon and got antibiotics (and the predictable argument). Also a very needed breathing treatment since I was coughing so much I wasn't getting anoth medicine from my rescue inhaler. Anyways, long story short, my flu had indeed turned into bronchitis and I am starting to get better now, but slowly. If it tells you anything, I was too sick to play Inquisition even though I had been so looking forward to it. Wanting to play that game was what got me through the last 10k words of my NaNo novel. :P
I have however watched a crap ton of anime while not sleeping and coughing up buckets of phlegm.
At least we had enough leftovers to live on while I was unable to cook. :)

I would love to know what you watched, I might give them a try...

Female [Classified] Bard 16 / [classified] 16
Dom Waverider wrote:
Melody Waverider wrote:
Yeah he is... dom this is arthur, he is my new ganna be maybe boyfriend
NEW Boyfriend!!!! Grr. Can I put this one on ice at least?

the last one got iced if that matters...but Mel does not know that

and NO you may not, he isn't any official boyfriend anyway.

Bronchitis? Ain't nobody got time for that...

I'm sorry Lyn, but I do hope you get better. I sometimes don't realize how insensitive I sound so I am sorry.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
Edward Sobel wrote:
I would love to know what you watched, I might give them a try...

My Little Monster. Cute, but definitely based on shoujo manga, so keep that in mind.

Princess Jellyfish. Loved this one.
The Irregular at Magic High School. Confusing at points, but pretty good. Not great, but still worth watching.
The Devil is a Part Timer. This one I loved so much. Definitely watch this one.

I also watched some non anime. Silver linings playbook, which was a really good movie. And I started watching some weird Korean soap opera called Love, Now...Netflix suggests some weird stuff for me....and then I watch it...

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

Hope this doesn't last too long.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1

I loved The Devil is a Part Timer, it's absolutely hilarious.
Decent fight scenes too which is a definite plus,

Sorry to hear about your illness lyn=(

Although in you I think I might have finally met someone who gets sick as often as I do =P

Comradery! Fist bump! *collapses as last bit of energy was used for fist bump*

On another note, Silver Linings Playbook is awesome!

Female Timelady Nerd 3/Geek 2/Whovian 13/Writer 2

So, I want a bit of advice:

I have an elven Inspired Blade for PFS. Smart and stylish, exactly how Inspired Blades should be. However, I still need to decide on a name for his sword. I'm thinking Fearful Symmetry. What do you guys think?

its PFS right...

name it my sword. from my experience, PFS is just an exercise of hurry up kill the bad guys get the treasure and move on. we got a time table no time to "Role play"

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

Ed, Rp levels in PFS are just as varied as at any other table.
Not a very fair characterization of those who play PFS.

I know that.. it must just be the groups I tend to see actually.

I would like to see a decent PFS game that has some good role-playing sometime.

I think I need a new group sometimes.

(I am talking strictly face to face games not the PbP games, they are full of getting into character cause there isn't that 4 hour time table to meet.)

But I did see one game (not mine of course) that seemed to having a good time and really getting into character. until the local organizer had to force end the game cause they were into the 5th hour and still only 75% through the scenario. so the climactic ending was a big dud with a degrade to just a quick combat and fast and furious dice rolling.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I just avoid pfs altogether.

Male I am a meat Popsicle

I dabbled in PFS .. but all the restrictions make my head hurt and so I, like Ice, simply avoid it.

In my many years of gaming-- the one consistent point of failure was impatience.

Nothing quite stops creativity and fun, which often takes some time to get into (in a table top setting, especially with 'strangers', or hell, even friends for years) as much as a time limit.

I've found, if you can't game for more than five hours when seated with your peers-- it really doesn't work well.

Thank god that's not like foreplay and sex, though, we'd all be a lot healthier for it, if it were. ;)

*drum roll*

I've never dealt with the PFS, but it sounds too rules 'tight' for my taste, just to get some check marks checked on a sheet. Not my style of play, at all.

Fearful Symmetry sounds interesting, though, if it were an Elf, I'd go with something colorful and song-sounding to the name. I'm sure there's a Tolkien-izer site which can convert those words into Elf, might add that other 'touch'. Dunno if that's acceptable.

Both groups that I play with in RL are heavy into the 'hack-and-slash' portion of the game and less into the roleplaying aspect. Some players are better than others. Either way, you can still inject roleplaying into those 'hack-and-slash' parties. Here's a fun one that I'm doing right now:

Being an adventurer means killing lots of things (usually). In one of my hack-and-slash groups, I'm playing a gnome sorcerer. She initially joined up with the group to guide them around town. At first she rather shocked at their response to anything that might seem hostile (MURDER IT WITH GREAT PREJUDICE!!), but over the months of adventuring together, she's come to see it as the norm... even growing addicted to the killing. She started out as Chaotic Good, and now has slid into Chaotic Neutral and probably will be Chaotic Evil by the end of the campaign. And when the group's paladin calls her out on it? She's gonna say that she's just doing what he's doing.

She was perfectly innocent at the start of the campaign, but now? She loves paralyzing people with Hold Person/Monster and stares into the eyes of everyone she coup-de-graces, loving the feeling of power that she gets from the killing, from watching them die. I always make sure to describe how intent and focused she is on her victims, and how happy she seems afterwards.

I get lots of "your gnome is f&&@ing crazy dude" from my tablemates, and I just smile, knowing that they made her that way.

FireclawDrake wrote:

Both groups that I play with in RL are heavy into the 'hack-and-slash' portion of the game and less into the roleplaying aspect. Some players are better than others. Either way, you can still inject roleplaying into those 'hack-and-slash' parties. Here's a fun one that I'm doing right now:

Being an adventurer means killing lots of things (usually). In one of my hack-and-slash groups, I'm playing a gnome sorcerer. She initially joined up with the group to guide them around town. At first she rather shocked at their response to anything that might seem hostile (MURDER IT WITH GREAT PREJUDICE!!), but over the months of adventuring together, she's come to see it as the norm... even growing addicted to the killing. She started out as Chaotic Good, and now has slid into Chaotic Neutral and probably will be Chaotic Evil by the end of the campaign. And when the group's paladin calls her out on it? She's gonna say that she's just doing what he's doing.

She was perfectly innocent at the start of the campaign, but now? She loves paralyzing people with Hold Person/Monster and stares into the eyes of everyone she coup-de-graces, loving the feeling of power that she gets from the killing, from watching them die. I always make sure to describe how intent and focused she is on her victims, and how happy she seems afterwards.

I get lots of "your gnome is f*%@ing crazy dude" from my tablemates, and I just smile, knowing that they made her that way.


The Paladin would simply say, (imho) she choose her path. And then Smite her, knowing he's cleansing the world of more evil.

Hee hee. They made her that way! Ha!

*scoffs some more*

PS: I love the thinking process, FCD. I hope it's noticed by the other players, and appreciated.


*puff of smoke and is gone*

Damiani wrote:


The Paladin would simply say, (imho) she choose her path. And then Smite her, knowing he's cleansing the world of more evil.

Hee hee. They made her that way! Ha!

*scoffs some more*

PS: I love the thinking process, FCD. I hope it's noticed by the other players, and appreciated.

I think it's starting to dawn on a few of the players (especially when I remind them what she was like at the start).

The paladin is really into the whole 'thought-police-murder-hobo' thing that paladins got going on. (Detect Evil... HEY! YOU HAD AN EVIL THOUGHT? THOU SHALT NOT SUFFER EVIL TO LIVE!!), so I figured why not use that to my benefit? XD

Debating whether or not I'm gonna have her snap at some point and start trying to murder the party/everyone in the world. Go all supervillian-y (she's got the Charisma for the Presentation aspect of Supervilliandom).

lynora wrote:

The Devil is a Part Timer. This one I loved so much. Definitely watch this one.

Just started watching this the other day... frigging LOVE it so far. I was sold from the part in the first episode when the mood swung so quickly that I think I got backlash. Awesome moment, that was. :)

(Talking about when Alciel first tried to magic the officers).

FireclawDrake wrote:
Debating whether or not I'm gonna have her snap at some point and start trying to murder the party/everyone in the world. Go all supervillian-y (she's got the Charisma for the Presentation aspect of Supervilliandom).


FireclawDrake wrote:

I think it's starting to dawn on a few of the players (especially when I remind them what she was like at the start).

The paladin is really into the whole 'thought-police-murder-hobo' thing that paladins got going on. (Detect Evil... HEY! YOU HAD AN EVIL THOUGHT? THOU SHALT NOT SUFFER EVIL TO LIVE!!), so I figured why not use that to my benefit? XD

Debating whether or not I'm gonna have her snap at some point and start trying to murder the party/everyone in the world. Go all supervillian-y (she's got the Charisma for the Presentation aspect of Supervilliandom).

Well, unless she's stupid? I wouldn't say 'snapping' is appropriate. I mean, that's just a bit too cliché.

Then again, my tastes are complicated. :) You could do the whole 'drop into evil' and rise out of it, and perhaps help grow the other PCs along the way-- even if that growing helps solidify them into their static states of being (i.e. purge evil, no quarter).

Just going the route of insanity is, per the cliché thing. What's her blood line though? That might bring in some interesting 'bits' -- especially if there's any 'taint' in there mixing it up looking for a foothold.

Imagine that, a Paladin that ignored the taint (if he knew) and knowingly, did nothing to stop her corruption from within, and without.

Tsk tsk!

Good stuff.

Yeah, she's not stupid (16 int with the magical hat).

She's got a Fey bloodline, which is why she's very... visceral.

You're probably right about the insanity thing though. Virtue/Sin is one of the big themes of the campaign we're playing (a Thassilon focused adventure path), and above all else she falls into the 'Lust' category. Not because she's highly sexual, but because she's overly connected with her 'base' emotions (part of her fey heritage). She does things because they feel good - killing included in that.

The 'virtue' associated with Lust (at least, in Thassilon) is Love... so maybe if she can find that, she'll pull herself out of her darkness. We shall see.

FireclawDrake wrote:

Yeah, she's not stupid (16 int with the magical hat).

She's got a Fey bloodline, which is why she's very... visceral.

You're probably right about the insanity thing though. Virtue/Sin is one of the big themes of the campaign we're playing (a Thassilon focused adventure path), and above all else she falls into the 'Lust' category. Not because she's highly sexual, but because she's overly connected with her 'base' emotions (part of her fey heritage). She does things because they feel good - killing included in that.

The 'virtue' associated with Lust (at least, in Thassilon) is Love... so maybe if she can find that, she'll pull herself out of her darkness. We shall see.

Ahhhh... Sin.

Good stuff, and Lust at that. Very appropriate for a Fey, doubly Fey due to Gnome 'history' if you use that from Golarion racial things.

I'm bemused at the topic-- it's a re-occurring theme I present now and then in my (N)PCs, and often time goes un-noticed.

After all, Love conquers all, ne? Or corrupts... too much of something, dangerous!

Oak tree versus sapling. Snap, or yield. Ramble... ramble.

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger
Edward Sobel wrote:

I know that.. it must just be the groups I tend to see actually.

I would like to see a decent PFS game that has some good role-playing sometime.

I think I need a new group sometimes.

(I am talking strictly face to face games not the PbP games, they are full of getting into character cause there isn't that 4 hour time table to meet.)

But I did see one game (not mine of course) that seemed to having a good time and really getting into character. until the local organizer had to force end the game cause they were into the 5th hour and still only 75% through the scenario. so the climactic ending was a big dud with a degrade to just a quick combat and fast and furious dice rolling.

I personally can't stand PFS. I won't play in it. I understand the necessity for it though.

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

I've greatly enjoyed playing a character's slow decent into "evil".
Usually, though, the game falls appart before the redemption can occur.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
FireclawDrake wrote:
lynora wrote:

The Devil is a Part Timer. This one I loved so much. Definitely watch this one.

Just started watching this the other day... frigging LOVE it so far. I was sold from the part in the first episode when the mood swung so quickly that I think I got backlash. Awesome moment, that was. :)

(Talking about when Alciel first tried to magic the officers).

I love love love the way the show plays with the expectations of good and evil and which is actually which. :)

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
FireclawDrake wrote:

Yeah, she's not stupid (16 int with the magical hat).

She's got a Fey bloodline, which is why she's very... visceral.

You're probably right about the insanity thing though. Virtue/Sin is one of the big themes of the campaign we're playing (a Thassilon focused adventure path), and above all else she falls into the 'Lust' category. Not because she's highly sexual, but because she's overly connected with her 'base' emotions (part of her fey heritage). She does things because they feel good - killing included in that.

The 'virtue' associated with Lust (at least, in Thassilon) is Love... so maybe if she can find that, she'll pull herself out of her darkness. We shall see.

Heh. And if it were me the virtue would be the source of the moral event horizon that could lead to supervillainy... In the name of the greater good. Always nice to hand the paladin a possibly code breaking moral dilemma. : P

Shadow Lodge

Davor, a half-orc inquisitor of Hoar, ran through a summoning circle and got turned into a half-fiend.

By the end of the campaign, the wizard was confused about my characters "sudden" interest in joining the BBEG.

at which point i pointed out killing the High Priest of Bane in cold blood and my many attempts to sell the half-giant fighter into slavery. :)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

In one of the FR books, there's a spell that transforms the target into a half-fiend. I am **almost** positive it can be used against an unwilling target.

I've always wondered what would happen if you cast it successfully vs a celestial. Not mechanically of course, but psychologically, especially if you play it up that the spell forces a fiendish spirit or something into the victim.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1


It instantly makes them evil.

Half fiends are always evil, like undead.

icehawk333 wrote:


It instantly makes them evil.

Half fiends are always evil, like undead.

I believe a better term here is, they adopt the 'fiend' template.

Nothing about evil, or good. Their alignment doesn't change.

Susceptible to the appropriate Smites, sure.

Radically changing the mind/soul of a being takes serious power. Adjusting their template alone doesn't cut it.

Then again, I could be wrong.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

half-fiends are "any evil."
In the template.

Do I like it?
Not neccceirly.
Is it how it works?

Much like paldin's turned vampire are instantly evil.

icehawk333 wrote:

half-fiends are "any evil."

In the template.

Do I like it?
Not neccceirly.
Is it how it works?

Much like paldin's turned vampire are instantly evil.

I may have misused the term 'template'. That's applied to a creature you're designing from scratch.

What I believe is the better term is 'type' and 'subclass'.

Per this:


Now, note-- it doesn't say their alignment changes, it just says they are affected by Holy Water. Their physical form is due to this type. (You could also argue, PCs aren't 'monsters' and this is a moot point, maybe...)

So-- this would mean, that due to the Vampire (in this example) needing to feed, eventually it may succumb to evil acts, beyond it's control, resulting in an alignment change.

I would argue, however, they aren't automatically-- Evil, if made into Undead, intelligent ones, right off.

That's just my thought on the matter. I'm sure there are sources we can quote from the designers that clarify all this, but ...

What happens to the Vampire that gets an Alignment Change Helmet put on them? Per my argument, the holy water still burns, but they wouldn't Detect as Evil.

Just like the Fiend thing-- you're physical form is 'fiend'. Not the soul/spirit.

Something like that. Hope that makes sense.

James Jacobs has said at some point that Undead are inherently evil, though I believe the context was Golarion-setting-specific (Undeath removes souls from the Lifestream or some such nonsense. Same reason why Pharasma hates undead.)

My argument is: too bad, story trumps rules. If the story calls for a fiendish transformation to mix a fiendish essence into someone's mind/soul, then go for it. But the story could just as easily call for the opposite - just a physical transformation and trying to cope with that as a Good creature.

It really could go either way, and just going by RULES is boring. Creativity > Rules, amirite?

I mean...

Iron Gods AP Spoilers:

If a computer can become a God... all bets are off, amirite? :P

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