Fei, of the Sun Soul |
Hey Fei/Dalesman, in addition to Aananda, I'm thinking Chen could also be a teacher capable of working with Fei. I'm gonna stat her out this weekend as a "perfect master" kind of thing. She's a pacifist, see, and has been training for centuries thanks to the time pocket the staff helped create for her in her cozy little demi-plane classroom.
Thoughts? Suggestions? You okay with this?
I actually thought Chen was the same teacher the two of them had when you first joined the thread, so I just assumed she was already the one teaching Fei's Deep Meditation class in the afternoon. I guess that means I am okay by default! ;)
Just remember that Fei is not a pacifist - his monastic order believes in defending creation, after all - but he does approve of the concept (^-^)
Sifu Chen Daiyu |
Yeah, we haven't been around for centuries so... we probably didn't make the time pocket.
The time pocket isn't centuries old, it just allows her to warp things so she has "all the time in the world". Just handwaving a bit of minor chronomancy kind of thing, making a pocket demi-plane that is a slice of ancient China kind of thing.
Fei: I forgot about that, but you're right. Coolness.
lynora |
Okay since they are not phoenixes what is the difference?
A phoenix is a magical beast. A firebird is a sentient creature who can change into a humanoid form. Also, firebirds sing. Phoenix don't. They make weird croaking noises sometimes, but they sound awful.
Alton Keme de Eil |
So my posse and I are almost ready to destroy Agartha! Anyone want to switch sides? Last chance!
Oneiro Mance |
Maybe not even then, if Professor Ori keeps me back to talk paper magic.
Also, I now know how to explain my answer to Vai's question, but will keep it a secret for a bit.
"You seem like you know alot about magic. Why are you in the beginner class?"
"Because..." Oneiro pauses for a moment, unsure of what to say. "There is a difference between knowing how to do something and actually being able to do it."
Mrdarknlight |
So my posse and I are almost ready to destroy Agartha! Anyone want to switch sides? Last chance!
This destroy is blow up destroying or just get rid of destroying?
Fei, of the Sun Soul |
"I....would prefer to be neither a candidate for ritual sacrifice, nor a victim of pointless murder."
Bows humbly.
Alton Keme de Eil |
I only picked you because I'm pretty sure Jim doesn't count for two reasons.
1) No blood.
2) I think the gods that want ritual sacrifice want a flesh-and-blood virgin instead of a nuts-and-bolts one.
Plus, I just have to keep throwing things at you until your cuffs overload to incapacitate you. If I do that on a really big altar and it kills you then I also don't have a knife to clean afterward.
"Jim" Rivets |
You're help today shall be remembered, Fei, and you shall not be murdered. At least... not at first. >:)
Just kidding, of course. Or am I? Did professor Krueller program me with some sinister purpose even I don't know about? Probably not, but it's a possibility. :P
Gustav Stonecutter |
My gaming table went from D&D 3.5 to Pathfinder and never looked back. 5E has nothing for me, it will be like Latin changing into Italian changing into some kind of brogue even further from the original.
The best thing for Pazio to do is infinitesimal changes to Pathfinder over the next 10 year period. Such that they don't even have to issue a new Core book, just errata sheets. Stay in the "happy middle" niche they have carved out for themselves.
Kobold Catgirl |
4E didn't make me very happy. Dragon and Dungeon had gone down only...a year ago?...and I was already irritated with WotC. This settled it. When Pathfinder came out, I immediately switched.
Since then, I've gotten over the hate at conventions (out of necessity--a game is a game, and I can't be picky). I've had a fair bit of fun with 4E--it's especially good for hack-n-slash--and it's a pity they're canceling it already. I was just starting to warm up to it.
Gustav Stonecutter |
That's the problem, Kobold Cleaver. It's already been parodied in Knights of the Dinner Table fan magazine. The real world business model changed from "slow and steady" back in the 1960s to Moore's Law and planned obsolescence in the 1980s to the breakneck "make a profit this quarter or else" today.
Why is 5E coming out? Because 4E has saturated the market in 5 years and there's no profit in the core books anymore, just the modules. And that's not enough for salaries and production. So Hasbro's going to roll out 5E hoping they can get 100% of the old players to buy the new books and switch over, gathering 20% new players as well to the new system.
These are the CEOs and managers who think World of Warcraft is the "digital" version of D&D. They're missing the core old players who still tabletop (and sometimes PbP :) ).
I hope Pazio ignores 5E. The best thing for them to do is merely plan for a good Adventure Path or two that caters to their core "old school" market in 2012.
Phaezeriel |
I gave 4e a good three month trial. I was skeptical at first, but my experience with it has simply reinforced my first impression. I have no desire to play a world of warcraft style miniatures wargame dressed in a skin of high fantasy.
I doubt 5e will be any better, and frankly i am somewhat irritated by the greedy nature of the company that owns the AD&D name. As Gustav said, they do not understand the core older players, but they are making money so I dont think they care.
Phaezeriel |
Yes, yes. Pardon my mis-speaking. I try not to associate 4e with AD&D because it is, in my opinion, only AD&D in name. What I mean by a WoW-style game is the whole ability cooldown concept that 4e has. I realize that even AD&D 3.5 functioned on cooldowns, as does Pathfinder, but the FEEL of it is so different that I do not include 2.5 or Pathfinder in that definition with 4e. 3.5 and Pathfinder do not FEEL like a game of managing cooldowns. I played WoW for entirely too long and when I tried 4e my first reaction was 'why don't I just go home, log in, and play what this is trying to be?'
Gustav Stonecutter |
IMHO any "live" MMO video game where you own a character that can "respawn" after so many seconds or minutes is not equivalent to AD&D the tabletop game. The older turn-based video games where you had to create a character and then keep track of him/her (XCOM and XCOM II come to mind) came closer to the tabletop experience of character creation and control. Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Dranoor was the best attempt I've seen so far, and that was not "live", but turn-based.
But none of that matters to Hasbro and gaming companies that have made a market of first-person-shooter games and tried to force D&D into their gaming engine, calling it "the new D&D".
lynora |
I have no particular beef with 4e. I did at first, but that was more that I was offended by the horrible marketing it had at release. I got over it and gave it a read-through. My issue is that the way their mechanics work all the classes feel the same to me. I know plenty of people who have fun with that system, but for the types of game that it would work best for I'd probably just use white wolf's system instead. I find those rules easier to manage, big honking pile of d10's and all. :)
For the type of D&D game that we'd been playing Pathfinder was a better system.
When 5e comes out, I'll give it a read through and see if it's something I'm interested in. But I'm not super excited about it. I have to use my brain power these days for memorizing chemistry and math not new gaming rules sets. :P