Shadows of Eternal Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

An ice age is coming. Darkness rises in Irrisen. Can our Heroes stop it?

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Read through the player's guide, and have been mulling things over through most of the evening. I haven't done the mechanics, yet. They need to match the story, not drive it.

Dice rolls:
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 5) = 13 =12 +2
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 6) = 12 =11 +1
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 2) = 8 = 6 -6
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 5) = 15 =13 +3
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 2) = 12 =10 +0
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 4) = 7 = 6 -6
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 3) = 14 =12 +2

Dropping one of the 6s shows a 2 point build. Basically building 30 points from scratch, then.

I'll work mechanics out.

I'm thinking an Archery Ranger (Trapper).

Grimgisli, son of Grimvuldr, Ulfen human

Born and raised in a small village in Irrsen, Grimgisli started learning the arts of the hunter at a young age. Shortly after his 11th birthday, he, Grimvuldr (his father) and Grimfastr (his older brother) were out hunting. They had been following a small deer, and Grimgisli was overloading on adrenaline. He saw some movement off to their side and quickly spun and took the shot, even as his father was extending his arm in flat arc to signal no. The boy's arrow struck true, and managed to pierce the coat of the great bear which turned towards the three of them and charged, looking to return the pain. Grimvuldr screamed at his boys to run, as he turned to face the bear and buy them time. They boys fled, and Grimvuldr bled.

Grimfastr made certain that Grimgisli's life was unpleasant after that, far moreso than their mother allowed, but always where she could do nothing about it. This drove Grimgisli out into the wilderness, out to explore, to travel, to learn what he could of what lies over the next hill, round the next bend, and wherever else he could manage to take himself.

At this point, he has traveled for many months, mapping as he traveled and learning what he could of the beasts in the wilds on his maps. Heldren appears, so far, to be like every other smal village he's encountered in Taldor since debarking the ship from Almas.

  • "Gotta catch 'em all!" - Successfully hunt as many different types of game/dangerous animals as he can find
  • Make the best maps of the world that have ever been seen
  • Find the right place and build the hunting lodge he'll live out his life in

  • Repeating the error in judgement that led to his father's death, causing the death of someone else as a result & proving his brother right
  • Being crippled in a way that will prevent him from living his life outdoors
  • Never finding someone to come home to, so that there is literally no reason to return to civilization but to trade his goods - being alone forever

Pesha Purren is a middle-aged Varisian trader, and someone that Grimgisli has run into time and time again during his travels, to both of their delight. The first few encounters were simple enough, as Grimgisli offered to trade pelts he had collected for coin or other supplies as he traveled. Later encounters started including Pesha requesting specific types of hides. Once Grimgisli was within the Varisian encampment when they were attacked by bandits, and naturally, he helped chase them off. Their interactions became regularly more friendly after that, though neither ever considered having Grimgisli join the caravan. They meet each other when the gods bring them together, and enjoy those bright moments, but trust that they are both comfortable in their own lives.

During the sea voyage to Taldor, Grimgisli met Seyla Theron, an old, half-orc priestess of the Drunken God. During their extended sea voyage, both of them being mostly ignored by the crew, they had time to talk, and to learn something of each other as a simple way to fill the otherwise empty days.

Grimfastr - Older Brother - blames Grimgisli for the death of Grimvuldr, their father, when he was mauled by a bear which attacked after Grimgisli injured it but failed to either kill it or to attack it at enough range to provide the time for multiple chances to bring it down. Grimfastr had nearly become a man, and his future was forever tied to caring for his mother and siblings instead of him being allowed to go and find his own way in the world as a result of their father's death. All of Grimfastr's dreams were destroyed along with their father, and he knows EXACTLY who to blame for the destruction of his life and hopes.

Story Feat? A quick glance at what the PFSRD says about them, only the Explorer Story Feat seems even close to a reasonable fit, bu I don't know if you are willing to hand-wave the pre-req with the travel already in the character's background or not. Well, okay, Deny he Reaper fits his story really well, there's just no way he's ever going to qualify to meet the goal!

Mechanics will have to wait. Nearly time for bed so that I can get up and go to work to earn the pay for my internet access . . ..

Liberty's Edge

Here is the deal, I wrote a character that got rejected and my ego got hurt. So now I want to play the barbarian and cause damage. I have got lots of hatred within me :)


Ralph Schneider is a dwarf barbarian, plain and simple. He believes that if neither money nor violence could solve a problem, it means not enough of either was employed. That said, his life goal is to kill a wyrm, loot its treasures, and relax. He got bored from the many years of long-hour days of labour at the mines, and decided that the dragon-looting followed by a retirement would be a better idea. Of course, he has never seen a dragon, so he it not very good at estimating the perils of such venture -- again, he thinks that if he cannot incapacitate the dragon, he just needs to put more violence into the fight.

In addition, Ralph is a very insecure dwarf, with a strong need to be validated, feel respected and not to be taken advantage of or ridiculed by others.


  • (long-term goal) Loot a wyrm's lair for the financial security, kill it if possible;
  • (mid-term goal) be respected in the social circles,
  • (short-term goal) humiliate those who try to belittle him.


  • Ralph does not know, but he is horribly afraid of heights -- when affected by fear, his muscles tense up, and under intense fear he can barely move;
  • he is also afraid of being ridiculed in public;
  • he is afraid of being taken advantage of during his sleep.


  • (ally) "The Gobluk" a half-orc, fierce in battle, loyal to his friends, Ralph's companion for a few weeks; the two bonded in a near-death battle against bugbear road thugs; the orc will give away one sheep to avoid a battle, but once he is engaged, he will give a whole herd not to leave it. Though "The Gobluk" can help Ralph in limited ways, he will not deny the dwarf help, nor will the dwarf deny him assistance.
  • (neutral) Belias Holden the con-man who says what people want to hear and who convinced Ralph that he is the man for the job of sneaking into the dragon's lair, when one such lair is located (and properly charted in a map).
  • (enemy) MacDiarmid Kuhn, the dwarf who has bullied Ralph his whole childhood, and now, as a rich dwarven chieftain, treats Ralph with no respect whatsoever; though Ralph does not wish to prove himself to Kuhn, he would certainly enjoy giving the clan leader a licking.

If you really want to see some of the crunch...:

STR 16
DEX 14
CON 16+2
INT 11
WIS 9+2
CHA 14-2

30pt. completion over the rolls:

11 ⇒ 11, 16 ⇒ 16, 13 ⇒ 16, 13 ⇒ 14, 14 ⇒ 14, 9 ⇒ 9

With braying horn your vikingr has arrived:

Joe Abercrombie, The Heroes wrote:
“So you love war. I used to think you were a decent man. But I see now I was mistaken. You're a hero.”

Application for Thrymr Nithingr:

Thrymr is a man of simple pleasures… food, drink and the visceral thrill of swirling and chaotic battle. Of late all three have eluded him, and his purse grows empty… his hammer unbloodied. Far from the Northlands of his youth he has been forced, acts of his father, failings of his mother and his own past hang too heavy there. In the Southlands there are few that speak the cold tongue of the North… and many men with more need for a strong arm than for questions of worth and honor.

Uproar he is named, after the prodigious cry he gave when he was birthed… and Nithingr for the echoes of Saarbotten and the runes strike-branded upon his cheeks. Bitter are his words and sullen his eyes… but his memory is resolute where vengeance is steeped slowly and he is yet to savor. Before then though… his purse grows empty, and he is in need of gold.

Character Goals:

  • Hefnd (Vengeance): the white wargs and ice queens of Irrisen will feel the taste of his steel.
  • Virðing (Honor): though on the surface he cares not, deep within his core Thrymr hungers for the respect given to those admired for Ulfen quality of honor.
  • Stal and brynja (Steel and mail): As a vikingr his honor is borne of both conduct and raiment. Thrymr seeks to bear weaponry and armor that are worthy of oath-names and skaldic sagas.

Character Fears:

  • Seiðkona (Witches): wielders of blackened magic were the root of his father’s death and his exile. Suffer them not to speak lest they speak curses upon you.
  • Skaði of þrek (Loss of Strength): the power within his arm is the root of his worth. To be stripped of it would be to lose the heart of him.
  • Iss (Ice): specifically that which lies over running water. A boyhood accident resulted in his near death when thin ice gave way and he plunged into choking cold.

Character Contacts:
Ally: The conduct of Thrymr does not beget true friendship as much as grudging and distant respect. He has a few near friends within the networks of caravan guards… but none that would risk their own honor to save his.
Neutral: Isker Euphram – the militia head of Heldren acknowledges Thrymr’s strength and usefulness as a warrior… but despises the mercenary nature of his conduct.
Enemy: Baroness Urgalaena – matriarch and white witch of Saarbotten in Irrisen. It was she that saw his father butchered, and ordered his flesh be burned and finger severed.

But wait… isn’t Kostchtchie a misogynistic demon lord?
When reading through the recent description of Kostchtchie in the AP volume Maiden, Mother, Crone I was drawn in by both the story of the demon lord as well as how it could be counterplayed against the themes of the Reign of Winter AP. In particular, Thrymr venerates the story of the Deathless Frost as he reaved and reigned as a mortal man – and the betrayal at the hands of the queen of witches. He doesn’t venerate the life thereafter as a twisted and misshapen giant.

Given that I’m not a misogynist the women despising aspect of Kostchtchie will be downplayed – I see it more as a veneration of strength over subtlety. So he will be dismissive of women and the small folk more for their lack of power and brute force than merely for being themselves. Given the desire for a reasonably smooth sailing ship you’ve put forward – his views will also predominately be aimed at the enemy. Nevertheless his love and need for gold will outweigh all.

What is missing:

  • The lay of Saarbotten - where the four fingered hand and strike-branded cheek are explained.
  • Crunch - where choices of mechanics are made and his strength measured.
  • Appearance - where a glance may measure a man worthy of your fear or respect.
  • Bill of sale - where gold is spent for steel

Please don't hesitate to ask questions if any bubble up - as I tend to collect Profiles, I'll refrain from making one unless selected for the journey.

Alright, I've got the crunch in my profile. I'm not familiar with the story feats but I took a look at them and thought Lost Legacy in regards to recovering his family estate but was most appropriate but that Nemesis: Crime Lord Iacobus Neverion could also work.

Any thoughts/notes on that front would be helpful.

Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 1) = 12
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 6) = 18
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 2) = 15
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 6) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 6) = 13
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 2) = 14
Stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 1) = 12

Dark Archive

@hustonj looks good and yes I will hand wave any preqs for the feats as long as the feat fits your background. Otherwise it wouldn't be a bonus.... so yes you can have explorer.

@obernardo looks pretty good.

@mark very nice

@ All carry on I am seeing some wonderful submissions.

Dark Archive

@Theo first I still need my question answers posted in your profile. Beyond that I'm okay with either you will however begone from taladane for quite sometime. Perhaps your family also has holdings in the north you wish to reclaim? If not then nemesis might be a better choice.

Thanks divineshadow.

I think I'll go with Nemesis but to help connect to Irrisen I will make Theodric's Half-Orc great grandmother a former minor noble in Irrisen who was forced out the last time Baba Yaga replaced the Monarchy.

Adding the goal of learning his grandmother's history.

Adding these new notes and old answers to profile.

Ten Minute Background for the Savage Skald, Alexandyr Sindre. Hopefully the kitsune race is ok. I've yet to do up the stats because I want the fluff to be solid first.

Part I - Core Concepts:

- Born in the frozen north, Alexandyr Sindre has tried to keep his true nature hidden, by being overly flamboyant and trying to be the image of Ulfen masculinity. He's a lady's man, a hearty drinker of the local rotgut, and overall, one of the village's rising stars.

- Having discovered the Ulfen mindset at a young age, he seeks to grow into one of their most illustrious kind of storytellers: the skald singer. He wishes to see proper battle, to be a face that will forever be known as a powerful individual in voice and steel.

Part II - Goals:

1) Discover more stories and make his own place in the stories of the villages of the north. He wants to become the most famous bard in the northern reaches. His family has been everything from bards to infiltrators to con artists and assassins, and Alexandyr's greatest desire is to make his family proud.

2) Eventually he hopes to share his real nature with the right person (or people) and possibly finding true love. He plays the heart throb to hide the isolation he feels. He knows that it is a dangerous world, and a shapechanger could be the most dangerous thing in the world to the people of any northern town (as he is familiar with the worst stories out there, about hags, demons, and all sorts of things that can change for).

Part III - Secrets:

1) (Known) His father is someone who has shaped his wife, even though they have been separated. Alex's father, last he knew, was incarcerated somewhere in the northern reaches for a failed attempt at either assassination or major theft (the reason Alex is still unclear on). Alex keeps this information out of the public eye as much as possible, knowing that the truth of his father (and his father's nature) could do quite a number of bad things to Alex and his mother.

2) (Unknown) Alex does not realize that his father is dead and that his familial connection has been discovered by a small group of individuals. Whether that is going to come about during the course of current events is a whole 'nother beast.

Part IV - People:

1) (Good) Chanlynne Sindre - Alex's mother who has the joyous habit of nagging the young kitsune about slacking on his responsibilities, while always giving him a warm bed, a free meal, and an ear to talk to about the troubles of life.

2) (Neutral) Morgana - A wandering female merchant, half Varisian/ half Ulfen, who kept an eye on Alex from time to time. She has never intervened in any matter Alex has been involved in, but there is an odd sparkle in her eyes when Alex manages to get himself out of trouble.

3) (Enemy) Caladriel Frostleaf - The leader of a special strike team who had discovered his father's treachery and seeks to expose, convert to their cause, or kill the son of the wiley kitsune.

Part V - Memories and Mannerisms:

- Alex tends to speak using his whole body, specifically his hands and arms, making appropriate actions with his fingers and wide, sweeping arm movements when telling stories.

- He always keeps a series of handkerchiefs in his pockets, knowing that there is no limit to the number of uses for them, or the cases that you may need them.

- Alex still thinks fondly of his first change, running through snow drifts that threatened to swallow him, like the mouth of some great snow beast. Ocassionally, he comes up with a wild plan on how to track to the great north for another grand ramp in the snow, in the fox form of his youth.

Part VI Fears:

- Alexandyr is desperately afraid of being restrained, specifically of shackles. Nothing really has yet to overcome this fear, even though he manages to hide it most days.

- The kitsune is afraid of dying alone. He knows that his father is far away, and even that separation makes his heart slightly more heavy. He knows that dying alone means no one will ever know his secret. There will be no future that he can positively influence. No one to mourn his loss when he passes into whatever amounts to a great beyond.

-His greatest fear, though, is of being discovered. Or more correctly, someone that he does not let in discovering the secret truth of his nature. The idea that his persona, everything he had spent his life discovering, planning, and creating could all come crumbling down...there is no greater fear.

Part VII Personality:

Alex has a soft spot for women, wine (or any kind of booze), strongly flavored food, and a nice warm bed that he can enjoy, hopefully with one or multiple partners.

Dark Archive

@shadowyfox interesting and kitsune very unique but with the Prussian fairytale flavor it fits well. Only one real thing. The path starts in taladane far to the south how have gotten there? Did you perhaps travel south with a band of warriors seeking to turn their deeds to song?

I believe that would be a very good way to explain his trek south. Sort of his mother's reasoning that they both head south, since the father's path was too dangerous. Maybe that Morgana was part of one of the caravans that moved the band of warriors (and their effects) to Taladane?

Dark Archive

That's up to you its your backstory.

I was more asking whether it was a solid plausible or whether it was a bit too much of a stretch. I'm glad that the kitsune element works well in its uniqueness. I figured that the Prussian fairytale nature of this, that it might be an appropriate place for one. That and choosing a name that definitely has a Prussian sound to it. :)

Now to put that in there, as well as actually building out the sheet. The story feat is the one area I know that I'm quite struggling with, as I've never played in a game with story feats.

Dark Archive


Lecloront druid
Cicero orcale
Aldiran Oracle
Stolen face. Oracle
Ardvark Barbarian Oracle

Mark Sweetman: Fighter
Cuan monk
Theodric Swordlord

Dorvren: Inquisitor of Brigh
Cerven Divine hunter

GM Arkwright : Wizard
Lazar witch of some sort
Morrigan witch

Skill Monkey
Sliver prince Rogue
Shadowyfox bard


This look about right to everyone? If I missed you please let me know or if I have you miss listed.

There updated

@Alygars well there aren't any Alchemists so you might try that.

Dark Archive

Not many have and as for the caravan that would be a good reason to travel south it works out quite well honestly. And for her to be in the caravan why not she would get to observe you longer.

For the story feat look through then pick something that fits your character something they want to accomplish.

It almost seems like the True Love one would fit, but I've got to see how many of the bard spells use emotion. :) But yeah, that would fit, smooth as wagon wheel covered in axle grease.

@Alygars: I would second the usefulness of an alchemist.


Bighead isn't evil; think like the Hulk, with Bruce Banner in complete control. Vast majority of the time he's charming and highly interested in everyone and everything, but when he feels its appropriate... WIZARD SMASH. Now-

Goals: Discover as much magical knowledge as he can, learn more delightful human grammar and vocabulary, discover how human and other societies work
Fears: That all goblins are doomed to violent extinction, cows and cats, organized religion
Ally: Aside from Manylegs, his centipede familiar- Trow, a minor half-orc merchant who travels around selling gear to places most traders refuse to visit, such as Bighead's goblin tribe.
Acquaintance: Svelina Alda, a travelling herbalist/apothecary he traveled with on the road to Taladane. She quite took to the little goblin.
Enemy: Irra the Putrid, his mother; she detests him and suspects that he has or will have ambitions to rule the tribe.

Dark Archive

@arkwright its taladane this starts in.

Oliver Half-Man
Half-elven Lore Oracle

Oliver's parents were simple folk. His father was just a mediocre scribe, and his mother a very slight elven woman. She died during his difficult childbirth, and he was left with a stunted leg, never quite the same length as the other. His father would keep Oliver entertained by reading to him whatever he scribed at the time, allowing him to take care of the child while he worked. Oliver was often fascinated by the tales of old, historic civilizations, and the work of bards. He is a friendly and good natured young man, who was reminded often by his father that there was nothing wrong with him, he was just destined for a greater purpose. Oliver always believed that his defect was for a reason, but it wasn't until after his father passed that he decided to go find that reason. He had his familiar walking staff turned into a spear for safety, and began to travel. He found that he had a way with tending the sick and the injured, and has lent his knowledge garnered by his upbringing to communities faced with threats that led them to overcome them. Overall, despite his deformity, he has found to have an almost preternatural sense of danger, that has allowed him to avoid it. He is back on the road once again, and has just arrived in a small town called Heldren. Maybe they have need of his assistance, he's always ready to help out where he can to earn his keep.

His biggest, and probably only, real goal is to be able to truly experience the wonders and amazement of the world that he's only ever heard about in stories.
Just in general, to help those in need. He has experienced living with struggle and hardship, and wants to help others to avoid that, and lift spirits.

Given his wide-eyed excitement, he is afraid of very little. His fears actually are based off his handicap.
He is afraid of being immobilized, just being lame he has learned to live with, but if he couldn't move at all it would freak him out. He has learned to overcome, but if he had no capability whatsoever, he would feel lost, and disheartened.
Also, he is real wary of his senses, they are what allow him to enjoy all that life has to offer. To lose sight or hearing would be devastating to him.

Ally - He is pretty good at making friends wherever he goes, so has many of them. But the most influential would be Father Archibald. He was the man that ran the local chapel. He had taken a fondness to Oliver due to his perserverence of spirit, and his ability to keep from letting things get him down. He knew Oliver was always eager to prove he could do something, so found work around the chapel for him to do. They spoke long and often about the gods and their philosophy

Neutral - Dr. Reinhart. This was his childhood physician. The man he visited once a month to check on his leg and how it was growing. He is a kind man, but would always bring his head out of the clouds, by telling Oliver the truth behind all his stories. SOmetimes smashing the allure of the tale at the same time.

Rival - His only rivals would be his mother's family. They still blame him and his human father for ruining her life and causing her death. They have worked to kee his father out of better work through their contacts, and even his cousins were the worst tormentors of his childhood. Mocking his bad leg and hsi heritage by calling him Half-man, because he wasn't good eneough to be called elf.

I don't have all the crunch put together, but I think the fluff satisfies the request for recruitment.

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 3) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 1) = 18 17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 3) = 16 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 5) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 6) = 18 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 2) = 16 14
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 1) = 8 X

Now that is a nice spread, too good to pass up.

I'm thinking Martial Artist Monk flavored as a rather hot headed but surprisingly wise barroom brawler with an impressively complex past.

STR 18 (+2 Racial)
DEX 17
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 18 (+2 Racial)
CHA 10

Human with the Dual Talent alternate racial trait (+2 to two stats)
Heavy Hitter Trait (+1 to Melee damage rolls)
Chillblight Emissary (DR 1/Cold Iron, sickened for 1 round if hit with Cold Iron)
Warded Against Witchery (+1 to saving throws against the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of evil arcane spellcasters. +1 to spellcraft to identify these spells)

I'll fill the rest out soon.

Shadow Lodge


Snowcaster Elf Sniper Rogue

Betrayer...murderer...kinslayer...This is what he would be called by his own tribe, had they not all perished that faithless night. Maiathess, death of elves, this was not the name that he had been born with, but it was the only name that he was suited to be called. Before he became Maiathess, he was once the tribe's eldest twilight speaker's son. Raised to be one of the sentries for the tribe, Maiathess learned to use a bow from a very young age.

But it wasn't his skill with the bow or his mother's position that had him labeled Maiathess, no, his downfall didn't begin until he met one whose heart was colder then the frozen north it self, a human whose very blood must have been frozen over. Normally, the snowcaster elves did not associate with those outside of their tribe, but for some reason, Maiathess felt this human deserved an exception. There is a snowcaster saying, A friend is simply an enemy who has not yet revealed himself. And this woman would in time prove that saying to a T. For once Maiathess trusted the woman, she betrayed him, utilizing illusions and deception in order to get Maiathess to do something that would normally be unthinkable, kill his entire tribe. When he finally realized what he had done, he had caused an avalanche which wiped out his entire tribe, except for one person, his twin sister.

I'll note that I hope to expand on this more, two paragraphs does not do this background justice.

Kill the woman who deceived him into killing his own tribe. Seek forgiveness from the tribe which he killed. Die at his sister's hand.

That either he or his sister will die before she can kill him. That his sister will refuse to kill him.

This one will require more time to think up.

His twin sister, Azaathihel, the only survivor of his tribe after he caused the avalanche.

The vile human woman who deceived him

Grand Lodge

Male 1/2 Elfe Alchemist 1 (Rage Chemist, vivisectionist)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6, Low-light Vision, Keen Senses,

AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 dex)
hp 12 (1d8+3)
SR 0
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4
Armor Hide Shirt, Light
Defensive Abilities Elven Immunities (PFCR 24), Dual Minded (PFAPG 17)

Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee Longspear +4 (1d8+6) 20/x3 reach
Special Attacks Sneak Attack [1d6] (PFCR 68)

Str 19, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 9

BAB +0, CMB +4, CMD +17

Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT) (PFCR 118), Brew Potion (PFCR 119), Iron Will (PFCR 129), Throw Anything (PFCR 135)

Skills Craft (alchemy) +8, Disable Device +4, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Perception +6, Profession (apothecary) +4, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +3

SU Alchemy (PFAPG 26), Extracts (PFAPG 26), Mutagen (PFAPG 26)

MC Bleeding Attack (PFUM 20)

Traits Accelerated Drinker (Combat) (PFCo: CEoD 18 - 19), Northern Ancestry

Languages Common, Draconic, Dtang, Elven, Thassilonian

this would be my first alchemist...

Okay, so looking at the crunch specifics, I caught the Story Feat thing. Looking through them, not many tie into his backstory. I think Shamed is one of the few (there were some others, but required me to go back and change his story to include the pre-reqs).

So, I wanted to ask before I added it in, does his fluff have enough to include the Shamed Story Feat? It's not so much in his story, as much as the rival portion of his fluff, and his determination to prove he can do things just as well as others despite his bad leg.

New to PbP and the forums here in general, but I'd like to also give it a shot. I hope I read this formatting guide correctly or else this will be long.

Name: Christobal Salvio

Race: Human (Taldan)

Class: Rogue (Spy archetype)

Christobal has always had a desire to be one of the Taldan elite. He studied the movements of higher-class people as they walked by, modeled his speech after them, poured over family records, and generally did anything he could to feel close to the upper crust of Taldan society from his low-born position from a family of servants for a lavishly-bearded Senator.

Eventually his studies could no longer sate his lust for status and wealth, so he did something seemingly unthinkable. Stealing a magic broach that allowed him to alter his appearance he snuck into a large gathering of social elites, claiming to be a representative of an ambassador in Absalom. Much to his surprise, it worked like a charm. His previous research paid off, his speech was perfect, and he had the time of his life. The absence of the broach was discovered, however, and he has since tossed it into a river. After further investigation by people in service of the Taldan Bearded, it was discovered that there was no representative of the Ambassador in Absalom, and there is a hunt to find out who it was that snuck into the party.

Despite his personal ambitions, Christobal is not a mean-spirited person. He sees firsthand how the lives of the unbearded are squeexed for resources in order to sustain the lives of those in power. He also sees the sheer unlikelihood of things improving for everyone as a whole, so he sees ascension into he upper classes as the only way for anyone to escape the horrid conditions he has lived in his entire life.


His family and general peers work in the service of the upper-class Bearded, and he has an old friend in Sara, personal handmaiden to Duchess Marcia, Princess Eutropia's cousin. Trying to keep up with the needy upper class means that frequently servants will assist each other no questions asked in order to not be the cause of ruining some noble's "fun".


Alguien, personal butler of Lord Iacobus. Also, his service to the Senator makes him a potential target for anyone who hopes to strike at the senator, either for bribes or for elimination and replacement.


Fanatic(+1 knowledge history and arcana, history is a class skill), Chivalrous (+1 diplomacy), Restless wayfarer (+1 geography and local, additional language)

Bonus feat:


I have two ideas here. I cold rewrite the Noble Scion feat to reflect his personal studying of the nobility and his personal proximity to them rather than being about being noble himself, or I could go with what I have written below.

Careful speaker. Christobal has had to convince many people of things that he didn't honestly believe, whether that means smooth-talking a noblewoman who has decided to give him the "honor" of massaging her rancid feet or convincing the guard that no, he is absolutely not disposing of the dead courtesan in the river.


He wants to elevate himself out of the position he's currently in, that is he no longer wants to be the one that the Bearded call to clean up after their wild parties or to deliver poisoned food. The only way he knows how at this point is to join the upper ranks of society.

His secondary goal is to learn as much as possible about the history of and his place in the world. His studies of lines of succession and history have made him very curious about how nations change over time, and maybe some small part of him that hasn't become completely dissillusioned after doing what he does for so long believes that it's possible for Taldor to become a place where people can be happy again.


His biggest fear is just people in power. After doing what he does for so long he knows that when people are left completely unchecked for a long time they start to warp. He knows that power corrupts and thus despite his longing to join the ranks of the nobility and the beautiful elite he fears people above his station, knowing they could have him killed at a moment's notice.

Also, he fears long-term stagnation. For similar reasons to his fear of the nobility, Christobal fears that the leadership roles of nations need to not belong to the same people for long periods of time. Throughout history the long-term rulers of nations of Golarion have made things miserable for the little people. The Runelords of Thassilon, The Whispering Tyrant Tar-Baphon, and others make it seem like the more ruling classes stay unchanged the worse it gets for the general citizenry.

@ Algar: I've done a few alchemist builds and am quite familiar with the class (from play experience). Mind if I ask why Rage Chemist & Vivisectionist? And also how did you get Bleeding Attack at 1st level? The Rage Chemist makes it pretty bad for you to be in melee, because any turn you get hit in (and it definitely is a when, in the case of any PC but especially an alchemist), you have to make a will save or take a -2 stacking penalty to Will saves & Intelligence. So if the combat is 5 rounds long and you fail on Will saves 3 times, your will save is down by -6 and your Intelligence score also takes that hit, and the penalty doesn't go away until an hour after the mutagen ends.

As a player of an alchemist, I would highly suggest staying away from that archetype.

Grand Lodge

@Shadowyfox - have you played the vivisectionist one? I'm trying to see wether the loss of bombs is worth the sneak attack. Maybe combine vivisectionist with beastmorph might be a good idea?

Oh and I forgot to put a bonus story feat, with my story I can go with explorer and vengeance, I'm leaning towards explorer. I'm guessing this AP will be full of natural hazards so might go with explorer.

Just getting the major choices down as I muddle through the details:

Þrymr Níðingr - Crunch:
Þrymr - Thrymr - uproar
Níðingr – Nidhingr – Honorless

Male Ulfen Fighter (Vikingr archetype) 1

Str: 16+2=18, Dex: 14, Con: 15, Int: 11, Wis: 12, Cha: 14

Racial Traits:
Medium: no bonuses or penalties due to size.
Bonus Feat: Endurance.
Skilled: +1 skill points per level.
Languages: Common (Taldan) and Ulfen.
Favored Class (Fighter): +1 to CMD vs Trips and Grapples

Glint-Tongued: +2 trait bonus on Intimidate, +1 trait bonus on Cha-based skill checks to impress or persuade other Ulfen.
Indomitable Faith: +1 trait bonus on Will Saves.
Northern Ancestry: +1 trait bonus on Fortitude Saves. Cold Resistance 2.

Skills: (2+Int+Hum)
Intimidate, Survival, Swim

Feats: Power Attack, Endurance, Iron Will

Story Feat: Shamed Though Foeslayer also fits.

Gear: 300gp (still a work in progress)
Cold Iron Warhammer
2 x Light Hammer
Heavy Wooden Shield
Cold Weather Outfit
Fighter’s Kit
Ember Pot
3 x Hex Nail

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Lecloront: I have and it definitely makes you much more melee-oriented. My current alchemist is a vivisectionist/internal alchemist. The other good combo is beastmorph. In my mind, it is worth the loss, if you want to go more melee. If you don't, then it's not worth it. It really depends on whether you want pounce badly. If you don't need pounce, I would say the internal route.

The ragechemist, though, is a death trap.

@ divineshadow: I'm thinking that I'm going to add in that Alexandyr is also afraid of dogs and a bit uneasy around wolves.

1d4 ⇒ 3 hex nails

@Mark Sweetman: The ð in norse does not translate to th, that's actually Þ - ð translates to dh (pronounced like th only with a d), like in Þjóðrekr, which (with the english alphabet) is written like Thjo(long o, as the ´ above a letter was used to explain it's length)dhrekr.

As a norwegian studying norse, I notice stuff like that.



stats: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 1) = 11
stats: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 3) = 9
stats: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 6) = 16
stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 1) = 7
stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 1) = 12
stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 2) = 7 X
stats: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 1) = 9

Well. 7 points, if I count that correctly. So 23 more.

DEX 11
INT 16
WIS 12

STR 10
DEX 16 (+2 racial bonus)
CON 10
INT 16
WIS 14
CHA 16

Oh, and I just reread what you said about story feats. Will correct.

Caldrian - excellent good and thanks for the correction. As an Australian with absolutely no clue I wasn't 100% sure as wikipedia was getting me confused while I was trying to look through the language pages.

I shall correct my files and update :)

Grand Lodge

@Shadowyfox - I'm trying to make an alchemist on a different AP, weak looking scholar by day then as soon as you hit him he goes berserk.

No worries, and no offence meant for correcting you. One simply notices such things (and tons of errors in most modern-day translations) once you spend enough time at the university reading through text after text. Funny thing is, Trymr (the r at the end means that the word is a noun (du-uh, it's a name), singular, nominative) and directly translated means a "surging noise" - but it is listed as "uproar".

Languages can be strange some times.

Language based divergence:

Aye, English has it's own quirks and foibles to be aware of as well. they're, there, their and absolutely no offence taken here. Wikipedia often just confuses the issue really as it lists a big range of anglicizations for some words: (eg)
Seiðr - seidhr, seidh, seidr, seithr, or seith

I pulled the 'uproar' meaning from here where I ended up after following the links from the Poetic Edda through the Lay of Thrym - just in case you were wondering on where I found it.

The 'honorless' I got from the entry on Nīþ. Which is one of the interpretations listed at least.

The other words in the background came from here.

I never actually knew that it's called the Lay of Thrym in English. It's amazing how much you can find from a quick search on the internet though, and only those inclined to study the language themselves would ever question such sources and translations (believe me, my course isn't exactly brimming with Norse-interested people.

Funny thing is though, once you learn Old Norse, Icelandic opens up to you - and I can now understand quite a lot from Icelandic texts.

The translation might be different in Swedish or Icelandic - so perhaps that has been thrown into the mix. It's hard to say. But seeing as how Old Norse is native to Norway (Icelanders are all descended from Norwegian settlers) I usually (even though some Swedes would oppose me) consult my books on Old Norse (Norwegian) for my translations.

Phew, it's summer - I should stop reading Old Norse and get out in the sun.

Caldrian: Sun is for sissies! Pale is pure! :D

Haha, Shadowy! School's starting back up soon, and seeing as how Norway has about 2 months summer, 10 months winter - I'd like to get a tan up before the semester starts back up.

Then again, I busted up my back pretty good at work - so I'm not working for over a week - so I guess that gives me a decent excuse for not frolicking about in the sun?

divineshadow wrote:
This look about right to everyone? If I missed you please let me know or if I have you miss listed.

If it wasn't for the unknown entries, I would have assumed that my partial submission, Grimgisli, was left off because he is mechanically incomplete.

He will be an Archery Ranger (trapper) with 9 or more skill points per level.

He could qualify as both ranged combatant and skill-monkey (the archetype provides Trapfinding and Disable Device as a class skill, and he will have 9 or more skill points per level).

Grand Lodge

Bleeding Attack

A vivisectionist may select the bleeding attack rogue talent in place of a discovery.


so yes you get it at first level you just can't use it until 2nd level.

And i do understand the consequence of the will DC for Rage Chemist. But it does appeal to me anyway :)

My character will be a female Idyllkin Aasimar (as indicated before) named Bayira. She hails from the Windswept wastes, an area outside the Inner Sea region roughly North East of Qadira and has traveled there over the years. Still not sure whether I want Sohei or Wanderer, but I'm leaning towards the former. Sensei could be an option as well, but that moves me more into a support role.

I might not go monk all the way though, both Cleric and Druid would fit the character very well and could be fun combined with the Monk. I'm also looking at the Mystery Cultist PrC.

As far as storyline feats go, I'm in doubt between Blessed (because of her heritage) and Explorer (what she does). The thing is that while she explores the exploration isn't her goal, it's a means to an end.

The Campaign trait will be Restless Wayfarer.

I'm assuming we're starting in Heldren, the default start town.

Reach enlightenment through discovery of the true self. Part of the path there is helping others do the same.

Mostly just the fears of any normal half elf (she's an aasimar born of two Half Elves) but it is coupled with a stronger fear of rejection as a result of her aasimar nature. In addition she has a slight fear of failure and inadequacy as people have always expected her to excel at things, though she is getting over that.

Danei, the Cervinal Agathion to which she traces her celestial heritage.
Beyond that her family and friends, but they are all far away in the Windswept Wastes (beyond the Inner Sea).

Elder Natharen Safander, Heldren's priest of Erastil.
Zaarida, Natharen's wife, a Qadiran native and a worshiper of Sarenrae.
Ormiz Sadin, Qadiran military officer from Omash. Helped her by getting his brother, a spurned suitor, of her back.

An entire Taldan border patrol between Qadira and Taldor, who she tricked in order to get past them (a small group of soldiers and their commanding officer).
Kahir Sadin, not so much an enemy as a nuisance. Spurned suitor who doesn't seem capable of accepting a no.

I'm in the process of making a Druid (arctic druid archetype). Just working out the fluff you asked for, then I'll start on the crunch. Consider this a formal statement of interest!

Ooh! Acquaintances!

Rufus, a stable-keeper who works for the same Senator as Christobal.

Also, Story Feat (done right, maybe?)

Christobal's dear friend Christine grew up much like eh did. She was born into the servitude of Senator Cruxis, she didn't know any life other than being a servant. She was never as good at playing by the Bearded's rules, however, and her hotheadedness got her into trouble. Eventually she was fired from the Senator's service, and he has since heard that she moved to another city. He doesn't know where she is or how she is doing, but the loss of his dear friend is ultimately what got him serious about getting out of his position. He searches for her in hopes that he can get them both out of the horrid position the circumstances of their birth have put them in.

Feat: Unforgotten.

I (using this new alias and my actual account Andiemus) have put Christobal over quite a few posts now, but I think it's all on the character sheet on the page linked to on this alias' profile.

Algar: problem is, you don't have discoveries yet. So it just seems confusing on your statblock to list abilities you don't have yet. And you do know that you'll have that in place of a discovery at 2nd level, not in addition to, right?

Dark Archive

Okay, let's see what the dice say:

4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 6) = 21 = 17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 6) = 17 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 4) = 11 = 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1, 4) = 10 = X
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 3) = 11 = 10
4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 1) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 2) = 14 = 12

I can live with that. Let me work up a character and I'll get back to you.

Grand Lodge

Shadowy fox:

according to the text i can either choose a discovery or choose the bleeding attack rogue Talent.

Exactly. When you get a discovery, which you don't get until level 2. So you technically don't have the ability yet. You merely have the OPTION to get it next level.

Edit: And I'm realizing I'm probably coming across as a bit of an ass, which is not my intention. My apologies, if that is the case.

Grand Lodge

Lol really no worries at all :)

divineshadow wrote:


Here's the deal I care far more about fluff than crunch. So before you bother working out all the crunch post a simple one to two paragraph concept. With that I want to know who your character is what makes them a hero?

I have magus concept in my mind:

Elf Magus
Pharrell (Caladrel Faerondaerl)

Caladrel's parents left the Crying Leaf, military outpost in Mierani Forest before Caladrel was born. They travelled all the way to Eleder (in Sargava) where Caladrel was born. Faerondaerl family line has long traditions in magic. Both of his parents are wizards, they provide for the family by crafting magical items and selling spellcasting. Caladrelis was raised with the goal in mind that he is a magic-user. As a kid he was studying arcane powers when others were playing, racing or fighting. That may have affected his social development.

Caladrel is quiet person, you could even say little unsociable. He doesn't mean ill to others, it is just his poor self-expression that can cause troubles, he has learned that sometimes it is just easier to keep quiet and blend into the crowd. He is suffering from melancholy, typical to the Forlorns ( Caladrel doesn't make friends easily, he selects them very carefully. But once friendships developed he values it highly. During combat Caladrel is loyal to his friends and he won’t abandon them. But if he feels that he can retreat and return to save captured, he might try to do so.

Recent years Caladrel has been traveling a round, training and searching for the Brightness. He believes that the Brightness can be found by studying martial and arcane secrets. Wealth and power doesn't motivate him, it is the desire of knowledge that drives him.

During his travels Caladrel has spent lot of time in his favorite city, Magnimar, studying magic as Toth Bhreacher's apprentice ( Caladrel managed to anger local slumlord Rassimeri Jaijarko ( by interfering his business. Rassimeri's thugs were collecting rent from one of his tenants when Caladrel unexpectedly appeared on the scene and drove the thugs off. Rassimeri is an infamous greasy half-Varisian drug dealer with ties to a Sczarni gang known as the Gallowed ( who he uses as hired muscle. In fear of Rassimeri and the Gallowed Caladrel was forced flee from Magnimar and now he is hiding behind name Pharrell.

divineshadow wrote:

List a few goals for your character and a few fears.

My concept doesn't answer all your questions. What kind of goals and fears you have in mind?

Some very concrete that directly affect game play? Or more abstract ones?

Liberty's Edge

I now read a bit about Irrisen (in the Inner Sea Guide), because I am new to all this Golarion stuff. Though I would have posed Baba Yaga visually more as the Lady of Pain, I think the setting is very interesting, and it inspired me to further develop Ralph Schneider the (Chaotic Good) dwarven barbarian. So, here goes the second iteration of the meat. Vegetables (crunch) will come later (in short, barbarian 3.5 crunch Caesar Salad).

I will take a look at the Reign of Winter Player's Guide for the next iteration.


Ralph Schneider is a dwarf barbarian, plain and simple. He believes that if neither money nor violence could solve a problem, it means not enough of either was employed. That said, his life goal is to kill a wyrm, loot its treasures, and relax.

He got bored from the many years of long-hour days of labour at the copper mines Kopparberget, not to mention upset from all the trouble the mining foreman MacDiarmid Kuhn got him into, and decided that the dragon-looting followed by a retirement would be a better idea. Of course, he has never seen a dragon, so he it not very good at estimating the perils of such venture -- again, he thinks that if he cannot incapacitate the dragon, he just needs to put more violence into the fight. (In that sense, he is a bit naïf.)

He is too far into the west to care about politics. When he says he wants to go hunt a wyrm, he means he wants to go hunt a wyrm: he does not mean slaying a linnorm and becoming a king. For all it is worth, if killing a linnorm was a true deed of power, Irrisen would not have been lost to a witch -- a fact which he frequently voices at the table when talking to the supporters of the Linnorm Kings.

When it comes to Irrisen, just about any beast from the Realm of Mammoth Lords would be more subtle and have more cultural tact than Ralph Schneider. Ralph is not superstitious, and his approach to reality is quite pragmatic; for example, he believes that unless you have a bloodthirsty ice-worg for a pet, having a dog will not protect you from a lot. Though he does not ridicule people for being superstitious, he will readily and explicitly dismiss any such practice as meaningless. He will not care about bad-mouthing the witches, either. In fact, he does not care as much about bad-mouthing anyone who deserves it, because he thinks he can either buy or fight his way out of trouble.

An aspect of Ralph's personality that will often reveal itself more implicitly, because the character himself does not recognize it, is that he is a very insecure dwarf, with a strong need to be validated, feel respected and not to be taken advantage of by others.


  • (long-term goal) Loot a wyrm's lair for the financial security, kill it if possible;
  • (mid-term goal) be respected in the social circles,
  • (mid-term goal) reach the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, for it would be a good start to find the wyrm. "East" is the general direction in which Ralph would like to travel, but since he is fresh in his quest, he will consider, for a few months, any diversion from the trip to the Realm as an opportunity to gather information for his long-term goal. Of course, the lack of prospects of reaching this goal might set him back into the "travel east" mindset.


  • Ralph does not know, but he is horribly afraid of heights -- when affected by fear, his muscles tense up, and under intense fear he can barely move;
  • he is also afraid of being ridiculed in public;
  • he is afraid of being taken advantage of during his sleep;


  • (ally) "The Gobluk" a (chaotic neutral) half-orc, fierce in battle, was Ralph's travel companion for a few weeks; he was heading back to the Hold of Belkzen from his trip to the far northwest, where the mistreatment suffered by the habitants of Bildt had greatly upset him, and he traveled alongside Ralph and other strangers. When the group was attacked by an ice troll, everyone but Ralph and "The Gobluk" fled, and though the combat was tough, the two barbarians prevailed. They earned each other's respect and, even though "The Gobluk" can help Ralph in limited ways, he might get out of his way to help the dwarf, and vice-versa. For all matters, Ralph does not consider "The Gobluk" a real orc, but rather, a human in an orc's hide (not ideal in loyalty, but reasonably reliable), as he has proved himself in combat. The half-orc is more intelligent than the average orc, and is able to think farther into the future than most orcs. He does not smash and grab, but that is not to say that he will not put his interests before others'. At the same time, he can see the benefit of having allies for battle. As for his attitude in the face of danger, he will give away one sheep to avoid a battle, but once he is engaged (and enraged!), he will give away a whole herd not to leave it.
  • (neutral) Belias Holden the Kalsgardian con-man who says what people want to hear and who convinced Ralph that he is the man for the job of sneaking into the dragon's lair, when one such lair is located (and properly charted in a map).
  • (enemy) MacDiarmid Kuhn, the dwarf who has bullied Ralph his whole childhood, and now, as a rich dwarven chieftain supervising copper mining, treats Ralph with no respect whatsoever and always gets on his case; though Ralph does not need to prove himself better than Kuhn, he would certainly enjoy giving the clan leader a licking.

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