Shadows of Eternal Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

An ice age is coming. Darkness rises in Irrisen. Can our Heroes stop it?

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Liberty's Edge

From the aforementioned Guide: "Although the campaign will take characters to Irrisen and other icy, winterbound locales, it begins in the warm lands of Taldor far to the south. Characters designed for this campaign should plan to be residents of or new arrivals in the village of Heldren."

Seriously? This blew my character concept already, but, sure, why not? I will contact the Griffon Master and take the Flight Path to Heldren, to pick up the first quest. :/

(I guess I should not nag as much, and just adapt things :D)

Question to the GM: how much should we stick to the warnings/hints of the Guide?

Dark Archive

First wow go to sleep for a bit and wow a bunch of awesome just shows up.

Second as for the guide yes you need to be in Heldren. And while I do plan on making changes here and there and adding a bit thoses bits and changes will be mostly in the theme of the path.

Third just wow guys.

Grand Lodge

LOl well at least for sure you are guaranteed a post from everybody anytime of the day, wherever you are in the world.

yea lots of posting going on here! DM I guess you are way more popular than I am!

Dark Archive

I don't know how your awesome and I have never run on here before lol.

Well, impress us with the same level of skill as this, and there will be lifetime gamers for you.

I'm guessing the Adventure Path is quite popular at the moment. I recently had a recruitment up for my homebrew - and while I was incredibly lucky in getting quite a few great applications, this is just crazy.

Glad to see so many avid adventurers out there.

I think part of it is the point buy amount, another is the traits, the story feat, and also the fact that he's asking for a great deal of fluff and actually pushing for that, before stats.

Speaking of stats....

Dark Archive


Lecloront druid
Cicero orcale
Aldiran Oracle
Stolen face. Oracle
Ardvark Barbarian Oracle
El ronza arctic druid

Mark Sweetman: Fighter
Cuan monk
Theodric Swordlord
Mier bladebound
Obernardo barb
Alygars rage chemits/vivi
Pharell magus
Poltmus mnk.

Dorvren: Inquisitor of Brigh
Cerven Divine hunter
Dylos sniper

GM Arkwright : Wizard
Lazar witch of some sort
Morrigan witch

Skill Monkey
Sliver prince Rogue
Shadowyfox bard
Hustonj trapper
Christobal rogue


As always....
This look about right to everyone? If I missed you please let me know or if I have you miss listed.

Dark Archive

@All those goals and fears will come into play maybe not each one but for me they are seeds for sidequests and ways to make your characters more real.

Hope that answers the questions about them.

Avora Teremocles

Her crunch is provided on the Profile page, but I have reproduced her fluff here.

Born to Taldan serfs in the poor village of Heldren, Avora had always felt out of place. She had an affinity for winter, preferring that season to all others, and suffered mightily during the summer. The North always fascinated her, and she never really understood why. Until, that is, her parents revealed that her grandfather was an immigrant to Taldor from Irrisen. It was then that everything became clear to her, and she knew that somehow, she must make the journey to the land of her ancestry.

She has prepared for this for much of her young life, learning the languages of the peoples that inhabit the region and always making plans for the big journey. But life is what happens while we make other plans, and so it was with Avora. When she was but a child, a mere eight years old, she wandered into the woods alone and was attacked by a bear. The creature mauled her to within a hair of death's door, and then suddenly stopped for no apparent reason. She was found by a druidic initiate, who carried her to his circle for healing. At a loss to explain why the bear had left her alive, the druids decied that she should be initiated into their ranks and trained in the ways of the wild. To this day, she bears the scars of her close encounter.

As she trained in the ways of druidic tutelage, Avora's dream faded from her mind, but it was never far away. She still felt a connection with the North and found herself unconsciously continuing her studies in the languages of Irrisen and focusing her talents on cold-based spells.

At the age of 15, she met a man named Jellico and befriended him. This, too, would prove to be a fateful event. Jellico took her under his wing and taught her things that her tutors did not. From him she learned that no deed was done without a trade of equal or greater value. He was ruthless, but always fair, and Avora aspired to be likewise.

By the time she was ready to leave home and seek her own fortunes, Avora had been fully initiated as a druid and reached the end of her training. Jellico had moved on, though his lessons would never be forgotten. For several years, Avora served Heldren as a member of the circle, using her abilities to enhance their harvests and bringing relief from the elements where needed. But in recent months, old memories of a grand journey have begun to resurface, and once more she feels the longing to journey to the land of her forebearers.

Her decision to leave Heldren was cemented only a few weeks ago. A new temple had been erected on the outskirts of the village, devoted to the god Nethys. The circle was dismayed. For years, the temple in Heldren had maintained a balance, catering equally to all faiths. This new temple threatened to upset that balance. While they met in council to determine a course of action, the brash young Avora took matters into her own hands. Insuring that no one was about, she burned the structure to the ground one night, just before its completion.

The community was in an uproar, but the individual responsible was never caught. Many suspected the druids of the wrongdoing, but they proclaimed innocence. For her part, Avora simply kept quiet and made her plans to set out upon her journey northward.

Avora stands 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 152 lbs. She wears her blond hair long and braids it neatly to keep it out of her way. Her blue eyes and pale skin betray her Northern heritage. Her face and neck are marred by the scars of her encounter with the bear so many years ago, but she has a natural beauty about her that still shines through.

One thing Avora fears greatly is that someone will realize that it was she who set fire to the temple of Nethys. She does not speak of the incident to anyone. Her other fear is more deeply-seated; her encounter with the bear has left her uneasy around such creatures. Though she understands that they are part of the natural order of things, and bears no ill-will for the attack, she is frightened of their immensity and power.

Obviously, one goal of Avora is to travel to Irrisen, but more than just that, she wishes to truly come to understand the people of the region; to share their connection to the land and to comprehend what it means to be Irrisien. Also, her encounter with the bear so many years ago has left her with a curiosity. She wishes to commune with the great bear spirit, in person, to learn why she was spared. She is frightened by this strange desire, but feels it pull at her soul and knows that she will not rest until she has accomplished this.

Jellico is still out there... somewhere. Though he may not be aware of the life lesson that he taught her, the mercenary would almost certainly remember her and would be a helpful ally in a pinch, provided he were compensated, of course.

Grevor, the master of the druidic circle that trained her, remembers Avora as a headstrong, free-willed girl. In true druidic fashion, he would likely not offer direct aid, but might dispense advice that could help or hinder her. Often the lessons that he taught were cryptic and could be interpreted more than one way.

Maximillian is the only witness to Avora's crime of arson. He has kept his silence because he does not know for sure that she is responsible, but he strongly suspects that it was she who burned down the temple. Avora has no idea that he suspects.

Spending money 30 gp on a premade inquisitor kit leavingme with 210

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Good enough to craft my repeating crossbow ? Maybe a little bonus cause Brigh is all about clockwork and complicated mechanical thingies?

if not i will blow it all on a breasplate and fight with a sling until I can afford it :)

I must add though, that Bayira (my monk) will be a switch hitter of sorts and while she'll focus more on melee at the start she'll be more of a ranged combatant as time goes on.

As for archetypes, I'm going with Sohei

Will have the character up by tomorrow! Going to be a male Catfolk Rogue with the Cat Burglar and Carnivalist Archetypes and a skunk familiar that dances! He can definitely fill the trapfinder/skill monkey position, as he is being designed for versatility, not raw sneak-attack-your-face action. Working on allies, enemies, and fears, as well as a backstory.

After reading the player's guide, I think that Pharrell is Hexcrafter Magus with "Failed Winter Witch Apprentice" campaign trait.

I think that only really suitable story feat would be Nemesis. I just need to add more details to Pharrell's feud with Rassimeri Jaijarko.

Dark Archive

Shuffles up to the podium and taps the microphone. Alright couple of announcements
Toys with the papers he has in hand. Reading his notes....

Ah here We go. Crafting you may craft any of your starting gear as long as you could make it if your crafting roll was 15 or higher. It could be something you made yesterday or tinkered with for years. It matters not as long as you can make it on a 15.

Flips to the next page.

Just to say this one last time yes when I saw story feats I mean the ones from UC. And yes you need to work your background so they mesh. As a side note to that no matter which you pick you will get a chance to complete it.

Slips that page to the bottom and sighs.

It has come to my attention that for some reason I can't fathom me being a new gm on the boards and all. That this game has extremely high intrest. There are already so many good submissions that well I'm locking the doors early. As of midnight tonight no new submissions. If you have rolled in thread or pmed me in the case of one or two your good take your time and
finish. Everyone has til Sunday to complete profiles and such. I will have my choices no latter than 8pm monday. We will attempt to start on Tuesday or Wensday. Thank you that is all.


Liberty's Edge

We have 24+ nice submissions, one GM, that is not quite right :) In fact, we are short of one arcane for assembling four parties, and, of course, once the hammer hits the wood, three of these parties and a few other characters will be sucked into complete oblivion (or routed to other campaign recruitments).

Why not, then, try to recruit three (or four) more GMs and they deliberate on assembling the parties for runs of the Reign of Winter AP?

I may be willing to take on a group, if things progress the way they are for another campaign I'm involved in. No promises, though!

Grand Lodge

That would be very nice of you broodsibling

I think it won't take much work to mesh the story feat I have in mind, although whether he does succeed in it or not is a wholly different matter. :) This is exciting!!!

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the offer Silver Prince, that is kind of you.

4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 3) = 8 -1 -> 7 (-4p)
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 2) = 9 -2 -> X
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 5) = 15 -2 -> 13 (3p)
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 3) = 11 -1 -> 10 (0p)
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 3) = 12 -1 -> 11 (1p)
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 5) = 16 -2 -> 14 (5p)
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 4) = 12 -1 -> 11 (1p)

Equals 6p purchase :D

24 points to spend
7 -> 10 (4p)
13 -> 16 (7p)
10 -> 12 (2p)
11 -> 13 (2p)
14 -> 16 (5p)
11 -> 14 (4p)

STR 16
DEX 12+2
CON 14-2
INT 16+2
WIS 13
CHA 10

I think one of the reasons the applications exploded is the 30 point buy, generous application of 3 traits and a free feat, max starting money and the ability to "craft your own" starting gear. All of the above will be add up to some very powerful starting characters, and that is very attractive to a certain portion of the forum's population.

The hard focus on story and character is very attractive to a second population of the forum (noting that there is overlap between the two groups) who it seems are always trying to find another opportunity, another session to join that will allow them to do some creative writing.

I could be wrong, of course.

You guys need more arcane casters, right?

Irik Uthursson
Chaotic Good human sorcerer
Role: Arcane caster

You may want to read the backstory first, since some of these entries won't make sense until you do.


Slight of build, his eyes are the grey of a stormcloud gathering over an icy shore. His skin is extremely pale, even for one so far north. The events that occurred the night he became a sorcerer have turned his once-raven hair the white-streaked granite of a man old before his time.


  • Unlock the secrets of the strange stone he discovered (bonded item).
  • Locate his family, or what might be left of them.
  • Discover the secret of the old man he met in the forest.
  • Fears:

  • Windy nights (and by extension, flying at night)
  • Charms, illusions, and similar things that make him doubt the evidence of his senses or the authenticity of his thoughts and feelings
  • The return of the dark thing from the night he found the ring.
  • Allies:

  • The jeweler and hedge wizard who carved the stone into a gem and helped Irik forge it into a ring. His guidance allowed Irik to begin exploring his powers in a less haphazard fashion.
  • The bartender who pays Irik for providing music, entertainment, and security for his establishment.
  • Acquaintances:

  • The dwarven miner and town drunk who starts so many fights Irik learned the sleep spell to break them up.
  • The local constable's son, who is the only one who knows or believes Irik's entire story.
  • Enemies:

  • The group that tried to rob him on his way back home, whose ringman's face was partially dissolved for their trouble.
  • The noble house that ordered the execution of his father and the seizure of the family assets.
  • Story:
    On a hunting trip in the taiga, Irik became lost in a deadly blizzard. He passed out from exhaustion and awoke by a creek in a mist-shrouded glade of evergreens. Within lived a wizened old man whose cheery demeanor never faltered, save at night, when he grew grim and his eyes wide.

    Irik was given room and board in the man's strange treetop cabin for chopping firewood and tending to the old man's white reindeer mare. The sole condition was to never go into the old man's bedroom, and never open a window or door after sunset. Every night, when Irik began to nod off, a great wind would howl about the timbers and the old man's voice would thunder in strange tongues, until the winds died away.

    The old man would mutter and brush off his questions, and with strange words and gestures light candles, clean pots and pans, and conjure music from thin air.

    While out in the forest gathering wood, or tending the reindeer, Irik would try to mimic what the old man had done. One day, he felt a tingling. The next, a hum. The following day, he made shimmering lights dance in the air. Then there was a howl of anger from the cabin that could only be the wizened old man, carrying clear across the glade over the crisp winter gales.

    On returning to the cabin, the old man was nowhere to be seen. Irik made dinner and began to nod off.

    Then, the winds whipped up, the man began to chant, yet the gale did not slacken. Instead, the man's voice grew louder and louder as the gale grew fiercer and fiercer, until there was a crash, followed by a shuddering crack and a scream.

    Irik bolted for the bedroom door and flung it open. Half the room had tumbled from the tree into the creek below. He saw the old man being carried shrieking into the sky on dark wings.

    The man's dresser was on the verge of tumbling into space when Irik caught a glimpse of a pearlescent stone. He staggered forward to grasp it, but lost his balance and fell. As his fingers closed around it, he felt a white flash of light and warmth flood through him as his awareness fled.

    He awoke by a landmark he recognized, at dawn on a summer day. He stumbled toward home, only to find that no one recognized him, everyone he knew had died of old age and been buried in the churchyard, and his younger sister Eirrin had eventually left town to search for him, while his older brother Wirrem had headed south to make his way in the world. The noble house that controlled the barony had executed his father and confiscated the family's assets not long after Irik had gone hunting.

    4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 4) = 18 = 15
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 1) = 13 = 12
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 2) = 14 = 12
    4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 5) = 17 = 14
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2) = 14 = 12
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 3) = 11 = 9
    4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 4) = 13 = 12

    15,12,12,14,12,12 = 20 pt.
    18,12,12,14,12,12 = 30 pt.

    Human sorcerer
    Cha: 20

    THIS IS MY STATBLOCK! THERE ARE MANY OTHERS LIKE IT, BUT THIS ONE IS MINE! Here's the crunch, now to roll and see if I have a better ability array than I used with the point buy!

    4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 1) = 14
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 1) = 10
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 6) = 15
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3) = 12
    4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 5) = 17
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 4) = 12
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 5) = 15

    Modifying statblock!

    What? There were 2 or 3 roll sets, now there is the one with the lowest scores. I'll keep my point buy!

    This is the Silver Prince, by the way!

    Dumb Sargavan post mechanics! D:<

    Dark Archive

    hustonj wrote:

    I think one of the reasons the applications exploded is the 30 point buy, generous application of 3 traits and a free feat, max starting money and the ability to "craft your own" starting gear. All of the above will be add up to some very powerful starting characters, and that is very attractive to a certain portion of the forum's population.

    The hard focus on story and character is very attractive to a second population of the forum (noting that there is overlap between the two groups) who it seems are always trying to find another opportunity, another session to join that will allow them to do some creative writing.

    I could be wrong, of course.

    Yes but the forced rolls limit minmaxing. Its you can't sell back what you roll you can only pad. Keeps that from being to bad. As for traits I see them as backstory seeds what did I do to end up like this. And once again the feat is self serving. It gives me an auto hook for each character "come over here do this....." Besides this way I don't have to play tender with the characters... I can play a bit of hard ball because even though they are story driven they aren't weak because someone didn't want to minmax.

    jinx that is not how it works

    you have to keep your rolls then if you are under 30 you can add to waht you have. does that make sense

    Dark Archive

    @sliver prince you may pad your scores up to the pb you may not substitute

    silver prince

    4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 1) = 14 =13
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 1) = 10 =9 DROP
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 6) = 15 =13
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3) = 12 =11
    4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 5) = 17 =14
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 4) = 12 =11
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 5) = 15=13

    13 (3pts)
    13 (3pts)
    11 (1pts)
    14 (5pts)
    11 (1pts)
    13 (3pts)
    16 pts

    So you have 14 pts to buy additional stats

    Appearance: Jaxxel appears as a tall, somewhat heavyset Catfolk with completely black fur the color of midnight, covered by a second skin of metal-studded leather and draped in tasteful silver jewelry. His silver eyes, one of which is covered in a Taldane monocle, glimmer with mischief and his broad cat-like mouth seems drawn into a perpetual smile. He moves with a smooth, predatory grace at odds with the bulky backpack slung across his shoulders, which seems about ready to burst at the seams with items, his tail swishing with great gusto behind him.

    1. Become the greatest thief in Golarion.
    2. Live a life of wealth and luxury, likely funded by his criminal exploits.
    3. Explore the world, discovering interesting new experiences.
    4. 'Acquire' a firearm and test it, as he's always had a fascination with firearms.
    5. Find his one, true love or, failing that, discover his purpose in life.

    1. Living an unfulfilled life.
    2. Dying, in particular becoming an undead, because he enjoys the feeling of living and would not be able to adjust to having life's pleasures stripped from him.

    Ally, Acquaintence, and Enemy: Will post after dinner and a shower.

    I pad up to my listed scores then.

    16 (10pts) DEX
    14 (5pts) INT
    11 (1pts) STR
    16 (10pts) CON
    11 (1pts) CHA
    13 (3pts)-2 WIS

    Jinx this is as close as you can get to your listed stats I think

    So after racial you have

    STR 11
    DEX 18
    CON 16
    INT 14
    WIS 11
    CHA 13

    GM, are you going to require a complete character sheet before a character can be accepted, or is backstory, personality, class and the like sufficient?

    Dark Archive

    Honestly the math is secondary but I would like a full sheet since your in the running arkwright. But you have til sunday to finish it. I just had to stop the inflow it was getting to be too much.

    [B] Once again everyone who has posted at minimum the things required in my op you will have til Sunday night to finish everything. Just no new submissions after 12am EST

    Shadow Lodge

    divineshadow wrote:
    Max gold but try not to sit on it. I will also allow crafting as well its only fair if you soend the skills but you will need to be able to make the item on a roll of 15 or better.

    Making sure I'm understanding this correctly, I can make a Composite Longbow, with no strength rating, but not a +2 strength rating Composite Longbow, since that would be DC 19 right? Or can I if I have a +4 mod and only need the natural roll of 15?

    Say I wanted a Masterwork Composite Longbow with a +2 strength rating, this has two DCs, 19 for the strength rating, and 20 for the masterwork, if I have a +5 mod am I able to craft it? Crafting such an item would cost me 200 GP, rather then the 600 GP it would normally cost to purchase. It'd only leave me with 40 gold for everything else, but I'm considering it if possible.

    Grimgisli, son of Grimvuldr, Ulfen human , Archery Ranger (Trapper)

    Consolidation post, includes required story bits and mechanics. All information will be transferred to a profile if selected.


    Born and raised in a small village in Irrsen, Grimgisli started learning the arts of the hunter at a young age. Shortly after his 11th birthday, he, Grimvuldr (his father) and Grimfastr (his older brother) were out hunting. They had been following a small deer, and Grimgisli was overloading on adrenaline. He saw some movement off to their side and quickly spun and took the shot, even as his father was extending his arm in flat arc to signal no. The boy's arrow struck true, and managed to pierce the coat of the great bear which turned towards the three of them and charged, looking to return the pain. Grimvuldr screamed at his boys to run, as he turned to face the bear and buy them time. They boys fled, and Grimvuldr bled.
    Grimfastr made certain that Grimgisli's life was unpleasant after that, far more so than their mother allowed, but always where she could do nothing about it. This drove Grimgisli out into the wilderness, out to explore, to travel, to learn what he could of what lies over the next hill, round the next bend, and wherever else he could manage to take himself.

    At this point, he has traveled for many months, mapping as he traveled and learning what he could of the beasts in the wilds on his maps. Heldren appears, so far, to be like every other small village he's encountered in Taldor since debarking the ship from Almas.

    If the name and accent didn't make it obvious enough, Grimgisli's pale complexion and braided deep scarlet hair and beard clearly identify his Ulfen heritage. All of these contradict his unusually small size, standing about 5'10" and around 170#, well below normal for an Ulfen warrior. His clothing is slightly worn and functional, in simple earthen colors. The cloak stands out from the rest, in a deep hunter's green with an ornate knot pattern sewn into it with a pale brown thread.


    • "Gotta catch 'em all!" - Successfully hunt as many different types of game/dangerous animals as he can find
    • Make the best maps of the world that have ever been seen
    • Find the right place and build the hunting lodge he'll live out his life in


    • Repeating the error in judgement that led to his father's death, causing the death of someone else as a result & proving his brother right
    • Being crippled in a way that will prevent him from living his life outdoors
    • Never finding someone to come home to, so that there is literally no reason to return to civilization but to trade his goods - being alone forever


    Pesha Purren is a middle-aged Varisian trader, and someone that Grimgisli has run into time and time again during his travels, to both of their delight. The first few encounters were simple enough, as Grimgisli offered to trade pelts he had collected for coin or other supplies as he traveled. Later encounters started including Pesha requesting specific types of hides. Once Grimgisli was within the Varisian encampment when they were attacked by bandits, and naturally, he helped chase them off. Their interactions became regularly more friendly after that, though neither ever considered having Grimgisli join the caravan. They meet each other when the gods bring them together, and enjoy those bright moments, but trust that they are both comfortable in their own lives.


    During the sea voyage to Taldor, Grimgisli met Seyla Theron, an old, half-orc priestess of the Drunken God. During their extended sea voyage, both of them being mostly ignored by the crew, they had time to talk, and to learn something of each other as a simple way to fill the otherwise empty days.


    Grimfastr - Older Brother - blames Grimgisli for the death of Grimvuldr, their father, when he was mauled by a bear which attacked after Grimgisli injured it but failed to either kill it or to attack it at enough range to provide the time for multiple chances to bring it down. Grimfastr had nearly become a man, and his future was forever tied to caring for his mother and siblings instead of him being allowed to go and find his own way in the world as a result of their father's death. All of Grimfastr's dreams were destroyed along with their father, and he knows EXACTLY who to blame for the destruction of his life and hopes.


    .5 14 14 +2 S
    10 16 18 +4 D
    .3 13 13 +1 C
    10 16 16 +3 I
    .2 12 12 +1 W
    .0 10 10 +0 H
    (16, 16, 14, 13, 12, 10) improved from (13, 12, 12, 11, 10, 6) rolled (recruitment thread post 151)

    Human (Ulfen):

    +2 Dex
    Normal Speed
    Bonus Feat
    Languages Skald; Taldane, Varisian, Shoanti, Sylvan
    Favored Class: Ranger: +1 Skill

    Ranger Class:
    Ranger (Trapper)
    Favored Enemy (Animal +2 Attack & Damage)
    Track (+1)
    Trapfinding (+1)
    Wild Empathy (+1)
    HD D10 (11 +1 Con)
    Alignment Neutral Good
    Simple & Martial weapons
    Light & Medium armors
    All shields except Tower Shields


    Ice Walker (Race)
    Restless Wayfarer (Campaign)
    Wanderlust (Social)


    Explorer (Story Feat)
    Point-Blank Shot (1st Level)
    Precise Shot (Human Bonus Feat)

    (6+3 Int+1 Skilled+1 Favored Class, 11)
    +5 Acrobatics +4+1+0 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)
    +3 Appraise +3+0+0
    +0+Bluff +0+0+0 (+2 Favored Enemy)
    +6 Climb +2+1+3 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)
    +3 Craft +3+0+0
    +0 Diplomacy +0+0+0
    +8+Disable Device +4+1+3 (+1 Trapfinding)
    +0 Disguise +0+0+0
    +4 Escape Artist +4+0+0 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)
    +4 Fly +4+0+0 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)
    +1 Heal +1+0+0
    +0 Intimidate +0+0+0
    +10 Knowledge (Geography) +3+1+3+1 Trait+2 Feat
    +8 Knowledge (Local) +3+1+3+1 Trait
    +7+Knowledge (Nature) +3+1+3 (+2 Favored Enemy)
    +5+Perception +1+1+3 (+1 Trapfinding) (+2 Favored Enemy)
    +0 Perform +0+0+0
    +5 Profession (Hunter) +1+1+3
    +4 Ride +4+0+0 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)
    +1+Sense Motive +1+0+0 (+2 Favored Enemy)
    +8 Stealth +4+1+3 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)
    +5+Survival +1+1+3 (+1 Track) (+2 Favored Enemy)
    +6 Swim +2+1+3 (-3/-1 Check Penalty)

    100.0.0 Composite Longbow 3# 1d8/x3/110'/P (worn)
    002.0.0 Arrows, Normal, x40 6# (worn)
    002.0.0 Arrows, Blunt, x20 3# (worn)
    015.0.0 Lucerne Hammer 12# 1d12/x2/B or P/Brace/Reach/Special (worn)
    002.0.0 Dagger 1# 1d4/19+/10'/P or S (worn)
    025.0.0 Studded Leather 20# +3/+5/-1/15%/30' (worn)
    008.0.0 Cold-Weather Outfit 7# (Pack)
    FREE0.0 Explorer's Outfit 8# (worn)
    009.0.0 Ranger's Kit 28# (a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin) (Pack)
    080.0.0 Climber's Kit 5# (Pack)
    010.0.0 Mapmaker's Kit 2# (Pack)
    030.0.0 Thieves' Tools, Common 1# (worn)

    283.0.0 95# for full kit
    17 GP on hand

    Medium Encumbrance (20' & -3)
    No Backpack is Light Encumbrance (30' & -1 [armor])

    Combat Stats:
    Init +4
    Speed 20' (30' without pack)

    BAB +1 Melee +3 Ranged +5 (+1 Point-Blank Shot) (+2 Favored Enemy)
    Lucerne Hammer +3 for 1d12+3 @ x2 (+2 Favored Enemy)
    Dagger +3 for 1d4+2 @ 19 OR +5 at 10' (+1 Point-Blank Shot) (+2 Favored Enemy)
    Composite Longbow +5 for 1d8 @ x3 (+1 Point-Blank Shot) (+2 Favored Enemy)

    CMB +3 (BAB +1, Strength +2)
    CMD 17 (BAB +1, Strength +2, Dexterity +4)

    HP 11 (+1 Con)
    AC 17 T 14 F 13 (Armor +3. Dexterity +4)

    Fort +3 (Constitution +1)
    Ref +6 (Dexterity +4)
    Will +1 (Wisdom +1)

    Aaaaaaand... the whole long, spoilered statblock has disappeared from the character's alias! How very inconvenient. *Sighs* Got a LOT of typing to do on this phone if I want to have the character up in the next almost 3 hours.

    Divineshadow, was my submission okay?

    Jaxxel 'The Jinx' Sheebasah wrote:
    Aaaaaaand... the whole long, spoilered statblock has disappeared from the character's alias! How very inconvenient. *Sighs* Got a LOT of typing to do on this phone if I want to have the character up in the next almost 3 hours.
    divineshadow wrote:
    Everyone has til Sunday to complete profiles and such.

    As I read these instructions, you have 4 days, not 3 hours. I recommend that you take the time and do it right instead of rushing just to get it done. Okay, "only" 3 days if you count to the start of Sunday instead of the end of Sunday, in case I misunderstood.

    Shadow Lodge

    hustonj wrote:
    Jaxxel 'The Jinx' Sheebasah wrote:
    Aaaaaaand... the whole long, spoilered statblock has disappeared from the character's alias! How very inconvenient. *Sighs* Got a LOT of typing to do on this phone if I want to have the character up in the next almost 3 hours.
    divineshadow wrote:
    Everyone has til Sunday to complete profiles and such.
    As I read these instructions, you have 4 days, not 3 hours. I recommend that you take the time and do it right instead of rushing just to get it done. Okay, "only" 3 days if you count to the start of Sunday instead of the end of Sunday, in case I misunderstood.

    I read it the same way, what the character has to have by tonight is

    divineshadow wrote:


    Here's the deal I care far more about fluff than crunch. So before you bother working out all the crunch post a simple one to two paragraph concept. With that I want to know who your character is what makes them a hero? List a few goals for your character and a few fears. I wouwould like a minimum of two each but no more than five please. List three people your character knows one an ally, one neutral, and one a rival/enemy.

    That being said, since I left ally blank, I may need to come up with that in the next three hours.

    I believe divineshadow was saying that the people who have already put in their barebones backstory stuff (traits, allies+enemies, etc.) have until sunday to make the rest of it. Feats, gear, all that noise. People who haven't done the preliminary stuff have until midnight eastern standard time (UTC-5 hours for those playing at home) to do so.

    Grand Lodge

    Good luck with everyone!

    Dark Archive

    Dylos wrote:
    divineshadow wrote:
    Max gold but try not to sit on it. I will also allow crafting as well its only fair if you soend the skills but you will need to be able to make the item on a roll of 15 or better.

    Making sure I'm understanding this correctly, I can make a Composite Longbow, with no strength rating, but not a +2 strength rating Composite Longbow, since that would be DC 19 right? Or can I if I have a +4 mod and only need the natural roll of 15?

    Say I wanted a Masterwork Composite Longbow with a +2 strength rating, this has two DCs, 19 for the strength rating, and 20 for the masterwork, if I have a +5 mod am I able to craft it? Crafting such an item would cost me 200 GP, rather then the 600 GP it would normally cost to purchase. It'd only leave me with 40 gold for everything else, but I'm considering it if possible.

    Bingo you got it.

    Shadow Lodge

    divineshadow wrote:
    Dylos wrote:
    divineshadow wrote:
    Max gold but try not to sit on it. I will also allow crafting as well its only fair if you soend the skills but you will need to be able to make the item on a roll of 15 or better.

    Making sure I'm understanding this correctly, I can make a Composite Longbow, with no strength rating, but not a +2 strength rating Composite Longbow, since that would be DC 19 right? Or can I if I have a +4 mod and only need the natural roll of 15?

    Say I wanted a Masterwork Composite Longbow with a +2 strength rating, this has two DCs, 19 for the strength rating, and 20 for the masterwork, if I have a +5 mod am I able to craft it? Crafting such an item would cost me 200 GP, rather then the 600 GP it would normally cost to purchase. It'd only leave me with 40 gold for everything else, but I'm considering it if possible.

    Bingo you got it.

    Alright, then Maiathess is starting with a Masterwork Composite Longbow (+2 Str), though this will likely mean no thieves' tools.

    Still need an ally, I'm thinking a Twilight Speaker from another tribe not far from Maiathess'.

    Dark Archive

    Looks good Avora.

    @all I'm at work right now so if I'm slow responding I will get to you promise.

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