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Here is my Submission for this spot I know there are only a couple of hours left.
There is a char sheet linked to her, but I can change everything around to fit this campgain with ease.
she was used in a campgain that failed 2 day after start
Kyranda's Parrents were killed in a raiding party when a whole bunch of Goblins came and raided the town. She then spent the next 3 years of her life an an orphen ran by the church of Calistria. She was then chosen at a young age Kyranda Flockheart was brought into the clergy at the age of 8 and where she started learning the ways of the Calistrian Cleric. (trait:Calistrian Prostitute (Calistria)) She is clad is a bright yellow binki top with a Silk Yellow shirt over top . she has a very short black skirt on that doesn't hinder her movement and shows off her long legs. She wears a Whip at her hip as well as a couple of daggers on her belt. In times of need she has a stained yellow chain shirt that she puts over her outfit along with a black traveling cloak. Her red hair is down to the middle of her back while in it's pony tail. she keeps herself clean and smelling good at all times. She will sell herself for the love of her goddess at anytime.
Kyranda was down in the shackles when her clergy had asked her to come to riddleport to help out here in the city. She has only been here for a couple of hours at the time.

Mark Sweetman |

Some additional info on Phil.
His skin feels cold to the touch, and his canines are pronounced... giving him an occasional serpentine and predatory appearance.
Able to read situtations and people with ease and rapidity, Phillip preys upon weaknesses of spirit and heart to make malleable the opinion of his targets. Where rage is called for he is vehement and incensed, a soft touch to inspire jealousy, and the ability to whisper poisoned words to play upon the greed of others. He is in his element when able to work the crowd - though is less able to deal with situtations where he is unable to talk his way out of trouble.
- The statue of his father is of a coiled rattlesnake with horns - reminiscent of an Aghasura, a type of Asura - though Phillip does not know this.
- His father inherited the statue from his own father, though how it came to them is lost to time.
- The figurine is the source of a minor taint to his bloodline with that of the Asura - it manifests in Phillip through a descreased body temperature and pronounced serpent-like canines. No mechanical effects stated at this point.
- He will likely be a wanted man in Magnimar, though whether that trouble follows him to Riddleport?
- His mother survives him in Magnimar, though does his fleeing the city affect her?

Mark Sweetman |

Lastly a bit of crunch - still needs some finalisation but the skeleton is there. There are a couple of racial swaps from ARG that would need to be approved if selected (or changed out if not approved).
Str: 8
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 14
Cha: 16
Racial Traits:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Halflings are nimble and strong-willed,
but their small stature makes them weaker than other races.
Small: +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Slow Speed: base speed of 20 feet.
Fearless: +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear.
Adaptable Luck: 3/day, +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus. Using adaptive luck in this way is not an action.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Shiftless: +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Sleight of Hand checks, and Sleight of Hand is always a class skill.
Weapon Familiarity: proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the
word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Common and Halfling. Halflings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.
Child of the Streets: +1 on Sleight of Hand and it is considered a class skill (Social)
Underbridge Dweller: You were raised in the Shadow district of Magnimar beneath the Irespan, a veiled place the light of the sun touches for only 3 hours per day. Your well-founded suspicions grant you a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks in dim light, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Cosmopolitan: two languages, and Appraise and Knowledge (Local) are considered class skills.
Skills: (6 + Int + FC)
Appraise (Int):
Bluff (Cha): 11 (1 +3 Class +3 Cha +2 LoE +2 Racial)
Knowledge (Local-Int):
Perception (Wis): (1 +3 Class +2 Wis
Profession (??-Wis):
Sense Motive (Wis): (1 +3 Class +2 Wis
Sleight of Hand (Dex): (1 +3 Class +3 Dex
Stealth (Dex): (1 +3 Class +3 Dex +4 Racial
Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of his deity (whip). Proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Lore of Escape (Ex): adds Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Stealth skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers.
Hide Tracks (Ex): Creatures attempting to track take a –5 penalty on rolls to find or follow his tracks.
Stern Gaze (Ex): a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 inquisitor level (minimum +1).
Inquisition: Sin: You know how to stoke the seven sins in others (envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath), and twist their dark desires to suit your own purposes.
Sin Sense (Su): full-round action, determine which sin most strongly influences a target by quickly reading its mind. Once you learn this fact, you gain a +4 bonus on your next Charisma based skill check made against the target as long as it somehow incorporates a temptation that relates to that sin. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mindaffecting effect.
Judgement = 1/day as swift action
Gear: TBCgp start
Leather – 10gp
Light Crossbow – 37gp (inc 20 bolts)
Dagger – 2gp
Pocketed scarf – 8 gp

Joana |

Hoogie, I'm not fully convinced of the utility of that particular archetype, but I don't have a problem with considering it as part of your preliminary character pitch at this time.
Logen Baccus, yep, you've got PMs turned on now. :)
hustonj: Thanks for your submissions. Don't have any questions about them right now. I have both listed as in the running, pending the final party make-up.
Fredrik: Sent you some questions by PM.
Mark: PM sent. What alignment are you thinking: CN to match Calistria or a step away in some direction?
Elondor: I'll consider two of your concepts. Sent you a PM about them.
the loreweaver: I'm not at all a fan of the flavor of the juju oracle, so I'll consider Malkith your submission. Harrowed feat is approved. PM sent.
KRNVR: Sent you some questions by PM.
Krumthi: No questions about Kyranda at this time.

Mark Sweetman |

Joana - with a little trepidation I would confirm that CN is indeed probably suitable for Phillip at this early stage in his life. But I can also attest that he won't be disruptive due to that alignment.
The chaotic element represents a willingness to lie, a perception that the laws of men do not necessarily apply to him and an ability to be flexible in his approach. However he will still be true to his word when given in confidence, and would not dismiss the needs of a group he has bought into without some consideration of the fallout.
The neutrality reflects his amoral nature and self-interest above that of the 'greater good'. He won't go out of his way to screw people over, but would also consider crusading paladins as much a threat as crusading anti-paladins.

Hassan Ahmed |

Perhaps I'm too late. But was wondering if a:
NG Human Fighter ("Lore Warden" archetype) with decent Charisma would fit this team.
Possible future dip into Rogue (skills, more lethal), Cleric (Rune & Defense domains, Craft Wondrous and get that shield prof back!) or Sorcerer (awaken some innate power). Dip for 1-3 levels, depending.
How long is the campaign intended to last level-wise?
EDIT: Now, I need to brush up on genitalia descriptions in my posts, dang it!

Joana |

Hassan Ahmed, I'll accept you as a last-minute submission if you can put together a description of who your character is and why he's in Riddleport within the next few hours. I believe the information you need should be in the original post. Recruitment is otherwise closed. Thanks for your interest. The final party should be posted within 24 hours.

Hoogie |

The utility is that I change the weapon proficiency to something still ok, and I get rid of my knowledge-based abilities and sound-based resistances (anyways not much sound based enemies at low levels, unless you pit us against a band of bards) for a much better bardic performance and a good set of feats. This ties in with Charlton being a scholar of charm and suggestion.


DIMSDALE: You've provided a very complete background. Glad you've enjoyed the Jade Regent game.
I try to follow GM directions whenever I can. Hope it wasn't too much...I can be a little verbose. I wanted to give you a feel for Wexly. The young lad did find some direction and focus at the House of Blue Stone, but he is still largely new to the world. Sandpoint is a close starting point and one I use a lot in my face-to-face games.
The signing on to the ship as crew starts with the teaching of Irori "One should not be idle in body or mind". So, Wexly will want to learn what he can from while on the voyage to Riddleport. Even if he had to pay for part of his passage.

Joana |

Lorasaadi The Shepherd, sorry, but no. The pool of applicants I have to make selections from is already overwhelming. I don't know how people who leave their recruitment threads open for weeks deal with it all. I'm going to have to say no to a lot more people than I can say yes to and am already feeling bad about it. :P
Hoogie, thanks for explaining your reasoning. I tend to be more fluff- than crunch-minded and don't always immediately grasp the potential advantage of the mechanics. You'd be using Tien-flavored weapons, focusing your performance on a single target, and taking enchantment spells then, correct?
As for posting expectations, I work from home on my own schedule and can generally post multiple times per day. That means more small posts responding to things as they go along rather than one massive post responding to everything, as it's easier for me to grab 10 to 15 minutes here and there than an uninterrupted block of time. I'd like the players to commit to checking in, and posting, when applicable, at least once a day. Ideally, that would include weekends as well, as that's when I have the most time on my hands, but that can be discussed amongst the participants when the party is selected. Obviously, posting 365 days out of the year is laughably unrealistic -- I'll have times that I'm busy and/or AFK, too -- but that's the general rule I'd like to make exceptions from.
While I have a good general idea of the party makeup, I am still receiving some replies to PMs. I'll give everyone who wants to several more hours to get back to me before posting my final selections.

hustonj |
Well, I'm far more old-fashioned. I have more than enough devices to allow me to connect and check on things. I don't WANT those things demanding my attention. At that point, they become work, because I'm letting them control me.
Now, I still voluntarily check for connections far more than I have any reasonable need to actually do, but that's still me going to check when I want to check, not when they tell me they need attention.
No, I do not have a smartphone. I do have a cellphone. It makes phone calls. That's all that I want it to do.

Wander Weir |

I pretty much rely on the Focus function. It's not always perfect but it tends to do the job fairly well. Rss feeds have always annoyed me for some reason.
I'm not that old fashioned though. I've got a smartphone and I rarely use it for calls. Who needs to call someone when you've got email and a variety of posting options?

Maverick |
I love rolling dice too. I miss being able to roll dice for ability scores.
I despise rolling dice for ability scores. Dice (doesn't really matter whether they are real or virtual) tend to hate me, and I always get stuck with a ridiculously low score, typically in the ability that defines my class. I built an archery ranger once and had to roll up ability scores (roll for each score, not roll all six and then assign them where you want), and I rolled up an 8 in Dexterity. I MUCH prefer buying abilities, and fixed HPs at new levels.
But "randomness" tends to be "how low can you roll" in my case, so I know that I'm special. :)

Barnabas Jones |

We had a pre-birth scare that took priority over this submittal. If it's too late to be considered I totally understand.
Presenting Barnabas Jones, half-orc bard.
Half orc, half gnome, all swindler. Barnabas is a gambler first, a confidence man second and a hidebound academic third. A fat purse has managed to change the order of his priorities on more than one occasion. He is freshly arrived in Riddleport on the back of a "long con" gone sour. He's short on gold and allies;, both of which will be needed in short order if news of him finds its way back to his latest mark!
Barnabas will be designed as a half-orc bard with the archaeologist archetype, subject to approval.
Social settings:
A broad toolkit heavily weighted toward social and knowledge skills allows Barnabas the ability to reach reach across all strata of society to open any door, gain access to information and use that information, be it social or technical, to the party's advantage.
Combat scenarios:
Barnabas relies on combat control spells (grease, silent image, etc), to alter the flow of battle while staying outside melee to add damage or support with either short bow or whip.
"Oh poop" button:
Barnabas always keeps silent image and ghost sound spells at the ready just in case the party needs to make a quick escape.
In sum, he is an ideal "face man" for a social campaign and a great party support character all in one.
I'm an experienced roleplayer going all the way back to first edition. I'm new to pbp, but feel this is a really great way to emphasize the rp in rpg. I've played a slew of game systems and genres over the years that have allowed me to shift focus from a "by the numbers" style to a more character driven way of looking at gameplay.
As a real-life Archaeologist and amateur league poker player, I bring a unique sense of authenticity to Barnabas that I believe will come through in rp and add to the campaign in a meaningful and fun way!
Personal note to Joana, I'm running short on time and will keep this section brief. If requested I will flesh it out at any point during your selection process. Otherwise, I will expand upon what follows afterward. I have it all sketched out, just lack the time presently to add detail.
Early life:
Barnabas remembers nothing of his life before the carnival.
His parents coupling was as unwelcome as is typical for most half orcs. His mothers village had entered into a one sided truce with a neighboring troop of woodland orcs that had lasted for many, many seasons. Every harvest, the orcs would come for their due. In turn, the gnome village would remain.
A drought had left the village little enough food to support themselves let alone meet their harvest tithe. Retaliation was swift and merciless. Even if the gnomes hadn't been famished they wouldn't have posed a threat. In their weakened state, the males were slaughtered en masse.
When she found she was with child, she held out hope her husband, slain in the assault, was the father. The pregnancy was short and uncomfortable. The signs were there. Gnomish children often have little in common with their parents and Barnabas was no exception.
As the months wore on Barnabas grew quickly and stoutly. Far more quickly than a gnome should. She knew, as she had know all along. She had bonded with the child even though it meant she was no longer welcome in the village proper.
Soon after his first birthday, she had realized she couldn't raise the child alone and looked to join the household of a widowed village elder. Soon after she was pregnant with twins.
The following year a carnival visited the village. Actors, minstrels, dancers, games of chance, the village had never seen such splendor!
Formative years:
One hand of cards, that's what he was worth to his step father. Or at least, that is what Subek told him. Just one hand and he was sold to a lifetime of servitude.
As the years passed Subek realized Barbabas, as he became known, had more potential than a passive side act, stable cleaner or house servant. He had the gift. With careful molding he could could have value as an active participant in the grift. Thus began his true education.
Recent days:
After escaping the carnival last year, Barnabas went straight to work plying his trade in every bar, brothel and gaming house he could find. Trying to keep as much distance from the carnivals route hasn't been easy. Over the last few months he was traveling alongside a traders caravan working the long con. Things went bad when the caravan ran afoul of his old carnival troop and his scheming came to light. He barely escaped.
Days later he arrived in Riddleport, with now two enemies on his trail!
Second note to Joana:
I don't have time to flesh out the personality, ambitions and goals section I had planned, right now but I fully intend to do so. I hope what I've posted is enough to give you an idea of where I'll be taking Barnabas. Thanks again :)

LoreKeeper |

Wander Weir wrote:Who needs to call someone when you've got email and a variety of posting options?People who value direct human contact and interaction.
Whoa. Since when is phoning someone direct human contact? I suppose it is more direct than email, but its not exactly the most direct form of human contact.

Maverick |
Whoa. Since when is phoning someone direct human contact? I suppose it is more direct than email, but its not exactly the most direct form of human contact.
True, but this thread is PG-13, so that's the most direct form of human contact we will be discussing. :)

Melon Sash |

He was not fat as some Halfling tend to be as often as they ate. He was small, but Sabyl was not a large woman and he had heard stories of how she stood against goblin raiders in the town some years back, and there was another woman (Mellon he thought) among the mercenaries Sheriff Hemlock had commissioned to investigate goblins stealing a bunch of local dogs. She and others drove the Licktoads from the Brinestump for said killings and even fought other creatures if the Stories from the Rusty Dragon can be believed.
Melon wholeheartedly endorses this young halfling. A steadfast pillar of the community!

hustonj |
hustonj wrote:Whoa. Since when is phoning someone direct human contact? I suppose it is more direct than email, but its not exactly the most direct form of human contact.Wander Weir wrote:Who needs to call someone when you've got email and a variety of posting options?People who value direct human contact and interaction.
More of human communication is through non-verbal signals than through words.
A voice connection restricts how much of your non-verbals the other party can receive, but it still provides a FAR larger bandwidth of actual communication than the written word.
Yes, the tone of your voice, the pace of your speech and even the careful pause before you select a word all fit into the category of non-verbal communication. I didn't make the label. I just recognize how important it is to having full communication.

Melon Sash |

LoreKeeper wrote:Whoa. Since when is phoning someone direct human contact? I suppose it is more direct than email, but its not exactly the most direct form of human contact.True, but this thread is PG-13, so that's the most direct form of human contact we will be discussing. :)
Melon snuffs her nose at this notion.

LoreKeeper |

LoreKeeper wrote:hustonj wrote:Whoa. Since when is phoning someone direct human contact? I suppose it is more direct than email, but its not exactly the most direct form of human contact.Wander Weir wrote:Who needs to call someone when you've got email and a variety of posting options?People who value direct human contact and interaction.More of human communication is through non-verbal signals than through words.
A voice connection restricts how much of your non-verbals the other party can receive, but it still provides a FAR larger bandwidth of actual communication than the written word.
Yes, the tone of your voice, the pace of your speech and even the careful pause before you select a word all fit into the category of non-verbal communication. I didn't make the label. I just recognize how important it is to having full communication.
Very true, though I prefer my human contact/communication to be limited to my friends, rather than business associates and other people that I need to communicate with. Email may be relatively impersonal, but I prefer it as it doesn't intrude on my time and me doing what is important. Such as face-to-face communication with my friends (preferably in a nice restaurant, or at somebody's home). :)

hustonj |
Very true, though I prefer my human contact/communication to be limited to my friends, rather than business associates and other people that I need to communicate with. Email may be relatively impersonal, but I prefer it as it doesn't intrude on my time and me doing what is important. Such as face-to-face communication with my friends (preferably in a nice restaurant, or at somebody's home). :)
Interesting. You realize that networking requires that other people recognize you as a real person, to care about you at some level, right?
Are you aware that the best way to get a job, or a promotion, or selected for a special opportunity is networking? People make decisions for illogical reasons CONSTANTLY, and personal relationships are the driver behind far more decisions than most people are willing to admit to themselves. Learn to recognize this truth about human behavior, and then learn to apply it in order to increase your own opportunities. That, of course, requires making personal contact with as many people as you can . . ..


DIMSDALE wrote:He was not fat as some Halfling tend to be as often as they ate. He was small, but Sabyl was not a large woman and he had heard stories of how she stood against goblin raiders in the town some years back, and there was another woman (Mellon he thought) among the mercenaries Sheriff Hemlock had commissioned to investigate goblins stealing a bunch of local dogs. She and others drove the Licktoads from the Brinestump for said killings and even fought other creatures if the Stories from the Rusty Dragon can be believed.Melon wholeheartedly endorses this young halfling. A steadfast pillar of the community!
Thanks for the support! Melon's Jade Regent AP party is an awesome read!

Joana |

So this has been a novel experience. I'm used to real-life DMing where I already know who the players are going to be and it's just a matter of negotiating character creation. I have to say the thing that has most surprised me about being on the other side of the recruitment thread is the utter subjectivity of it. One character concept simply clicks for the setting and storyline, while another, just as interesting and well-written, doesn't. I had no idea how much of this just comes down to whim.
All of which boils down to the "it's not you, it's me" speech. And it's arbitrary and unfair, and I hate that so many of you are going to be disappointed. Thank you all for your attention to detail and for obeying the rules of the thread; not having to wade through post after post of tavern RP made it much easier for me to stay on top of the submissions.
That said, the party will be:
If any of the selected players do not check into the discussion thread within 48 hours, I will select a replacement. Thanks so much!

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Should be within four or five hours. Mondays are my busy days, and I've got some things still to take care of IRL that'll have to come first.
Mondays are a pain for most people :) Looking forward to the pick as well. Judging on the number and quality of applicants it seems Joana has some considering to do.
If picked I'm planning to play Corel as a quite ordinary boy who finds himself in extraordinary situations, mostly due to a healthy level of ambition and a way to big mouth... He is a bit in awe of the other classes (fighter, cleric, wizard etc) who are all more specialized, or educated as he would put it, than he and he tries to compensate by bragging.