The Children of Chaos

Game Master Billybrainpan

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You may discuss here as the name suggests.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

Hmmm... I seem to be in a large white space, all by myself. Odd.

Male Half Elf Inquisitor 1

Narciso Kyras reporting in.

In the spirit of randomness I was going to roll for starting gp, unless you would prefer we use the average Billybrainpan.

Cleric Starting GP: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 6) = 19 times 10 is 190 gp

HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

Reporting in, still working on my alias.

I need to roll for starting GP as well.

Wizard starting GP 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8 = 80 GP

Random GP is correct, if you didn't already please roll randomly for HP, Age, Height, and Weight as well.

Male Half Elf Cavalier 1

Hp:1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Age: 20 + 3d6 ⇒ 20 + (5, 3, 5) = 33
Height and Weight: 2d8 ⇒ (7, 7) = 14= 6'4" tall and 180 lb

@gresch555 - Didn't you roll an Inquisitor?

HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

It's his character in a Kingmaker campaign in which we both participate.
I'm guessing he posted with this alias by mistake :)

Male Half Elf Inquisitor 1

Oh ya, that's what happened haha. I have my Cavalier as my default alias since it's been my only other campaign for a while. I'll have to be careful about that.

Btw Arkavus, how crazy is it that we both ended up randomly rolling up Half Elves in this when that's what we play in Kingmaker?

Arkavus's profile picture kind of looks like Viserys Targaryen.

Male Half Elf Inquisitor 1

Now that you mention that it really does!

Fun fact: assuming the barrel given in the phb is the size as a keg (15.5 gallons), a keg of beer is 154 lbs!

HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

Hey you are right, the pic does look like him.

Well we were almost one Half-Elf down in Kingmaker, would be natural that two more respawn somewhere on this forum.

HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

Do you have a bit more information for us Billy? I'd like to adjust my backstory to fit into the campaign.

I am keeping the story a secret since it is a homebrew campaign. It is set in Golarion so you can be from anywhere.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

Checking in!

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

Well... Now I'm standing in a large white space with a bunch of people. This must be the construct (matrix reference).

HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

*Brings in his equipment and a parchment with his life story*

Well now I'm completely done. Well this white space could you use some colouring.
*Grabs his spellbook and casts Prestidigitation, a colourful puff of smoke coats the room*

Male Half Elf Inquisitor 1

Oh no, colorful smoke! A dye factory must be on fire!

*Casts Create Water and slowly starts flooding half the room

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

So are we going to start soon?

I just got back from my trip, we should be starting by 6:00 EST tonight.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

cool beans

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

Hmmm... Now I'm a colorful, wet half-orc. I'm not sure I like it here.

Gameplay is up!

Arkavus 'Light Shell' wrote:
I might have an idea as to what kind of campaign we're playing.

Just out of curiosity PM me what you are thinking.

I will wait for people to roll before I continue.

Still waiting on Dien, Krash4031, and Shadowyfox.

Sorry bout that, guys. I've had spotty internet connection since I got home from work last night. :( I'm having the internet providers techs to come by in the morning. Sorry for the slowdown.

I'm gonna have to officially drop out as the Internet still isn't fixed and I don't want to bog things down. Have fun everyone!

Half-Orc Ninja/1 HP 6/6 AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 12); Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

Replacement character rolling stuff.

HP: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Age: 14 + 1d4 ⇒ 14 + (2) = 16
Height: 2d12 ⇒ (12, 5) = 17 4 ft 23 in. = 180 cm.
Weight: 2d12 ⇒ (8, 1) = 9 173 lbs = 78 kg.
Filthy Lucre: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 3, 1) = 8

If by 10:00 pm neither of the new players has posted we will continue without them under the pretense that they haven't woken up yet.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

What time is it now? Where you are that is, I know what time it is here :-)

Right now it is nine, i'm in Massachusetts.

I apologize for the delay I got sidetracked by some RL issues.

Half-Orc Ninja/1 HP 6/6 AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 12); Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

Ugh, I'm sorry! The forums ate my sheet, and it was so late that I just decided to go to sleep. I'll be AFK for a while, but I'll get back to it in the evening. Which is probably the morning for you.

Timezones are hard. We should just get rid of the sun. :/

Half-Orc Ninja/1 HP 6/6 AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 12); Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

Sheet in the profile put! Going into gameplay thread now.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

BTW, I'm not actually making up Zen sayings on the spot (just in case any of you think I'm a budding Buddha :-). I'm grabbing something that seems appropriate off the web. Let me know if it bothers any of you and I'll stop. If it bothers your character feel free to roleplay it :-)

Male Half Elf Inquisitor 1

Just a heads up, I'm moving across the country for a new job on Tuesday and my posting rate may be reduced until after next week. I'll probably be able to post at least once a day though. Sorry in advance for the inconvenience.

Unless anyone is really invested I think this campaign is dead.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

I am enjoying it...

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21
The Gamemaster wrote:
Unless anyone is really invested I think this campaign is dead.

Hey, having fun here!

HP: 8/8; AC: 12, T: 12, FF: 10; CMD: 13; Fort: 1, Ref: 2, Will: 5; Init +2; Perception +7
Half-Elf Wizard 1

I was having fun as well.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

What's the problem anyway?

Half-Orc Ninja/1 HP 6/6 AC 16 (touch 14, flat-footed 12); Saves: Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0

I kind of didn't want to post again before my first action was resolved...

I apologize Ren, I thought it was understood that you missed. Just so you all know I like to have everyone who is in initiative before the enemy post before I post his actions.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

Are you missing anyone else?

Waiting on Caladral but if he doesn't post soon I will continue.

Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Admixture School) 1|HP 7/7|AC 12|T 12|FF 12|Fort +1|Ref +2|Will +3|Perc +1| Init +6|
0 - Level: Daze, Light, Ray of Frost. 1 - Level: Mage Armor 1/1 Magic Missile 2/2. Special: Dancing Lights 3/3

I already took my action...

It is the second round of combat and you have only made one action. I will post the enemy's actions now. Post when you can.

How do you guys like it so far? I'm pretty new to this and I am open to feedback/constructive criticism.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

I'm intrigued by the story line so far. The gap in the posting was a bit concerning, I thought you'd abandoned us! Glad to be back in the action.

Paladin 2|AC 19(21)|HP21/21

Are we waiting for someone again?

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