Shadow over Riddleport

Game Master Joana

"We cornered his drunken ass in the Goblin last time. This time, we won't show any mercy. We'll kill him for what he did to Larur, and then he'll tell us where Lil is." -- Braddon Hurst

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Was just about to get to you, hustonj, when I had to take a break and go get some stuff done IRL. Either of your concepts are workable in-game and have different things to offer a party. At this point, without knowing who the other party members are going to be, it's hard for me to give a nudge to one or the other. To me, the burglar sounds like more fun to play, but the wizard sounds more party-friendly? The best advice I can give you is just to keep turning them over in the back of your mind and see if one of them comes to life in your imagination more than the other over the next day or two. Remember, I'm not going to be concerned about actual mechanics until I've picked characters; I think it will be easier to put an actual build together when the players can see where the party will be strong and where it needs shoring up a little.

Calon, will get back to you in a bit. Sevenarches is new to me (I'm not very familiar with the River Kingdoms), so I'd like to take the time to go read up on it before commenting on your backstory.

Alexander Callow, sent you a PM.

ZetaGilgamesh, I see that Tendal was written up for a RotRL game. I need to ask: Are you familiar with the plot of Burnt Offerings, or are you still avoiding spoilers in the hopes of getting in a game? I have some ideas about tying Tendal to Riddleport, but I don't know how much detail I'm allowed go into when I PM you. :)

Check. Home game tonight; yard work tomorrow morning. I'll see what's in my head after that, then.

I most certainly do understand needing to meet external obligations.


Joana wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Josh Shrader, Air Elemental school is approved.

Deter Leoni, Detective archetype is approved. Also, I sent you a PM with a few questions about your backstory.

i'm sorry, im not that familiar with the map of Golarion. anywhere with a decent body of water and where orcs roam pretty much. ever since logan was little swimming was his escape from his fathers drunken rages, and after he threw his father out he took to the sea as a worker on a trade boat, until they were attacked by pirates. as for the 'disease', it's actually foreshadowing to logan becoming an oracle with the 'wasting' curse. his body will literally be dying. did i cover everything? sorry for not being detailed enough

@Logen, not so much a matter of achieving a specific level of detail; I'm just asking some leading questions to get a better idea of your PC. Everyone's getting a bit of feedback as I work through, but most of them I'm sending by PM. You seem to have your PM option turned off, however (which is fine!) so I replied in thread. :)

I'm putting a list of submissions up in the campaign info tab to keep track of them. Don't worry if you're not there yet; I'm adding people up as I've taken a look over the character and given some preliminary response.

'Ugh, trees, trees and more trees, as far as the eye can see. Briars and nettles, swamps and bogs, bugs and animals and more things that want to suck or slurp my blood. Not to mention the constant threat of the Drow, an enemy no one in their right mind would want to encounter on their best day.' Yet these were the constant facts of life Daynadryin had been forced to deal with growing up in the so-called 'city' of Crying Leaf in the Mierabi Forest. ' 'City', ha! Not even 800 souls to call the place home. Hardly more than a flyspeck of a village you ask me. And so dreary! Everyone all the time so deadly focused on regaining Celwynvian. Why?? The place was dead, destroyed and overrun with Drow! By Calistria's bosom, why would anyone want such a place?? No, no, thank you very much, but enough is enough. No more choking on dirt and swatting bugs. A City life, in a real City, now that's the thing for me! Riddleport, now that is a City. Filled with intrigue and danger, excitement and vice, women and wealth and barely an elf or tree in sight! Heaven! Yes, my decision is made, I leave today!'

And so, mind made firm and packing quickly done, without even bothering to say bye to anyone, the young Elf was off on the very first solo adventure of his life. 'Folks have enough to worry about what with running town and all. They won't miss me. After all, one young Elf won't make a difference in the taking back of Celwynvian. Maybe I should have left a longer note though? Oh well, I'll probably come back for a visit in 50 years of so, it'll be like I was hardly gone at all!' Thoughts on the road ahead, Dayn fails to notice that the simple note he had left "Mom, Pop, love ya! Off to see the world! Starting in Riddleport! Say bye to everyone for me!" is blown under a cabinet by his closing of the door.

Knowing what kind of response his abrupt departure might elicit, and not wanting to deal with any of it, Dayn uses his not-insignificant skills to leave town unnoticed. After a long, interesting and sometimes dangerous journey towards Riddleport, he is one of the very few to enter the famous city through one of it's little used Northern roads. Grin plastered on his face, neck craned as he looks all around, the ecstatic young Ranger thinks to himself 'Now this is a place I could get to like!'

History, Background and Appearence:

Elf, Urban Ranger

Daynadrian Nirgassan is the youngest child of Eviana Nirgassan, the Elfess in charge of the settlement of Crying Leaf. Like many children of those in positions of power, Dayn has felt a sense of entitlement and possessed a rebellious streak seemingly almost from the day he was born. He is also quite selfish, looking out for his own interests first above all else. As such he is prone to drinking an womanizing, which has led him towards his worship of Cayden Cailean. However he has never had much oppourtunity for either activity in the small, serious town he has grown up in. This has been one of the major factors drawing him to Riddleport. He is not actually a bad sort though, not really, and rarely wishes active harm on anyone, except if he feels someone has seriously wronged him, whereupon his desire for revenge is fierce and unfaltering, which has led him to his dual worship of Calistria as well.

A skilled ranger, highly proficient with his weapon of choice, the bow, Dayn's youth, training and heady sense of the immortality of being an elf have given him a reckless and dangerous confidence. Despite all of that though, Dayn would much rather avoid a fight, or get others to do his fighting for him, while he sneaks off to do something more entertaining. His favoured enemy being human is entirely due to his great study of and interest in them, as opposed to any negative feelings towards humans. In fact it is quite the contrary, as he finds the short lived but industrious race fascinating, and as well has found himself quite attracted to the rare human females he has come into contact with up until now.

Slightly above average in looks, yet charming enough, Dayn is slender like most elves and relies on speed and grace much more than brute strength. While possessed of a natural wisdom, he unfortunately does not often follow the wise words and suggestions of his unconscious mind, instead relying on his quick wits, which get him into trouble even more often than they get him out of it.

Dayn is a young, wide-eyed, confidant and sometimes cocky young elf, alone in the world and a major city for the first time and loving it. The world is his oyster and he can do no wrong. He is likely in for a rude awakening or two in the very near future.

pathfinder wiki

For Logen

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I have a half-elf ranger build that I've wanted to run for a while now that I would like to submit. I'm thinking of using the Freebooter archetype, combined with another archetype (such as Skirmisher, Battle Scout, or Trapper) depending on group needs. Here's a brief bio of him.

Calathis has never really "fit in". The son of a human ranger and an elven bowyer, he was constantly harassed as a child by the other elven children, and would spend weeks away from the city on hunting and scouting expeditions with his father and mother as soon as he was old enough to hold a bow. Learning the fine art of bow-crafting from his mother and wilderness survival from his father, Calathis disappeared on the same trip that saw his parents killed by a marauding band of orcs. He discovered an affinity for the sea during his travels, and signed on with a ship at the first port he came across. He proved an able seaman, and the game he caught during periodic port calls was well-received by most of the crews he served with.

Unfortunately, his most recent vessel has run into some money troubles, leaving him and the crew trapped in the town of Riddleport until and unless those troubles are solved. To that end, he has begun looking for ways to earn his keep during the enforced exile.

Grand Lodge

Corel the Clever – on a Quest for Coin and Cleavage

Corel knows nothing about his birth or early childhood. His first memories are of the streets; he was a slum kid in the metropolis of Egorian. He remembers no parents; like the other street kids, he lived on what he could beg or steal. When he was about seven, he was taken in by an old man named Sekelshen Mat. Old Sekky was a fagin; he taught children to steal, and lived off the loot they brought home. Corel was lucky, in that Old Sekky was a kind master and an honest thief. Corel became fairly good at picking locks and pockets, and an accomplished "second-story man." He loved to climb buildings on the job or just for fun. Because he was bright, agile and inconspicuous, Sekky used Corel mostly as a messenger and spy. By the time he was 15, Corel knew the city like the back of his hand . . . its roofs as well as its alleyways. That saved his life. One night, Corel awoke to find the house in flames. When he and his "family" tried to escape, crossbow bolts flew from the darkness. Someone meant for them to burn! As the flames rose higher, Corel took refuge on the building's roof -then, with a terrified leap, he made it to an adjoining building, and vanished from sight. He was the only survivor. The old thief who had been father and mother to him, as well as all his "brothers," died in the flames. Corel soon learned that the city guard had finally learned of the whereabouts of the den of thieves and had decided to root them out in a decisive manner and making an example of Old Sekky and his band of boys. Having narrowly escaped Corel took a long hard look at what skills he possessed and decided that entering a legal profession was not an option to acquire the lifestyle he desired. Cheliax was obviously not the safest place to apply his skills and so Corel took off and eventually ended up in Riddleport.
Corel is now 18 years old. He is small and not strong - and sensitive about both these things. But he is quick, wiry and fairly good with weapons. He loves to boast of his exploits, and tends to embroider the truth a little. He lives by himself in a third-story garret in the Wharf district, rented for a few pieces of silver from a drunken old couple who sell carpets down below. He makes his living by stealing (and occasionally does an almost-honest day's work, acting as messenger or go-between). He takes chances, but he has so far managed to stay alive - and that's all. Though he refuses to touch drugs or alcohol (he has seen too many people kill themselves that way), he manages to waste his money almost as soon as he steals it. He wants to be rich, famous and feared - but he also wants to have a good time, and that often takes priority over any grandiose plans he might have.

Grand Lodge

Joana, Corel is a (former) Chelaxian human rogue seeking to find the finer things in life in Riddleport. I plan to explore a straight rogue build if there is a place for him in the campaign. :) Let me know your thoughts.


Intelligent, methodical, persistent and ruthless. If Braddon Hurst had possessed any of these qualities, he might have made an excellent bounty hunter. Instead, he accepted a contract on an escaped slave girl from his native Cheliax, then was unable to fulfil it. Finding the girl had been easy enough but when she pleaded with him, and said she would do anything if he let her go, something stirred inside him. While certainly not love, Braddon kept his word to her, covered her... trail and then fled the country for the furthest destination he could think of- Riddleport.

Grand Lodge

Corel the Clever, on a Quest for Coin and Cleavage

Corel is scraping by down by the Wharf district, eager for 'get rich quick' schemes, high risk high reward ventures...

Joana, Corels stats are below, I went for a rogue with the Rake Archetype from APG if that is ok by you.


Human (Chelaxian) Rogue 1, Rake Archetype
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
hp 10 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
Dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Dodge, Mobility
Traits Reactionary, Canter
Skills Acrobatics +4, Appraise +3, Bluff +3, Climb +2, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +4, Intimidate +3, Perception +1, Sense Motive +1, Sleight of hand +4, Stealth +4, Swim +1, Use Magic Device +3
Languages Common, Infernal
Combat Gear 4 Daggers, Leather
Other Gear Backpack [(2 item @ 14 lbs), 2x50 ft silk rope, grappeling hook]; Pouch, belt [(2 item @ 2 lbs), Thieves' tools, small steel mirror]
Special Abilities
Sneak Attack +1d6
Trap finding

Calon, Sevenarches is an interesting area. I'm glad I went and read that. :)

Wander, are you considering any archetypes for Sarien? It's okay if you haven't really thought about it yet.

Should be able to give everyone else's submissions their preliminary read-through tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

Joana wrote:
Wander, are you considering any archetypes for Sarien? It's okay if you haven't really thought about it yet.

I've been thinking about a few of them but haven't decided one way or another yet. Those I'm considering are: Acrobat, Investigator, Knife Master or Swashbuckler. I'm not at all sure if it's a good idea to give up Trapfinding, though. The Knife Master is from Ultimate Combat and the others are all from the APG, I think.

I'd certainly be open to any suggestions.

Hey Joana, is it ok if I give Charlton the Lotus Geisha archetype? It's kinda funny giving it to a non-Tien male character, but it fits him so well.

Very interested in this campaign. I'm headed to an all day event presently. I'll put together a fully fleshed submital as soon as I can.

I'm working on an escaped slave built as either a cleric or oracle. I think witch doctor is the closest parallel, but I'm looking to avoid that cliche.


Alright so ya now you get to meet my character, nooo.. its not a core class I know don't turn away just like that though... Oh and it's also kind of an uncommon race. Please take it into consideration? ^^

So ya I am a level 1 Gripplis Alchemist. Indruck Niule


Grumbling a bit the little Gripplis looked out along the city as it approached. A slight twitch through his left arm, he sighs a bit, it vaguely reminded him of the swamps that he hadn't seen in so long. The entrance to the bay had a peculiar looking archway above it, how it worked, Indruck had no clue.
The ship docked, Indruck gathered his belongings, as well as some of the others he'd.. 'picked up' from the other ship mates. He carried mostly his materials to brew, little wares here and there that he figured he could try to pawn off to people while he was out here. He thought for a moment, he remembered one of his old time mischief buddies had talked of moving out here. Malvin Gaise was his name, the alchemist laughed to himself as he thought of the trouble they had gotten into. That little gnome was even worse of a problem for the guards than he was.
The frog wasn't here for his friend though, if he was even in the city. He was here on a bit of a job. In search of something for an ally back home. Simple as it was he was supposed to retrieve a package from someone on the north-western corner of the city. Yarlo Croew was his name? The frog never usually turns down the opportunity to try something new.


The gripplis was kicked from his swamp at an early age, forced to go out and survive on his own due to his mischievousness ways. Not only had he gained a slight 'twitch' in his upper left torso (left eye almost constantly blinking) from his little experiments, he had nearly blown up half of the town during a celebratory phase. Obsessed with explosives and just experiments in general he traveled between cities doing his best to stay out of sight as he took what he needed. The guard usually ended up butting in though trying to rid the little pest of a frog when all he was doing was surviving off of scraps (at least in his eyes)
Years went by, the frog had been away from the swamps for so long that he had adapted to his life among the roofs instead, harnessing his bodies natural webbing it helped him out numerous times in aiding his escapes, along with a bit of smoke as well of course.
The Grippli, although not very religious, had taken up faith with the Goddess Calistria during his travels, feeling safe in thinking he was constantly under watch regardless of the temple he was in. The buildings usually putting his mind at ease.
His current home, in a very populace city where he is able to do experiments in the sewage tunnels and the abandoned mines that scale along the cliffside.


Gained a twitch due to experiments, the action spikes up more when nervous otherwise its a bit of an occasional twitch along his left arm and up his neck. His left eye almost constantly 'tweaking' so to speak
Chaotic Neutral - Perceives guards as almost always getting in the way, no real good reason for being there other than to act like they are better than everyone. Perceives innocents If they get in the way so be it they will probably get hurt, he feels a sense of jealously when seeing a family though.
He does things mainly for his benefit.
He may have an issue fighting inside of a temple if it comes to it, seeing the place as his one place of safety he might try to shelter himself from the possibility of it not being all that safe.
Worships Calistria due for the fact he leaves things up to fate most of the time, obviously enjoys trickery.
He also might try his luck with some of the smaller races, tending to get a bit.. snazzy? when confronting the opposite sex.

I have a little more info on my profile if you would like to check out.. however this is fairly more detailed and summarized anyway let me know? what you think? hope you don't mind all the reading.

Joana wrote:
ZetaGilgamesh, I see that Tendal was written up for a RotRL game. I need to ask: Are you familiar with the plot of Burnt Offerings, or are you still avoiding spoilers in the hopes of getting in a game? I have some ideas about tying Tendal to Riddleport, but I don't know how much detail I'm allowed go into when I PM you. :)

I am generally familiar with the flow of Burnt Offerings. I had been considering running it at several different points IRL as well as PBP, so don't feel that you are going to spoil it from me. I feel that I can separate my personal and character knowledge pretty well, so don't sweat it.

What do you want to do?

Ah you guys are in for a treat. I'll keep my eyes on this campaign. :)

Here's the new version of Aban.

Aban, new version:

Aban, devotee of Norgorber
Human (Garundi) Cleric 1
NN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4/19-20/x2) and
Shortsword +2 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Lore Keeper (At will)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1, 0 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Bless, Cure Light Wounds (DC 14), Disguise Self
0 (at will) Detect Poison, Light, Detect Magic
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Toughness +3, Weapon Finesse
Traits Indomitable Faith, Practiced Deception
Skills Acrobatics +1, Bluff +2, Climb -1, Craft (alchemy) +7, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Knowledge (religion) +7, Ride +1, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +5, Swim -1
Languages Common, Osiriani, Shoanti, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ Aura, Cleric Channel Negative Energy 1d6 (1/day) (DC 8), Cleric Domain: Deception, Cleric Domain: Thought, Spontaneous Casting, Sudden Shift (6/day)
Combat Gear Dagger, Shortsword, Studded Leather; Other Gear Backpack (1 @ 8 lbs), Disguise kit (10 uses), Holy symbol, silver (Norgorber), Holy symbol, wooden (Af'ke, the Healer of Sorrows), Pouch, belt (1 @ 1 lbs), Thieves' tools
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleric Channel Negative Energy 1d6 (1/day) (DC 8) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Cleric Domain: Deception Associated Domain: Trickery

Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth are class skills.
Cleric Domain: Thought Associated Domain: Knowledge
Lore Keeper (At will) (Sp) By touch, learn about a creature with a Knowledge check result of 19.
Practiced Deception Disguises can be removed in half normal time.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Sudden Shift (6/day) (Su) As an immediate action after being missed by a melee attack, teleport up to 10' away, within the reach of the attacker.

Basically, he has more skill points than the previous version, and his Cleric domains are Thought and Trickery.

Hi, Lore!

ZetaGilgamesh, sent you a PM.

Meditation, I think you've given me a clear picture of Isaac. Thanks.

hoogie, I've sent you a PM.

Quiche Lisp, as with most posters on the Paizo boards for whom English is not their mother tongue, your mastery of the language is excellent. I've sent you a PM.

Sugar! I wish I had seen this when Joana opened recruitment. You lucky players are in for a good time, I do believe.

All the best for the game.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Have you now reviewed all of the applicants, Joana? And those who weren't mentioned are not accepted?

Not at all, Maverick; still working my way down the list. The submissions I've listed on the Campaign Info tab are the ones I've read through and asked for further information on, if I need it. The final party will not be selected until Monday, at the soonest.

And thanks for the kind words, therealthom! :)

Replied. Thanks for the concern. :)

Joana wrote:
Not at all, Maverick; still working my way down the list. The submissions I've listed on the Campaign Info tab are the ones I've read through and asked for further information on, if I need it. The final party will not be selected until Monday, at the soonest.

Phew! "One in a million??'re saying there's still a chance! Whoo!"

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Joana wrote:
Not at all, Maverick; still working my way down the list. The submissions I've listed on the Campaign Info tab are the ones I've read through and asked for further information on, if I need it. The final party will not be selected until Monday, at the soonest.

Happy news, then. :) I've noticed that occasionally, my posts tend to be overlooked (maybe due to the lack of an avatar), so I thought I would ask. This sounds like a very interesting campaign, I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses even if Calathis is not accepted.

By the way, since I'm still new to the forums, would one of you kind folk mind explaining to me what "dotting" a thread entails? Most forums offer an option to subscribe to the thread so that you can see the replies, but I can't seem to find one for the Paizo boards. Am I overlooking the option some where?

When you look at the "messageboards" or "online campaigns" or other thread groupings, you will see a small black dot next to threads in which you have posted.

So to dot a thread, you post in it.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Ah, okay. But the thread still has to be visible, so if it's not on the front page (say, among the most recent dozen or so threads in a given group, like Recruitment), there's no easy way to track them? And there are no email updates or the like for the Paizo forums?

Thanks, therealthom, I appreciate your assistance. :)

Maverick, if you use the Focus button on one of the main messageboard screens, it will give you a list just of threads you've posted in and threads you've read that have new posts since your last visit. That's the easiest way to use your dot.

Count Buggula: Oh, you were in that game with Gornak Elf-Toes! I loved him! "That is an imp-goblin, goblin that looks like imp. Just like owl-bear is owl that looks like bear." PM sent.

Lil B: What alignment are you thinking about for Dorian? Neutral to match with Sivanah?

DIMSDALE: You've provided a very complete background. Glad you've enjoyed the Jade Regent game.

Josh Shrader: Sent you a PM.


sorry i've been trying to figure out the problem with my profile and PMing. in case i missed anything, was there anything else you wanted me to do?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Joana wrote:
Maverick, if you use the Focus button on one of the main messageboard screens, it will give you a list just of threads you've posted in and threads you've read that have new posts since your last visit. That's the easiest way to use your dot.

Thanks, Joana!

@Maverick: You can always "Favorite" or "Bookmark" the thread you want to follow as well. That's what I use to do with threads I wanted to keep up with just to avoid posting in them.

Just my 2 cents.

I tend to play more NG than true Neutral, so I was planning on that.

Grand Lodge

Joana wrote:

Maverick, if you use the Focus button on one of the main messageboard screens, it will give you a list just of threads you've posted in and threads you've read that have new posts since your last visit. That's the easiest way to use your dot.

Count Buggula: Oh, you were in that game with Gornak Elf-Toes! I loved him! "That is an imp-goblin, goblin that looks like imp. Just like owl-bear is owl that looks like bear." PM sent.

Lil B: What alignment are you thinking about for Dorian? Neutral to match with Sivanah?

DIMSDALE: You've provided a very complete background. Glad you've enjoyed the Jade Regent game.

Josh Shrader: Sent you a PM.

Joana, noticed that Corel the Clever was not on the list. As he is such a charming fellow (in his own not so modest eyes), he is very confident that you will not turn him down... :)

Logen Baccus, you can turn on private messaging from your account page. Click on My Account at the top of the page, enter your password, and scroll down to Privacy Settings on the left side. Check the top box which says "Members of may send me private messages."

Khaladon: Son of Eviana, eh? My RL group liked her. PM sent.

Maverick: Sent you a PM.

Glade: Just worked my way down to Corel. :) Nice backstory. Rake archetype is approved. No questions right now.

Pryllin: Sent you a PM.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Thank you, Javell. That's what I'd been doing, but I was hoping there might be a better way. And you guys and gals have been most helpful in assisting me in finding one. :)

Joana wrote:

Khaladon: Son of Eviana, eh? My RL group liked her. PM sent.

Ha! Wow! What are the chances that your RL group would have run into the leader of a small elvin town in the sparsely inhabited North Western coast of Varasia?? Fate? Kismet?? ; )

Just promise not to snitch to Dayn's mom where he is and what he's up to and we'll get along just fine ; D

Grand Lodge

Sorry I didn't post much previously, a few things came up. A little more about Calon:

His low Charisma comes not from a lack of personality. He is quite friendly and outgoing, but seems to always say the wrong thing and end up putting his foot in his mouth! His tendency to become easily distracted doesn't help matters, as any new creature can send him running off in mid-sentence, muttering about having to examine "unstable metamorphic tendencies" or "multiple redundant organs". He has spent his whole life either out in the wilds with his parents, or in a school full of academics, so he is by turns plain-spoken or expounding on topics incomprehensible to the layman.

He is a little lost at the moment, his whole family having been wiped out, and is hunting down the one who warned the authorities more to find a reason why than anything else. He is not sure what he is going to do when he finds him, but he knows he must if he is ever going to get on with his life.

I have played in a few other PbF games over on, but I have never been in a game on these forums before. My posts have usually been fairly short, at most a paragraph or two, but I am eager to try creating longer stories.

Thank you for considering me for the game! It sounds interesting, so I will probably follow it even if I don't make the cut.

I spent a little time doing a background for each concept. Not really much for either, but enough to get some feel for what I have in mind, I think. They are both tailored for this campaign offering, not adaptations of something I already had ready to use.

Please, let me know what you think, Joana.

Fennis, halfling thief:
Fennis Roundbottom is a young halfling, with a glint of mischief in his eye. Many people assume this is normal for halflings, but none of them ARE halflings. A normal halfling lives a fairly sedentary life.

As a young child, Fennis idolized the Varisian performers, and put a great deal of effort into attempting to duplicate the feats of balance and dexterity that they displayed. These sorts of performances and performers are help in high esteem amongst the more sedentary halflings, so Garth and Marance, Fennis' parents, encouraged these efforts. Marance more than her husband, because Garth had been expecting Fennis to join him farming smokeweed in his fields outside of the village of Creek Bend.

After a few years of working on developing the basic entertaining skills that these performers regularly displayed, Fennis was able to get their attention as more than just another wonder-struck boy watching the show. One of them gave him a small book, recommending that he not let his parents see it. Fennis read the book, and enjoyed the described adventures of Marik Flighty greatly! He had read the book over and over again, until he had memorized it, before another performing troupe came through. This time, he asked one of the performers if they had any other stories of Marik that he could have.

Marik was, naturally, a free spirit, a person of little means who managed to live comfortably by taking what he wanted from those around him who had what he needed. Fennis began idolizing this fictional character, longing to live the same life. This desire translated into him attempting activities that his mother found very inappropriate, not to mention the village elders. Things started with people wondering where minor items had gone. Then people started realizing that Fennis was frequently getting something nobody remembered giving him around the time that other items vanished. Suspicion grew. Fennis became the object of scrutiny, and was often blamed for such thefts, even ones he actually knew nothing about. During this period, Fennis started to understand why subtlety is important to a thief. He learned the lesson too late to avoid alienating himself from Creek Bend.

He was not QUITE run out of town on a rail, but he had to flee Creek Bend before he was sold into slavery as punishment for the minor crime spree that served as his final learning experiences. Fennis is bright enough to understand that part of his problem was that Creek bend was small enough that nobody and nothing could vanish from sight. Everybody knew everybody else, and there was little doubt of what belonged to who. If he was to make a living by stealing from others, he would need to find a large city, one where he and his take wouldn't attract attention so readily. The closest "big city" that he had ever heard of was Riddleport, so that's where he figure he should start.

Now, I do intend for Fennis to be a thief, built using the Rogue class, but I do not have (and may not choose) an archetype picked out.

Charish, half-elven transmuter:
Charish was only eight when his mother received the letter from the Acadamae of Korvosa. The letter indicated that an unnamed sponsor had pre-paid all the fees required for Charish to attend and be properly trained in The Arts. Lara told him that his father had done this as a gift, to allow him to exceed the social limits Varisia imposes on a half-blood such as their child. Charish graduated the Acadamae before he was told that an elven family had paid for his training. The letter and funds came from Riddleport, and the family Splitleaf. Charish decided to head ot Riddleport to see if he could find his unknown sire, to see if he had a future with his elven relatives, as his training in The Arts had deprived him of a future as a simple farmer.

His earliest memories were of people working together towards a single goal. He didn't really understand what the goals was at the time, and he's never convinced himself that what the goal was really matters. What matters was the fact that working together was the most important thing they could do about it. He's been focused on cooperating with others, with being part of a team since. This had a hand in him choosing his specialty at the Acadmae, Transmutation.

Charish wants to be useful, to be accepted as part of something. He is confident in his own abilities and in his ability to help other people. He is not confident enough in himself to push his way into a group that he could help, not without someone pushing him . . ..

The Ruckus, I read your backstory, but I'm sticking with my core-races-only restriction. A grippli in the party just doesn't fit the feel of the game I'm aiming for.

Calon, thanks for the further notes on your character.

hustonj, I'll have a better look at your concepts tomorrow and update my submission list.

Everyone else, I have a quite sufficient group of PCs to select from right now, so I plan to close recruitment within about 24 hours. Please make your character pitches by then if you plan to. Remember, I'm not looking at any statblocks yet so you don't have to have the numbers down.

Joana, would the Lotus Geisha archetype be ok? Fluff doesn't match, but the mechanics fit perfectly to the character's being.

Oh! Just saw this! I'm really slow at making new characters, so although there are already a couple of other bard submissions -- even another detective -- I'm going to have to go with this one that I made awhile back and then never submitted anywhere. (A rough draft is already statted out in Hero Lab too, FWIW.) Just a few slight tweaks to the background... ah, there we go. The focus shifts between the two brothers in different paragraphs, but the submission is Conrad: a NG bard (detective) of Chelaxian descent.

It's not that he was born to bad parents; it's just that he was born in Kaer Maga. Where a country boy might grow up running through forests and fields with his dog, Conrad Blaze grew up running through alleys and marketplaces with his gang, the Chandler Street Militia. (Which wasn't all that militant, and didn't even spend that much time on Chandler Street. The Pastry Stall Clique would've been more accurate, though less impressive.)

All in all, Conrad had a fairly typical Kaer Magan childhood, marked by the occaisonal petty theft (mostly pastries)... until Dani disappeared. She was cute, smart, funny, and nice -- and both Conrad and his older brother Jefferson were smitten with her. But how they reacted to her disappearance couldn't have been more different. They both began putting together information networks; but at least Conrad cared about the consequences of his actions.

Jefferson, on the other hand, became increasingly ruthless. The budding crime lord built an organization to funnel money and influence to himself, justifying that he needed it to find Dani; and if some people that he didn't know and didn't care about got hurt along the way, then they should've been smarter... like Conrad. In a way, he was kind of proud of how his kid brother was the only person clever enough to see through his webs of intrigue.

Then one day, Jefferson disappeared, to Conrad's consternation. Oh, he wasn't worried about his big brother like he was about Dani; he was worried for whatever city the nascent criminal mastermind had chosen to prey on. It took him calling in all of his favors with all of his carefully cultivated contacts in Kaer Maga, but the young detective finally managed to track Jefferson to Riddleport. Sure, there was always the possibility that his devious sibling had planted false clues on purpose; but it was all that Conrad had to go on, so he went with it.

And besides! Maybe Jefferson had finally found a lead on Dani...


i believe i fixed the pm problem

Here's the dry backstory for Phillip, my Halfling Inquisitor. I'll hope to have the appearance and personality up early tomorrow - but this should give a taster.

Phillip was born to loving but limited parents in the district of Underbridge in Magnimar. His parents were kind, but forced to work long days as domestic help to the middle class in Magnimar. As Phil grew into puberty, boredom of staying at home led to exploration and ultimately temptation. Drawn to a shanty by the light of a fire and smell of roasted meat, Phil was welcomed by the Sczarni man who had set the honey trap. After a hot meal and mulled wine Phil was much more susceptible to the soft words and suggestions of the Varisian.

From that point on, Phil spent his days working capers (criminal acts) for the man and offering up the proceeds for cants (wine / gifts / meals). At first he wasn’t trusted much and was set to snowing (stealing clothes left out to dry) and griddling (begging), though his minder was impressed when he managed to talk his way out of being caught by the guard with a sack of women’s clothing over his shoulder. His tongue was put to use as a buttoner (assistant to a swindler to bring in dupes) working directly with the Varisian.

Around this time his father passed unexpectedly, being found dead at home. There was no clear cause of death… but clutched in his hand was a serpentine statuette in jade. After that his mother grew more listless and Phillip more rebellious as he sank deeper into the Varisian’s criminal enterprise. He continued to push into more audacious acts and the Varisian brought him into his inner circle of groomed youths. It was there that his relationship with Calistria began.

The Varisian used the worship of the Savored Sting as a means of control with his underlings – appealing to their base instincts and love of freedom. It was thus with Phillip… at least at first. Curious, Phillip took it a little further than the other youths and actually sought to understand the tenets of the faith… and in so doing saw a deeper truth. He saw that the Varisian was not his friend, and would cast him off whenever it suited him. But Phillip also knew that the arrangement was good for his own purpose, at least for now. So the status quo was maintained.

While scrounging in Underbridge one night, Phillip was startled when a body plunged from the sky to impact messily beside him. His head told him to run, but his eyes were drawn to the man’s valuable jewels… and his greed o’erwhelmed his instinct. Purloining the jewels Phillip moved to a house he knew to be derelict and stowed the jewels within, keeping only a ring with him. This was an opportunity that might set him free.

Keeping the find from his minder, Phil sought to turn the ring to profit at the Bazaar of Sails… and that is where turns were taken to less savory ends. One of the Princess of the Market’s agents noticed him trying to sell and unbeknownst to Phillip the item was of a noted merchant who had not arrived that morning. He was taken aside and interrogated with force. Phillip’s resolve was twisted to surrender easily and the agent insisted the rest of the jewels be returned. He begrudgingly led the agent towards the dead-drop with hands in manacles.

As they neared the house his heart sank again as he saw a carriage of the city watch waiting. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, Phillip’s mind worked feverishly for an out and he clutched at desperation. Emitting an earsplitting scream he drew out the guard, and when the market’s agent stepped forward to explain herself – Phillip reversed course and ran. Through sheer luck alone he managed to slip the chase.

Knowing that the Sczarni would not harbor him, and the law would sooner bury him then listen… Phillip fled. Running first to his home he gathered his meager possessions and was drawn to bring his father’s statuette also. From there to the docks and he stowed aboard a ship making ready. Little did he know that it was a pirate’s sloop… and bound for lawless Riddleport.

Last bit of the backstory mutable to match up with the campaign start.

I'd love to play in this game, as the thought of role-play heavy noir appeals to my inner rogue. As it stands, I could easily fulfill any roll this party needs, but I'll submit four basic concepts [holding out on the bulk of fluff and stats] for you to review. Should any appeal to you, I can further flush them out as I have many ideas in my head. The first two are roleplay-heavy and jovial in nature (more fun sounding to me anyhow), the latter two are for if the setting and group are planned to be more realistic and serious.

Kaervek of Many Gods:

Kaervek is essentially an insane cleric (comically and at times disturbingly) who has a very difficult time remembering which god he worships. One minute he may convert a man to the faith of Torag, after which praising Irori for allowing this man into his service. Kaervek's real god is Lamashtu, who granted Kaervek great clerical powers with a large cup of insanity.

Aerilon Gaoth:

Aerilon is a bladebound magus. What makes him unique is... (your choice)
-The blade HATES being used to attack things, and complains about this frequently, while the magus LOVES to mess with the sword, often attacking the ugliest creature in the bunch or making a point to not clean it after particularly gruesome fights.
-The magus is quite shy and has confidence problems, and the sword is a controlling force for the player. This option essentially has the blade be the main character while the magus is the backup, which could be interesting. Essentially I play the sword who tells the magus what to do
-The blade and magus are multiple personalities of the same person, and the sword was created when the magus seperated himself from, er, himself. The magus would be a shy, happy go lucky kind of guy, while the sword has all of the magus' previously bad behaviors and impulses. Maybe have the two personalities randomly switch vessels? In 2d12 hours the personalities swap. One could be chaotic good, while the other is lawful evil.

Katarina Di Nebbia:

Katarina is a rogue or a ninja who, after a brush with a master of shadow magic, becomes consumed in the desire to harness the power of shadow. To this end she will make her way down the path of the shadowdancer, wielding either a scimitar (with dervish dance, more for flavor than for optimization, dancing with her sword between the shadows) or a very large compliment of knives to slash with or throw as need be. While I'd be a man playing a female character, I have no desire to have her be a "sexy temptress in leather" as so many other players I know have done. I don't think you'd need to worry about any womanizing tendencies, from me anyhow.

Wukong, Staff Master:

Wukong is a quarterstaff magus who was initially trained as a wizard before tiring of his training. Once he found he could merge together his magic with weaponry, he left his master in search of adventure and the chance to hone his skill. He will have a more interesting backstory and personality if i flush him out.

Starting gold? My weekends are quiet, so I'd rather tweak his gear now, even if I don't get picked.

Okay, so I've developed two character concepts. The first is Ka'yeth'ri, a wendifa (i.e. juju oracle) from the Mwangi. The juju oracle revelation is from Adventure Path #39, "City of Seven Spears", so I'll understand if you don't want to allow it. The alternative is Malkith, a Varisian Harrower (i.e. oracle of lore), utilizing the Harrowed feat from the Inner Sea World Guide (as well as the spell and prestige class if/when the time comes).

Liberty's Edge

"Name, and point of origin?"

Name and point of origin? 'Oh, well, I'm not sure, you see...' No, that never went well. And they wouldn't happily leave their pages unmarked; no, they never did that. It would really have been better to drop over and swim ashore. Might have been questions, but they wouldn't be official questions. But then there'd be the damp clothes, and-

"NAME, and POINT of ORIGIN? Yes, YOU, with the staff."

"Ah!", he said, in false surprise, patting flat-palmed at his tunic front. "I haven't any papers. Well, I've a whole book, but that's not the same thing." He blinked in apparent confusion, and listened, a heartbeat, to the waves. "What was it, that you needed?", he asked.

"Name. And Point. Of Origin."

"Oh!" The Origin is the Center. The Center is the Balance. The Center is the Heart. "A... Absalom?" The scritch of a pen answered the question. Absalom would do, it seemed.


"Mrm...", he sounded, looking over his ashen staff at the scritchener. "Gristav."

"Merim Gristav.", the pen scritched behind the words.

"Yes?", he answered. It was his name, afterall. Or, close enough.


"You called?", he asked, the very picture of expectant cooperativeness.


He nodded, agreeing, "Yes, of course. Thank you!"

Conrad Blaze wrote:
Starting gold? My weekends are quiet, so I'd rather tweak his gear now, even if I don't get picked.

Oh, gosh, I don't know. Personally, I like rolling just because I like dice. Shall we say you can choose either to take average starting gold or to roll the dice and take your chances?

Will get to the remaining submissions shortly. Thanks for your patience!

Sure! I feel lucky... 3d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 3) = 10 x 10 gp = 100 gp. Almost exactly average; could've been worse!

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