John Napier 698 wrote:
Macs have run on the exact same Intel CPUs that run Windows and Linux since 2005. If you really haven't kept up with any of those platforms for well over a decade, why in the world did you feel the need to tell people of the difficulties in porting a game to them? Similarly, Assembly hasn't been used for game development in decades. It's been stated repeatedly and from the very beginning that Kingmaker is being developed in Unity, which, as has been mentioned, is as easy to cross-compile as "push button, receive bacon". Even if they weren't using Unity, by using other modern programming libraries such as OpenGL and SDL, it's still relatively simple to write a game that can be developed with very little extra work to play nicely with all three platforms.
Stratagemini wrote:
As awesome as Ameiko would be, there's definitely no lore-friendly way that would put her all the way over in Brevoy. She's busy enough in Varisia and Jade Regent AP: heading over the crown of the world to Tien.
Dragnmoon wrote: I believe the OGL does not allow for Video games, will the game still be somewhat recognizable as Pathfinder? It's possible they've decided to go the copyright route instead of the OGL route. The OGL might not allow video games, but US Copyright law does. So while the game couldn't say it's OGL compatible, it can use the mechanics without fear of a lawsuit from Hasbro. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, but I've at least done some research on the subject outside of wikipedia. US Copyright Office wrote:
Halfling Witch. Vexing Defender campaign trait. Slightly annoyed that the Giantslayer player's guide hasn't been added to PCgen yet. Sorry about the delay. It's been a really crazy week. Yesterday I was the victim of a hit-and-run and have been trying to catch up on work. Hope to get the rest of my backstory written up shortly - it's pretty much solid in my head, at least.
I'll second the call for one more player. It also allows us to be a bit more flexible in character creation as far as not having to worry about having optimum builds or party makeup. 20 pt buy this time? 2 traits? anything else we should consider? Time to delve back into the players guide and figure out what I want to play...
Thanks Carbide! Some of my favorite RP moments ever came out of this AP. I'll never forget the stormy night where Bea confronted the rampaging elk in the rain, and the great discussions about theology with Katya and Havrin. Some day it might be fun to try and compile this story into a more readable format. And maybe fix some of my inconsistencies with Bea's speech patterns... Anyways, it was a great run. A long run. I'll see you on the flip side for Giantslayer.
I've GM'd Rise of the Runelords for our local group. It's good enough of a story that I wouldn't mind going through it again as a player, though. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the Mythic rules. I agree that combat in general sort of falls apart at high level. Mummies Mask might be interesting. Not my usual favorite genre but for that very reason might be fun to explore. Iron Gods: I think if I'm going to play in a tech RPG, I'd rather play one in a campaign setting based on it instead of trying to shoehorn it into Golarian. Giantslayer: I'd be fine with this. Strange Aeons: I haven't really looked directly at the AP at all yet, but I've browsed through the Horror Adventures book and honestly feel like the expanded rules for fear and corruption could add a lot of flavor. My first thought was actually that I'd love to play a Carrion Crown game with these modifications. I've played well into the second book of Carrion Crown in PbP and absolutely loved it, but we had to invent a lot of the "horror" feel ourselves because the mechanics don't support it all that well (and certain classes that are immune to fear entirely). I feel like those additional rules would only make it easier to get into the intended flavor of the AP. That PbP was still going strong and I actually was the reason it stopped, due to me withdrawing from all but one of my PbP games towards the end of my marriage in an attempt to focus more on personal life issues. I know you don't have the AP, but I'd be willing to chip in to get you a copy, just because I'm so excited about the idea of running it with Horror Adventures rules. If not, my top votes would probably tied for MM, RotR, and Giantslayer.
Thanks Katya, that's really good info and I'd agree that skipping most of the filler stuff would be a good way to go forward from this point in order to keep our interest. I mean, some of our best RP experiences have happened naturally in the middle of wandering the wilderness or from random encounters, but they're definitely the exception rather than the rule and we can't count on them to happen often enough to keep things interesting. Carbide, if you decide to go with Plan C, I have characters written up for Second Darkness, Legacy of Fire, Carrion Crown, Jade Regent, and Skulls & Shackles. I'd love the chance to play any of them again. That said, I love the challenge of coming up with a new character idea and haven't done it in way too long (we've gotten 9 new APs since the last time I built a character? Shame on me!). What I'm trying to say is...I'm flexible.
Vasily Lyesnayevich wrote:
That's a pretty good idea, and I'd support such a change at this point.
Hi!! Sorry I missed your message earlier. Yep, as you guessed, after a long period of no updates I sort of assumed the campaign had up and died. Not really sure where to go from here. Bea has turned into probably my favorite character I've ever played, and despite the slow pacing of this game, I've really enjoyed the progression over the years. That said, it's been YEARS. And I'm the only player who's been in since the start, and if Katya isn't here than we've lost the only other player who's even anywhere close. So...I'm open to suggestion. My life has turned pretty upside down since this game started - I've been through 3 different jobs, had a baby, got a divorce, etc. But when things got really nuts I dropped out of all my other PbP games so I could focus on just this one. Carbide, I've had a great time with you as a DM. Maybe it's time to wrap this one up and try starting something new. If so, keep me in mind.
So...since the official line has been for over two years now that it's not dead but not in active development, can we finally safely say that this is dead? I'm not sure what other definition for dead you might be using, but unless something has changed and there is now a programming team actively working on this, I'd call that dead. I'd love an official Paizo VTT, but if it's not gonna happen, just let us know and we'll focus on something else.
Ok, I hope Carbide will forgive me for doing this, but that was a nasty bugger so I did some OOC research for how we can better handle them. And while they are immune to a lot of spells, they're only immune to spells that allow spell-resistance. So even Magic Missile will work against it, if you prepare it. I guess just go through your spell book and try to pick out a few more that don't allow for SR, and hopefully you won't feel excluded if we have to fight another one.
VrisKCa wrote:
My apologies - SHE delivers! I'm enjoying your work - hope you manage to get to mine at some point.
VrisKCa wrote:
And he delivers! Well done!
Neat! I'd love to see a try at one of my characters. My most original (and high candidate for favorite) is Kara, halfling courtesan slave turned fighter after earning her freedom. As much a geisha as dervish dancer, she leads both by force of will and graceful blades. Description: Kara is a slender, graceful halfling in early adulthood. She has smallish, clean shaven feet covered in simple shoes, and could easily pass as a gnome. Her dark eye makeup upon tanned skin draws even more attention to her large blue eyes, and she flashes her long eyelashes just right to lock your gaze. Jet black hair is cut short at her shoulders, save for a long braid that extends down her back. A revealing yet simple brightly colored gown with bits of leather discreetly sewn in serves as both costume and armor. Once clean and beautiful, it now bears the mark of countless battles and long treks through desert heat. Simple copper bracelets adorn her wrists, and a beaded necklace draws your eyes down the plunging neckline. She travels light, wielding matching Kukris in her deadly dance, blades flashing as she spins like a desert tempest.
Hayato Ken wrote:
All good points, but there are some tools such as Wayfinder that can at least make things significantly easier.
Hayato Ken wrote:
What, like keeping track of batting averages or pass completion rates? Like managers keeping track of employee job performance based on sales, customer feedback, or amount of work completed? Quote:
I only partially agree. Yes, posting rates don't make good roleplayers. Case in point, I'm in a game that's been going on for almost 4 years and moves quite slowly (we've just started the second book), but I think has some amazing roleplay scattered throughout. What this information CAN do is properly set expectations for player and DM. If you're the kind of player who (like Oladon) likes really fast paced games and has the ability to run through an entire AP in less than a year, you want to know that the other people you're playing with can actually keep up. And if you've got a busy life and know that you can only occasionally visit the site to post, you want to know that the game and story aren't going to constantly run away from you. And while I could understand a DM abandoning a game or two among many others due to group chemistry, real life issues, or whatever, I would be extremely hesitant to join a game run by a DM who's disappeared from the last 6-8 consecutive games they've tried to run. Quote:
Me too. But statistics are just statistics. They're numbers, and can be used for good or bad, depending on who's reading them. I can't speak for others, but I would start with the numbers and then seek clarification to either confirm or explain any meaning I try to take from them. For example, if I'm starting a game and looking at applicants, if I saw someone with an amazing character background and writing style but had stopped posting in the middle of their last game 3 years ago with no explanation, I wouldn't dismiss them by default. Instead, through PMs, I might find out that the player had been in a terrible car accident or illness, and now that they've sufficiently recovered they're trying to get back into the game. Awesome. Welcome to my game. As motteditor mentioned, numbers never tell the whole story, they're just a tool. Use the tool correctly and get the whole story.
Andrew Betts wrote:
Yep. Sorry, but once you decide to put your words in a public forum, any assumption of privacy is forfeit.
Also, with Edvard and Rufus dropping, that leaves us down to four players. Of the four of us, I think we are strongly motivated to keep this going at this point, and it's a pretty good mesh of classes (arcane, divine, melee, ranged/skill) so we're not particularly missing out on anything if we press forward with just the four of us. We didn't get a super strong response last time we opened up for submissions, but there was one other players that I thought had a strong character concept and background that I wouldn't mind reaching out to to see if he's still interested. Any other thoughts on our current party size?