Servants of the King in Yellow: Alternate Way of the Wicked Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Divinitus

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I'd still love a comment from our prospective GM about my split personality idea.

Depending on that I can actually build something.

All done.

Odrick Payne wrote:
All done.

What happened to not posting with the alias?

Getting crazy early, are we? ;D

I remembered you could change the name before 10.

So are you bestowing an insanity trait on us based on our character background? Or is there somewhere we find a list of benefits and drawbacks to different types of insanity?

Cuan- Split personality is definitely an option for your character and each personality can have a separate alignment.

The Pale King- Just list what your character's primary insanity is and I will give you a trait based on it.

Bigrig107- Drawbacks are allowed. As far as what I am looking for, so long as your character is insane and willing to work with the cult of a Great Old One, I have no issues with the degree of their insanity and evil.

Darthrancor- Heal is what helps you figure out anatomy and such.

Does that adequately answer everyone's questions?

What kind of insanity would you classify Odrik as? Is "Electromania" legit, or would he be a more general purpose psychopath, sadist, etc.? Or something else?

Rynjin- Electromania would be appropriate, along with a healthy dose of delusions. I love how crazy you made him sound.

Thanks. Insane characters are always fun to write stuff for.

I'm confused, what do you mean, 'One Side of the gestalt must be leveled in a single class; do you meant that we start gestalt and then just level up in one class?

Nathan Monson wrote:
I'm confused, what do you mean, 'One Side of the gestalt must be leveled in a single class; do you meant that we start gestalt and then just level up in one class?

He means if you want to multiclass or dip, you can only do it on one side of the gestalt.

I've been giving it some more thought and have another question: Would you allow small sized Aasimars?

Instead of the Gnome I'd love to go with a Gnome-born Peri-kin Aasimar for which the two personalities are related to her angel and fallen angel heritage. The angelic part has been growing bitter and resentful and could be considered to have fallen again, if to (chaotic) neutrality, as a result of having to clean up after her mental twin and being judged on that. She ended up being reviled and hated even though the evil part only burned down an empty shed and she found that, in the end, only her mental twin has her back.
The evil half on the other end (who doesn't have a goatee) cares very little about anyone except her "sister" and herself and is very angry about how the world treats her kind and caring sister. The result of this is that she wants to punish the people who mistreat her sister by setting fire to their properties. That this leads to more hate towards her kind half is beyond her comprehension as to her they are separate entities.
Then there is the "Other", the one neither has any control over or communication with. It's a figure that so far has only reared it's ugly head when doing the one thing that relaxes both sisters; painting. They'd start painting and then have a blackout. When either comes to they find their painting finished, often depicting what they intended to paint, but with a sinister, alien bent to it and any figures depicted would appear soulless. Since being committed to the sanitorium it is showing more often and not only while painting, though it always shows it's passing in a visual manner, like a symbol painted on the wall in the blood of a killed bird.

Hmmm, just realised I forgot traits, I had it my head that insanities were replacing them.

Quick, to the SRD.

Okay, cool.

Cause I'm thinking he's gonna drift far down into the realms of Chatotic Evil, although not too much into the pain aspect, just killing and doing as he pleases, quite literally.
I've never really had the chance to explore this kind if alignment or game, and I look forward to the opportunity to do so.

Any concerns about Praetorix, or does he look fine, mechanically wise?

Darthrancor's Submission.

Lily Vorkink is a Sorcerer/Necromancer whose insanity is Sadism with just a dash of Nymphomania.

I have a few questions.
1. Is the reflavored "Rich Parents" trait ok?
2. Is there anything I can do to make the character better? (Crunch-wise, Flavor-wise, etc.)
3. Is she too far out there? Did I make her too crazy and messed up?

My Pathfinder Credentials:

I've never done a PbP before, but I've played in 2 different games, GM'd 4 others and am currently preparing to GM RotR for a friend group this fall.

Easy part (character sheet) done. Harder part still in progress. Will post full back story asap.

Itches the Obsessed Ratfolk.

He is a Divination School Wizard and Mindchemist Alchemist for massive Knowledge skill bonuses and nigh unbeatable Initiative.

He needs all the knowledge and if you don't answer his questions you better watch out. Unfortunately he is no good at enchantment so he uses other means to get thr information he needs. He will find out all your secrets. If he is unable to get what he wants, say by accidentally killing someone before they could confess, then getting captured and committed and finally confined, unable to sate his NEED to answer every question that comes to his mind... then things start getting messy. For everyone.

Cuàn wrote:

I've been giving it some more thought and have another question: Would you allow small sized Aasimars?

Small Aasamars are within the standard rules.

Non-Human Aasamar rules wrote:
Non-human aasimars have the same statistics as human aasimars with the exception of size. Thus a halfling aasimar is Small but otherwise possesses the same statistics and abilities as a human aasimar—the difference is purely cosmetic.

So, a small Aasamar would get the standard adjustments for being Small size (attack, AC and Stealth bonus, movement and CMD penalty).

Up to the GM if he wants to veto them, but normally they're allowed.

I will be closing recruitment to new applicants, but will give those who have posted here a few more days to finish up their characters.

So many amazing characters! This will prove interesting when selections are being made. Despite only wanting a five man party, I believe I will make it six, so that I can scoop up one more of these thoroughly awesome characters. :)

Nathan Monson- Rynjin is correct on how it works. This prevents some of the level-dipping powergaming that I have seen before. You may be powerful villains, but some combinations on pure gestalt are crazy. Perfect example: one side of the gestalt is Paladin8/Slayer10/Ranger1/Barbarian1 and the other side is Monk13/Fighter7. That basically gives a PC immunity to most things that are PC killers, makes unarmed combat crazy, gives bonkers saves, a perfect BAB, the ability to do a short Rage, a favored enemy, sneak attack damage, the option to use Assassinate, and a wazoo of bonus feats! It gets stupid powerful when both sides are freeform.

Cuan- Small Aasimar are allowed.

Praetorix- No problems stick out in crunch and the fluff is great! I rather like the personal touch with the psychiatric report.

Lily Vorkink- Reflavoring Rich Parents is perfectly acceptable. How would you reflavor it? The only thing that I can think of to make the character better is include a psychiatric report from Branderscar on her, along the lines of Praetorix's, because it just adds some legitimacy to the whole 'this person really is crazy' notion. And no, she is not too far out there. After all, have you read up on some of the ceremonies that the Cult of the Yellow Sign engage in? Some of it is most definitely into the 'XXX Zone', with orgiastic revels that devolve into violent frenzies being quite common. I read up on a lot of the rituals when I ran a Freeport campaign and some of it is pretty hardcore.

Itches- RAT WITH A MONOCLE!!! I love that avatar! I am quite interested on seeing your character's backstory and such.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Gamemaster in Yellow-I'll get right on the Psychiatric Report. My idea for the reflavor was that, after she fled her home country with nothing, she thought it would be a good plan to have an emergency stash of funds and gear hidden away so that if she needed to flee she could quickly grab it and not need to start at square one again. I thought that maybe Lily resettled in a town within a few days journey from the sanitarium so that she can get access to it after she gets out. Further details are in her back-story. Whether she has it or not is entirely up to you. If you don't want that I can chose a different trait.

I must admit, I stole the idea from Charles. I claim no credit for the idea, it all goes to him!

As for actual crunch, did you see my question about antipaladin? I'd probably go into it after Oracle level 7, which gets me Touch of the Moon, and net me a few flavorful abilities.

Darthrancor- That makes sense. I was going to implement something to that effect anyway.

Praetorix- Antipaladin is allowed.

Kinda see him playing out as a halfling-Joker.

Any idea when you're selecting your insane villians?

Praetorix- Likely after everyone has finished their characters. I know Itches and Odrick Payne needed backgrounds and I believe I recall a few instances of people needing a bit of time to tweak their stats a bit

Silver Crusade

Dot. Thinking alchemist/something would fit the bill here.

Thinking either Narcissistic personality disorder,

Well, that is if I haven't missed the deadline.

The Gamemaster in Yellow wrote:
Praetorix- Likely after everyone has finished their characters. I know Itches and Odrick Payne needed backgrounds and I believe I recall a few instances of people needing a bit of time to tweak their stats a bit

Trying to figure out how to make a backstory while still maintaining an air of mystery (i don't want to give him some set in stone psychological trauma that explains his madness or anything. Kinda like the Joker, he ha splenty of stories, but who knows which is true?). The key points are there already though, so I'll flesh them out.

rorek55 wrote:

Dot. Thinking alchemist/something would fit the bill here.

Thinking either Narcissistic personality disorder,

Well, that is if I haven't missed the deadline.

Unfortunately, he has closed the application phase; see up thread for his post.


@Rynjin, I understand that feeling. I just don't think mystery really fits Prae. He's more straight up mad.

Lethaleen – Half-Elven Black-Blooded Oracle of the Dark Tapestry/Unchained Monk -1 Alignment: LE
Stats Str -14. Dex – 14. Con – 10. Int – 8. Wis – 18. Cha – 18
Init +2. [Saves] Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +8(+10 vs Enchantment)
BAB +1. CMB +3. CMD 17. AC 17 Touch 17 Flat-Footed 14
HP: 10.
Languages: Elven; Common
Acrobatics: -2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse)cs
Appraise: -2 (-2 Int)
Bluff: 4 (+4 Cha)
Climb:2 (+2 Str)cs
Craft: -2 (-2 Int)cs
Diplomacy: 8 (1 point +3 Class Skill + 4 Cha)cs
Disable Device: -2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse )
Disguise: 4 (+4 Cha)cs
Escape Artist: -2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse)cs
Fly: -2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse)
Handle Animal: 4 (+4 Cha)
Heal: 4 (+4 Wis) cs
Intimidate: 4 (+3 Class Skill + 4 Cha)cs
Knowledge Arcana: -2 (-2 Int)
Knowledge Dungeoneering: -2 (-2 Int)
Knowledge Engineering: -2 (-2 Int)
Knowledge Geography: -2 (-2 Int)
Knowledge History: -2 (-2 Int)cs
Knowledge Local: -2 (-2 Int)
Knowledge Nature: -2 (-2 Int)
Knowledge Nobility: -1 (-1 Int)
Knowledge Planes: -1 (-1 Int)cs
Knowledge Religion: 2 (1 point +3 Class -2 Int)cs
Linguistics: -2 (-2 Int)
Perception: 10 (1 point + 2 Keen Senses +3 Class +4 Wis )cs
Perform: 4 (+4 Cha)
Profession: 0 (+4 Wis)cs
Ride: 2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse)cs
Sense Motive: 4 (+4 Wis)cs
Sleight of Hand:- 2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse)
Spellcraft: -2 (-2 Int)cs
Stealth: -2 (+2 Dex -4 Curse)cs
Survival: 4 (+4 Wis)
Swim: +2 (+2 Str)cs
Use Magic Device: 4 (+4 Cha)
Improved Unarmed Strike. Stunning Fist. Dodge. Extra Revelation
Traits: Elven Reflexes; Hard to kill
Special Abilities
Racial: Low-Light Vision; Keen Senses; Elven Immunities; Dual Minded; Multietalented
Curse of the Black Blood: I am immune to the effects (both beneficial and destructive) of black blood. I have Negative Energy affinity and a –4 penalty on all Dexterity-based skill checks. At 5th level, I gain cold resistance 5. This increases to cold resistance 10 at 10th level, and immunity to cold at 15th level.
Flurry of Blows: I can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action. When making a flurry of blows, I can make one additional attack at my highest base attack bonus. This additional attack stacks with the bonus attacks from haste and other similar effects. I can make these attacks with any combination of my unarmed strikes and weapons that have the monk special weapon quality. At 11th level I get another attack.
Pierce the Veil: Darkvision 60ft. at Level 11 gain See in Darkness
Black Blood Spray: As an immediate action whenever I take piercing or slashing damage, I can cause some of my black blood to spray from the wound to strike any adjacent target. I make a melee touch attack to hit the target dealing deals 1d8 points of cold damage + 1 point per 2 oracle levels I possesses. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her oracle level (minimum 1/day). (if I’m attacking the creature that caused the wound, I gain a +4 circumstance bonus on my attack roll).
Eldritch Points: 1
Level 0 DC 14: Detect Magic; Read Magic; Stabilize; Guidance; Create Water
Level 1 DC 15 4/day: Inflict Light Wounds; Cure Light Wounds; Murderous Command.

I will make an alias if I am selected. I'm still working on his backstory and personality.

Dang! I'm too late, I guess that will teach me to put off posting

Wait, am I to late, or do I count as already posted?

I think if you posted interest before he closed it up, you should be fine.

As for your concept, it ha a lot in common with mine, but just enough to make Prae become best friends, should we get accepted together.

Same black blood and everything!

Nathan Monson- You posted before, so you are fine.

Rorek55- Unfortunately, you missed the party by just a littlee over two hours ago. Sorry!

To those who have already posted, I have been in communications with another potential PC, so he is counted as having posted.His board name is Jack Skilleton.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear...

Quick question for the GM: I was thinking about making a skinwalker, what are your thoughts on the Bat Shape racial feat? It is official Paizo, but unlimited bat shape at level 1 might be a little unbalancing, especially in a prison break scenario. My current thoughts were to have my character be ashamed/secretive/etc. about this power to the point where he mostly refuses to use it. Yea or nay, I've got a pretty good idea of the concept, so it really doesn't matter to me either way.

Jack Skilleton- I do not find it unbalancing, solely because of the fact that bats have REALLY bad STR and CON. Not only that, but bats cannot carry anything heavier than a paperweight (Probably an exasggeration, but you get the idea), and the orderlies are well-equipped to deal with such things, as some of them are trained in magic use. That's why previous escape attempts may have been for naught, because they can easily hit you with spells that deal non-lethal damage to knock you out, to say nothing of Charm Person.

Praetorix wrote:

I think if you posted interest before he closed it up, you should be fine.

As for your concept, it ha a lot in common with mine, but just enough to make Prae become best friends, should we get accepted together.

Same black blood and everything!

WOW, he dose seem a lot like me, right down to the part where I was considering some kind of sleepwalking thing. probably goibng to make that into something more like night terrors with a side of obsession.

And I'm changing his race to Suli.

I think most of us have some way to fight without weapons (Odrick has an unlimited use 1d8+5 touch attack even naked), so I imagine that's not really a factor.

+4 Dex, +1 Natural armor, 6- ft. Fly is pretty solid for 1st level, but not really overwhelming.

Reposting, now with Traits, Feats and an Extra Spell

Akaia Morovia::

NE Female Human Oracle/Bloodrager (spelleater) 1

STR 16
DEX 12
CON 18
INT 10
CHA 18

Core numbers
Speed: 40ft
HP: 14

AC: 11
FORT: +6; REF: +1; WILL: +1
Fire Resistance 5

Attack: Melee +4; Ranged +2

Diplomacy +8 (1rank +3class +4cha)
Intimidate +8 (1rank +3class +4cha)
Knowledge:History +4 (1rank +3class)
Knowledge:Religion +4 (1rank +3class)
Sense Motive +3 (1rank +3class -1Wis)

Languages: Common, Abyssal

Proficiencies: Simple & martial weapons, light & medium armour + shields (excl. tower) Can cast spells in light or medium armour with no arcane spell failure chance.
Trait: Wicked Leader: +1 trait bonus on Cha checks vs evil creatures. If gain leadership or Vile Leadership feats may recruit cohort 1 level lower than me.
Trait: Fearless Defiance: You gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against fear effects. In addition, if you successfully save against such an effect, you receive a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against your favored enemies for 1 round.
Feat: Arcane Strike: Swift action to grant weapon +1 (+1/5 caster levels) damage and treated as magic.
Feat: Power Attack: -1 attack for +2 damage (+3 with 2handers)

Bloodrage: (8 rounds/day) free action to enter granting +4 to Str & Con, +2 to Will saes, but -2 to AC, con increase grants +2 temp hp. Cannot use Cha, Dex or Int based skills (except acrobatics, fly, intimidate and ride) or any ability requiring patience or concentration. End as free action, fatigued for rounds equal to those spent in bloodrage. Cannot enter bloodrage while fatigued or exhausted.

Bloodline (Destined):
-Destined Strike (Su): Free action up to 3/day, insight bonus of 1/2 (min 1) to melee attack.

Mystery (Apocalypse)
-Defy Elements: Fire Resistance 5

Curse (Tongues)
-When in combat can only speak Abyssal

Oracle: (4/2)
0-Level (at will)
Detect Magic
1st-Level (3/day)
Cure Light Wounds
Face of the Devourer
Remove Sickness

Akaia was born to merchant family, but left to her own devices. Her parents were busy with their work, either leaving Akaia to occupy herself or in the care of a governess.
Unbeknown to the current folk of the family, in days long past they worshipped fell gods in a cult and their ancient family home had a secret room in the cellar.
With little else to occupy her time, Akaia's explorations found her way to this secret place and the profane tomes it contained.
The prophecies of the End Times in particular caught her attention, it detailed the rise of a Dark Prophet, who would be born an orphan but rise to godhood and burn the world. Her childish mind, suffering from lack of attention and with dreams of greatness started to see herself in the role of prophet. She was almost an orphan for all the care her parents gave her after all...
As the years past her mind twisted further, and she sought to force the prophecy on herself, eventually killing her parents in her beds, making her a true orphan. She burned the Dark Mark onto her flesh and awoke to power.

Unbeknown to her the "Dark Mark" was Yellow Sign, and drew Hastur's attention.

Appearance & Persona
Akaia appears at first glance to be a typical Talingarde woman, of the mid-upper classes. Tall and regal of bearing with raven-black hair. Her eyes proud and filled with purpose.
Her mind however is somewhat twisted, obsessed with the book of the prophecies and narcissistic in extremis, she believes she is destined to godhood and that any obstacles in her way are just a setback and her rise is inevitable.
The fact that she has developed powers has collapsed her way out, she see's her oracle abilities as manifest proof of her rise.

Hmm...Prae is an orphan.
He worships the God of The End Times...

He is the Dark Prophet!
Or at least he will claim to be if you mention it to him.

Also, how did Akaia get five Oracle spells known?

Okay people, I know this is seemingly random, but any Dark Souls 2 players on here? Getting multiple stacks of Forbidden Sun to cast is SO overpowered! 8 casts of it is the equivalent of 8 maximized, empowered, widened fireballs on Pathfinder. Combine that with what is almost an instantaneous casting speed and, needless to say, you WRECK basically everything. And here people are saying that the Crystal Soul Spear sorcery or the Ivory King's Sword in '2-handed laser blade' form are too strong!

Sorry for the load of exposition, I'm a bit of a Dark Souls fanatic, although I don't casual-shame people who don't play.

I expected some form of update, and I get this? xD

Unfortunately, I don't play Dark Souls, 1 or 2, and haven't even heard anything about them beyond their names.

Played the first, not the second.

I want Bloodborne real bad though.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The full psychiatric report is now up for Lily Vorkink. Hope you all enjoy the read!

Man, we are all freaking nuts.
I love your psychiatric report, Lily.

It's fantastic!
I've never had the chance to explore this level of insanity before, in real life or on the boards.

Can Odrick be from Ghastenhall, or is that too big of a city for him to be known as a serial killer?

Thank you! I'm flattered that you think its good.

As a similarly high-Charisma character, Prae would probably love the attention she would give him, if any.

Just remember, with his psychosis, it's more than likely he isn't seeing her as she really is.
Hallucinations and whatnot.

Would still love to game with you!


Charles Caigmore is probably going to think you are all out to get him.

With Prae, it's more likely that he's out to get everyone.

What with the whole "giant moon cleaning up after this reality" thing.
Connecting with that tends to make you a little aggressive.

Odrick Payne Background:

Odrick keeps quiet about his childhood, but his exploits are a matter of public record, and he's happy to recount his tales to anyone who will listen.

He came to the city with nothing but the clothes on his back, the lightning flowing in his veins, and a powerful determination to do what's right. He got a job working at a little bakery shop, and lived on that modest wage.

For a while, he worked without incident, but over time he began to notice that some people felt unfulfilled in their daily lives. They came into the shop, ordered a pastry, and ran off in a hurry, day after day, never stopping to enjoy life. Or came in, sat down with a cup of tea and a scone, and moped into their drink.

Odrick felt great sympathy for them, and began to think. "My life is so simple, yet it's filled with such joy! What is it I have that they don't?"

Odrick pondered this thought, he sat and he thunk and he wondered until finally he came to the only conclusion that made sense.

"Eureka!" he cried, causing all the patrons to jump, and then, sheepishly apologized to all, and continued in his head.

The electricity! Oh yes, that's what I have that they don't, the electric joy in my heart!

He finished out that day, and then set to work that evening.

First, he tracked down a guardsman with whom he'd made a rapport, and dragged him off somewhere private.

"You!" the man cried, recognizing Odrick "You're the man from the bakery, but why?"

"Why?" Odrick replied, tapping a finger to his chin "Because you deserve it." he finishes with a grin, and then gets to work, pumping the man full of power.

Hours later, once he'd expired, and Odrick had returned home, he lay in his bed.

What a good thing I've done today. Those screams of his, and the tears, and the begging for more! Oh it was wonderful. I'm glad I could make him so happy.

That night he awoke mid sleep to the sight of the guardsman floating above his head, mouth wide open in exultant ecstasy, and finger pointed directly at Odrick.

"Friend! You decided to stay?" Odrick exclaimed, delighted that the man cared so much to stick around even in death.

So happy was he, and assured of his rightness that he went out again and again, spreading his joy to as many as he could. Every one had some new, unique way of asking for more.

"No, please don't stop!" some would cry, and so Odrick would not.

"Wait, I have a wife, and kids!" others would call, and so Odrick would happily oblige in giving them the gift as well, as a favor to his friend.

"No! I'll give you anything you want!" some would call when they caught their breath, to which Odrick would reply "Please, no compensation is necessary. I do what I do out of the goodness of my heart."

And much more praise for his abilities flowed forth.

After a while, he'd amassed quite a collection of grateful spirits, six in all. The original guardsman, of course. A pickpocket he caught counting his ill gotten gains. A bored, lonely wizard's apprentice, who finally got some fulfillment. A father, lovingly embracing his children as he gifted them all at the same time. The sad trumpeter of a troop of soldiers. And last, but not least, a Mitran priest who clearly yearned to know a real higher power.

It was this last that undid him, as such an insult could not stand to the followers of the Pretend God, and they and the government put all resources into capturing him. His sentencing was swift and entirely unfair. They listened to his explanations and impassioned arguments, heard of all the good he did for those people...and discarded it all without a second thought, labeling him mad! MAD, of all things, when he was merely bettering people's lives on a daily basis! The injustice!

And so he was sent to Branderscar Sanitarium, unable to pass his gift to others, or even feel it himself, restricted as his movements are, lightning prevented from coursing through his body, and feeling the ecstasy of it sizzling through his synapses.

This last was a slight he could not bear. One injustice too many. He could have borne out his sentence in peace, content to keep his gift to himself, away from the ungrateful men who'd locked him here. But to prevent him from experiencing it himself? "For his own safety?" UNFORGIVABLE!

But Odrick is patient, and Odrick is kind. He'll still give his gift to them when he gets out, though the nature of his imprisonment means he won't be able to give the guards and doctors the attention they deserve. But they'll get a taste. They'll all get a taste.

Praetorix- That's the point of this campaign, to allow people to play the utter psychopaths that they want to, with the reasonable limitation of not screwing over other party members and not derailing the campaign. And the Dark Souls series are REALLY good dark fantasy RPGs. They are sort of like hack'n'slash dungeon crawl-type games, but with a rich backdrop and the difficulty of old-school video games, with regular enemies that will gang up and murder your character, bosses that are punishingly difficult to most gamers who did not play older games, and you drop all of your souls, which count as EXP and currency combined, when you die (And, if you fail to retrieve it before you die again, you lose all those souls forever!). The first game has a Twilight of the Gods feel to it, whereas the second game is basically a journeying in a fallen kingdom where the curse of undeath began. I strongly encourage you to look up some videos on YouTube if you are a fan of dungeon crawly or RPG type games on the console or PC.

Rynjin- Odrick CAN be from Ghastenhall! Do you have a player's guide or did you Google up information? And Bloodborne is beastly! Trust me, you will love the trick weapons. A word of advice, should you ever get the game: try to kill Eileen the Crow, a fellow hunter, when you first meet her and before you fight Father Gascoine. There's a glitch that removes her from the game, making you unable to do her optional quest to get her awesome Crow Armor and her Blades of Mercy, which are one of the best armor and weapons in the game. Do try to be at a decent level though, because she WILL murder you if you let her combo you when she splits the Blade of Mercy into two daggers. That game has a very strong Lovecraft vibe and has some rather dark moments and some moments that can induce a very strong 'squick' reaction in people who are not as jaded as gamers/horror movie fans.

Darthrancor- I did indeed enjoy the read! She seems very Cult of the Yellow Sign material!

I am so ready for this campaign! Got some real psychos languishing in these cells... it seems almost a shame that only six will make it out alive and not completely catatonic! :)

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