Scions of the Sky Key [Core] (Inactive)

Game Master Zizazat

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Hello everyone!

I am recruiting 4 to 7 players for the Scions of the Sky Key trilogy. This is a series of Tier 1–5 scenarios, and I'd like to get a group who can commit to playing through all three of them over the course of 3 or 4 months. I am the author of the 2nd scenario in the series, "Kaava Quarry."

This will be a sanctioned Pathfinder Core play-by-post game. I am looking for players who can post at least once a day. I will likely post multiple times each day.

To sign up, post using your PC's alias and voice your interest and availability. You can sign up with a lower-subtier character and a higher-subtier character if you want, and I'll make the decision on which subtier to run based on how many we get of each subtier. I hope to begin by the 1st week of June, if possible.

Characters must have their stats fully loaded into aliases, for ease of GM reference. Remember that a character currently playing in a play-by-post cannot play in other games.

If you're interested, but you don't have much experience with play-by-post games, please look over this guide and this guide.

Silver Crusade

I would like to create an elvish sorcerer who has the dreamspun bloodline and has the dreamspeaker racial trait instead of the elven immunities trait. He considers himself a prophet.

I could make him in a matter of minutes if you'd just tell me how character abilities decided (dice or points, and how many) and if you allow the Advanced Player's handbook. And, of course, what level.

And you needn't worry about me breaking the game. The Core rulebook and the Advanced book are the only two I own, or have access to.

I'm sorry, but one shouldn't try to make a character until you know what the potential DM expects.

hum... interested

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

To be clear (and to answer some of your questions about character creation), this is a sanctioned Pathfinder Society game. You will need to build your characters according to the rules in the Guide to Organized Play. Everything PFS-related can be found here.

Silver Crusade

I've almost got my character finished. He's complete except for his backstory. I'll post him and put him here tomorrow.

Thank you.

Sovereign Court

I got one Core character a level 2 Dwarven Cleric.

Beorin Boulderstep

I can have another created if needed.

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Beorin looks good to go!

Grand Lodge

I am definitely interested in this :-)

I have a level 1 Druid ready to go :-D

Dot me in with a 1st level character, I'll build a new one based on party needs, or if there is no particular need I will go with my big dumb barbarian. =)


Sovereign Court

Beorin will need to rebuild and purchase his stuff since he just kinda reached level 2.

Dark Archive

I'd like to apply with Renedar f you have a spot left.

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

So far we have...

??? (Kristev)
??? (Gayel Nord)
Beorin Boulderstep (cleric) (nightdeath)
Radagast the Brown (druid) (Luke_Parry)
??? (FiddlersGreen)
??? (DM Gazebo God aka zomblisham)
Renedar the Young (monk) (Baerlie)

That's three confirmed players and four others who've voiced interest. If all of you can confirm your characters by Monday, you're in.

If you haven't posted yet but you're interested, feel free to post a character and you can jump in if there's still a free spot on Monday.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to submit Galton. a human wrestler (monk 1 Fighter 1)

I'll update his stats to level two this weekend.

Hmm...alright, I'll go with a half-elven bard, but subject to change if the party needs.

The Exchange

Aeleth is prepped and ready. Half-elven bard level 1.

Silver Crusade

Kendrick Fairchild is ready to go.

Chaotic Good level 1 elf sorcerer who has a slight phobia toward humans, and has a past he would rather forget . . . so he claims to have amnesia.

Grand Lodge

@Kendrick: This is supposed to be a CORE game - and Kendrick has a number of character options which are not from the core rule book - you may need to make some changes, or swap to a different character :-/

Sovereign Court


I would like to submit Sir Gregor - Core Paladin, stats are in my profile.

I will create twomorrow a wizard or a rogue.

Silver Crusade

Oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood. Oh well. I'll withdraw Kendrick if the DM wishes. Sorry to have wasted everyone's time.

I'll wait to see what the party needs and come up with a different character. Something from the martial classes so we'll have another sword hand.

The Exchange

Just checking in with this Core Cleric

Grand Lodge

Asarnil is a core wizard with 1 module under his belt, (PFS #00-01 The Silent Tide): I'd like to join in if possible, but of course he's lvl 01

The Exchange

Mike Kimmel wrote:

So far we have...

??? (Kristev)
??? (Gayel Nord)
Beorin Boulderstep (cleric) (nightdeath)
Radagast the Brown (druid) (Luke_Parry)
??? (FiddlersGreen)
??? (DM Gazebo God aka zomblisham)
Renedar the Young (monk) (Baerlie)

That's three confirmed players and four others who've voiced interest. If all of you can confirm your characters by Monday, you're in.

If you haven't posted yet but you're interested, feel free to post a character and you can jump in if there's still a free spot on Monday.

This is FiddlersGreen btw. =)

Can't wait to start. =)

It looks like we definitely have enough interest. I'll finalize the list tomorrow based on who voiced interest and submitted characters first.

Grand Lodge


Edit:It Gayel Nord by the way

Silver Crusade

DM, if Kendrick is not to your liking or against your rules, I now offer you a choice: Cathryn.

She's a half-orc barbarian, strictly core. But she's not a raging idiot. She's the last survivor of a band of good half-orc druids and rangers who were killed defending a great secret when she was just a child. The only reason she's a barbarian is because she was just a child when the others were killed and captured and was alone in the woods for years.

She aspires to be a druid, (in fact, it's her favored class) but she has no teacher in it as yet. So here she is, a core martial character who sees herself as a combat tactician.

The Exchange

Tariq Jalal is a human bard 1, who is ready to join the adventure. I am happy to go on the alternate list if the table is already full.

Thanks Mike!

The Exchange

Watching this space. =)

Grand Lodge

@Kendrick/Cathryn: The GM has said that he is running it as a sanctioned Pathfinder (i.e. Pathfinder Society) Core game - so it is not that it is against his rules; in Core Campaign, you can only use the Core Rule Book :-/

Grand Lodge

The suspence is killing me! :P

Grand Lodge

Me too!

The following characters are accepted:

Next Steps

  • Feel free to say hello in the discussion thread.
  • I will set up the gameplay thread in the next 24 hours or so.
  • For accurate reporting purposes, please send me your PFS ID# (including character number) and your faction via the PM system.
  • I hope all of you can stick together as a group for all three scenarios. If you think you'll have to drop out at some point, let me know so I can recruit a replacement ahead of time.

I accepted characters on a first-come, first-served basis this time around. I don't think I made any mistakes when looking through everything. To those who didn't get in: Sorry! Seven is the maximum allowed number of PCs in a PFS game. I considered running multiple tables, but I don't have the time to manage two play-by-posts right now. I will let you know if somebody drops out and we need to replace a PC, though this can only occur between scenarios once we've completed the first encounter. If I recruit for another game in the future (which is likely) and you want in, just mentioned that you missed out on this game and you'll get priority.

Grand Lodge

No problem. Have fun everyone!

Sovereign Court


Would love to play these if you do it again or open another table!

One player seems to have dropped. Room for one more. Post here and PM me if interested. Must have a character ready to go. Priority goes to those who have already posted in this thread but didn't get in.

I was a late comer to the thread, but would love to get in the game if you have an open slot. Were you wanting a non-chronicled 1st level character or any character in the level range?

The Exchange

Tariq would like to join!

Also since he is still first level, I can easily rebuild him to any class that better fits the other characters.

The Exchange

If there is another opening, I would love to jump in with Bukko.

The Exchange

Please ignore, didn't notice it's "CORE"

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