Azlanti Wonders: While interviewing the Azlanti general Krahnaliara Lac Suhn, you learned the location of an Azlanti site that might have survived millennia or tragedy and looting. When you adventure in a ruin, archaeological site, or other structure that predates Earthfall (approximately 10,000 years ago, including more Azlanti and Thassilonian sites), you can cross this boon of your Chronicle sheet and choose two of the following: AC, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. For the duration of the adventure while you are exploring the site, you gain a +1 insight bonus on the selected rolls or to your Armor Class.
Champion of Time: You survived the Society’s ill-advised jaunt through time and survived. You gain one of the following boons depending on your role in the victory. Each references traits that appear on pages 327–330 of Pathinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. Record the number of the character who earns this trait below, and include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character.
Conqueror of Time: Your ferocity and skill defeated the Lady Arodeth and saved the Pathinder Society, allowing Kreighton Shaine to return your companions to the present. Your martial skill attracts members of the Harbingers of Fate with passion and skill with weapons to join the Pathinder Society.
You may use this boon when making a new Pathinder Society character to grant your new character one of the following as a bonus trait: bully, child of the streets, or killer.
Councilor of Time: Your kindness and compassion granted Lady Arodeth a moment’s peace before she sacriiced herself to save the Pathinders, and your compassion attracts members of the Harbingers of Fate with intellect and care for others to join the Society. You may use this boon when making a new Pathinder Society character to grant your new character one of the following as a bonus trait: caretaker, charming, or ease of faith.
Timelost Chronicler: You have journeyed through the ancient serpentfolk city of Sessegishoss and witnessed the fall of the Starstone, granting you a remarkable perspective of Golarion’s history.
You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks from your irst-hand knowledge. Once per scenario you may call on the nascent power granted by your exposure to the falling Starstone to ind inner greatness, granting you a +1 morale bonus to a single d20 roll. You must declare your use of this power before the roll is made.