Alexin Alazario |

It looks like you can only take one witch Hex. You're only able to take each hex once unless otherwise noted, and witch hex has no such note.

Hoosible Drybriar |

(Modified from an earlier post, per conversation with Crusty on roll20)
For my Misfortune mystery, let's lean toward using it early. Here are my heuristics for you playing it on my behalf:
Assuming it hasn't been used yet at any time in a round, please reroll the first instance of
* any crit confirm roll for our team < 10
* any roll (18-20) to hit from a foe
* any save roll for our team < 8
* don't interfere with Radyx or Ferit when they're in a challenge fight

Hoosible Drybriar |

Specifically, he asked me to have it trigger off of die rolls, not effects (since I can't know effects when I choose whether or not to use the ability).
So written more as pseudocode:
WHILE Hoosible hasn't used his Misfortune yet this round,
. . IF The roll isn't part of a challenge of Ferit or Radyx's AND
. . . . IF one of us rolls something < 10 on a crit confirm,
. . . . OR IF anyone attacking us rolls > 17,
. . . . OR IF anyone on our team rolls <8 on a save,
. . THEN reroll it.
## NOTE, since an Oracle's Misfortune says "take the second roll" not "take the better (or worse) of the two" this will occasionally backfire. For example, if a greataxe wielder rolls 18 to hit, and my "misfortune" makes her reroll and get a 20. (Whoops!)
Totally happy to have other suggest modified (or more complex) rules. I suppose we could have something more detailed/precise like
. . . . IF one of us rolls to confirm a crit
. . . . . . IF we know from previous rolls won't confirm: reroll any failure to confirm
. . . . . . ELSE : reroll any roll < 10
. . . . OR IF anyone attacks us
. . . . . . IF we know from previous rolls it would hit & we know from previous rolls that a hit from that foe to this ally could be dangerous : reroll it
. . . . . . ELSE IF an attacker with a weapon whose crit range we know scores a crit threat : reroll it
. . . . . . ELSE IF (unknown attacker & unknown crit range) attacker rolls > 18 : reroll it
...and so on...but I suspect that kind of flow chart might drive Crusty crazy...and there's really no end to the level of detail we could start to specify, once we go down that road.

DM Crustypeanut |

Good news everyone! Although this isn't going to really affect this game very much, I'm currently working on a set of modified alcohol and intoxication rules, using the 3.0 Arms and Equipment Guide's alcohol intoxication rules as a guidelines.
In addition, once I get around to it, I'm heavily modifying the various alcohol-based archetypes to work around the new system, and I may even add a few new ones. Of course, I'll be allowing the use of any of the archetypes in my own games, including this one.
Here is the new ruleset for those curious. Any recommendations or comments are welcome!

Valko van Richten |

Just to touch base here, as I think most here are already aware, I'm pulling out of most of my games. I'd like to give it a week or so to decide officially on this game if that's alright with you Crusty.

DM Crustypeanut |

Im' starting to think Warpriests are cursed on the paizo forums.
First you have Ferit's Warpriest of Gorrum over in my IG missing 2/3rds of the time (Despite having a fair attack bonus), and over here Charbonardent's having the same issue. I think Eugeni (Ferit's Warpriest of Erastil over in RotR) was also having the same issue..
Anyhoo, working on an update!

Charbonardent |

Alexin Alazario |

It wouldn't be healing for you, he's talking about negative energy for the undead tiger. However, we have a wand around here somewhere.

Hoosible Drybriar |

Thanks, Charbonardent. Hoos gave Strawflower a tap from the wand mid-combat. When it finishes she'll be at 36/44, so getting a hit from you would be great. Not sure if we're out of combat rounds yet, but Hoos will send her over to you to be healed next round.
Anyone else who's injured and wants a tap from the IH wand, just let Hoos know.

Alexin Alazario |

Ready to move on.