Ruins of Pathfinder: The Shattered Star (Inactive)

Game Master Crustypeanut

Loot Tracker
Roll20 Campaign Link
Magnimar Map
Heidmarch Manor

Natalya's Map of the Crow

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Each are carrying a single dagger. The brute has 4 daggers.

*Edit*: The Brute also has a flask of alchemist's fire.

Male Gnome Orace 1

Crusty, is there still time to go check out the slavers?

Gang, do we still want to? I guess we'll find out more after talking to Natalya more...

Time: Yes, its only about 6-7 PM in-game.

Its all about if you want to or not - you already have your target (Natalya), and she'll likely want to see her new base of operations. That being said, you should have time after you go there to go and check out the slavers.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

No rest for the weary, eh?

I at least want to get Natalya back to the Lodge first. Don't wanna baby sit her and her smug attitude the whole time.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Went ahead and leveled up, save for HP: how do you want us to do those?

+1 BAB
+1 Fort Save
+1 in all my current skills
Weapon Focus (Shield)

I don't think I'm going to go Phalanx Fighter after all, I like the feel of Radyx as is, hacking away with axe and (as soon as he gets paid) his bladed shield we discussed.

Hp: Take average+1 (So 5 for a D10 +1 for 6) or roll here.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Done. Took Average+1 and will continue to do so.

Male Gnome Orace 1

Leveling up. Woohoo!!

HP +8 (+1d8 ave=5 +2 CON +1 FCB)
Skills +1 know planes, +1 know religion +2 perception
Will save +1
Mystery spell: ill omen
can now cast 1st level spells 5/day

Just two levels to go 'til I can raise my first minion! (though hopefully we'll encounter one I can command first).

Speaking of which...Hey gang, if we ever encounter any undead, please give me a chance to command it before you go hurting the poor things!...though I can only command up to a max of 1 HD / my level, so 3+HD undead are fair game.

Male Human Arcanist 1

I think I'm going to have to pull out of this game, I seem to have overextended and am having trouble keeping up with my current games. Feel free to NPC Wilhem and co. or what have you as seems appropriate to the campaign, and have fun all!

Aw and here we were just about to get to the fun parts. Alright Peanuts, no worries!

I do think it is time to look into replacing a few of our rising number of DMPCs. I have a few ideas on who I'm going to ask, and nows the best time to do it since we're at a small lul in the storyline - right before a major dungeoncrawl, at least.

I'll give everyone a few days to level up and buy new gear (I'm going to be posting an update soon!)

Male Gnome Orace 1

Peanuts, sorry to see you go!

Crusty, yeah, seems it's time to tap some folks to come join the fun...and my vote would be to recruit specifically for arcane casters, and/or possibly an archer.

Agreed - I already know of the three people I'm going to ask, but I'm gonna poke Rob one last time to see if he wants to rejoin or not before I ask one of them.

The other two I'm asking now.

Male Gnome Orace 1

Cool. Goes without saying it would be a treat to have Rob back!

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Level 2

Another level of rogue.

HP: 8 (5+3 con)

Skills: +9 ranks

+1 BAB

+1 ref

Rogue Talent (Combat Trick; Enforcer)

Half-giant Warpriest | HP 19/19 | Blessings 2/4 | Fervor 1/4
AC 17/11/16 | Fort +6 Ref +0 Will +56 | Init. +1 | Perception +3, Low-light vision | CM +5/16

Level 2
HP: +8 (5 +2 Con +1 Favored)
Skills: +2
+1 BAB
+1 Fort & Will

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

I think it's funny that we all have a new battlecry:


Loot found on the mercenaries:

7 Unmarked Vials of red liquid
5 Pouches of Flash Powder
1 Flask of Alchemist's Fire
1 Mwk Heavy Mace
1 Mwk Leather Lamellar Armor
1 Mwk Light Steel Shield w/ Shield Spikes
10 Daggers
12 Shortswords
6 Leather Lamellar Armor
6 Sets of Thieves' Tools
7 Cold Weather Outfits

11 gp

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Dibs on the shield. Lol

Silver Crusade

LG Female Human (Ulfen/Kellid (Sarkoris) Mix) Fighter 2/Cavalier (Emissary) 1 [HP: 28/28 | AC 20 (13 T | 17 FF) CMD 20 (17 FF) | F: +7 R: +3 W: +0 (+1 vs. fear) | Init +3 | Perc: +7

Hi friends from RotR and person/people I don't know yet. Our smelly friend invited me to make a character in his game to replace a DMPC. I'm pretty sure it will be a witch, since you seem to be low on arcane power once the DMPCs are gone. Might end being a sorcerer of some variety however. I'll post something in the next hour or tomorrow.

Hey Kala, welcome!

- gyrfalcon/Hoosible/Zoli

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)

Errr me gerrrrd

AC 16, T 12, FF 14; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -1; CMD 17

Hello, Kala.

Silver Crusade

LG Female Human (Ulfen/Kellid (Sarkoris) Mix) Fighter 2/Cavalier (Emissary) 1 [HP: 28/28 | AC 20 (13 T | 17 FF) CMD 20 (17 FF) | F: +7 R: +3 W: +0 (+1 vs. fear) | Init +3 | Perc: +7

So I've made two characters.

Alexin Alazario - Human Witch 2. Super debuffer, 4 hexes at level 2 (but not slumber because it's stupid strong). If you want to picture him, think Kefka from Final Fantasy 6, and you're in the ballpark. He wears a domino mask, 7 scarves of varying types (1 reinforced, 1 pocketed, 1 bladed, 4 normal), and an entertainer's outfit (via Sleeves of Many Garments). He's had a complete mental breakdown from seeing his family die in front of him, and he's more or less insane and amoral. He doesn't seek to cause suffering in others, he just doesn't care whether they live or die or whatever, unless he has some kind of personal attachment or stake in their life (so party members should generally be within the purview of Alexin having a stake in their survival). His familiar is a black and tan hare that he calls Asmodeus just to annoy his former countrymen. He rides around on a shoddy, garishly painted cart pulled by an old yak that he calls Abadar.

Cassidio - Elf Wizard (Spellslinger) 1 / Gunslinger (Musket Master) 1. I'll be going into Eldritch Knight eventually. Primarily a blaster and debuffer. Cassidio wears a fine white silk robe with a deep cowl and shoulder length white gloves. He keeps impeccable hygiene, and goes to great lengths in the name of cleanliness. He follows the Prophecies of Kalistrade, and looks down on those who fall short of the ideals of the people of Druma. He is accompanied by an indentured servant named Morg Dablee, who has one year left on his contract. At the end of the contract he'll be free and paid a fairly large amount of money by the Prophets. Basically he carries things, cooks, and takes care of the Donkey that carries Cassidio's gear.

So which concept seems more interesting to you guys? The crunch is done for both, but both need some fleshing out as far as personality, etc.

Both sound interesting and useful to the party...though white clothes, impeccable hygene, and a love of primative firearms sounds like a recipe for disappointment. Hopefully Cassidio knows prestidigitation!

On the witch side, I share your fondness for naming familiars after someone else's ratfolk witch in a game of Jelani's had (and someday will again have) a ratling familiar named Aroden. I started out just wanting a much more clearly 'human' name for the ratling (who is both very human in some ways, and very evil), in contrast to the ratfolk witch master (who's much more ratlike than his familiar, and a good bit less evil). Then having the ratling choose to call himself Aroden was too much for me to resist. ;-)

I like the first one personally - he rings all sorts of insanity. Plus, the scarves go well with the Varisian culture that is still prominent in Magnimar, if being smothered underneath oppression. I also second Gyr's comment about your familiar XD

However, the big thing is how they fit into the current setting. For either one of them, how did they get to Shalast (Formerly Varisia) and how did they end up employed with the Cyphermages under Karzoug?

Also, guys, I've picked up another recruit, though he hasn't yet posted over here. Zeltresh from Brimleydower's Fang and Shackle, is looking into a Card Caster Magus.

That leaves one last spot open - anyone know anyone that might want to join? I had asked Eldred from Fang and Shackle as well, but he's full up on campaigns right now.

If we have a card caster magus coming in that seems like another good reason to go with the witch (as the card caster occupies a similar space to the spellslinger).

Just occurred to me...a bard or skald or Evangelist (or any mass buffer) would be a huge boon as well, now that we have a bit of arcane love coming from Kala and Zeltresh.

I have a couple folks I think would be good additions. I'll reach out (without promising them a spot).

Crusty, do you have a blurb you've used to describe the campaign?

"Lots of pain and suffering await those in this campaign."

Heh just kidding (Or am I?) Honestly, I don't - the best thing I can say is that its a massive dungeon crawl campaign centered around Ancient Thassilon - with a twist considering the post apocalyptic setting.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

hi folks! Ive been reading the campaign and wrestling my concept together, hope to have all the 'homework' done in the next day or so.

Definitely going card caster as I try for an xmen's Gambit feel to provide some ranged support even in tight dungeon spaces, but trying to maximize some other ideas I had as well as figure out race (Im torn between human and drow).

Its going to be one of the wackiest builds Ive tried so I will certainly be looking for ideas and suggestions once Ive got it mocked up.

Harrow Decks are very commonly used by native Varisians - of which there are many in the region. The Drow, although they do have a very small presence near the elven ruins of Cel-something in Western Varisia, aren't particularly common in the region. A Varisian Human would make much more sense, though that isn't to say I'm disallowing a Drow.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

rough idea at the moment....his family strongly believed in following the harrow but he chose to follow a different path. He trained as one of the elite warriors prepared to be the vanguard of the drow raid of the surface. There was another warrior in his squad that was his rival all throughout training to the point that it came to blows on more than one occasion.

As the drow swarmed above ground after skyfall he prepared for the first battles, and for some reason he couldn't explain he found himself compelled to draw cards from the deck his younger sister had handed to him before he left for training. They warned him about an upcoming betrayal, from a not-so-surprising source....and because of this warning he was ready when that other warrior tried to kill him on the battlefield.

He managed to survive the attack and escape, but he swore to hunt his nemesis down some day. His faith in the power of the harrow restored, he begins following the path they set out in front of him. That path leads him to Magimar.......

still wrestling things together into a solid concept while also reading the gameplay thread!

Silver Crusade

LG Female Human (Ulfen/Kellid (Sarkoris) Mix) Fighter 2/Cavalier (Emissary) 1 [HP: 28/28 | AC 20 (13 T | 17 FF) CMD 20 (17 FF) | F: +7 R: +3 W: +0 (+1 vs. fear) | Init +3 | Perc: +7

Alexin it is. I'll work on the full write up while I'm here at work. Slow night till the train gets here. The stat block is saved at home, so that won't get posted till morning.

Male Orc Expert 5

Hullo hullo, just posting to show I've been refferred. Sounds like you want some sort of support character?

IS there any altered character creation rules I should know about from the campaign tab?

Level 2, 1000 gold start, and you can pick a story feat without having to randomize your background. Those are the only changes.

Plus let me know about any alternate race if you plan on picking one so I can yay/nay it.

Male Orc Expert 5

One more thing:

What does the group have so far?

Ferit, orc thug/rogue
Radyx, Human fighter
Charbondent, Halfgiant warpriest
Hoosible, Gnome juju oracle/necromancer wannabe
Valko, halfelven investigator

+the characters that're about to join, a witch and a card caster magus.

Male Human Fighter 2 | HP:22/22 | AC: 21 (FF: 19, Touch: 12) | Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +0 | Per: +2 | Init: +2(+3)


Fighter/Diplomat thank you very much!

Male Gnome Sorcerer 3

Still working out all crunch, but.....

Level 2 HP: 1d8 ⇒ 8

Male Orc Expert 5

Think I'm going with shaman.

That works! Just a heads up though Tark, I'm not sure if Gyr mentioned it or not to you, but check out this page for more info on the world at large.

Golarion has seen better days.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh hey guys, mainly the three new ones, I wanted to let you guys know that for Monks, I want to give a slight variation of them a try:

Buffed Monk

If you want to play a Monk, feel free to use this houseruled variation - Its basically the same Monk, but.. better, and more inline with what we can hope to see in the Pathfinder Unchained rulebook coming.. in what a year or so?

Basically reduces their MAD'ness, gives them full BAB at all times (Rather than simply when Flurrying and with Combat Maneuvers and CMD..), not to mention the Quiggong Monk is built-in, which is nice.

If you want, give it a shot! Not that we need more melee, but the option is there if you guys want it.

M Drow Card Caster & Spire Defender 1 / 4 Wind Monk 1

Zeltresh here, character is finally done and ready for comments/suggestions. And Ive already got the adjustments ready to switch him to human if the drow/spire defender doesn't pass muster.

I used the monk of 4 winds archetype here, didn't notice our post til just now...If that archetype is still available with that houseruled variation I'd give it a shot!

Male Orc Expert 5

How would I go about generating a random background for the story feat?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Witch 2 [HP 12/12 | AC 13 (12 T, 11 FF) | F: 1 R: 2 W: 1 (+1 v Charm/Compulsion) | Per: -2 (-2 Sight +2 Familiar) | SM -4 (+2 Familiar)]
Craft tattoo +12 Know: arcana +10 dungeon +6 engineering +6 geography +6 history +9 local +6 nature +9 nobility +6 planes +10 Ling +11 Perception -2(-2 Sight, +2 familiar) SM -4(+2 Familiar) Spellcraft +10 Swim +4 UMD +6
Spells and Hexes:
(CL 2; conc +7): 1st (DC 16)-command, command, mage armor, snowball | 0-detect magic, message, read magic, stabilize | Hexes: Evil Eye (DC:16), Misfortune (DC 16), Cackle, Flight (Feather Fall at will)

You can just get the background feat, no need for the random background.

HP 15/15; AC 13, Flat Footed 10, Touch 13; CMD 13; Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4 (+2 vs. Enchantment; +2 vs. Poison); Perception +14; Initiative +3

Working on leveling up now. I think I'm going to just drop my Drawback and one of my Traits. I'll continue to roleplay Valko as a bit greedy without letting it negatively impact wealth distribution—keen on rewards, maybe pocketing a gemstone here or there, etc. I really don't want to screw over the rest of the players on loot, honestly, and the drawback is pretty stout (it basically removes Aid Another from my list of actions permanently).

I can't remember what your rules are for leveling up Crustypeanut. If we are allowed to roll, I'll go with that. If not, lemme know and I'll edit it.

2nd Level HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7

BAB +1
Ref +1
Will +1
Skills: 11 (6 [Class] + 4 [Int] + 1 [Favored Class])

  • +1 Acrobatics
  • +1 Appraise
  • +1 Bluff
  • +1 Diplomacy
  • +1 Disable Device
  • +1 Escape Artist
  • +1 Heal
  • +1 Knowledge: Geography
  • +1 Knowledge: Local
  • +1 Perception
  • +1 Stealth

Class Abilities:
Poison Lore; Poison Resistance +2
1 additional extract (1st level)
New formula: blend

Male Orc Expert 5
Alexin Alazario wrote:
You can just get the background feat, no need for the random background.

Honestly I was more interested in the two extra traits. Since none of the feats interest me.

That was actually more of a relic for if people were screwed by the random background generator, but I'll allow it.

@Valko: You may roll here or take the average +1 for your hp.

Here's the random background generator.

Male Orc Expert 5

Alrighty so I'm allowed 4 traits or 2 + story feat? Making sure I udnerstand correctly.

Remiandiv Blixx wrote:

Zeltresh here, character is finally done and ready for comments/suggestions. And Ive already got the adjustments ready to switch him to human if the drow/spire defender doesn't pass muster.

I used the monk of 4 winds archetype here, didn't notice our post til just now...If that archetype is still available with that houseruled variation I'd give it a shot!

The houseruled variant of the Monk replaces the base monk - thus, the Monk of the Four Winds works fine with it. As a result, you just need to change very little to use the variant - you have full BAB from your Monk class and you gain the Inner Strength ability, allowing you to use your Wisdom in place of Con for your bonus hp.

Also as of note, the only other issue I see (Still looking over it, and I haven't fully read the background yet), is that Monk requires you to be Lawful, and you're NE.

Still need to finish checking out the character and then onto Alexis, so I'll let you guys know if anything pops up.

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