Fenyx Dagannauth |

Personal vote for me is to play out a bit of the immediate situation until we get our ducks in a row. Assuming we can then rest, perhaps gloss over the sleeping-and-waking portion of the following day when we decide to cross the bridged ravine.

Rasso |

First of all, YEAH! I'm not gonna die. :3
Secondly, dammmmn. That's a lot of loot. If Payden's necklace is what I think it is Rasso will be very happy.

Teladon Azuth |

So, since this is OOC character, how would you guys feel about Teladon giving Thuldrin the blade? I figure anything we need to know we can learn from the other villager I left alive or others.

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The only thing I'd have against it is that I'd want to do it myself. So I don't mind!
Also, guys, don't forget we have a captive sprite-thing in a bag still.

Rasso |

Do whatever Teladon would do. I don't care either way as a player. Rasso would want him dead for his crimes, but probably after a quick interrogation.

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- HP 25/25
- AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
- Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
- Init + 2
- Perception +1

Well i mean in character Styv is against it in character, If nothing else, let Dann or the villagers decide( they'll kill him too )
out of character, he was a big ol jerk, and Payday was his right-hand man. Those two very well may have (or had in the pugilist's case) knowledge that the one hunter or the other conscripts don't have, at the very least, he could tell us what that other wand in his room is perhaps.
But you're in the moment, If it's how you envision Teladon wrapping things up then do what you must. : P

Fenyx Dagannauth |

Keeping a running tab on loot from hereon out via google docs. Threw the link up in Fenyx's profile, but I'll drop it >>>here<<< as well. Once we settle on anything we're taking with us after we leave, I'll update it accordingly. For now, it's basically just a copied list of what Lucent listed upthread.

Ordrud |

We definitely need to interrogate Thuldrin before execution. I think Gywnn is senior captain and has command here, because we're in Andoran.
Ordrud would be conflicted with the orc side wanting to torture the hunter who stalked him and the Lastwall side acknowledging the authority of Gwynn. Which way he goes depends on the consensus of the party.
Ordrud would start stabilizing Rasso after dropping Payday, but I don't have time right now to post something appropriately long, insightful, and elegant. Not that I normally post to the high standards of this group anyway...
We should invite the campers into the lodge, because the supposedly sick guys are not taking space. Where are they?
Those with Mending should get to work on the windows.
In the near term, we need to post guards to watch the bridge while we all pass out.
Before we make too many decisions, we'll need a brief from Gwynn and Thuldrin.

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Gywnn and Styv are of equal rank, actually. Marcellano asked this waaay early on.
I agree, interrogate then likely execute. I'll try and assist if you want.
And yes, I have the masterwork rifle.. can I haz cartridges? :3 Of all of the loot, thats the main thing I want. Bullets. Maybe that second Masterwork Agile Breastplate.. though I wish I could get the damn Andoran symbol off it.. so I might just skip out on it. I'm also probably one of the few here who is not against using poison.. even if it doesn't exactly fit my style. But if someone else wants that poison, I be fine with it.
I have enough loot though, so if I only get them Cartridges I'd be happy! :D

Ar'Zarrcal |

I will need to look over the loot and will have Ar'Zarrcal use a thorough search of the lodge and detect magic in an attempt to identify them all. I'm not sure whether Lucent wants to skip that as downtime or not. I'll get a post up later this morning.
My spellcraft bonus is +8.

Ar'Zarrcal |

As far as the loot is concerned:
I wouldn't mind a gun (Be it the special pistol we found or a musket) just in case. It could be interesting further down the line.
I might also want a magical item or a potion, once we've more properly identified them. Fenyx will probably end up with the magic missile wand, maybe more depending on what they do.

Rasso |

I'm hoping that's an amulet of mighty fists. If so, I'm very interested. Other than that all I'm really looking at is a pair of snowshoes. Can't wear them yet, but Rasso is already scheming about his next evolution. Now that he's no longer a sailor, he needs proper legs and feet.

Ordrud |

Gywnn and Styv are of equal rank, actually. Marcellano asked this waaay early on.
Yes, but usually in militaries, whoever is senior has command and the final word. Whether it's true here, I don't know. But there would be a precedent for Styv and Gwynn to identify which one is in command.
As for loot, Ordrud only wants more than his fair share of healing potions... probably the Wound Soothes. He has been walking wounded this entire day. I think he might have been fully healed at one point but it didn't last long. Considering the earlier conversation about dead maybe means out of the game, then I'm sure you understand.

Rasso |

I'm debating whether Rasso would refer to himself as a synthesist or have some weird merfolk name for his "profession". It's even weirder because he learned how to do it from a sahuagin. What would a sahuagin call being a synthesist? Briney beckoner? ~_~;
Anyone have a good suggestion for a name? Or a vote for the idea that the word synthesist is common enough to be used conversationally? I mean Teladon doesn't go around saying "I'm a magus" but does he think that?

Lucent |

He may still call himself a summoner, "synthesist" would be a more thaumaturgical term used by people in dusty old books to delineate differences in summoning practices.
A sahaugin might call it the practice of hsreshk ksherlkk or something fishy like that in their language; meaning "sea spirit binding" or something along those lines.

Ar'Zarrcal |

Actually, Ar'Zarrcal only lit the one log he took in his hand on fire and then he tossed it behind him in the snow when he jumped into the room. (At least that's what I intended, look at the posts)
My original intention was to throw the log into the lodge and light the rug on fire or something, but I decided against it (Partly because of Ar'Zarrcal's high wisdom and intelligence. These hunters had guns. Gunpowder + unchecked fire = Bad.
@Rasso - Maybe Deep Caller, Binder of the Deep, Or One with the deep abyss? Of course all in Sahaugin words... like Lucent said, shyeggup gil blercubb

Teladon Azuth |

Potions (Unidentified; labeled)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 > (Storage) "Wound Soothe" (3) (Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 > (Storage) "Mighty Strength" (1) (Aura: Transmutation)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27 > (Storage) "Fortified Wound Soothe" (1) (Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 > (Storage) "Extreme Temperature Survival" (1) (Aura: Abjuration)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 > (Storage) "Invisibility" (1) (Aura: Illusion)
Other Magic Items (Unidentified)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 > (Thuldrin) Wand of magic missile (?? Charges Remaining; Aura: Evocation)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 > (Thuldrin's Quarters) Wand of ??? (?? Charges Remaining; Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 > (Payden) Steel chain-link amulet (Aura: Evocation)
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 > (Thuldrin's Quarters) Leather bracers inlaid with eagle patterning (Aura: Abjuration)
Edit: I am really hoping that the bracers are Bracers of the Falcon

Teladon Azuth |

Teladon doesn't go around saying "I'm a magus" but does he think that?
No, but Teladon has refered to himself as a “Eldritch Warrior” “Magi” “Magus” and "Warrior" among other terms, realistically Teladon likely see’s himself following the natural progression of elven warriors. He blends the best parts of combat and magic together into a fighting style.

Fenyx Dagannauth |

Potions (Unidentified; labeled)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 > (Storage) "Wound Soothe" (3) (Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 > (Storage) "Mighty Strength" (1) (Aura: Transmutation)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 > (Storage) "Fortified Wound Soothe" (1) (Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 > (Storage) "Extreme Temperature Survival" (1) (Aura: Abjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 > (Storage) "Invisibility" (1) (Aura: Illusion)
Other Magic Items (Unidentified)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 > (Thuldrin) Wand of magic missile (?? Charges Remaining; Aura: Evocation)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23 > (Thuldrin's Quarters) Wand of ??? (?? Charges Remaining; Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 > (Payden) Steel chain-link amulet (Aura: Evocation)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 > (Thuldrin's Quarters) Leather bracers inlaid with eagle patterning (Aura: Abjuration)
Figure between the four of us, we got this covered, but here's Fenyx's input just in case.

Ar'Zarrcal |

Potions (Unidentified; labeled)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10> (Storage) "Wound Soothe" (3) (Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 > (Storage) "Mighty Strength" (1) (Aura: Transmutation)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 > (Storage) "Fortified Wound Soothe" (1) (Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 > (Storage) "Extreme Temperature Survival" (1) (Aura: Abjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 > (Storage) "Invisibility" (1) (Aura: Illusion)
Other Magic Items (Unidentified)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 > (Thuldrin) Wand of magic missile (?? Charges Remaining; Aura: Evocation)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 > (Thuldrin's Quarters) Wand of ??? (?? Charges Remaining; Aura: Conjuration)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 > (Payden) Steel chain-link amulet (Aura: Evocation)
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 > (Thuldrin's Quarters) Leather bracers inlaid with eagle patterning (Aura: Abjuration)
I didn't really expect Teladon would leave Thuldrin alive, but I had to try. Ar'Zarrcal is a LN and as such respects things like surrenders (to a degree) and the rule of law. I think Teladon is Chaotic sort of good. Makes sense from an RP viewpoint, though we lost some useful information no doubt.
EDIT: What is that four '2's' rolled? Ar'Zarrcal's dice keep getting better and better. However two big fat bullseyes on two of the most important items is nice exchange.

Lucent |

Items Identified
> Potion of cure light wounds (3)
> Potion of bull's strength (1)
> Potion of cure moderate wounds (1)
> Potion of endure elements (1)
> Potion of invisibility (1)
> Wand of magic missile (8 charges remaining)
> Wand of remove disease (2 charges remaining)
> Amulet of mighty fists +2
> Bracers of the Armor +2

Teladon Azuth |

Just a rough sketch:
> Potion of cure light wounds (3) - Whoever is low
> Potion of bull's strength (1) - Ordrud
> Potion of cure moderate wounds (1) - Styv
> Potion of endure elements (1) - Whoever
> Potion of invisibility (1) - Teladon (since I seem to scout)
> Wand of magic missile (8 charges remaining) - Fenyx of Teladon (probably Fenyx)
> Wand of remove disease (2 charges remaining) - Ar'Z
> Amulet of mighty fists +2 - Rasso
> Bracers of the Armor +2 - Fenyx
What do you guys think?

Ordrud |

The only cure potion that Ordrud has had since the beginning he just found on the last body of his old companions. He would prefer the cure moderate, because he wants nothing else.

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Magic-item wise looks good to me. This Masterwork Rifle I have is easily worth the price of an expensive magic item, so thats enough high-quality loot for me. For now.
As for the non-magic loot, I would actually like one of those Agile Breastplates, even if it means I'm going to be sporting Andoran's emblem until I can get Ar'Z to somehow magically modify it.
So, what I'm requesting of the non-magical loot is:
> (Storage) Ammo Box: Bullet, Metal Cartridge (12)
> (Andis') Masterwork Agile Breastplate (Black lacquered, eagle knight emblems visible)
> (Thuldrin's Room) 2 doses giant wasp poison
Unless anyone has any objections?
Also, I think we should have everyone (Including the peasants) go inside who's not. The peasants are exposed outside, and we need to defend this place while we rest. I'm honestly thinking of taking the tower so I can watch the bridge, as it's an excellent sniping position. Two peasants up there keeping watch from other sides of the tower would work too, while we can have others keep watch from downstairs.
Also.. the Zombie.. we should have him (Her?) stand near the bridge with a lit sunrod, acting as a decoy in case anyone comes by that way. If anything comes that way and gets his attention (or attacks him), I should be able to shoot 'em from my vantage point in the tower. I'll have no lights on up there, so most likely they'll spot the zombie first.
What do you guys think? We should hold up here for at least two days in my opinion. One day to regain spells and use those spells to heal people, then another day to regain the spells again and move on. Thoughts?

Fenyx Dagannauth |

Those bracers don't stack with Mage Armor, so Fenyx will pass if someone else would rather have it. I think the missile wand would get more mileage in the Necromancer's hands, since Tel is a competent archer as well.

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Well if Fenyx doesn't want the bracers.. they would work very well with Rasso, to be honest. His Eidolon-form doesn't gain the benefit of any normal armor he wears, so gaining armor from a magic item is like having a permanent half-strength Mage Armor. That and the amulet will turn him into a juggernaut.
Then again, I think you can fit bracers on a mink..