Rise of the Runelords through a lens of Numenera

Game Master spinningdice

Paizo's Rise of the Runelords adapted in both rules and setting to Monte Cooks Numenera

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Opening for discussion

I'm going to hold off re-working Zimm's background until we've sorted out connections etc...

Hardy Glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel M:22/22 S:14/14 I: 8/8 A:3

I would like a military background for my character. She was part of the military force of a large city in the area and was honourably discharged after being severely wounded in the line of duty. She obtained the mechanical modifications illegally and moved to Sandpoint, where she got a job in the town guard. It's not glamorous, but it's relatively quiet. From the Background Facts table on page 19 of the Player's Guide, it would be a combination of 1 and 10.

Avanoa is disciplined and responsible. She still divides people in "military" and "civilians"; she would feel compelled to protect civilians in dangerous situations. She's also more than a little bored with small town life by now and would like to stretch her legs a bit.

Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons M 13/13; S 18/18; I 15/15

Okay, I finally got an avatar despite the boards being all wonky. Now let's see if it'll let me post.

So I'm a traveler who comes from a town where most of the population is mutated to some degree. I'm a traveler and an entertainer. People could know my home town or run across me on the road.

The default connection for my kind is that I can fight back to back with someone and we get a boost to our speed defense. Since we have three people, our connections would likely be a ring.

And don't forget our GM-determined numenara!

Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons M 13/13; S 18/18; I 15/15

So, the site seems to be settling down after *Overly-dramatic news announcer voice* Humblestorm 2016.

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Avanoa, Major Cities nearby are

Ledon (pop 20,000), which is a strongly mercantile, mainly focussed on shipyards and ship supplies. The Merchant families have a great deal of power over the government here.

The 'City of Bridges' (pop 20,000)is a bit further away, this is the capital city of Ghan, built on the water on an extensive group of Piers and bridges between them.

Anywhere further away is unlikely to have any bearing on the Campaign, but if you'd rather be a foreign military feel free. Also Ghan has a stronger naval force than land-military, so if you'd rather be Naval in nature that's fine.

I'm running Sandpoint as fairly accepting so your Mutant appearance probably won't provoke a great deal of antipathy initially, when (if?) the game survives to the 2nd book you may run into more problems in more "civilised" areas.

Male Human Military Specialist

For the armor item, I assume we are only allowed Regular items?

For the item from Yu'lak, If the GM will allow, I will take a shock ring. If not, I will take a metalweave vest.

I have connections for being a Jack, for being graceful, and for controlling gravity.

Graceful - One of the other PCs convinced you that joining the group would be in your best interest.

This would work well with Avanoa. Being a member of the local guard, she could have had some interaction with Trace when he spent a night in the jail for climbing yet another thing he should not be climbing.

Jack - You once saved the child of a local noble from a fire, and she is very grateful.

As grateful as she is, she is running out of patience with constantly having to smooth over ruffled feathers for the mischief Trace gets into.

Controls Gravity - Pick one other PC whose focus intertwines with yours. This odd connection affects her in some way. For example, if the character Carries a Quiver, then your ability to manipulate gravity sometimes extends the range of her arrows. If she Entertains, her jumps, dances, and juggling balls seem less bound by the laws of gravity. If she Masters Weaponry, her weapons sometimes feel lighter.

I am not sure who would work well with this one...

Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons M 13/13; S 18/18; I 15/15

Trace, I could work with your controls gravity. That could work well with my back to back connection. When we fight together in melee, each of us get a +1 bonus to speed defense

Mutant doesn't normally give connections, but I have an idea for Yu'lak. Perhaps a boost to his crafting speed when I work as his assistant, lending a hand (or four) to hold items and tools while Yu'lak works.

For Zimm, perhaps she interacts with his processor dreams, seeing what he's thinking about and letting two minds work on the problem.

For Avanoa, perhaps my music resonates well in her parts. Perhaps +1 to her intellect recovery when I'm playing.

Male Human Military Specialist

I like that, Elbow. Lets go with that.

So, unless there is an objection, my connections so far are as follows:

Yu'Lak crafted a shock ring for Trace for which Trace is very grateful.

Trace saved the child of a local noble from a fire, and she is very grateful. However, as grateful as she is, she is running out of patience with constantly having to smooth over ruffled feathers for the mischief Trace gets into.

Avanoa talked to Trace while he was cooling his heels in jail one night, advising him to do something helpful to the community of Sandpoint since he had been pissing a lot of people off. She suggested.

When Elbow and Trace fight together in melee, they both gain +1 Speed defense, and Elbow finds his movements easier and lighter as gravity weighs on him less.

Mechanical Nano That Crafts Unique Objects Tier 1

Hello. :P I see people have been posting here.
Also i finalised the sheet of my character.
(and i like the assisstig thing for crafting, great idea elbow!)


A nano that works as a smith in sandpoint.

Has crafted a "shock ring" for trace with the help of elbow, as a thanks for saving her at one point from muggers in an alleyway.

Knows avanoa has implants and finds that fascinating and relaxing to study, (+1 int recovery observing the effects of these implants, avanoas suggestion).
Also offered to repair her, if need be and if my character is able too.

Hardy Glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel M:22/22 S:14/14 I: 8/8 A:3

Avanoa's connections:

- Glaive: Avanoa works as a town guard in Sandpoint. Everyone living in Sandpoint knows her. Trace reminds her of someone who used to be in her unit, so she goes easy on him and tries to steer him towards making more responsible choices.
- Focus: Yu'Lak and Zimm Nata are aware of Avanoa's subdermal implants and other artificial components.

I cannot find any mechanical effects of my connections, so I propose this:
- Hardy: when Avanoa fights in melee, Elbow gets +1 to Intellect defense (her determination is inspiring).
- Glaive: Avanoa wants to protect her allies. During battle, Trace gets +1 to Might defense.
- Fuses Flesh and Steel: Yu'Lak and Zimm Nata get +1 to intellect recovery as they observe the effects of her artificial parts.

Mechanical Nano That Crafts Unique Objects Tier 1

(for my own reference, does +1 mean +1 dice roll or -1 difficulty?)
(Can we also get a DM roll on cyphers and oddities from other books like "Sir Arthour's Guide to the Numenera" and such?)

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Sorry, been going through these:

Right, sorry let me do this properly, Going to do a quick run through each of you to check everything is is nominally correct and what we've left to do. I am not checking every little bit of your sheet, just looking for anything that looks out of place.

Elbow - A Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons
Connections: Back to Back with Trace
Cyphers/Oddities: Done
As far as I'm aware Descriptors/Races don't normally give PC connections

Avanoa le Gataifale, a Hardy Glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel
You need to pick your two Glaive Fighting Moves, note that some cost from your pools, but your Might Edge does count against those costs (though your Edge is per round, not per cost).
PC connections come from Foci. If you don't like the one mentioned you can pick (or roll?) form the following (pulled from the character options book):
1. Pick one other PC. This character knows your true nature, even if no one else does. If your components are not particularly hidden, she knows a different secret of yours, such as a preprogrammed word that will shut you down for ten minutes.
2. Pick one other PC. Being close to this person sometimes makes your mechanical parts vibrate slightly. You can decide whether this sensation is unnerving or pleasant.
3. Pick one other PC. You’re pretty sure that he is just here to mine you for parts. He chooses whether or not this is true.
4. Pick one other PC who has mechanical parts. The two of you have bonded over conversations about this element you share, and you feel a special connection.

Depending on the specific Foci they don't all seem to give mechanical benefits and it looks like yours is more "fluff" effects, I'm not sure if this is a balancing mechanism or just what the designers felt right?

Light Shield (Level 8) A wristband that can be activated to emit a field around the wearer for five minutes, provided the wearer is in an area of at least dim light they gain the cypher's level in additional Armor (+8)
Blood Boiler (Level 7) A blood red pill, which increases blood flow to any stimulated body parts, grants +1 Might Edge for 1 hour (level in this case is largely irrelevant, working mostly to compare effects in the event of conflicts).
Oddity: A small ring that can be scanned over anything, becoming the color of the item scanned.

Trace Jenkins, Graceful Jack who Controls Gravity
Link to Elbow
Cyphers: Done
Oddity: Done

Armour and Weapons must be selected from the Armour and Weapons table, not from the other items that have armour or weapon qualities

Hardy Glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel M:22/22 S:14/14 I: 8/8 A:3

Updated my profile. Added fighting moves, added the cyphers and oddity, added connections. Is my synth breastplate ok or do I need to switch it out for something less special?

Terrezin "Elbow" Deschaya wrote:

For Zimm, perhaps she interacts with his processor dreams, seeing what he's thinking about and letting two minds work on the problem.

Zimm a bit of a wanderer as well, so Elbow and her could have bumped into each other on their journeys.

That connection is cool, and Elbow could benefit from Zimm's : that her esoteries do not affect him, unless he wished it.

spinningdice, would you mind re-rolling my cyphers (3) and oddity....or I can just keep what I've got :)

Male Human Military Specialist
spinningdice wrote:

Trace Jenkins, Graceful Jack who Controls Gravity

Link to Elbow
Cyphers: Done
Oddity: Done

Armour and Weapons must be selected from the Armour and Weapons table, not from the other items that have armour or weapon qualities

Are we supposed to use only one connection? Because if we are allowed more than one I also have a link to Arvanoa and Yu'Lak.

Are we allowed to choose one of the more advanced types of armor off of the armor table?

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Sorry yes, that's what I get for going from memory, just standard armour/weapons, not the 'special' ones.

It is intended you only have one connection each, not a connection to each PC, while I understand the sentiment, I'd rather not have the game peppered with so many little things to remember.

countermeasure (magnetic) Level 8: A handheld device that scrambles all magnetic fields within short range for 1 minute, making any device or power involving magnetism unusable within the area.
Flow Level 5: A small vial of liquid, that when consumed allows the user to harness their own momentum. 1/round when an action is taken to move you gain another action that you must use immediately. You may use this bonus action only to move. Lasts 1 hour.
Pushpull Beam Level 4: A handheld device that emits a beam up to long range. When activated you choose whether to push or pull, unsecured object or creature will be moved a long distance towards or away from the device with the strength of ten humans. Lasts 1 round

Oddity: A crystal pendant that suppresses hair growth in the wearer.

Male Human Military Specialist

So Yu'Lak crafted a shock ring for Trace, And Trace has joined the party on the advice of Arvanoa in an attempt to keep himself out of trouble.

Is that about how it should go; one connection to Trace and one connection from him?

Mechanical Nano That Crafts Unique Objects Tier 1

I would like 3 Cyphers and 3 oddities too :p

Mechanical Nano That Crafts Unique Objects Tier 1


Mechanical Nano That Crafts Unique Objects Tier 1

So, as far as i read... we are almost set to go! :P

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Sorry, crazy long weekend, for various reasons.

Detonation (Pressure) Lvl8: A 4" disc that can be activated and thrown (short range), exploding on impact and inflicting (level) 8 damage to all within an immediate range of the target, any items or creatures weighing less than (lvl x 20 lbs) 160 lbs are also pushed out of the area by the force of the blast.

Tether Lvl5: a 6" tube that can fire 2 metal spikes (2 dmg) at two targets within short range of you and immediate range of each other. The spikes are connected via a tether and the targets cannot move parart until either target takes an action to remove the spike.

Smart Bugs Lvl5: a small metallic pill that upon ingestion releases small microbes that enhances the consumer in some way for 1 hour (01-50 +2 Int Edge/ 51-75 +2 Speed Edge / 76-00 +2 Might Edge).

A rubber ball that when thrown with any degree of force flies for exactly 1 mile, or until it hits an object, and then falls

A can of propellant that turns dust in the air into rainbow colours

A ceramic cup that lights up when full of any liquid.

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Trace: Yes... essentially, you can give a connection to someone, it is not really necessary for the connections to go in a circle fashion, but it would be nice if everyone could arrange to have one connection to and one connection

Dark Archive

Sunless Citadel Maps

Started up in the Gameplay thread, this is a soft-start, so you'll have time to wander around etc while things are finished up here. Do we have anything outstanding?

Anybody home?

Male Human Military Specialist


Sorry guys, I was certain I had posted earlier...probably typed in my post , then forgot to submit...

Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons M 13/13; S 18/18; I 15/15

So, is the guy going to speak or what?

Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons M 13/13; S 18/18; I 15/15

I'm beginning to suspect this might be something serious. I've had one GM who disappeared and years later I found out she had been in a car accident, had a major brain injury, and came back as pretty much a different person.

Male I am a meat Popsicle

I will be out of town and away from my keyboard until Wednesday night. Feel free to bot me as necessary.

Mutant Jack who Wields Two Weapons M 13/13; S 18/18; I 15/15

PM me if this game resurrects itself

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