GM Loup Blanc |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in temporary structures erected after fire destroyed the previous temple. While the new religious leader was helpful, kind, and wise, their worship wasn't the same. Now, though, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site's blessings from the gods, and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occurred.
From near and far, attendees to the Swallowtail Festival have come to help usher in this wonderful new era in the town's history. With all the festivities, the locals have set their goods and services on display, and even travelers in the region are drawn to Sandpoint for a day of celebration. It's sure to be a wonderful and relaxing time for one and all.
Greetings, everyone! Loup Blanc here, and I'm opening recruitment for a campaign of Rise of the Runelords, running off of the Anniversary Edition. This isn't going to be your granddad's Adventure Path, though--there are going to be some updates and power increases, both for the PCs and the enemies. I'll also probably tweak some encounters or add things in here and there. Don't worry, it'll still be very recognizable as Rise of the Runelords in all its glory; it's one of my favorite campaigns, and I wouldn't want to mess with that. Any changes will just be made to link things deeper to PCs if necessary, to build things out a little longer (I'd love to see this reach 20th level before the finish), and to perhaps make things more interesting as characters are rebuilt to keep things interesting and dangerous. My overall hope here is for things to be challenging and fair.
--Special Rule: Gestalt! We'll be using the gestalt system for leveling up, meaning you advance in two classes and take the best of both. If you're unfamiliar with the system, a quick web search should get you what you need to know.
Ability Scores: Use a 25 point-buy by standard Pathfinder rules. You're great heroes with many talents and strengths.
Races: I don't explicitly disallow any given race, because soemone might wow me with a great backstory, but use good sense, and keep in mind your race is more than just numbers and abilities on a sheet. If you play a drow, people are going to react to that; same for any other distinctly odd or monstrous-looking race. Core and featured races are your best bets, unless you give me a great backstory to explain how you've come to be in Sandpoint.
--Templates: Not at game start. If your character concept involves hoping for something down the line, mention it as wishful thinking, but no guarantees. This is not the game to put forward your Advanced Natural Wereocelot.
Classes: I allow all Paizo published classes; the only one I can think of that raises an eyebrow for this area is the gunslinger, but a decent backstory will explain that. Unchained is recommended, but not required (although Summoners must use the Unchained spell list).
--Archetypes: I'm mentioning this since it comes up sometimes: I'm fine with archetypes, and feel free to use them for a different flavor than their origins. Sometimes a mechanical setup works perfectly for an idea that doesn't fit the flavor, and that's okay by me. I also have no issues with archetype stacking (per the usual requirements), as a general rule, so go for it.
--Third Party: Listed here since classes and archetypes are the most common. The only third-party sources I'll allow on a general rule is the Path of War work from Dreamscarred Press. Anything outside of that needs to be run by me specifically, on a case-by-case basis of what you want to use, before I can allow it; I also need access to it, meaning that if it isn't on the d20pfsrd website, it probably won't work, since I don't own very much.
Traits: Each character begins with a campaign trait for Rise of the Runelords; you also gain two other traits of your choice, for a total of three. You may take a drawback for an additional trait, but I will hold you to that drawback both mechanically and in terms of roleplaying.
--On Traits: Traits should be more than just a way to gain a class skill or bigger numbers on your sheet: they should inform an aspect of your character's background. I'm fine with reflavoring a trait for you to gain the same advantage, but it needs to be explained somewhere.
Starting Wealth: Maximum for your class at 1st level (e.g., a fighter or other 5d6x10 gp class would begin with 300 gold pieces to spend). There are several traits that add to this, whether in gold or equipment--these are powerful tools, so don't use them lightly.
Sources: To reiterate, most anything Paizo is available, with exceptions here and there. If it's from a hardcover you're probably fine--if you want to use something from an obscure source, please point out to me where it's from and I'll make sure it's okay. Third-party is allowed on a case by case basis, other than Path of War (which I like as a neat system providing more options for martials); please ask me before building a character, to save us both time and energy.
Alignment: At risk of causing a big debate (please, please for the love of the gods don't start one in this thread), no alignments within one step of Chaotic Evil. The reasons for barring NE and CE should be clear; CN is banned due to probability for shenanigans and it being unlikely that a truly Chaotic Neutral individual would go through the entirety of this AP. Lawful Evil will be looked at with a leery eye, but if you believe you can build one that will get along with the party (and well), I'm willing to give it a look.
House and Optional Rules
--Background Skills are a go, including Artistry and Lore.
--Combat Stamina and its related systems are allowed; Fighters can access these for free, anyone else can take the feat.
--Feat Taxes are a thing I don't like, and to help combat them I'm using some changes I've recently been made aware of. This article discusses some of the basic alterations in depth, and this table has some more changes that we'll be using. Nothing major is altered here--it simply does away with some feats that don't need to exist, and combines some others to make things more streamlined.
--Variant Multiclassing is allowed, but it means you cannot multiclass in any other way. (For example, you could be a fighter/wizard VMC cleric, but you couldn't then multiclass from fighter to rogue down the line.) This does lock you out of prestige classes.
If you don't know where to start, try the Ten-Minute Background. It's a simple, useful method for writing down the basics of your character: concepts, plot points, goals. It's by no means the be-all, end-all of background writing, but it's a solid foundation.
Please don't just give me bullet points, or fragmented highlights that aren't full sentences, or something similarly half-assed. I'm offering to run a well-loved campaign with NPCs and subtlety and character and plot. True, most if not all of it comes prewritten, but I'm also promising not to just copy and paste chunks of the book into a thread and call it a day. In return, I'm asking you to give me an interesting and thought-out character.
Interesting is the best word to have in mind for your PC's background! After all, this isn't a game about regular townsfolk who are boring old commoners, nor is it about skilled individuals who'd rather hang out on their porch than take the fight to the evil of the world. This is a game about heroes! Feel free to go reluctant hero, or even grudging antihero, but above all, make your character an interesting person who will rise above the masses.
Finally, make sure to hit the usual highlights. What are your origins? How did you become an adventurer? What brings you to Sandpoint? Think of your backstory as the origins issue for your hero, their special prologue that comes before the team-up arc. Feel free to describe their first mini-adventure; in game terms, it might have netted a total of 300 XP or so, so maybe you killed some goblins or helped hunt down an ogre or something. Definitely have fun with it! The more you care about your character, the more likely it is that I will, too.
As mentioned previously, I'll be running this game based on the Anniversary Edition of Rise of the Runelords, with updates and upgrades to reflect the new material that's become available since the book's release (as well as changes I feel will make for a more challenging, and thereby more fulfilling, campaign). The plot will remain nearly entirely the same, but expect many encounters to be different. You might think of this as the AP on Hard Mode, but the PCs are also much more powerful to match. I think of this campaign as a great example of classic high fantasy, with heroes rising up to stop an ancient world-changing evil, and I want things to feel truly heroic throughout.
With my schedule as it is, I hope and plan to post, on average, once a day, perhaps going down to once over the weekend. (I live on the East Coast of the United States, in terms of time zones.) That said, I have an active and at times very busy life, and there will be times when I cannot post. As often as possible, I'll at least check in, and any planned departures will have warning ahead of time, but life happens; things come up that cannot be avoided. All I can say is that I'm in this for the long haul, barring extreme circumstances, and I hope to see this through to the end no matter what. I don't promise a fast game--I promise a well-loved one.
I would strongly recommend anyone who's interested in this game to take a look at the following document: Virtues and Vices of Playing. It offers some of my most important thoughts on how to be a good player for PbP, particularly how to improved your chances of being selected by me for a campaign.
For this game, I'm looking at recruiting 3-6 characters, depending on interest, party composition, and so forth. There's no hard deadline to recruitment as of the moment, and warning will be given before it closes down and I make my selection.
If you've made it this far, congratulations and thanks to you! I hope this has caught your interest; if not, I hope you find happy gaming elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if I've forgotten something, or muddled my meaning somewhere, so if you have a question, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I hope to see some voices of interest and some wonderfully neat characters!

Teiidae |

I will bite for this.
I'm thinking of a tiefling sorcerer/oracle or sorcerer/wizard.
I have a character already made, he would just need to be refitted. Are you okay with the Jotun and Jotun Paragon Class?

F. Castor |

Gestalt is something I generally avoid, but the GM and the AP make for an enticing combination, even given my current energy-draining mood-spoiling circumstances.
Perhaps something like Fighter/Kineticist? Straightforward enough and I have always wanted to try a fire-wielding dude.
I shall think on it...

Alekzander Ingerbalaur |

This is Necro All Star and this is my idea for my character.
Those lore-keepers were dragons. An ancient group of celestial dragons that served to keep the records of the higher realms for eventual inclusion into tomes such as the Chronicle of the Righteous. Over the centuries Alek's family had grown close to the beings they served until they began to share some of their attributes.
Alek spent his time learning the knowledge that was so important and the skills that would serve him during his time. Sorcery came naturally and so did the might of arms bred into his bones. However one evening deep into the winter, on a night when the distant mines grew quite and dark monsters roamed the mountains.
Screams filled the night and fire blazed in the sky throwing great shadows against the mountain-tops. Giants had found them, giants bigger than the homes they lived in and more ravenous than the fires that they lit. Most of Alekzander's family died that night, his family, his purpose, his life. Escaping with the only family he had left, his uncle he swore that no-one else would have to suffer then pain he did.
For the next few years Alek traveled with his uncle training so that when the time came he would be able to fight back against the monsters that stole everything from him. When Alek was 19 his uncle passed from the wounds he gained that night, so long ago. Alek, now alone was unsure what to do when he heard a rumor. Giants were gathering, preparing to attack a town called Sandpoint. Alek now knew what he had to do.
I hope this little bit of fluff is OK?. Tell me if there is anything that is too outrageous.

Whiskey and a Bonesaw |

Well, color me interested. I do have a question though: How do you feel about Spheres of Power? It's an alternate casting system I'm fond of; it raises caster's power levels at low levels and lowers it at higher levels, bringing them more in line with martials.

Artemis Moonstar |

Dot. I'll be back with a character later. With a dwarven White Haired Witch crossed with either a Monk or Brawler, I haven't decided.
Because I really, really want to play a Beardomancer.
Be back later because... It's 5 AM and I haven't slept yet, so.. Yeah. Sleep first.
Edit: I may VMC Magus... Provided the arcane pool still enhances natural attacks. Because what dwarf doesn't want to set his hair on fire while manipulating it to beat down on his enemies?
Further Edit: Clarification on brawler or monk.. Mostly a decision between Tetori Monk or Strangler Brawler, at this point. But I might have a better idea than one of those to fluff out my Beard-Fu when I wake up.

alexgndl |

Would you allow the 3rd party unchained ninja? I'm thinking of gestalting it with the Zen Archer monk.

GM Loup Blanc |

Glad to see interest for this!
I have a character already made, he would just need to be refitted. Are you okay with the Jotun and Jotun Paragon Class?
The Jotun race seems interesting, but I'm going to disallow it for this game, along with the paragon class. The idea of playing a giant is kind of neat, but I don't see that race really meshing well with the area of the campaign or the way it moves on. I'm also not a fan of PCs becoming permanently larger-sized, nor do I like racial paragon classes--I've never been wistful for the days of yore when you played an Elf (and that's it). Paragon classes also tend to be a little all over the place in my experience: they're not usually balanced well with other options.
Also if I was to worship Aspu (the god of good dragons) could we work to make a deific obedience?
Certainly! Apsu's an interesting deity, and while he isn't inherently connected to things in Sandpoint or commonly worshiped there, I see that you've started explaining how it could tie in. Your character background also looks interesting, although I wouldn't say Alek's heard of giants preparing to attack Sandpoint--they've just been spotted more often of late in the surrounding region, so it's a good place to start if you want to hunt the massive monsters.
How do you feel about Spheres of Power?
I won't allow it for this game, primarily because I haven't looked at it in-depth. From what I have seen, both of that system and the playtest of Spheres of Might, it strikes me personally as an overly complicated attempt to do something that doesn't truly need doing.* I know many people are familiar with the system and love it, and maybe one day I'll join their ranks, but for right now I'd rather stick to what I know. That said, you did remind me of an option I allow.
If anyone wants to use the Words of Power system, they may! It's not required by any means, just an option if you like it. I find that for some character concepts it can lend a ton of flavor and flexibility.
Sorry if I missed this but when is your submission deadline?
No deadline at the moment. Once I have a solid list of submissions to choose from, I'll probably announce one, but for now I see no reason to put a number hanging over people's heads.
Would you allow the 3rd party unchained ninja?
Hmm... going over it, it mostly looks like they've just added some abilities to make it on par with the unchained rogue. I'll allow it, sure, although bear in mind some style strikes would be difficult to explain working with ranged attacks.
*I'm not trying to say casters aren't powerful or anything here, because I agree there's a disparity. But I don't think it's as huge a problem as most people theorize, I think the way to fix it is to give martials more options rather than weaken casting, and I think Spheres of Power is a roundabout way of attempting something I don't think needs doing. This is not the place for an argument on those lines.

Ierox |
I'm very interested in this.
Default, I'd probably go for a sorcerer//Unchained monk, but since Path of War is on the table, I kind of feel like I have to go with something from there...
I'll figure out what exactly eventually.
In the mean time, would you allow the Bladecaster and/or Battle Templar PRCs, if we removed either the casting or initiator progression?
I feel like a Cleric5/Battle Templar 10//Warder 20 would be very interesting, and so would an arcane variant.

Cale Vatay |

Wait no rolling for stats and Prestige classes aren't allowed?
Oh poo I was hoping to play a sentinel or evangelist character.
Oh well.
Still, path of war is open.
Need to decide between one of them and fighter
Looking to make a Barbarian/Sorcerer going Dragon Disciple will post background and crunch soon. Also if I was to worship Aspu (the god of good dragons) could we work to make a deific obedience?
The way bringer already has an obedience, but he already said no Prestige Classes

Teiidae |

@Gm Loup Blanc: I Understand, in that case I will be playing a a Sin specialist wizard and perhaps unorthodox but an arcanist as well.
for the arcanist I was planning on taking the blood arcanist archetype, is the Aboleth bloodline allowed?

HedwickTheWorldly |

Wait no rolling for stats and Prestige classes aren't allowed?
Oh poo I was hoping to play a sentinel or evangelist character.Oh well.
Still, path of war is open.
Need to decide between one of them and fighter
Necro All Star wrote:Looking to make a Barbarian/Sorcerer going Dragon Disciple will post background and crunch soon. Also if I was to worship Aspu (the god of good dragons) could we work to make a deific obedience?The way bringer already has an obedience, but he already said no Prestige Classes
I believe the context of the "No Prestige Classes" statement was that if you choose to use VMC, you are locked out of other multiclass options, including prestige classes.

Ruaidhrigh Katanalisko |

This is Ouachitonian, presenting Ruaidhrigh Katanalisko, Lava Gnome Cavaler/Pyrokineticist. If you need things set on fire, he's your man. Being mounted, he's a highly-mobile firesupport platform, who isn't too afraid to melee (the wolf bites, after all). He's also got a fair few skill points and Basic Pyrokinesis, which lets him replicates cantrips like Light and Flare. I can elaborate more on the background if need be.

HedwickTheWorldly |

Mr. White Wolf (Loup Blanc) - how out of place would a Fey-related person seem in Sandpoint? I'm dickering with an idea for a Feyspeaker Druid/Paladin of Magdh, probably with the Fey Foundling and Fey-Taken Feat and Drawback, respectively. He would've been a child in Sandpoint, kidnapped by Fey and raised for a time in their realm, before being deposited back into the woods near Sandpoint.
You might say he has First World Problems :D
Would this be too far-fetched? Or a worthwhile idea?
Also, would a Scythe (Magdh's favored weapon) be an acceptable Druid weapon?

Zayne Iwatani |

What about half-ogre? I have an idea for a gentle giant. Gentle, that is, until you mess with his friends. Then be prepared.

wanderer82 |

I have a great idea for a righteous servant of Erastil, a nature-based holy warrior. Trying to figure out if Paladin/Druid or Ranger/Cleric would be better. Paladin/Ranger would also be an option, but I feel like having improved spellcasting makes more sense then purely going focused on combat. Going to play with both then get one posted.
EDIT: Haha, well damn. Hedwick proposed the same build that I did. Don't want to overlap with another, so may have to go back to the drawing board.

Rafael Morganis |

I'd like to propose a character for this... just dotting interest in before time is called... if an ending date has been proposed, I missed it. I'd like to play a zen archer monk/divine hunter paladin... I have a character statted up for a rotrl gestalt game that I joined but it's gone nowhere... the gm posts once every 2-4 weeks (if we're lucky) and I'd be happy to drop that game to play here... this is the character for that game, and I'll scale him back to starting level and stats happily if accepted. This should give you some idea of where I'm going with this anyway.

Artemis Moonstar |

.... Paizo, why do you do this to me? Apparently an errata makes Final Embrace require constrict as a racial ability now. My terrifying Beard-Fu dwarf has had one of my primary reasons I wanted to play him neutered.
Edit: Actually, I'll be back with something different. Have a few more ideas I'd like to fiddle with.

glibness |

So I have a couple of questions
1) Can you take more than one prestige class level at a time? I promise it's for flavor I want to take both Noble Scion and Evangelist on
2) assuming that the Noble Scion class is allowed I get leadership as a bonus feat which I really don't want could I instead take the Anti-Paladin 3rd level ability Aura of Cowardice
3) Assuming the answer to question 2 is no can I take levels in Antipaladin with the Tyrant Archetype which is used by LE characters.
4) Are the performance combat feats allowed? They're the cruix of my PC
My character is going to be on a quest to find his lost brother. I can write it as both good or evil and while I would rather write him as a good PC Aura of Cowardice is important to the build I'm going after and while I can survive without it having it would be rather beneficial. So depending on your above answers will determine how I write my back story. I'll have crunch up soon

Cale Vatay |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So I have a couple of questions
1) Can you take more than one prestige class level at a time? I promise it's for flavor I want to take both Noble Scion and Evangelist on
2) assuming that the Noble Scion class is allowed I get leadership as a bonus feat which I really don't want could I instead take the Anti-Paladin 3rd level ability Aura of Cowardice
** spoiler omitted **
3) Assuming the answer to question 2 is no can I take levels in Antipaladin with the Tyrant Archetype which is used by LE characters.
4) Are the performance combat feats allowed? They're the cruix of my PC
My character is going to be on a quest to find his lost brother. I can write it as both good or evil and while I would rather write him as a good PC Aura of Cowardice is important to the build I'm going after and while I can survive without it having it would be rather beneficial. So depending on your above answers will determine how I write my back story. I'll have crunch up soon
You should check out the Dread Psionic class

glibness |

glibness wrote:You should check out the Dread Psionic classSo I have a couple of questions
1) Can you take more than one prestige class level at a time? I promise it's for flavor I want to take both Noble Scion and Evangelist on
2) assuming that the Noble Scion class is allowed I get leadership as a bonus feat which I really don't want could I instead take the Anti-Paladin 3rd level ability Aura of Cowardice
** spoiler omitted **
3) Assuming the answer to question 2 is no can I take levels in Antipaladin with the Tyrant Archetype which is used by LE characters.
4) Are the performance combat feats allowed? They're the cruix of my PC
My character is going to be on a quest to find his lost brother. I can write it as both good or evil and while I would rather write him as a good PC Aura of Cowardice is important to the build I'm going after and while I can survive without it having it would be rather beneficial. So depending on your above answers will determine how I write my back story. I'll have crunch up soon
I have neve liked the flavor of psionic also it's important that I'm a bard for this build. It's basically the ultimate support PC Eventually every round I'll have Bardic performance up, Trip someone, intimidate all enemies, and make some enemies sickened. It's pretty cool IMO but super feat heavy. It takes about 7-8 levels of gestalt bard/fighter to be fully functional but I'm still viable the entire way through.