Your Benevolent Dictator |

Yeah, this AP starts out kind of weak, but I promise it'll get better. I actually completely changed the beginning in an attempt to improve it. It's supposed to be your stereotypical "random people in a tavern are sent to find a random NPC they've never heard of before with no promise of reward" kind of thing. I decided to raise the stakes a bit. :-)
The creature roars in pain. "Tol fiiz! Vahr drey hi dreh tol?"[b]
-13 HP

'Silence' |

Silence growls lowly, mostly to himself, perhaps he should start to try to look more appetizing to draw more attention to himself Nevertheless He charges forward atop Mule Katana flashing.
katanacharge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
chargebite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

'Silence' |

Are you okay Neverhome?" The feline asks with a slight frown looking at the dead creature. If there was more time he would take its head, then again, they now had two major injuries to deal with. His whiskers twitched in annoyance his tail lashing just slightly as he patted Mule along the neck.

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Is... It... Already..." Is all that manages to leave his lips before he slumps to ground.
I do believe that is the first time I've been knocked exactly to 0 hp.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

Do we have anymore potions? Neverhome is still conscious but just barely. Just don't do more than one thing every 6 seconds. :)
"C'mon, get up." Hobbes will help Neverhome up to his feet.

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Snow cold. Numb pain." The rest of his mumblings trail off into gibberish as he tries to right himself with Hobbes' aid.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Well no kidding kid. You guyz have got to stop runnin' in by yerself like that."

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Wouldn't help. We taste too damn good." Neverhome lets out a slight chuckle at his own comment but then immediately regrets it, gripping his side tenderly where the wyrm got ahold of him.

Blik |

"This time is was the creature that rushed us... me."
Blik will say to Hobbes. He'll look down to Neverhome and say,
"Thank you... I wish I had more healing to give but nature only provides so much per day.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Well, stop lettin' dem do that."

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Remind me to remind them." He flatly says to Hobbes before turning to Blik, "Is okay. Nature has given me nice cold snow to lay down in later... And nice scaly cloak."
Can we haul this sucker for later carving and cloakifying?

'Silence' |

"We could head back to the town, get aide, inform them of the attack and be back by morning. I have the feeling the storm will not be going anywhere yes yes. Its an unnatural thing." The samurai said simply dismounting from his horse to check on their wounded companion. His whiskers twitched. "regardless, Neverhome get up on Mule." He added holding the reins

Lyosha Neverhome |

Neverhome takes a few seconds to look back and forth between the charger named Mule and the actual mule. He grumbles what amount to a weak protest before wobbling over and clambering up the horse. "Thanks. But know that just because I'm complying doesn't mean I like this idea. Would rather continue on and get aid at... Wherever it is we were going."

Zsestrian Raven |

Noooo, you started posting exactly 15 minutes after I went to sleep, and I missed all the action :(
By the way, there's nothing written in the Draconic spoiler. What did it said?
Zsestrian didn't even notice at first that there was something near. Not even Crow, that was usually very perceptive, saw anything until Lyosha attacked it.
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Exacyly 22!
"Watch out for its breath, that's a Tatzlw..." he couldn't finish his sentence before the proto-dragon bites Neverhome.
"Lyosha!" He shouts, while preparing to cast a spell to weaken the beast, and doesn't even hear that the creature is saying something. When he regains his composure, ready to cast, Silence kills the Tatzlwyrm with a single slice. He then rushes to the fallen companion "Can you walk? Silence is right, we should get back to town and get back here tomorrow. I hope to be wrong, but I think there's no one up thre. Not anymore, at least..."
"And the villagers have to be informed of what's happening here." Will add Crow, having shifted voice, and giving Lyosha a worried look. "We should also prepare better. We almost lost two people today, and I fear that was caused by our carelessness..."
"Hey!Mine was carelessness, but that overgrown lizard now just got a lucky hit!" Zsetrian will snap at Crow, but not convinced of what he was saying.
Maybe I could have done something...
"Just...Just... Let's get back to the village. And I don't think we should lug around that thing: first, we don't have room on the horses to bring that, too. Second, that's not an actual dragon: that's a Tatzlwyrm, something more akin to a big lizard than to a dragon. They're so rare that we wouldn't even find someone able to work with its hide, I think."

Zsestrian Raven |

And for the horses, let's just pay now that we get back to town and tell them what happened: we wanted to investigate what was going on, but felt that there was no time to lose. The people at the stable were too panicked by what was happening, and we didn't have time to calm them down. We do a nice diplomacy (or Bluff...) roll, and dart to whoever is in charge in the village to tell them what happened at the caravans and the High Sentinels.
There, problem solved.

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Fine. But we should take back its head at least to show the villagers. These woods are no longer safe."

Erika Darou |

Erika helps Neverhome stay standing, and looks at Raven, "I agree with our Raven friend here. Perhaps we ought to return to town and get some supplies, as well as warn the people."

Your Benevolent Dictator |

The trip back takes significantly longer, as several of you are injured and the tatzylwyrm's head is heavy. It's nearing the dinner hour when you return to Heldren. You're stopped by a militiaman when you enter and ushered to the council leader's (Ionnia Teppin) house.
"A blizzard hits this afternoon. You steal a horse and disappear. Now you're back, covered in blood and carrying a strange animal corpse. Explain."

Lyosha Neverhome |

"I borrowed horse when blizzard hit to investigate, horse is now back, safe and sound. Blood belongs to the undead remains of the priests that we're missing. They are now back with their loved ones. Blood also belongs to me. But I am here instead of with my loved ones. That creature is wyrm from Irrisen, cursed land of eternal winter in the far north. And it seems it's not the only abominable thing to come down from there." Neverhome staggery sways from side to side as he delivers his explanation of the events.

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Yea, relax. We just needed it to investigate what was goin' on. No harm done. Some of us got short legs you know."

'Silence' |

Is it stealing when the item is returned in these lands?" The tall feline began finally after staying silent for a long long while. "We tracked the source of the strange storm and discovered a cairrage that was destroyed. Zombies were there, they are no more." He paused and gently gripped Neverhome's shoulder. "A seat friend before you pass out from blood loss, there is no lack of honor in bowing to wounds taken in line of duty." He added lowly offering the warrior a simple nod.
"This Wyrm thing ambushed us as we head further up, a lesser warrior would have been felled by its bite, it inconvienced us enough to return here to report, gather supplies and perhaps aide, to return to investigate the disturbance. You are the village elder here yes yes? Do you have aide for us, or shall we seek others? He asked simply, politely, but firmly.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Lyosha Neverhome |

"If I seat, I sleep. I doubt milady would approve of that."

Zsestrian Raven |

"I'm sorry if we took the horses without notice. We felt that time was of the essence, so we were a little too impulsive. I apologize again, we'll pay the horses as soon as possible." Zsestrian will say with an apologetic look.
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Crow will not say anything, ans sit near the Tatzlwyrm's head.
Zses will continue, turning more serious "But yes, I'm afraid we found the missing Desnian priests" he will hesitate for a second, and then give the mayor the holy symbol of Desna and the paper with the sermon. "We found this inside one of two destroyed carriages out of town, along a road in the woods. There were also four zombies that attacked us: 3 were wearing priest robes, and the other one was one of the High Sentinels. There was also another High Sentinel, that appeared to have been frozen alive. Personally, I suspect that the High Sentinels had already been killed when the priests got there, but I'm not sure."
He will turn and point at the monster's head "And that, as my friends already said, is the head of a Arctic Tatzlwyrm, a beast native to Irrisen. I do not know why something like this would be near here, but I don't think it killed those people."
"I can only speak for myself, but I would like to have the permission to help investigate further in this whole matter, if I can ask. And also, if I can get help to give those poor souls in the woods a proper burial..."

Your Benevolent Dictator |

As you explain what's been happening and share your evidence, Lady Teppin's scowl turns pensive. "This news is ... troubling ... If what you say is true, we could be in grave danger - especially if that strange blizzard repeats itself. We're not prepared for snow. If you wish to help, seek out the High Sentinels. You say you saw some of their bodies, so it's possible that they're working to hold back some great evil in the Border Wood. You may continue using the horses as long as you bring them back safely."

Zsestrian Raven |

Zsestrian will give a little bow to Lady Teppin "Thanks Miss. If I may ask, is there somewhere in town to heal Lyosha here?" he will point to the half-orc. "He's gravely injured, and he is barely able to stand by force of will alone..."
"And stubbornness" added a croak from the floor near the late Arctic Tatzlwyrm.

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Temple, temple, temple..." Neverhome continues to mumble absentmindedly as he turns towards the door and stumbles out.

'Silence' |

"Your understanding and aide has been most appreciated yes yes." The samurai began with a polite bow. Following the others out he paused at the entrance to the councilwoman's home."Erika friend, Perhaps you and our halfling friends can take the items we found with the chest and get good prices for them at the general store and meet us at the temple yes yes? Friend Zsestrian and Neverhome here should have the healers take a glance at them yes yes. Perhaps he will give you a good price on the chest itself and even maybe the head of the tettleworm (mis-said on purpose yes yes). If some evil has befallen these sentinals we may need to see if the temple can help with healing."He reached out and gently grasped Neverhomes shoulder. "Slow and easy friend yes yes, wouldnt do to get in a rush and trip and hurt yourself more."

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Yeh, I think I can get us a good deal on this junk."

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Is okay. I can't feel my limbs anymore. Yes. Yes."

Erika Darou |

Erika looks to Silence and Hobbes, "Are you sure you don't need my help here? Although, I don't mind helping Mr. Hobbes with the shopping."

'Silence' |

Silence Blinked his ears half laying flat on his head his tail wildly moving to and fro for a moment. "I think i could handle these two but if you wish to help me get them to the temple i dont mind that friend erika." He began his ears once more perking up and his tail swaying normally. "Before we sell all those things does anyone need any of it? I am fine with my things." He said simply patting the hilt of his Katanna.

Zsestrian Raven |

"Oh don't worry for us! We'll be fine!" Zsestrian said while helping Lyosha to stand. "Ouch Ouch Ouch! Mh, I think my wounds are opening again. Damn." he will then add with a tone that should have been way more worried, given that until some hours ago the Zombie King munched off half of his neck.
He also give a pondering look to the chest "Crow, could you please check on that chest?"
"Sure" he croaked, and then proceeded to sit on the chest, give it an inquisitive look, and then started pecking on it.
*Tuc* *Tuc*
Appraise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Zses raised an eyebrow "Do wooden chest usually do *Tuc*? Maybe it's worth more than we think? Maybe more than the head?" he will give another look at the Tazlhead.
Appraise: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
He squinted his eyes and held his neck "Um, I can't seem to focus well enough... I'm a little tired..." he checked his hand to see if there was blood on it.
"Crow, could you please go with Miss Erika, Hobbes and Blik? Give them a hand, will you?"
The raven shadow started shifting in strange shapes, and then he took his strange, low voice "Very well. Zsestrian, brave Lyosha, rest as long as you need" he took flight and sat on Blik's shoulder."May I?

Blik |

Bleh, now I'm the one that got sick! Sorry for the lack of posts.
Blik will happily follow Hobbes and Erika to the shop, curious to learn exactly how people trade their goods. He'll look curiously at the crow as it lands on his shoulder and hesitantly say,
" Uhm, okay...
After a mintue he'll work up the courage to ask Crow,
"Are you really a bird? You seem... different."

Lyosha Neverhome |

Stumbling in through the temple doors he says "The temple told me to find one of your priests and tell them she sent me!" to the first person he sees before collapsing. "Cool floor. Sleep now."

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Floor no longer comfy." he mumbles as he looks up to see where he is at.
What all priests are present at the moment?

Zsestrian Raven |

Crow will stare at Blik for some time, and then whispers to the halfling
On the other side of town, a witch will fall to the floor while trying to hold up 215 lbs worth of collapsing half-orc. "AAaAaargh!"

'Silence' |

The council woman sent us to get aide." Silence called softly for the moment stalking deeper into temple. "We have wounded yes yes." he added...then he heard Zsestrians valiant attempt to hold up the other man and he shook his head with amusement hurrying back.
Easy now friend Zsestrian, friend Neverhome." he began helping the half orc to rise much easier than Zsestrian could. "Any moment now you will both be right as the rain and flutterb...." His words cut off and his whiskers twitched as his tail lashed like it had a mind of its own... "You will be good yes yes." he finished.

Lyosha Neverhome |

As clarity returns to his mind as his wounds fade away he will wordlessly point at Zsestrain next to him.

Zsestrian Raven |

Zsestrian will look at Neverhome, and then try to raise the arm on which the half-orc landed on some moments before.
"Um. Me" he will say at the priestess with his arm up.
Oh, look, it still moves! Lucky me!
I would have liked to add "Cracked Arm" to my daily collection of near fatal injuries , but it seem I'll just have to stick with "head pecking", "half-eaten neck" and "Broken ribcage by a crazy horse".

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

Hobbes makes his way to the local general store to the general store. He brushes off any dirt on his shoulder so as to look presentable.
"Hey there! Name's Hobbes. These are my compatriots, Bat-boy(blik), Legs(Erika), and Feathers(Crow). We got some nice used stuff. Only slightly damaged." He says to the clerk with a big clearly trust-worthy smile.
Trying to sell everything except for the masterwork stuff and the holy symbol.

Lyosha Neverhome |

"Apologies." he'll say to Zsestrain as he helps him to his feet.
He begins freely swinging his arms back and forth as feeling returns to them. "We were attacked by undead priests and a wyrm from Irrisen, any of your God Spirits that can help with that?"

Your Benevolent Dictator |

The priestess touches Zsestrian. The golden glow is softer, but his wounds heal nontheless.
CLW: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
"I know nought of these things, but they can't mean anything good - especially if there's undead involved. If you encounter more, please return them to the Boneyard where they belong."

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Ya got one of those magic sticks that heal people? We got some accident prone folks. I think that's the right price."

Hobbes 'Rat Trap' Bitterleaf |

"Right. Gimme a note to go then. And we'll take some of those cold-weather outfits. I'd hate to freeze my cheeks off."