
Eredhaias Malynneil's page

701 posts. Alias of ShadowyFox.




Magus 6

HP: 48/48 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15; CMD: 17 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +5 | Init: +4; Perc: +13;

About Eredhaias Malynneil


Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 6
N Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +4; Senses: Low-light vision 60ft; Perception +13
AC 19 (+5 Armor, +4 Dex)
Touch 14, Flat-footed 15
hp 48 (1d8+6+6+6+5+5+Con)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +8 Scimitar (1d6-1, 18-20/x2)
Ranged +8 Longbow (1d8, 20/x3, 100 ft)
Str 8(-1), Dex 18(+4), Con 13(+2), Int 16(+3)/Int 18(+4), Wis 10(+0), Cha 10(+0)
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats: Dervish Dance, Enforcer, Rime Spell, Weapon Finesse, Extra Arcana
Traits: Bladed Magic, Wayang Spell-hunter (Snowball), Magical Lineage (Frostbite)

Fly 12 = 5 ranks + 3 class skill + 4 Dex bonus
Intimidate 9 = 5 ranks + 3 class skill + 0 Cha bonus + 1 untyped bonus
Knowledge (arcana) 13 = 5 ranks + 3 class skill + 4 Int bonus
Knowledge (nobility) = 7 ranks + 3 class skill + 4 Int bonus
Perception 13 = 6 ranks + 3 class skill + 0 Wis bonus + 2 racial + 2 untyped
Perform (Dance) 2 = 2 ranks
Profession (Soldier) 5 = 2 ranks + 3 class skill + 0 Wis bonus
Spellcraft 8 = 2 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 Int bonus
Stealth 10 = 3 ranks + 3 class skill + 4 Dex bonus

Languages: Elven, Common, Skald, Draconic
Equipment: Black blade, Longbow, Arrows (20), backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin
Special Abilities: Arcane pool (6), cantrips, spell combat, hex (Flight), magus arcana (Wand Wielder, Flamboyant Arcana, Accursed Strike), Knowledge Pool
Racial Abilities: Low light vision, elven immunities, fey thoughts (Perception & Stealth), keen senses
Spells Per Day:
Cantrips: (6) Brand, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Prestidigitation
Level 1: (5) *Blade Lash*, *Rime Spell Frostbite*, Vanish, *Rime Spell Snowball*, True Strike
Level 2: (4) *Bladed Dash*, Disfiguring Touch, Flurry of Snowballs, *Mirror Image*
Favored Class Bonus:
1st: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.
2nd: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.
3rd: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.
4th: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.
5th: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.
6th: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana (1 new arcana)
7th: The magus gains 1/6 of a new magus arcana.

Special Abilities:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A magus is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. A magus is also proficient with light armor. He can cast magus spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a magus wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass magus still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Spells: A magus casts arcane spells drawn from the magus spell list. A magus must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time.

To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the magus must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a magus's spell is 10 + the spell level + the magus's Intelligence modifier.

A magus can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see the Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells Table).

A magus may know any number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook. While studying, the magus decides which spells to prepare.

Spellbooks: A magus must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his spellbook except for read magic, which all magi can prepare from memory. A magus begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level magus spells plus three 1st-level magus spells of his choice. The magus also selects a number of additional 1st-level magus spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to his spellbook. At each new magus level, he gains two new magus spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new magus level) for his spellbook. At any time, a magus can also add spells found in other spellbooks to his own (see Arcane Spells).

A magus can learn spells from a wizard's spellbook, just as a wizard can from a magus's spellbook. The spells learned must be on the magus spell list, as normal. An alchemist (see the Alchemist description) can learn formulae from a magus's spellbook, if the spells are also on the alchemist spell list. A magus cannot learn spells from an alchemist.

Arcane Pool (Su): At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/3 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the magus prepares his spells.

At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 2 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's base price modifier (see the Magic Weapon Special Ability Descriptions). These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the magus.

A magus can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

Cantrips: A magus can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted in the table above under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Spell Combat (Ex): At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

Spellstrike (Su): At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon's critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier.

Heroic Echo (Su) 2/day: When you receive a morale bonus from any spell, spell-like ability, or magic item, including those you cast on yourself, that bonus increases by +1. At 9th level, this ability also applies to competence bonuses. If you receive a morale effect (or a competence effect at 9th level) that affects an area or multiple targets, as an immediate action you can share your increased bonus with all other recipients. This increase to other participants lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. You can use this ability once per day, plus one time per three levels after 3rd.

Bladed Defense: When holding your black blade, you gain the benefit of Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ered can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than Ered's character level.)

Hex Magus (Su): At 4th level, the hexcrafter magus gains access to a small number of witch’s hexes. The hexcrafter magus picks one hex from the witch’s hex class feature. He gains the benefit of or uses that hex as if he were a witch of a level equal to his magus level. This feature replaces spell recall.

Knowledge Pool (Su): At 7th level, when a magus prepares his magus spells, he can decide to expend 1 or more points from his arcane pool, up to his Intelligence bonus. For each point he expends, he can treat any one spell from the magus spell list as if it were in his spellbook and can prepare that spell as normal that day. If he does not cast spells prepared in this way before the next time he prepares spells, he loses those spells. He can also cast spells added in this way using his spell recall ability, but only until he prepares spells again.


Weapon Finesse: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Dervish Dance: When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s precise strike ability). The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand.

Enforcer: Whenever you deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon, you can make an Intimidate check to demoralize your target as a free action. If you are successful, the target is shaken for a number of rounds equal to the damage dealt. If your attack was a critical hit, your target is frightened for 1 round with a successful Intimidate check, as well as being shaken for a number of rounds equal to the damage dealt.

Alertness: You get a +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive skill checks. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

Rime Spell: The frost of your cold spell clings to the target, impeding it for a short time. A rime spell causes creatures that takes cold damage from the spell to become entangled for a number of rounds equal to the original level of the spell. +1 level increase. Only affects spells with the cold descriptor.


Flight: The witch grows lighter as she gains power, eventually gaining the ability to fly. At 1st level, the witch can use feather fall at will and gains a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks. At 3rd level, she can cast levitate once per day. At 5th level, she can fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to her level (6). These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. This hex only affects the witch.


Wand Wielder (Su):
Benefit: The magus can activate a wand or staff in place of casting a spell when using spell combat.

Flamboyant Arcana: A magus gains the derring-do and opportune parry and riposte deeds from the swashbuckler’s list of deeds. The magus can spend only points from his arcane pool (not panache points) to use these deeds and any other deeds he gains from the deed arcana. He can’t use points from his arcane pool to use deeds from other classes or those gained by feats, nor can he regain points to his arcane pool as a swashbuckler would regain panache points. Effects that add to, reduce the cost of, or otherwise affect panache or grit don’t affect the arcane pool of a magus with this arcana.

Derring-do (Ex): At 1st level, a magus can spend 1 arcane pool point when he makes an Acrobatics, Climb, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check to roll 1d6 and add the result to the check. He can do this after he makes the check but before the result is revealed. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, he rolls another 1d6 and adds it to the check. Hee can continue to do this as long as he rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to his Dexterity modifier (4).

Opportune Parry & Riposte (Ex): At 1st level, when an opponent makes a melee attack against the magus, he can spend 1 arcane pool point and expend a use of an attack of opportunity to attempt to parry that attack. The mags makes an attack roll as if he were making an attack of opportunity; for each size category the attacking creature is larger than the magus, the magus takes a –2 penalty on this roll. If his result is greater than the attacking creature’s result, the creature’s attack automatically misses. The magus must declare the use of this ability after the creature’s attack is announced, but before its attack roll is made. Upon performing a successful parry and if she has at least 1 arcane pool point, the magus can as an immediate action make an attack against the creature whose attack she parried, provided that creature is within his reach.

Accursed Strike (Sp): A hexcrafter magus who can cast bestow curse, major curse, or any spell with the curse descriptor can deliver these prepared spells using the spellstrike ability, even if the spells are not touch attack spells.

Black Blade:

Int: 13
Wis/Cha: 9
Ego: 10
Blade Pool: 2
Black Blade Bonus Damage:+2

Alertness (Ex): While a magus is wielding his black blade, he gains the Alertness feat.

Black Blade Strike (Sp): As a free action, the magus can spend a point from the black blade’s arcane pool to grant the black blade a +1 bonus on damage rolls for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, this ability gives the black blade another +1 on damage rolls. (+2)

Telepathy (Su): While a magus is wielding or carrying his black blade, he can communicate telepathically with the blade in a language that the magus and the black blade share.

Unbreakable (Ex): As long as it has at least 1 point in its arcane pool, a black blade is immune to the broken condition. If broken, the black blade is unconscious and powerless until repaired. If destroyed, the black blade can be reforged 1 week later through a special ritual that costs 200 gp per magus level. The ritual takes 24 hours to complete.

Languages and Skills: A black blade starts with Common as a language. As the black blade increases in Intelligence, it manifests knowledge of languages and arcane lore. Upon reaching an Intelligence of 12, it gains a bonus language of the GM’s choice, and gains 1 rank in Knowledge (arcana). Each time the sword gains a bonus to Intelligence, it gains another language and another rank in Knowledge (arcana).


+1 Mithral Shirt
Battle Mask
Tiara of Intellect +2 (Knowledge: Nobility)
Pearl of Power (Lv 1)
Spring Sheaths (2)
Wand - true strike (3 charges remaining)


Commonly Used Cantrips: Brand, Detect Magic, Light, Ray of Frost, Read Magic

1st Level: Blade Lash, Blindness/Deafness, Chill Touch, Frostbite, Ill-Omen, Keep Watch, Snowball, True Strike, Vanish

2nd Level: Anticipate Thoughts, Bestow Curse, Bladed Dash, Cauterizing Weapon, Defending Bone, Disfiguring Touch, Flurry of Snowballs, Mirror Image, Pilfering Hand,


Eredhaias Malynneil is a man of strange birth. His mother an elven witch woman of the north, his father an exceptional swordsman traveling all along the realms of Golarion. Ered's father felt that drilling in the martial forms of various weaponry was integral to his son's growth and freedom from the woman that Ered's father still now blames everything for, from bad weather to broken bones to even the elder elf being called to war.

It was when the young elf hit puberty that he felt the power of magic surge through his blood. It was during this period of war that he sought those who understood magic, and he approached magic in the same way as he was taught arms: practice, study, and intelligence.

It took several years, and the return of his father who now seethed with anger at his son for studying the arts his mother brought to the treasured progeny, for the young elf to seek out his own path. He headed far south, beyond where he was known, beyond where anyone with his family name would ever be known, so that he could make his own name and own source of power.

His plan had extended no farther than traveling the southern towns of Golarion until he found a place to settle and practice his skills, finding some sort of inner peace. The festival was to be his source of information from where to go next, but now, that festival is in ruins and who knows what comes from there.


Ered is cool and calculating, understanding more of his purpose as the change has happened. He understands that the world is much more complex than he initially believed, and that has led him to value friendships and the bonds he has forged.

He has a unique respect for his mother and father, since both have led him to become the unique individual he is now.