Prankster Illusionist

Delben Petch's page

122 posts. Alias of Spacefighters.

Full Name

Delben Petch




Bard (Dirge Bard) 6 | HP: 50/50 | AC 16, T 12, FF 15 | CMD 12 | F +6, R +7, W +6 | Init +1,"Intim": 18 | Music: 18/20 | Spell: 1: 6/6, 2 : 4/4




3' 2"




Chaotic Neutral




The Inner Sea


Common, Gnome, Dragon, Sylvan, Elvish

Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 11
Charisma 22

About Delben Petch

Bard (Dirge Bard) 6
CN Small Humanoid (Gnome; Favored Class Bard (+5 HP)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)
HP 50
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6
Defensive Abilities
Speed 20ft.

Melee Heavy Mace +5 (1d6/x2)
Ranged Sling +6 (1d4/x2)

Special Attacks Bardic Music 20 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, facinate, inspire courage +2, inspire competence +2)

Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +11)
1/day- Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound; Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals

Bard Spells Known (CL 5th; concentration +11)
2nd- (4/Day)- Scare, Mirror Image, Sound Burst, Blindness/Deafness, False Life
1st (6/Day)- Toilsome Chant, Grease, Silent Image, Vanish, Ray of Sickening
0th (at will)- Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 22 (+1 lvl, +2 ench)
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 12

Feats Lingering Performance, Spellsong, Spell Focus: Necromancy

Skills Bluff 1 (+10), Diplomacy 4 (+14), Knowledge: Arcana 1 (+8), Knowledge: Geography 5 (+15), Knowledge: Religion 1 (+8), Linguistics 2 (+6) , Perception 1 (+4), Perform (Oratory) 2 (+11), Perform (Percussion) 6 (+18), Profession: Sailor 6 (+9), Spellcraft 2 (+5), Swim 1 (+5), Use Magic Device 6 (+15)

Traits Seafarer, Barroom Talespinner

Languages Taldane, Gnome, Draconic, Sylvan, Kelish, Elvish

SQ Bardic Knowledge +2, Haunted Eyes (+4 on fear, energy drain, necromantic & death effects), Secrets of the Grave (+1 Necromancy spell known at 2nd and every 4 after, and effect undead with mind effects), Haunting Refrain (Demoralize with Perform (percussion) with ½ lvl bonus, and saves vs. any fear effects are made at -2 penalty)

Combat Gear Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (4,000gp), Rod of Focused Spell Lesser (3,000gp), Overcoat (Cloak of Resistance +1) (1,000gp), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1st, 39 charges) (750gp), Wand of Shield (CL 1st, 50 charges) (750gp), Masterwork Waist Drum (50gp), Scroll of Bless x4 (125gp), Scroll of Comprehend Languages x2 (50gp), Scroll of Detect Secret Door x1 (25gp), Scroll Case (1gp) Heavy Mace (12gp), Masterwork Chain Shirt (250gp), Sling, Sling Bullets x10 (1sp), Bard's Kit (41gp), 367

Alternate Racials Academician (Knowledge: Geography), Gift of Tongues
Delben is an averaged sized gnome with a brilliant shock of multicolored hair the color of autumn leaves that shoots up like a flame from his head. It detracts from his wide plain face and flat brown eyes. He is never seen without his signature oversized dull blue overcoat with it's sharp high collar that covers his ears and its fraying edges dragging on the ship deck. Other than the unusual sight of a chain armor poking out from beneath his drab sailor shirt, the only other sight of interest on this gnome is a small drum that hangs from a sturdy strap at his waist, made from some black wood that shines as if it's regularly polished.
Delben Petch was always unusual for a gnome, and that’s saying something. Whether through his fey blood or some natural proclivity, Delben has always been completely fascinated with the natural cycle of life and death. Decay, like the dying leaves of autumn has always held a strange beauty for Delben, but his family, a long line of artists and performers, tried to steer his interests towards more acceptable hobbies. While Delben did take naturally towards poetry and music he was still obsessed with capturing the elegance he found in the finality of life. Hopping from ship to ship, port to port, Delben found plenty of work singing dirges and ballads for lost sailors and friends along the shipping lines, within the dangerous sea Delben had perhaps found his muse. But when he was press-ganged into service it was clear this little gnome had no business among the hardened pirates and rogues that made up it's crew. Yet, many found it impossible not to like the unusual musician, his hauntingly sweet songs made their difficult lives more bearable and despite his interests the gnome was gregarious and friendly. Soon enough the crew also found his little drum could beat fear into their enemies, each note a reminder to their crews that their time among the living was drawing to a close. Delben's songs became an anthem for the Inauspicious Grin and her crew as they plundered the Inner Sea, each beat of his drum sounding another victory and a joking cry to play something more lively. But Delben knew that unless the mad captain was dealt with, it wouldn't be long before he and his mates were the ones sinking lifeless into the sea. Now with the captain out of the way Delben can help steer the crew back to piracy, and the inevitable death that follows in their wake.