Reign of Winter (group two) (Inactive)

Game Master Whack-a-Rogue

Ruined Temple
Loot List

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Yeah, unfortunately we need to keep things somewhat family-friendly. :-(

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Hehehe sowwy

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Ruh-roh Restrian.

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)


2 people marked this as a favorite.
HP: 56/73 | AC: 21; T: 14; FF: 19; CMD: 15 | Fort: +12; Ref: +12; Will: +15 | Init: +4; Perc: +16; Stealth +3; Survival +4
Eldritch Bolt (Su) 7/7 APF (Su) 3/3 Primal Magic 2/2 Trigger PME 1/1| Orisons: Read Magic, Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Mending | LvL1: 8/8 |LvL2: 5/5 | LvL3: 3/3

I love how this group uses limited times per day abilities for RP. :D

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

What else would you use it for?!?!

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))

I'm not a bishie barbarian or a Sexy Shoeless God of War, creepy supernaturals powers is all I have!

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

Hahaha. THis is seriously the best game Ive ever been in. :)

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Hmm I wonder if Inner Lyosha and Evil Allie would make good drinking buddies?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
HP: 56/73 | AC: 21; T: 14; FF: 19; CMD: 15 | Fort: +12; Ref: +12; Will: +15 | Init: +4; Perc: +16; Stealth +3; Survival +4
Eldritch Bolt (Su) 7/7 APF (Su) 3/3 Primal Magic 2/2 Trigger PME 1/1| Orisons: Read Magic, Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Mending | LvL1: 8/8 |LvL2: 5/5 | LvL3: 3/3

They'd probably get drunk, declare everyone and everything other than themselves pitiful weaklings, and fly off to hang with Cthulhu or something.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Seems plausible enough.

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

Sounds right.

All right, we can begin Book Two whenever everyone's ready. For those of you who PM'd me about PFS stuff, I'll get that to you soon - still figuring out what Paizo requires for PbP Society games.

Anyway, you've told me you're wanting to travel to Whitethrone. That's a good ways away (probably a 9-10 day journey), and you're kind of out in the boonies right now. You know how to get to the village of Waldsby, but that's about it. If you wish to go it alone, I'll be needing Survival checks. Get a plan together, and let me know. :-)

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Probably be best to go to Waldsby and get better routing... That and tell them they don't have to worry about making tributes for awhile :3

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!


HP: 56/73 | AC: 21; T: 14; FF: 19; CMD: 15 | Fort: +12; Ref: +12; Will: +15 | Init: +4; Perc: +16; Stealth +3; Survival +4
Eldritch Bolt (Su) 7/7 APF (Su) 3/3 Primal Magic 2/2 Trigger PME 1/1| Orisons: Read Magic, Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Mending | LvL1: 8/8 |LvL2: 5/5 | LvL3: 3/3


-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))

Agree! Maybe we can sell some of this stuff that we're carrying around-
waitwaitwaitwait, we're walking into a village, and we aren't carrying with us a severed head! What will happen to the Heldren Headchoppers? D:

Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)

I can go sever the crushed head of the witch if you think its necessary... >^.^<

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

You have to cut out their eyes, remember?

But yeah, Should I get a pipefox or a Pooka for my next familiar?

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

YBD is walking around the couch, occasionally popping his head up and going "BAAAAAH". The second time, I almost spit out my icecream. lmfao!

This is the life of gamers.

HP: 56/73 | AC: 21; T: 14; FF: 19; CMD: 15 | Fort: +12; Ref: +12; Will: +15 | Init: +4; Perc: +16; Stealth +3; Survival +4
Eldritch Bolt (Su) 7/7 APF (Su) 3/3 Primal Magic 2/2 Trigger PME 1/1| Orisons: Read Magic, Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Mending | LvL1: 8/8 |LvL2: 5/5 | LvL3: 3/3

Not the ice cream! :D

-Posted with Wayfinder

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)


Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

I really shouldnt be watching 5 Nights at Freddies stuff when I KNOW its going to freek me out. AND I know someone is going to knockk on my door, just dont know when: PIZZA!!!

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

... Damnit now I want pizza.

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)


Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

Hey guys, Ive started a gofundme campaign for a PTSD Service Dog. YBD and I dont have enough money to get set up with the doggie so we need as much help as we can get.

I dont care if you donate or not, (I would love you forever though) but I do hope you will spread the word!1

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9
Allie Silvershaper wrote:

Hey guys, Ive started a gofundme campaign for a PTSD Service Dog. YBD and I dont have enough money to get set up with the doggie so we need as much help as we can get.

I dont care if you donate or not, (I would love you forever though) but I do hope you will spread the word!1


... Huh. I didn't know YBD cut such an imposing figure.

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

Yea, didn't think he'd look like that. Done.

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))


Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

Thank you guys sooo much. Im working on the bracelets and plushies now. The plushies are small but cute, I Promise!!

Hey, I fell in love with a man who has a chizeled physique. What woman woudnt?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9
Zsestrian Raven wrote:

But a situation like this... Zses's head tried its best to make sense of what was going on, trying to come up with something...

Isn't that a little too forward?
Say something witty!
Go for it!
Maybe she didn't do that on purpose?
Dude, do you need it spelled more clearly?
It's a trap to roast you! Run!
Am I the only one here that doesn't know what the #@*§ is going on anymore?

...with poor results.

*Drapes brotherly arm over Inner Zsestrian*

Come with me my friend

Yeah, I don't know what to say. After all the crazy stuff you've pulled thus far in the campaign, this is what finally left me speechless. We're incredibly grateful.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9


HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!


HP: 56/73 | AC: 21; T: 14; FF: 19; CMD: 15 | Fort: +12; Ref: +12; Will: +15 | Init: +4; Perc: +16; Stealth +3; Survival +4
Eldritch Bolt (Su) 7/7 APF (Su) 3/3 Primal Magic 2/2 Trigger PME 1/1| Orisons: Read Magic, Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Mending | LvL1: 8/8 |LvL2: 5/5 | LvL3: 3/3

I need to discuss with the wife before I donate, but I plan to.

Elf Magus 6
HP: 48/48 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15; CMD: 17 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +5 | Init: +4; Perc: +13;

...This is like a married couple arguing. Lol

Acrobatics +5 (+1 to jump), Bluff +15, Diplomacy +7, K.(arcana, religion) +5 +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +9, Survival +4
Init: +4 | hp 41/41 | AC 13(17 MA) | flat-footed 11 | touch 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +9 | +2 vs. illusions | resist cold 2
1st (3/8), 2nd (7/7), 3rd (5/5)

lol, yep. Dat Sword.

Thank you Percy. We love you!

New option, $500 get to help name the puppy/doggy!

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9
Eredhaias Malynneil wrote:
...This is like a married couple arguing. Lol

You could let Neverhome carry it for a bit, i'm sure he'd loved being inside Lyosha's head.

Elf Magus 6
HP: 48/48 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15; CMD: 17 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +5 | Init: +4; Perc: +13;

He'd be demanding Ered take him back. I mean, you'd think he'd be more grateful. I mean, at least he's not dead. Such an ungrateful fey!

For the record, when I first got the idea to transfer the Black Rider's consciousness into Ered's sword, I had no idea Baba Yaga's greatest Horseman was actually a b*$$&y old lady. ;-)

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

All the more reason to let Neverhome hold onto him for a bit :3

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian (Indomitable Rager) 13
HP: 154/154 {198/202 when raging} | AC: 24; T: 13; FF: 20; CMD: 29 | Fort: +15 (+16); Ref: +10; Will: +9 (+11/+13) | Init: +3; Perc: +14; Stealth +12; Survival +18

Sword did call teenagers acting like teenagers though.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9


Elf Magus 6
HP: 48/48 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15; CMD: 17 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +5 | Init: +4; Perc: +13;

Should I start calling them the Four B+~~%y Old Ladies then?

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Nah, besides there's only three of them (to my knowledge), Morning, Day, and Midnight.

Four Horsemen are a differant group entirely.

Elf Magus 6
HP: 48/48 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15; CMD: 17 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +5 | Init: +4; Perc: +13;

I'm really hoping ome isn't super positive (like Death from the Sandman graphic novels), otherwise we're in trouble.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Szuriel (War) kinda is, in a F~+%ING SLAUGHTER EVERY DAMN THING kinda way.

Elf Magus 6
HP: 48/48 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 15; CMD: 17 | Fort: +7; Ref: +8; Will: +5 | Init: +4; Perc: +13;

Well that's sure a picnic!

Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)
Your Benevolent Dictator wrote:

A couple points of clarification regarding the loot:

If you hadn't held Radosek, he was going to fly out the window and animate the ice dragon statue in the courtyard. Silence's paranoia is occasionally justified. ;-)

The cauldron of overwhelming allies actually weighs 50 pounds, not the 5 pounds indicated in the entry.

Don't forget the robe of useful items comes with a bunch of additional patches not listed in the standard entry. Who knows when a window will come in handy? ;-)

Statue paranoia is real yo

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))
Lyosha Neverhome wrote:

*Drapes brotherly arm over Inner Zsestrian*

Come with me my friend

Who are you?

Ah, he's probably that inner poet of darkness and self-loathing.
What are you gonna do, beat us to death with free-form verses?
Are we sure we should pick a fight?
Dude, hands off!
Everyone! Run for your lives!
No, really, what the hell is going on?...Wait, Sigrun and Lyosha aren't here?

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