Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik assaulted by the barrage of Gunfire and and rain of Tooth and Claw, almost succumbs to the pain; The explosion happens.. and a bust of light emanates from his armor "No champion.. you are not Done yet.. Rise" a soothing voice whispers into his ear..His eyes light up with the same aura and positive energy surges through him as Derrik bursts out of the smoke towards one of the remaining Ghuls... On hand upon his chest while the Left wields Excalibur flashing down, diagonally and horizontally as if cut three times by one simple slash
LoH: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Hasted Inspired Powerful Excalibur: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 221d8 + 14 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 14 + (4, 3) = 26
" You have not bested me yet! "
Lifegiving Shawl Went of putting him at 3.. then he was healed by Himself then Daisy.. Also it good to be back

Yingzen |

Yingzen moves to flank with Derrik pushing himself through his injuries and strikes at the creature
attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22 damage: 1d10 + 5 + 4d6 ⇒ (1) + 5 + (5, 5, 6, 5) = 27
I shall not fall so easily dance with me you vile creatures for I dance the dance of death

Radsworth |

Radsworth watches Arthur, impressed as always. Between him and Yingzen, there was little danger to himself, and he was learning that dynamic was something to be thankful of.
He fires a standard shot from Traveler at any standing foes.
Traveler: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 vs touch
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik, Quick as Lightning even in his heavy-plated armor, appears upon the Ghul's left aiming to cleave its head from its body
"Not so FAST! None of you will leave here standing, your time on this planet is at an end..! BEGONE!
A flash of Red menacing aura coming over Excalibur's normal bluish glow and growing to the size of a Great sword once more. A sickening snap of his wrist with Deadly Precision
Hasted Undead Bane Inspired Powerful Excalibur: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 321d8 + 16 + 2d6 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 16 + (4, 5) + (6, 4) = 41

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik pulls the dark chain attached to Dawnbringer, sheathing both it and Excalibur.. Surveying the scene. His armor has several punctures from the onslaught.. even one square in the middle of his head.. but Daisy's regenerative bursts keep him going.. and the sound of metal drops to the ground.. bullets painfully forcing themselves out of his body.
They had slaughtered much of the enemy, but ofcourse this was not the main force.. perhaps a Vanguard. Looking upon the remains of the enemies for anything.. useful.. Before turn the the rest with his usual stoic form.
" Is everyone else still able? No mortal wounds..? No Deaths on our side? If so I would like to use this as an example.. this is the result of giving our enemies time.. and it will only get worse; However this was also a show of our might. We have the power to defeat even this level of cooperation among the wicked.. If we can rid this tower of its leader.. then we make a stand against the Elder Abomination, Spit in his eye and tell him Earth is not his plaything! Let us regroup..there is more in this place to purge.. and the Leader is surely ready for us.. Let's not keep him waiting. "
Arthur Rings the Axeblade of Dawnbringer across his chest and raise it in the air..

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik nods in Yingzen's direction, obviously concerned somewhat due to the ambush set up recently. Flinging viscera from excalibur as they move he responds
" Normally I would say to do so without a thought Yingzen, however, The fact they were prepared for us this time leads me to think that they may be prepared for you now as well.. If you do go.. go with caution "
The Sheen of Excalibur non-plussed by the enemies it had cleaved as Derrik inspects his work.
" Go.. and know we are also not far behind "

Michael Johnson 66 |

A careful and stealthy exploration of the third floor commences, led by a nigh-invisible Yingzen....
In one office is found a Manila envelope containing several photographs of hairy, bipedal wolves nearly half-again as tall as a man, apparently taken from a plane or helicopter....
Notes are scrawled on post-it's stuck to these photos, detailing times and locations:
"11:35 am, Cascade Mountains".... "2:10 pm, Yellowstone Park".... "5:16 pm, Rocky Mountains".... "4:11 pm, Washington state".... "9:40 am, Redwood Park"....

Michael Johnson 66 |

In another office, the FOs find another Manila envelope containing photos of hideous, tree-like, tentacled monstrosities covered with eyes and mouths, with hooved, elephantine legs....
These photos, also apparently taken from an arial view, are also labeled with post-its giving times and locations in the Australian outback....

Radsworth |

For once, he and Arthur agree.
"Perhaps now there will be less call to retreat. We do well by you Arthur. I am glad that your zeal burns as bright as it did on the first day we met you, charging from the water to attack the swamp creature."
Radsworth reminds Yingzen...
"Remember, these enemies have an aura about them that lets them sees through any shadows, magic or stealthy. Do not get too close."

Michael Johnson 66 |

Suddenly, the sunlight coming in from the office windows dims noticeably, and thunder peals rattle the building! A strong wind and driving rain pelts the windows....
Seconds later, a bolt of blue lightning shatters the nearest window, enveloping Kailin, who writhes in its shocking grip, then vanishes completely!

Merlin the Wild |

Merlin appears out of thin air, and with him are two strangers: one a tall man with a crazed gleam in his eyes, the other a thin, gnome-like, gray-skinned creature with an oversized bald head....
Gods be damned, I'm too late! mutters Merlin, a fearful look in his eyes.... He begins gesturing boldly with his staff, which glows with a bright white light, and loudly intones an incantation....

Merlin the Wild |

White light emanating from Merlin's staff expands until it fills the room....
A second later, the unnatural storm subsides, the rain and shrieking winds die down, and the sky outside brightens once more....
The white light fades, and Merlin leans wearily on his staff, pale and haggard....
The Enemy has struck us a cruel blow, Fierce Ones.... I am sorry I was too late to save all of you....
He looks around at the remaining Fierce Ones, old eyes heavy with sadness....
But I have brought new allies to replace those the Evil One has taken. I bring Marcus and Darius, two brave souls like yourselves, who know all too well the evil of the Great Old Ones.... They will aid you in your quest to destroy the evil infesting this tower....
Merlin gestures to the two strangers with him....

Merlin the Wild |

I cannot say for certain, my dear.... But I felt a great disturbance in the Web of Mana.... As if a powerful and evil magic were brewing.... And I came as quickly as I could, with Marcus and Darius here.... But I was too late, alas.... I fear the Enemy has found you and worked a powerful conjuration.... He may have summoned your friends to R'lyeh.... I know not if they lived through the summoning, but they will not live long in Cthulhu's dark presence, I fear....
The old archmage sighs....
My own abjuration should prevent him from taking any more of you, at least for the next twenty-four hours.... I shall need to rest, and cast it again after such a time.... But for now, you should be safe to continue your quest....

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

A loud click resounds as the Svirfneblin (Weird gnome alian looking guy) pulls his pistol on Merlin, his mustache and beard frizzed out like he was just electrocuted by the same lightning that took the others. He yanks off his shades to show his beady little gray eyes glaring at the wizard.
You damned crazy a$$ freaking sparky b@$#@rd! Warn someone before you...
His gun slowly lowers as he realizes his surroundings are completely different from a few moments ago. No longer in Pandora's Box but in a ruined building filled with broken glass and a group of people he had never seen before. He holsters his pistol examining some of others. He then skitters over to Marcus' side and whispers up to him.
Ya know any of these guys? A few of em look shifty.
He looks up to Merlin again as he straightens out his fluffed out beard.
Hey, ya mind explain what we are doin out here before ya jus say, 'You are needed.' and poof us to who the hell knows where. Where ARE we anyway? I don't like it, too much broken glass. And WHAT is that smell!? It smells like ozone and burning peoples. WHAT ARE YOU LOT STARING AT!
The spitfire speed he spoke was a bit hard to follow, like one long sentence with no breathing. The easiest way to figure out what he was talking about was to watch where he was looking when the string of words were spoken as he ends his gaze on the group with the last outburst.

Daisy Eagle-Feather |

Daisy's beautiful face becomes a mask of grief, tears welling in her large, dark eyes, and lips trembling.... She puts a hand on MJ's shoulder, then embraces him....
Shhh.... Mikey.... We'll avenge them, if it's the last thing we do....

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

So whats the matter with them? Do they need ta be alone? Maybe we shouldn't be watching this. Marcus, quit staring. It's perverted and kinda creepy. Merlin, why they so upset? CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FILL ME IN!

Merlin the Wild |

Merlin addresses Darius....
My apologies for the abrupt departure, Mister Blake.... As you can see, the situation is dire.... I will allow the Fierce Ones to introduce themselves.... Suffice it to say that they are a band of heroes who hate the Great Old Ones as fiercely as you and Mister Greer do, my little friend.... We are at a place called The Silver Tower, in the land of Florida, within the City of Sarasota.... It is a bastion of evil, inhabited by a lieutenant of Cthulhu and it's monstrous minions and cultists.... Your quest, for which you are well suited, is to eliminate all of them and free any captives you may find, as well as recover any useful weapons or artifacts in their possession....
Merlin smiles fondly at the angry little svirfneblin.

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

His gray face turns bright red as he hears the words "little one" cross his lips. Growling he draws his gun again but flails it as if it were just an extension of his own hand. The flailing probably makes most people nervous as his finger hovers close to the trigger the whole time.
Ya know what! If it were any one other than you Merlin, I would'a shot your family jewels off by now. But knowin your sneaky, crafty a$$ you'd probably turn me into somethin worst than I already am. But this is the last time I warn ya. No more wise cracks 'bout my size. That goes for the lot'o ya! You've been all warned!
As he says this, he sweeps the gun across the assembled group before throwing it back into his holster. Just as he is finishing his rant Merlin disappears.
Damn shifty lot.

Mikey Jay |

*ppfft!* Wizards! Always teleporting in on you without warning, or whisking you off without so much as a do-you-mind.... Then scooting off to gods-know-where in a poof of smoke! Heheh....
Mikey Jay extends his right hand to Darius....
Hiya! I'm Mikey Jay, and this here.... he taps an ornate great sword strapped to his back.... ....is Betsey Jo.... Pleased to meet ya!

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Nice ta meet ya. You can call me Mister Clean. Or jus Clean is good. Long story, don't ask. Maybe I'll tell ya later when we ain't surrounded by things wantin ta kill us. If you catch my drift.
He takes Mikey Jays hand in a hearty greeting offering him a wink and a wide toothy grin.
You too Betsey.
Directly acknowledging an item was not quite out of the norm for him as he named all his favorite things. Introducing them to Gina but thought better of it. They will all meet her when the time was right.

Mikey Jay |

I named her after my ex.... She was originally a vicious blade.... The sword, not my ex.... So it seemed appropriate.... I got tired of her biting back every time I landed a blow, and the shamans at Pandora's were able to replace that enhancement with a more agreeable holiness that lays the smack down on evil critters!
MJ partly unsheathes BJ to reveal a pearly luminescence that dances along the razor-sharp blade....

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Oh yagh, she looks much more agreeable now. What ever happened to your ex? Uhh, so who's da sobbin mess.. err... Miss... over there behind ya? She looks like she lost her best friend or something. Is she alright? She don't need a tissue or nothing does she? I am fresh out.
He speaks in a flurry, but it is obvious he is making a concerted effort to slow himself down and speak only one sentence at a time, even if he IS failing a bit.