Post Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW
Game Master
Michael Johnson 66
The PCs are survivors in a version of modern Earth ravaged by Cthulhu and his minions.
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
So far, they haven't gotten up the balls to jump on us with three to one odds.... I'd say they just aren't hungry enough yet....
Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)
Perception: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
I count 29.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
" If they cause no Ill will I shall leave them be.. While normally a mass amount of beasts would be most disadvantageous for a lone individual; I can say that It would take me only half a minute to decimate them all and recover fully from the sortie. This is after much training with the Jaegars.. and I am sure none of them are that caliber. If any seems to get an Idea.. they will die hungry. " Derrik rings Dawnbringer and Excalibur against one another to create a shrill sound as the edges clash. Staying wary nonetheless.
Wonder if they'd follow us into Le Catacombs?
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
" The answer to that Dr. Grimm would be..If they did, would it truly matter? The place is either trapped or infested with monsters to be sure and thus following us would be suicide. If they decide to oppose us while we are even weakened, the result would be the same. I would handle it if no one else could. " Derrik says staring at the door waiting on Koran.
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
After the lock is removed, the FOs proceed into the top layer of what the Parisians call Le Gruyere.... The maze of tunnels, chambers, galleries, and grottos that lies beneath the streets of Paris to an unknown depth....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
If Dr Grimm seemed like he was lost and wandering in the streets of upper Paris, he seems twice as much so down here in this lightless labyrinth....
It is a wonder the many great palaces, museums, and cathedrals of Paris have not yet collapsed into the riddled spaces beneath....
Grimm leads the FOs through utility tunnels adjacent to the Metro tunnels, sewers that ring with the purling of falling water, legitimate catacombs filled with skulls and bones, and ancient passageways from every era of history going back to the Roman Empire....and perhaps beyond, to a Druidic prehistory....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
In one large chamber several hundred feet underground, someone has set up a theater with a cinema-sized screen, projector, and scores of comfortable recliners.... Investigation of the projector's booth reveals several fine French art films, several recent popular films (bootlegged), and a reel titled The King in Yellow....
Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176
Daisy casts detect magic on the reel titled The King in Yellow, her face pale and her breathing shallow....
That one's magical....of course....and I'll bet it's either enchantment or necromancy....
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
Joking: Well.... We're gonna put it on and watch it, right?
Makes slack-jawed face....
Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176
Daisy doesn't laugh at MJ's attempt at humor. She darts a fearful glance his way when he suggests playing the reel titled The King in Yellow....
No. We should NOT watch it, Mikey. You wouldn't like it, I have a strong feeling.
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
" If it is a movie about The King in Yellow, Hastur and it is magical, it is either a trap or information; I would destroy it to be safe, but at the same tie I am sure it would not effect me regardless. Whatever happens however is ultimately your decision. Besides, it is not our objective at this time. " Derrik reiterates growing somewhat more wary.
Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176
I feel very strongly that it's a trap of the most horrible kind....
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
God.... I wonder how many poor bastards went b%&+%&% crazy and got sucked into the cult of Hastur down here, in this theater.... Probably unwittingly.... Poor bastards....
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Derrik scans it for its true nature. Figuring if it were evil to cleave it with Dawnbringer.
Throwback.. Do you remember the colors for Alignment!? :D
Dr Grimm takes the reel titled The King in Yellow and notices a small symbol or sign scrawled under the title, which he instinctively avoids looking directly at....
He drops the reel into his backpack.
Dr Hoffmann and I will really f!!& this film up back in the chem lab.... We'll dunk it in some acid and light it on fire....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Derrik's scanning revealed a bright scarlet aura....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Grimm leads the FOs down an ancient spiral stairs to a deeper level of Le Gruyere....
A series of vaulted chambers decorated with graffiti from the last thousand years gives way to a broad gallery, similarly decorated....
Finally, Grimm begins to move with more surety, an air of impatient expectancy coming over him as he practically races down the corridors and turns the corners....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
The current series of passages and chambers have a medieval appearance to the architecture....
As Dr Grimm is leading the FOs through a spacious gallery with columnated sides, the glow of many sets of eyes suddenly surrounds them....
Initiative 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Initiative 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176
Initiative 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
Initiative 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Human Dark Tapestry Oracle 15; Mythic Hierophant Tier 6; HP: 114/114
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
"Werewolves in Paris? Not quite as good as the first one but this should be fun anyway."
Monk (Tetori) 11/Fighter (Brawler) 4/Ulfen Guard 5; Mythic Champion/Guardian 10
Sieg looks at Marcus quizzically but keeps his mouth shut.
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
Derrik walks into battle raising his axe high. Clearly in a menacing way "I will give you this one chance! The Wolves can be redeemed, but any other creature you end is now! "
Heroic Initiative: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22
Initiative 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (19) + 25 = 44
Vampires and werewolves in France? Who woulda thunk it.... I guess it hasn't changed that much since I was Flamel....
Initiative 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Initiative 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
The FOs are at the center of a spacious subterranean gallery, 80 ft long by 60 ft wide, with columns at 10-ft intervals lining each side at 10 ft and 20 ft from the side walls, and a vaulted ceiling 30 ft high....
In the shadowy forest of columns at either side lurk 30 werewolves in hybrid form, all apparently well-armed with rapiers and daggers, and 24 nosferatu, apparently unarmed save long yellowed claws and fangs.... The vampires and werewolves are intermingled, as though belonging to one great clan....
One of the shadowy figures speaks, it's voice a dry whisper with a thick French accent:
In English with French accent: So.... You must be zee supra-heroes, non? Zee Batman? Zee Supraman?
There is a rustling that half sounds like leaves blown by an autumn wind and half like mocking laughter from the half-invisible throng of predators surrounding the FOs....
I wonder.... Does your flesh and blood taste super? Because vee are wery hungry down here....
Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)
Initiative: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
As a matter of fact, yes. We are zee supra-heroes. And our flesh and blood is too badass for you, I'm afraid....
Zey seem so sure of zemselves.... I almost believe zey are not bluffing....
Zey are NOT bluffing.... I smell no fear.... Where is zee smell of fear?.... Zey do not have....
This werewolf seems nervous....
Zey are good actors if zey fear us....
This nosferatu eyes the FOs suspiciously....
Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176
We're not actors, and we're not afraid.... We are the Fierce Ones.... To attack us is to throw yourselves to certain doom.... You have been fairly warned....
Where are zee supra-heroes off to in such a hurry down here, uh?
Not that it's any of your bees wax, but I'm just looking for something I left down here a long time ago, okay? Now, why don't you guys all run along and leave us to our business, eh? Aren't they expecting you at a Goth club or the set of the latest Twilight movie?
I assure you, stranger.... No one is expecting us.... No one looks for us....
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
Look, we just wanna help Doc here find his lost toy, and be on our way.... So if we're done with the small talk, we'd appreciate if you all would either get out of our way, or come and get wasted so we can get on with our little quest....
He's not talkin' about the good wasted....
You Americans have no appreciation for dinner conversation....
M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Another whispery rustle of mocking laughter from the sides of the gallery....
Ever in zee hurry to bolt down your meal and be off to your next venture.... Here in Paris, we enjoy a more leisurely pace to our meals.... We enjoy good conversation.... Catch up on zee events of zee world....
Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
Yeah, and the restaurant staff just LOVES you for it.... I remember being a busboy as a kid and waiting for like an hour after we were closed for French customers to get the hell out so we could close up and go home.... And you pretend you don't know about tipping....
Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)
initiative: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
Battle of Le Catacombs! Round 1!
Nosferatu (24)!
Dr Jones!
Werewolves (30)!
TBD: Radsworth!
Eeeeeek! Eeeeeek!!
Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16