[PFS] The Broken GM's Silent Tide (Inactive)

Game Master Broken Prince

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Please only post in here after being selected for the game.

First can everyone say how they believe the Holiday period will effect their ability to post. Personally I should be able to manage a post on every day save Christmas itself, but I am not expecting that of everyone.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Ennoia | Female Aasimar (Muse-touched) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 / Fighter (Weapon Master) 9 | HP 90/90 | AC:23 (+2 vs longbows) T:16 FF:17 CMD: 30 | F+16 R+16 W+12 (+2 Mind-Aff. vs. Evil Outsiders; +2 vs. [evil] descriptor)| Init +10 | Perc +0 | SM +4

Reporting with Ennoia, PFS #76446-5. The Christmas season shouldn't impede my posting since I'll be mainly at home.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Wizard (evoker) / 1 (HP 7 AC:13 T:13 F:10 Saves F:+1 R:+3 W:+2 CMB:+0 CMD:13 Init:+7 Perc: +7)
0th - Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost; 1st - Burning Hands (x0)

Rathan reporting in.

As I said in the other thread, I can not post on Christmas Day, nor on the Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday after as we will be out of town.

-- Rathan
(aka david)

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

Alas this holiday season, my only days off this holiday are Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. I should be available all other days depending on work load. Prior experience tells me I get a huge volume of calls from clients regarding holidays every year.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Well blimey! I guess I can ignore those rules for saving drowning prisoners in shackles, nicely done folks!

I'll point out as well that normally flatfooted foes do not get attacks of opportunity, its a pretty rare ability so I'd suggest generally safe to assume against anything mookish.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

If they hadn't been described as rogues, I probably would have assumed no AoO. For some reason I always assume Combat Reflexes is the level 1 feat of any dexterity based melee class.

Also, for future use, Eleanor has a +10 (1 rank, +5 cha, +4 animal companion link) to Handle Animal. I should auto pass all checks unless Song is wounded. Should I bother with rolling in general? I usually try to just because Song may become injured (AoO or the like) before she acts. I can still fail DC 12 checks.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Don't bother if you auto succeed, honestly I am not sure you should have to make handle animal checks at all for a 6 Int creature, but I'll err on the side of caution this being a PFS game. I think the official ruling is that you do unless the creature changes type from animal.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

"Where does this Nessian spend his days and nights? Does he have a favorite bar, brothel, or business? Further, what language was the Silent Tide written in? Do we have any reason to believe a common street thug can read or translate it?

"All things being equal, where would you begin looking for Nessian?"

Having had her request for somewhere warmer and drier declined, Eleanor dismounts to question all four chained men in the same fashion. As she asks and listens to the answers, she rifles through the pockets of the fallen thugs, looking for any maps, notes, or keys to shackles.
Taking 10 lends a 13 Perception

If she can find anything semi solid at all besides a key, Eleanor will attempt to pick the locks chaining the men with even a blade of grass as an excuse to handle the manacles.

Disable Device becomes a class skill for you and you can make Disable Device checks to destroy nonmagical traps as a move action without the need to use tools or take any action beyond simply touching it.Wrecker: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Wrong thread Eleanor!

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

Oops! I posted in the wrong side not forgot to hit submit. I wondered where my post had gone. Thats what I get for having two tabs open for the campaign while working. Multi Tasking and me are not friends it seems.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

I am afraid I have to be out of the office for the remainder of the day (5 hours).

If my turn comes around before then:

Eleanor (not having K. Religion) attempts to quickly mount her companion.

Ride (DC 20): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Despite her best efforts, it seems to take just as long as usual though. Once on Song's back, Eleanor guides her mount with her knees into position, and casts Burning Hands. Assuming Song is successful on her move

Burning Hands: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Female Wolf [] hp 11/13 [] AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural) [] Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1

With her master on her back again, Song attempts to bolt forward.

Strength Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Merry Christmas all :)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Bard/4 (HP 25/25 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMD:20 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+9 | Will:+3 | Init:+4 | BP 10/10 | Spells L1 -4/4 | Perception +4

A very merry Christmas to everyone!

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Ennoia | Female Aasimar (Muse-touched) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 / Fighter (Weapon Master) 9 | HP 90/90 | AC:23 (+2 vs longbows) T:16 FF:17 CMD: 30 | F+16 R+16 W+12 (+2 Mind-Aff. vs. Evil Outsiders; +2 vs. [evil] descriptor)| Init +10 | Perc +0 | SM +4

Merry Christmas everybody!


Female Gnome Rogue 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | FF 13 | Touch 13 | F+2/R+8/W+3 | Init +9 | Perc +10

Merry merry Ho ho!

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

Merry Christmas

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Got some time off so if anyone has any questions about what is proving to be a pretty confusing encounter mechanics wise please go ahead and post them here and I should be able to respond swiftly.

I've posted all of the mechanics as the scenario gives them. The additional things that are not listed are, that I'm counting climbing up onto the keys from the front as DC 10, its 15ft. so at normal climb speeds takes 60 feet of movement, if you make a DC 15 for accelerated climb you can move at half speed making it 30ft. And that there are ladders at the ends of the keyboard that require no climb check and simply take 15 feet of movement to ascend.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Ennoia | Female Aasimar (Muse-touched) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 / Fighter (Weapon Master) 9 | HP 90/90 | AC:23 (+2 vs longbows) T:16 FF:17 CMD: 30 | F+16 R+16 W+12 (+2 Mind-Aff. vs. Evil Outsiders; +2 vs. [evil] descriptor)| Init +10 | Perc +0 | SM +4

My question is this: Does the DC5 Strength check require a standard action, a move action, or a free action? How many of those rolls can I do? The mechanics suggest we can do multiple checks in one round, but is that rule mentioned for those who attempt multiple Acrobatics checks as part of their movement?

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Lets call it a move, that's the usual breakdown for none movement movement - does that make sense? Its a move action to sheathe a weapon for example which seems like a pretty similar amount of effort.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Due to a misunderstanding of PFS rules Miette will be swapping out for a pregen so her player can complete the scenario with us. For tha sake of ease we'll just pretend this was how it was all along. Miette was running in two games at the same time, which is not allowed, though I can see why people might think it is for PBP.


Female Gnome Rogue 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 16 | FF 13 | Touch 13 | F+2/R+8/W+3 | Init +9 | Perc +10

With characteristic flourish Miette bows to you all:
"I bid you adieu."

Liberty's Edge


Changed name and avatar as I'm tired of the pregen names and pics.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

What you talking about, you've been here all along ;)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Bard/4 (HP 25/25 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMD:20 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+9 | Will:+3 | Init:+4 | BP 10/10 | Spells L1 -4/4 | Perception +4

Nice roll Rathan, finally some luck with the dice after that terrible terrible run of luck.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Bard/4 (HP 25/25 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMD:20 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+9 | Will:+3 | Init:+4 | BP 10/10 | Spells L1 -4/4 | Perception +4

I'll keep the same action and it appears the thug is now flanked thanks to song so I add Sneak Attack damage. Sneak Attack: 1d6 ⇒ 1

-Posted with Wayfinder

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

In the wrap up now folks, please post your PFS numbers and make your day job rolls if you have them. Chronicles should be forthcoming in the next couple of days.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []


Liberty's Edge

Female Human Bard/4 (HP 25/25 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMD:20 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+9 | Will:+3 | Init:+4 | BP 10/10 | Spells L1 -4/4 | Perception +4


No job roll for Naiyra

Naiyra would also like to buy a wand of cure light wounds if she gets 2 pp

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

Eleanor will also be buying a wand of CLW if 2 PP.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Ennoia | Female Aasimar (Muse-touched) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 / Fighter (Weapon Master) 9 | HP 90/90 | AC:23 (+2 vs longbows) T:16 FF:17 CMD: 30 | F+16 R+16 W+12 (+2 Mind-Aff. vs. Evil Outsiders; +2 vs. [evil] descriptor)| Init +10 | Perc +0 | SM +4

Ennoia / 76446-5 / Silver Crusade / no day job

Grand Lodge

Male Human Wizard (evoker) / 1 (HP 7 AC:13 T:13 F:10 Saves F:+1 R:+3 W:+2 CMB:+0 CMD:13 Init:+7 Perc: +7)
0th - Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost; 1st - Burning Hands (x0)

PFS#: 1884-2

No day job.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Eleanor can I just get you to confirm your PFS number? Its not showing up on the system when I report.

Miette/Ravadiana can I get your PFS number please.

Liberty's Edge

Ravadiana (Pre-gen)- 57926 - 0 (the dash zero is for pre-gen flexibility)

Thank you all for a great game and thank you to our "Broken GM", I appreciate your active descriptions and patience with my oversight.

If you have other campaigns in mind please consider my characters as an option.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Thanks, I was not especially happy with the way I ran the game in all honesty. There were too many issues of confusion, etc., partially because of the complex rules offered up for the encounters. Hopefully I've learned some lessons and can avoid confusion more ably for future scenarios. I've probably let PFS worry me too much with regard to simply making decisions that the scenario does not cover.

I'll definitely be running a couple of new games when PBP gameday comes along in March, and recommend folks try and get in one of those, whether mine or not as boons should be on offer. I'm just going to run the one other game I've started for a week or so and see how I feel after that.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Bard/4 (HP 25/25 | AC:18 | T:14 | FF:14 | CMD:20 | Fort:+3 | Ref:+9 | Will:+3 | Init:+4 | BP 10/10 | Spells L1 -4/4 | Perception +4

I think that happens. I know for myself I'm not completely familiar with all the rules so I require a little help from the GM from time to time.

It was a great game. Thanks for running it for us.

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Thanks Naiyra, did you receive my PM? Please get back to me and I'll send your Chronicle ASAP.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

Thanks again! I am taking my manacles back when I hand over the prisoner, BTW.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Ennoia | Female Aasimar (Muse-touched) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 / Fighter (Weapon Master) 9 | HP 90/90 | AC:23 (+2 vs longbows) T:16 FF:17 CMD: 30 | F+16 R+16 W+12 (+2 Mind-Aff. vs. Evil Outsiders; +2 vs. [evil] descriptor)| Init +10 | Perc +0 | SM +4

Hi Broken Prince,

Could you set this campaign as inactive please? In the interest of minimizing clutter on our "campaigns" tabs.


Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

I will do Ennoia, but I'm still waiting on some people getting back to me so I can finish their Chronicles. As soon as they are all out I'll set it inactive. I was hoping to send the remaining ones out together, but I'll just go ahead and send the ones I've got all the information for.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Ennoia | Female Aasimar (Muse-touched) Paladin (Divine Hunter) 2 / Fighter (Weapon Master) 9 | HP 90/90 | AC:23 (+2 vs longbows) T:16 FF:17 CMD: 30 | F+16 R+16 W+12 (+2 Mind-Aff. vs. Evil Outsiders; +2 vs. [evil] descriptor)| Init +10 | Perc +0 | SM +4

Ah alright, I thought it was already done, that's why I asked.

Grand Lodge

Female Gnome[] hp 9/10 [] AC 11/11/11 (+1 Size) [] Init +5; Perception +3 [] Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, fear and despair []

I am sorry, I have been sick and all together far too lazy as a result.

# 29917-7 Grand Lodge Eleanor Lokrien Savet is correct

Shadow Lodge

Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0

Hmmm, okay thanks Eleanor, I had all that correct, wonder why your information is not propagating like everyone elses? Should not be an issue as long as I've reported everything correctly. Chronicles on their way!

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