[PFS] The Broken GM's Silent Tide (Inactive)

Game Master Broken Prince

Shadow Lodge

Paizo wrote:
When strange reports of misty undead spread through Absalom, you and your fellow Pathfinders are dispatched to the half-drowned district of Puddles. Notoriously rough, the drooling addicts, flesh panderers, and quick-handed knifers of Puddles are the least of your worries. The night's tide brings with it an ancient armada of some long-forgotten war and you are the only thing between their mist-shrouded ghost fleet and Absalom's utter oblivion.

First off, I would like to give priority to those who have not run this scenario before - though I'll happily take those who have later, if they are prepared to make an effort not to use their knowledge in character. This will be my first game as a PFS GM, but I am an experienced RL and PBP DM.

I expect a minimum of one post per day, and players who fail to meet this - without giving prior notice - will be ejected and given credit for only that portion they completed while regularly posting. The Holidays will be an exception to this rule, and once a group is selected we will discuss how we wish to handle this period.

This is a PFS game with all the rules inherent in that, new players are welcome, but please ensure you download and read the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. I am happy to field questions, but please read the guide first as it will do a much better job of explaining than I.

To submit your character post with a registered Pathfinder Society alias, and please include a background - it does not need to be long, though long is not a problem.

Ideally I would like to kick off on Monday, maps will be handled via Google drawing, which means you will be able to move your own "minis", etc. Your character's mini will be your alias avatar.

We will be suing Secondary Success conditions, and I likely will not hand out faction missions unless players are especially keen. I will be looking for 6 players.

Silver Crusade

Hi Broken GM, I'd love to take part with Ennoia.

Grand Lodge

Edit: I forgot that I have already completed Silent Tide. Ignore this post!

Shadow Lodge

Sounds like fun. Sardon steps up.

Shadow Lodge

@Ennoia @Tessara Omelion PFS Assuming neither of you have played the scenario before I'm delighted to have you both. After this I will limit it to level one characters though, as I don't want it to be a cake walk!

@Sardon looks good if you could just provide a short background you can consider yourself in.

Silver Crusade

Yarg is a demon blooded creature that grew up wild on the streets of Magnimar. Like many such children who somehow manage to make it beyond early childhood, he turned to a life of crime to survive. He ran with a gang of human children who were used as tool of more experienced criminals. He learned to make use of his natural attributes to make himself more intimidating. He grew up being called "Breaker".

Despite his impressive size and strength it was found he had a keen eye and an almost innate talent for breaking though locks... and when angry somehow shattering them or hinges. He was used as a lock picker and safe cracker.

Magnimar has a history of the worship of various Empyreal lords... including Ragathiel. After Yarg's street gang was all but wiped out in gang warfare, he took refuge with a small church that worshiped The General of Vengence. Ragathiel's devilish background and redemption to something greater than his ancestry rang a chord with the young man.

He was given the name Yarg Nairrod and in time he took holy vows. He now turns his skills to the service of justice. Not long after taking vows he was directed to Absolom and to attempt to join the Pathfinder Society in attempt to broaden the connections of the Faith.

Yarg is a level 1 Inquisitor Pathfinder with First Steps 1 and 2 under his belt

Grand Lodge

Rathan Summercloak submitted for your consideration.

I have not quite finished his background and description, but will get that done today.

Regarding Christmas and New Years. I am not available at all on Christmas (over my son's house for the day), and the Friday (12/27) thru Sunday (12/29) after Christmas, as my wife and I are going on a trip to Boston MA and I have been told that if I bring my computer that I will have to sleep outside in the car instead of the hotel room (heh!).

-- Rathan (aka david)

edit: Brand new level 1 Wizard. Never played this scenario.

Grand Lodge

Definitely interested, I'll update his background when I get home. Davros is a level 1 Half-Orc Hunter. This is my first PFS character, so I havent ever done this scenario either.


Miette eyes the gathering group wearily and immediately decides this is a great opportunity for adventure and gain.

Howdy! Can I join up with you bigguns?

Updated background.
Thank you.

Grand Lodge

I would like to submit this oracle for consideration.

Eleanor's background is not yet complete. I am off to judge a speech meet, but should be back home by 9:00 pm, and will provide the same upon my return.

Short version, Nature oracle, dual cursed.

Devotee of Desna's impulsive friend. Eleanor joined the Pathfinder's Lodge as a means of learning how to use the skills and talents the gods afflicted upon her. She loves the wild places, but sees a need for civilization. Although initially tempted by the Andorean Faction she opted for the Grand Lodge instead because of the logging operations and long standing dispute between the freedom oriented faction and the gnomes of the region.

Eleanor hopes to one day learn to control her curse, at least to the extent necessary to minimize her negative impact on the civilized world while still helping to restore and maintain the wilds.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to submit Naiyra, she just completed Masters of the Forbidden Fortress. Shoutout to Sardon who was also in that game. She's a rogue. From my earlier game you will see that I post regularly. I check the game atleast 3-4 times a day and I can post at those times (as required).

My backstory is in character sheet.

Thanks for your consideration.

Grand Lodge

Rathan Summercloak wrote:

Rathan Summercloak submitted for your consideration.

I have not quite finished his background and description, but will get that done today.

Regarding Christmas and New Years. I am not available at all on Christmas (over my son's house for the day), and the Friday (12/27) thru Sunday (12/29) after Christmas, as my wife and I are going on a trip to Boston MA and I have been told that if I bring my computer that I will have to sleep outside in the car instead of the hotel room (heh!).

-- Rathan (aka david)

edit: Brand new level 1 Wizard. Never played this scenario.

*crud* Missed the edit window timeout. Description and Biography done.

-- Rathan

Silver Crusade

Outstanding! I haven't played Silent Tide before, nor GMed it. All I know is that it's one of the first PFS scenario written and that the group who made me join PFS had already played it prior to my joining, so the chance to play it with my regular group isn't high.

PS: I've just realized you're playing in two of my games! You're playing Rellen in my Thornkeep game and Vesparo in the Confirmation. And we just finished playing MotFF together (you were playing Randor, I was playing Aetherys).

Sovereign Court

I would love to try a PFS game. I've got a character for a long time now but never actually played in a PFS scenario. Let me know if it's at all possible for a newbye

Sovereign Court

I need to rewrite Rogar's Background and stats (he reached lvl 3 in another game), it shouldn't take me more than 1 day if you are willing to wait.

Shadow Lodge

I'll be going through everything tomorrow night, but as it stands I am probably going to offer a 2nd scenario. Probably The Frozen Fingers of Midnight, as I'm basically planning to run all of the scenarios rated 4 stars or above in order.

Grand Lodge

Background/appearance/avatar complete. I will update more tomorrow as appropriate!

Silver Crusade

Yarg and I will be gone from the 23rd to the 6th of January for day to day posting but can likely post somewhat irregularly during that time. I haven't played nor run the scenario.

Would like to run Cyrus just have to modify his stats from 15 to 20 point buy.

Grand Lodge

My fighter modified to PFS

Shadow Lodge

@Rathan Summercloak PFS, @Eleanor Lokrien Savet, @Miette Thermogauge, and @Naiyra I would like to move on over to the discussion thread, and we'll get things rolling.

@Yarg Nairrod can you elaborate upon irregular posting, would be over that period? I would like to invite you to play The Frozen Fingers of Midnight, but that could be a bigger slow down than I want to take, depending on just how frequently you could post.

@Everyone else, something seems incomplete, whether background or character sheet, etc. I'll be launching a recruitment thread for The Frozen Fingers of Midnight shortly with identical criteria to those given here, you are very welcome to apply there. Hope to game with you soon :)

I'm new to PbP but I have a lot of time to post. I've been playing pathfinder for a year so I'd say I'm fairly experienced. If there are any slots open I would really like to play

Shadow Lodge

This game is filled Maluk, but I will have a recruitment thread for The Frozen Fingers of Midnight going up shortly with exactly the same requirements. Its another adventure suitable for beginner characters and you would be very welcome to apply. Should be up in a couple of hours.

Shadow Lodge

Make that tomorrow for the other recruitment thread, time getting away from me.

Sovereign Court

I completed Rogar's stats and Background. You can find them here (BG, Personality and description are also in my profile).

I chose 2 PFS traits (vindicative and expert duelist) and built him as a 2 handed fighter (but no archetype). I want him to be pretty ballanced and able to switch from damage dealer to tank in order to help the party as needed. Also note I took the fighter's kit for my items.

As for his personal goals they are pretty clear from his backstory. It's pretty clear he's not your typical taldan pathfinder, yet the fact he's different might be a strength and not a weakness exactly because he's not what one exprects from a Taldan.

Silver Crusade

The Broken GM wrote:

@Rathan Summercloak PFS, @Eleanor Lokrien Savet, @Miette Thermogauge, and @Naiyra I would like to move on over to the discussion thread, and we'll get things rolling.

@Yarg Nairrod can you elaborate upon irregular posting, would be over that period? I would like to invite you to play The Frozen Fingers of Midnight, but that could be a bigger slow down than I want to take, depending on just how frequently you could post.

@Everyone else, something seems incomplete, whether background or character sheet, etc. I'll be launching a recruitment thread for The Frozen Fingers of Midnight shortly with identical criteria to those given here, you are very welcome to apply there. Hope to game with you soon :)

I've played the FFoMn already sadly enough.

I can post daily for the next 8 days or so, without issue, then after that I may skip a day from time to time (need to drive family out to a distant location so that may chew a day for instance) and while I can post after that, I'd need to rely on my iphone for that.

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