[PFS/PbP Gameday 3] Orphan's Lodge: The Goblinblood Dead (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde


Faction Missions

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | Saves: F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | CMD: 18 | Init: +5 Percep: +8 SM: +2

Ready to go, except I may have a purchase or two.

Dark Archive

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Spell Specialist) 2 / Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 19/19 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 CMD: 10 | F+2 R+2 W+6 | Init +7 (+4) | Perception +5 (+2)

I'll have a purchase to do once we get the CS, but I'm otherwise ready to go.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 [ HP 33/33 | AC 19/12/17 (SoF 21/12/19) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 vs. ench, immune to sleep) | Init +2 (roll twice)| Perception +10 ]

If you'll remember, Anaristiel got the Mendevian Weapon Training boon from the last PbP Gameday. It says I can pay 4PP when I would otherwise make a Day Job roll to gain that benefit. If she had 3PP at the beginning of Slave Ships, does that mean that she will have to wait until after this scenario is done to make that purchase (now that she has 5PP), or could she make the purchase at the end of last scenario? If you think about it logically, day jobs would happen after PP have been awarded, representing the time between scenarios, but you get them both at the same time on the chronicle.

Silver Crusade

Male Tiefling
Extracts: 4/4 | Inspiration: 4/5 | CLW used: 4
Investigator 3 (HP 13/24 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F 3 R 5 W 3 | Init 2 | Percep 10)

Here but will also need to make a few purchases.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Of course, take your time. I've just put up the first post, because I'll likely have less time tomorrow.

The game will be part of the PbP game day 3, which means we'll have access to boon rolls if we finish before the end of January.

Dark Archive

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Spell Specialist) 2 / Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 19/19 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 CMD: 10 | F+2 R+2 W+6 | Init +7 (+4) | Perception +5 (+2)

Purchase made, I'm ready.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 [ HP 33/33 | AC 19/12/17 (SoF 21/12/19) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 vs. ench, immune to sleep) | Init +2 (roll twice)| Perception +10 ]

Any response on the question above from any of the GM's in the room?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | Saves: F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | CMD: 18 | Init: +5 Percep: +8 SM: +2

I would say you got to 5 prestige at the end of Slave Ships, and that you can make the purchase as of the start of this one. Gets you the same benefit, effectively.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Female Kellid Druid 3 HP: 12/24 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | CMD: 18 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 Old Lace HP 22/22 | AC: 21 | T: 16 | FF: 18 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init +4 | Perc: +5

I'd like to see the full text of the boon, but conceptually if it's spend 4 PP to do something as a day job roll then I would say you could totally do that at the end of Slave Ships. At a table game you would tell the GM that while he was filling out the other paperwork and make your roll. I can amend your Chronicle if you like.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 [ HP 33/33 | AC 19/12/17 (SoF 21/12/19) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 vs. ench, immune to sleep) | Init +2 (roll twice)| Perception +10 ]

I don't have the boon on this computer, but basically, I think whether I can do it revolves around whether PP are awarded before Day Job rolls, or they are awarded at the same time (when the player gets the Chronicle sheet).

The wording of the boon was, approximately, "when you would normally roll for a Day Job, you can instead pay 4PP to get specialized training". Thus, if you don't have 4PP when you make your Day Job roll, you can't do this.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Boon text:

Mendevian Weapon Training: Queen Galfrey of Mendev understands both that poorly equipped crusaders are of little use to the ongoing war against demonkind and that an inadequately trained crusader cannot make effective use of good equipment. As a result, those who dedicate themselves to the Fifth Crusade have access to training and equipment that might not otherwise be available. When you would be permitted a Day Job check, you may instead spend 4 Prestige Points to receive intensive training with a specific weapon or suit of armor. You receive a masterwork version of the weapon or armor, and you gain proficiency in that specific weapon or armor (but not others of its type). If you are already proficient with the selected armor or weapon, you instead gain a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers targeting the chosen item.

Choose the weapon or armor from the following list: breastplate, glaive, heavy shield, or longsword.

Sounds fine to me to apply it now.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 [ HP 33/33 | AC 19/12/17 (SoF 21/12/19) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 vs. ench, immune to sleep) | Init +2 (roll twice)| Perception +10 ]

If it's okay, then yeah, Anaristiel will go ahead and do that, gaining a MW glaive and proficiency with it.

Silver Crusade

Male Tiefling
Extracts: 4/4 | Inspiration: 4/5 | CLW used: 4
Investigator 3 (HP 13/24 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F 3 R 5 W 3 | Init 2 | Percep 10)

Liam's purchases have been made. He's looking forward to when he has both enough money and prestige to get himself a handy haversack.

So what's the deal with faction missions? I take it in this game they're just for flavor, but in other games/in the past they had some kind of benefit?

Grand Lodge

Female Kellid Druid 3 HP: 12/24 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | CMD: 18 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 Old Lace HP 22/22 | AC: 21 | T: 16 | FF: 18 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init +4 | Perc: +5

Liam - everyone used to get their own mission, so you'd have people running around doing all kinds of random stuff trying to earn their PA. It was supposed to add flavor, but mostly it seemed to just promote an 'every man for himself' style of play.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | Saves: F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | CMD: 18 | Init: +5 Percep: +8 SM: +2

Buying 40 alchemical paper cartridges.

Also 20 normal cold iron bullets and 20 doses of powder.

-Posted with Wayfinder

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I'll be on a vacation from Dec 18 to Dec 27, with very little to no posting capability. Enjoy the holidays, all!

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Happy new year everybody! We're almost finished with this game, so can you all please roll day jobs and note down pfs# and faction for me?

Dark Archive

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Spell Specialist) 2 / Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 19/19 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 CMD: 10 | F+2 R+2 W+6 | Init +7 (+4) | Perception +5 (+2)

Happy New Year everyone!

PFS #76446-10
Dark Archive
No Day Job

I think we'll level up after this one, right?

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 [ HP 33/33 | AC 19/12/17 (SoF 21/12/19) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 vs. ench, immune to sleep) | Init +2 (roll twice)| Perception +10 ]

PFS#: 70085-9
Faction: Grand Lodge
No Day Job

Yep - level 3, here we come!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 3 | HP 28/28 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | Saves: F: +5 R: +6 W: +4 | CMD: 18 | Init: +5 Percep: +8 SM: +2

PFS #85794-11
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Day Job: Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Any thoughts on skipping/running The Slave Master's Mirror at some point?

Silver Crusade

Male Tiefling
Extracts: 4/4 | Inspiration: 4/5 | CLW used: 4
Investigator 3 (HP 13/24 | AC 19 T 12 FF 17 | F 3 R 5 W 3 | Init 2 | Percep 10)

PFS#: 129459-2
Faction: Silver Crusade
Alchemy Day Job: 1d20 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 5 = 25

Grand Lodge

Female Kellid Druid 3 HP: 12/24 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | CMD: 18 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 Old Lace HP 22/22 | AC: 21 | T: 16 | FF: 18 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init +4 | Perc: +5

PFS # 9783-9
Faction: Grand Lodge
No Day Job

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Regarding the Slave Master's Mirror: I have it and I am planning on running it anyway, so I'll gladly run it here.

On the other hand, since it does seem to be something of a sequel to Slave Ships, it makes sense to have Mark run it. If you'd like?

(I haven't actually checked what's on the regular schedule...)

Grand Lodge

Female Kellid Druid 3 HP: 12/24 | AC: 19 | T: 13 | FF: 16 | CMD: 18 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +3| Will: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +10 Old Lace HP 22/22 | AC: 21 | T: 16 | FF: 18 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init +4 | Perc: +5

Next up should be Sewer Dragon's of Absalom, which I'm scheduled to run. Switching this 3-7 for that one would probably be fine. I could run it, but if DMK is up for it I wouldn't mind playing it first :)

Dark Archive

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Spell Specialist) 2 / Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 19/19 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 CMD: 10 | F+2 R+2 W+6 | Init +7 (+4) | Perception +5 (+2)

I'm open to playing it with Veviane, though I would have preferred to play it with my paladin. However, it would make sense to play it if we've played the Slave Ships beforehand.

By the way, Mark, I've GMed "Slave Ships of Absalom" last week for my local lodge and they loved it!

Dark Archive

Female Human (Varisian) Arcanist (Spell Specialist) 2 / Sorcerer (Tattooed) 1 | HP 19/19 | AC: 15 T: 11 FF: 14 CMD: 10 | F+2 R+2 W+6 | Init +7 (+4) | Perception +5 (+2)

Actually the solution was too obvious to be thought of right away:

I'll play "The Slavemaster's Mirror" with DMK GMing in his season 6 playthrough, and I'll GM it for the Orphans at the same time as the next scenario, instead of "The Sewer Dragons of Absalom". Does it sound good?

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 5 [ HP 33/33 | AC 19/12/17 (SoF 21/12/19) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 vs. ench, immune to sleep) | Init +2 (roll twice)| Perception +10 ]

That sounds okay to me - I'll play it with Anaristiel rather than in DMK's YSK with Elindriel.

Dark Archive

Human Magus 3 |HP 24/24 | AC 17, T 14, FF 13, CMD 16| FRT +5, RFX +5, WLL + 2 | Init +4, Perc -1 |

Sounds great to me!

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I've put the chronicles on dropbox. Please check if everything is correct!


Boon Rolls:

DMK: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Anaristiel: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Gert: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Liam: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Veviane: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Wulfren: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Boon of players choice on a natural roll of 1 or 20
**Re-Rolls not allowed on boons**


Unfortunately, no boons today...

Grand Lodge

Here's the LINK to the next scenario, so that everyone can already dot it.

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