[PFS] Fangwood Keep (Inactive)

Game Master StephNyan

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Kawrock wrote:
Notes on grappling

Noted! Somehow forgot this, but will do it next turn! :)

I was unable to get a post in yesterday or the day before, but I've returned and will continue to terrorize you! :)

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Good thing I missed the green skeleton then, I guess. :-)

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;
Vyk Tyr wrote:
Good thing I missed the green skeleton then, I guess. :-)

Actually, it is only that IS one in range, because others are slightly to sides and it is tricky, count them in range or not, as description of channel energy mentioned that it might be blocked by massive stone or metal walls.

While we tie the loose ends, could you post your info so I can report the game?

Congratulations on beating the module! :D

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Yeah, you're right: I misinterpreted. Since the hound's a 2x2 critter I took "left of north" as "northwest." I guess it's more accurately "north-northwest" and the diagonal square is northwest. Thanks for the gracious position tweak, etc. It's nice for Tuich to be at least marginally useful in combat now and then!

PFSID #114511-1
Faction: The Exchange
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Is that all you need?

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Nme: Vyk Tyr
PFS Number: 112388-2
Faction: Grand Lodge

Craft (painting): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Vyj does a stunning work of art of his friends and their "puppy" before they send him home.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Vincent has no profession.
Grand Lodge

That was a lot of fun! Thank you for running, and the rest of you for playing!

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Trade Princess Khismia al-Khair
PFS #34327-4
Faction: The Exchange
Day Job: Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 Caravan vanity

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu
Druid 4 | HP 28/28 | AC: 19/ T: 13 /FF: 16 | F: +5/R: +4/W: +7 | CMB +5 | CMD +18 | Speed 20 | Int. +3 | Perc. +12 | S.M. +3

PFS #28641-12
Faction: Grand Lodge

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu
Druid 4 | HP 28/28 | AC: 19/ T: 13 /FF: 16 | F: +5/R: +4/W: +7 | CMB +5 | CMD +18 | Speed 20 | Int. +3 | Perc. +12 | S.M. +3

Any ideas on what's next? Feeling like my break from GMing is over so willing to step back into the role.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Perform, dance: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

I don't have a strong preference for a scenario. Miko is level 6 now, and I think everybody is at least level 5. Perhaps a 5-9 scenario? I'm open to pretty much everything (social stuff preferred over heavy combat for me, obviously), and I have stars to burn.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Unless this scenario was worth 3XP, I'm still level 4. I'm cool to go with what the group decides.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

This scenario is 3XP worth.

Regarding character focus - Khismia is mostly flavor-driven debuff support, that is good in nothing except Diplomacy skill and undead flavor back.
She will get lvl5 after this module, but I'm still thinking between getting powerfull blindness/deafness debuff spell or flavor-full adding one level of Spiritualist class, that will give her ability to manifest her haunt.

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

This was Vincent's 10th scenario, so he's still level 4.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

If this rewards 3XP then Tuich will also be L5. I'm open to most anything.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

I can perhaps take a slow track chronicle, so that I'm also at five after the game. I haven't seen the new 1-5 trilogy yet (though i intend to gm it at some point)

Scott, if you day you're ready to step back in, go ahead. If you want to wait some more, I'm also happy to take a turn.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

I haven't seen new trilogy yet, but I know Season 7 has To Judge a Soul which is 3-7.

Only thing in 1-5 I haven't played in Season 6 is Scions of the Sky Key, but I've GMed those and am familiar with the plot twists.

I'd like to play Midnight Mauler or Blackros Matrimony. I've heard those have massive RP opportunities. As well, I've heard there is a horror theme nicely played out in Carrion Hill which is 4-6 and can fit us all.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Just FYI, I did Scions with my other PFS PC.

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu
Druid 4 | HP 28/28 | AC: 19/ T: 13 /FF: 16 | F: +5/R: +4/W: +7 | CMB +5 | CMD +18 | Speed 20 | Int. +3 | Perc. +12 | S.M. +3

I've played Carrion Hill and would not mind running that one.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Yup, 3XP! I'll finish the chronicle sheets in the days to come.

I've just started Scions of the Sky Key with another character. Would love to play the new season 7 trilogy, Faithless and Forgotten. Would also love to play Carrion Hill. Midnight Mauler and Blakros Matrimony also seem like a lot of fun!

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

I'm just along for the ride. I'll play whatever, and we'll do it with STYLE!

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu
Druid 4 | HP 28/28 | AC: 19/ T: 13 /FF: 16 | F: +5/R: +4/W: +7 | CMB +5 | CMD +18 | Speed 20 | Int. +3 | Perc. +12 | S.M. +3

I have returned from a local con with $20 in Paizo gift certificates. So unless anyone objects I'll be picking up a copy of Carrion Hill in the next few days.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Sounds cool to me. Heard a lot of good things about that module.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

No objections here.

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;
Vyk Tyr wrote:
Sounds cool to me. Heard a lot of good things about that module.

Quoting the local player: "Damn, great module! We ran away, scaried, white like a paper, with shaking hands, dropping poo like toddlers and screaming like schoolgirls at Justin Beeber performance! Great experience! Highly recommend!"

After such lines I am all in for it

Chronicle sheets:

Vincent, you know you can change your Sovereign Court icon to that of the Grand Lodge, the faction you asked me to report your game to?

Kawrock wrote:
I have returned from a local con with $20 in Paizo gift certificates. So unless anyone objects I'll be picking up a copy of Carrion Hill in the next few days.

Would be great!

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

.... I have no idea what a Sovereign Court is, nor why my icon was of it.

Edit: No, this green one is for Grand Lodge. They changed the symbol.

Vincent Blackwood wrote:
.... I have no idea what a Sovereign Court is, nor why my icon was of it.

Okay then :P

I by the way got my second GM star from reporting this game! Yay!

Grand Lodge

hp 19/34 AC 20, touch 14, ff 16, F/R/W +5/+4/+8, Spd 20, Init +5, Greatsword +9 (2d6+7/19-20). Power Attack -1/+3
(Plus -2 ACP) 7/lvl: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Heal +11, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (religion) +8, Perception +11, Sense Motive +14
M Human Inquisitor (Preacher) of Gorum 5

Congratulations on the star!

So uh... I have 18 PP right now. Should I be spending that on something? Or just save that for a possible resurrection down the line?

Planned things to buy: restock on alchemist's fire and a couple of antitoxin, get a mwk cold iron weapon, get a mwk silver weapon, get a mwk longbow (probably composite), and get a +1 ring of protection.

Is it just me or is the Borderland Keep really.... not good? Am I reading it wrong, or does it cost 15 PP which you slowly make back over the course of the next 5 levels (supposing 3 scenarios per level and no day job) and grants +1 followers. Are we talking Leadership followers? I don't feel that a vaguely helpful level 1 commoner is really worth very much. No offense meant to commoners.

Silver Crusade

Female Talented Human 6 HP 39 | AC 12 (16: Mage Armor), T 12, FF 10 (14: MA) | F: +2, R: +6, W: +6 (+1 vs div, +4 vs bard/sonic) | CMD 14 | Perc. +5 | Init. +2 | Miko's songs

Knowledge(Local) DC 20 or Linguistics DC 20:

That handwriting! Love it. It's an uncorrupted version of the Noordhoff Method - you only see that in the Netherlands, I think.

Chronicle looks great, thanks a lot for running!

Let's see what the hill has in store for us (have to level Miko, but that should be a quick job).

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Vincent: None taken. :op

I'm not sure I see the point of it either, particularly not for such a huge (initial) Prestige investment. Though if for example Vincent were going to strut around as the "Hair Apparent" on the path to his own barony and you wanted to RP that to the hilt, having your own keep would certainly be a feather in your cap.

Not to mention plenty of lackeys to haul stuff so you'd never again have encumbrance worries. ("Looks like a par 3 CR 12 monster... knave, hand me the five iron +3 sword.")

And of course one of those commoners would be your personal hair stylist...

The Exchange

LN Female Human Oracle4 Init +2; AC21, Touch12, FF19, CMD16/14; hp 34/34; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 (+2 vs disease, mind-affect, poison); Perception: +0; Spells: 1st - 6/8, 2nd - 4/5;

Congratz on 2*, StephNyan!

Vincent Blackwood wrote:
Is it just me or is the Borderland Keep really.... not good? Am I reading it wrong, or does it cost 15 PP which you slowly make back over the course of the next 5 levels (supposing 3 scenarios per level and no day job) and grants +1 followers. Are we talking Leadership followers? I don't feel that a vaguely helpful level 1 commoner is really worth very much. No offense meant to commoners.

Followers are vanities that you purchase with your PPs. There is fixed amount of followers you may have, so this vanity gives you more followers you may have.

I have Sabah as my squire purchased like that. May be I will purchase a borderland keep some day, just to have you friends visiting me more often.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

GM Kyshkumen (and also StephNyan and any other GMs who care to chime in), I'd like to get your read on something.

The Haunted curse makes retrieving a stored item a Standard Action at best. (I've been applying that even though Tuich has a Handy Haversack; for her, I see it essentially as a Bag of Holding that also negates AoO.)

Holy Ice Weapon requires holy water as a material component, so I've been making it a two round action: SA to retrieve holy water from the haversack, SA to cast.

But I've just read that potion vials are about an inch diameter by two inches long, a few of which would fit in a small pouch. Acid/Alchemist's Fire/Holy Water/etc. might reasonably be in considerably larger flasks, but I haven't spotted that yet.

I haven't found a FAQ on it (I don't think it needs one; the language seems clear to me), but general consensus seems to be the curse doesn't apply to drawing weapons, using material components to cast spells, etc. because it explicitly cites retrieving a stored item.

So, I'm wondering if I'm cheating myself by allowing for a "retrieve" action on a material component. One poster even addressed that directly:

LazarX wrote:
There are ways of working with the Haunted curse. If the spell requires a material component, you specifically preplan the next couple of spells you're going to cast and transfer those components to a ready spell pouch or just bunch them in your hand.

But I don't know if a flask of holy water in a spell component pouch makes sense, or if hanging a flask off her waist sash would be equivalent.

Bottom line, I'm fine with it taking two SAs to light off that spell; I knew what I was getting into when I had her learn it, and I expected to use it in cases when we knew a fight was coming and she could prep ahead of time (duration is Level minutes). And I absolutely want to stay PFS-legal and above-board. But if I'm thinking wrongly and it could be cast like most any other spell that uses "generic" material components, that'd be a nice bonus.


Edit: Aaaaand I may have just answered my own question (italics mine):

Advanced Player's Guide FAQ wrote:

Q: Does the oracles Haunted curse (Advanced Player's Guide, page 44) affect the items in an oracle's spell component pouch?

A: The question here is whether or not the haunted curse makes is so that to cast any spell using a material component, the oracle has to first spend a standard action to find the right material component. Fortunately for oracles everywhere, this is not the case. The items in a spell component pouch are nebulous and not defined (intentionally, so as to prevent casters from having to track the amount of bat guano they are carrying). As a result, this curse has no effect on such components. For ease of play, this extends to all material components, including expensive ones. (JMB, 8/13/10)

Still open to input/observations though, since e.g. fitting flasks of holy water into a spell component pouch might be questionable.


Well if you have a handy haversack it has this ability

While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a move action, but it does not provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.

Which would negate any mischief your haunt may have caused with your items, but I agree with your last quoted text.

The Exchange

Female Human (Varisian) Oracle 5 | HP 34/48 (0 NL) | AC: 19 [SoF ++1]; T 14 [SoF ++1]; FF 16 | CMD 18 | Fort +4* | Ref +4* | Will +4* | Init +4 | Percept +4
SoF is down | IW 7/7 | MS: 3/3 | SS: 4/7 | WB: 1/2 | L1: 3/7 | L2 0/5

Mmm, no. It's explicitly stated that Oracle curses are a gods-level thing that can't be overridden. The general interpretation has been that sure, maybe what you want is on the top of the contents, but that doesn't stop your spirit(s) from twisting it around in your hand, jerking on it, and otherwise interfering with your getting a grasp on it to retrieve it. So, it's still a Standard Action to retrieve.

I can't remember if that specific question was ever FAQ'd, but I can dig up some links for reference if you'd like. I don't have them handy, but I went down that road when I was deciding whether to invest in a Handy Haversack, so I can probably turn them up again.

So flask size and attendant storage considerations aside, you think I should take the FAQ literally and let holy water be just like any other material component when invoking that spell?

тυιcн wrote:

So flask size and attendant storage considerations aside, you think I should take the FAQ literally and let holy water be just like any other material component when invoking that spell?

I'd say the following is very clear:

For ease of play, this extends to all material components, including expensive ones.

That includes holy water and whatever else you may need.

Miko Teppen wrote:
That handwriting! Love it. It's an uncorrupted version of the Noordhoff Method - you only see that in the Netherlands, I think.

Thank you! I always write chronicle sheets by hand, 'cause I feel like it adds just a bit of a personal touch. I don't expect most people to care much, but it's fun to read you like it! :)

I'm not sure which methods are used to teach kids handwriting in countries other than the Netherlands, but that's indeed the method I was taught from. Most kids switched to the printed version when the teacher let them, but I continued to use the cursive version. Though it's not entirely "uncorrupted." For example, I changed both the lower and upper case x to the printed version. Also, some of the letters or numbers have undergone some minor changes, because I like them better that way.

Grand Lodge

AP +2 (0/5) | Scimitar +9(1d6+5)18/x2 | Cast Def. +14
HP 33/38, NL 0 | AC 22, T 15, FF 18 | CMB +4, CMD 19 | F +6, R +6, W +5 | Init +6, SPD 30 | Perc +5, SM +0, D-Vis.
CG Male Tiefling Magus 5 | Effects: Sickened, 4 Mirror Images

Ok, finally had a chance to level up my character and do shopping. I'll be adjusting my online character sheet later tonight when I have some spare time. But by tomorrow, I'll be good to start the next adventure.

• handy haversack (2,000 gp)
• ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp)
• amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp)

• masterwork backpack (25 gp)


The Carrion Hill thread is up.

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