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^ All that stuff they said. ^
Hope to see you again when RL things are sorted out.

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Hey all, I injured my shoulder at work tonight and will be on light-duty until I can be seen again on Monday. So, my posts will likely be on the shorter end in the meantime. I'll keep you posted.

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Any suggestions on how better to work Garrett as support for you guys? Right now I feel like I'm not doing a whole lot other than grant a +1 Attack/Damage now and again. Granted I've gotten in a few good Trip attempts, but my spells have not been successful much at all.
As I mentioned before, I was thinking about going into Summoning spells, but I don't want to step on Kay's toes. I know that's sort of his schtick. You guys have any suggestions on what you'd like to see more of? Specific spells? Or would you like me to focus on a specific type of Combat Maneuver?
Obviously once I get some higher level spells I'm going to focus on such spells like Haste, Good Hope, etc.

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I say keep aiming for that. Maybe pick up a few alchemical doodads, until you reach that level? I dunno, I'm no bard expert.

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You should definitely let me know what you're building for so I can build a bit differently. I envisioned Kohi as a "buff" cleric, so she doesn't have the wisdom for high-DC debuffs, but we can certainly make sure our available buffs stack up well.
EDIT: Any advice on gear, consumables, etc. would be great. I'm not super familiar with mid-level play, and my usual face-to-face GM tends to ignore ability damage and the like, so I wasn't ready for the early parts of this level.

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Bards make great enchanters and illusionists, and those are Kay's opposition schools. Two conjurers are fine as well! Bards also debuff pretty well. Is your Charisma high? People have suggested whip + dazzling display, but I'm dubious.

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Clerics (and wizards) benefit from having lots of utility scrolls. Especially since you can't account for every condition we may run across. That, and butt loads of armor.
...this is my first wizard, so it's not like I am some expert. ;)

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Yah, moving forward, I'm not sure how to really find a strong niche for your bard, at least not if you're looking to get away from utility-style play.
I wouldn't discount the things you're already frustrated with. Lingering Performance means you can have Performance running 3 times as long per day. And instead of using your whip attacks to try to trip/disarm, look for opportunities to Aid Anothers (either to boost someone's attack or their AC.
It's not the most sexy, but it can actually be really, realy useful tacticaly-useful. AND it doesn't take any more investment than you already have. :)

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So think about a set of heavy armor and a whole brace of different scrolls?
@Garrett: I was going to suggest Flagbearer and the cool flag, but that's not CORE. Aid Another doesn't feel sexy, but it's got potential to be huge. Imagine Flyndal hitting 10% more often, or being hit 10% less. That being said, the archery build is also quite strong if you're looking to deal some damage.

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Imagine Flyndal hitting 10% more often, or being hit 10% less.
I like where this is going...

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It seems the Paizo goblins ate my last post here... Unfortunately most of the really good bard fears are non-Core like Lingering Performance and Flagbearer, etc.
I'm not so concerned about dealing damage as I am helping out with support. Plus, I wouldn't be able to start being a decent archer until 7th or 9th level... I like the Aid Another suggestion, if only I could get the Helpful Halfling trait. I had looked at the Pathfinder Chronicler PrC to boost AA, but I hate that they lose spell casting progression. I cannot figure out what they get that would cancel out spell casting... I'll need to buff up my AC if I decide to get into the nitty-gritty of melee combat, but being a flank buddy for Desh would be good.
I've never done an illusionist before an that might be an interesting path. Any suggestions on a good way to start building him towards illusion?

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Okay, so I ran across an opportunity I thought this group would be interested in.
GM Engleaktig, I hope you don’t mind me using this space for this communication, but it seemed the most effective way to get everyone’s feedback.
A DM I’ve run with before offered to run Desh through the Destiny of Sands trilogy of scenarios. I’d been trying to figure out a way to pick up some more gold for Desh in order to grab a mithral breastplate before we do much more of the Emerald Spire, and I thought this would be a good opportunity.
He’s happy to run it for this group, and he’s able to run it whenever we’re ready.
Would folks be interested in running those three scenarios with this group back-to-back-to-back before we do any more Emerald Spire? I thought it might be a fun change of pace before we continue our delve. :)
Let me know, or let me know if you have any questions.
And again, hope you don’t mind me using your Discussion thread for recruitment purposes, Engleaktig.

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I do like shiny things... That works for me.

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No problem! :-) I encourage you all to play Destiny of the Sands; it's great fun. I presume he's running it as a CORE game? We can totally take a break while you play the series and then come back to the Spire later.
Got room for another player? If so, I have two core characters that are in tier for that trilogy:
(1) Atrahasis is a cleric. He's very good at healing. But I think he might overlap with Kohinoor a lot.
(2) Narad is a rogue. He won't overlap with Desh as much as my cleric would overlap with Kohi. Whereas Desh is a combatant, Narad's specialty is being quiet and disabling traps. He has a +20 Disable Device and a +16 Stealth.

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I'd love to take a step away from the Spire for a while. Let's look at Destiny of the Sands. Also, whichever of those characters you'd like to play is fine by me, Engleaktig.
Besides, Osirion is just about home for Kohinoor!

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Naturally, I am adaptable to other environments! Such is the nature of the Elven race, as you may know. An opportunity to peruse some ancient volumes of mystic Osiriani lore would be most compelling.

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Cool. I'll connect with the DM and see how he wants to move things forward. I'm not sure what his thoughts on the time frame are, but I'm guessing over the next week or so, he'll want to get it rolling.
Details to come.

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Okay. Faster than expected. Everyone check in HERE.

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Your chronicles will be posted here sometime today.
Posted! Let me know if there are changes, adjustments, or corrections. :-)